People with a desk job



  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I work your typical 9-5 during the day and usually do not leave my desk, not even for lunch. What do you 9-5ers do to exercise at your desk???

    I'm lucky that my walk to and from the office everyday is almost 2 I get a mini bonus work out in everyday. But while at the office I get up at least once an hour and take a lap around the office just to keep my butt from falling asleep lol. And of course the real work out is when I hit the gym or put in a work out DVD when I get home. Moving around at the office is just to get up and stretch and for circulation it in no way counts towards 'exercise'!!!
  • mazzasweet
    mazzasweet Posts: 266 Member
    Also a 9 to 5 gal chained to her desk for lunch. BUT I make a point to stand up atleast once per hour - get a cup of water, bathroom, copy room etc. My Back was killing me and I realized it's because I don't move all day. But just standing every hour has made a world of difference.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Exercise before work and after work (that way I can split it up). My friend purchased me a step for under my desk that is for therapy patients, you can turn it two directions to step your toes down or step your heels down. When I was on the market room floor, I only got away from my desk for the restroom (no lunch breaks...lunch had to be eaten at the desk). I was able to step throughout the day and it doesn't require any though to do it. Although, I work from home now, I still have it under my desk and use it all the time.

    She actually got it at this website, but I don't see it now:

    Here's one: desk mini stepper

    Unfortunately none of the one's I found online are like the one I have, so I'm not sure how they would work under your desk....but maybe worth a shot.
  • SarahSmiles2004
    SarahSmiles2004 Posts: 66 Member
    I do my best to get up every hour and walk down the stairs to the 1st floor bathroom and then used to sit on a balance ball, I just can't do it now. It's all in what's comfortable for you. I will sometimes stand up at my desk or I'll bounce my leg, do some sitting stretches.
  • DivaMoe40
    DivaMoe40 Posts: 159 Member
    I make sure that I always take the stairs and not the elevators. Also, because I work at a University, I try to take walks around campus on nice days to the post office or just around campus in general.
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    You don't leave your desk for lunch? Isn't it illegal to make people work without taking a lunch break?

    ^^Not in California anymore. I don't take a lunch break either.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    i go to the bathroom the "long" way around. I go a lot. I walk on my lunch breaks and eat at my desk on company time while i work. I work out HARD when I work out. That's pretty much it. I wish I had decided to become a personal trainer or a yoga instructor. Life would be so awesome if I could get paid to work out.
  • d3mon4ngel
    d3mon4ngel Posts: 242 Member
    I've recently started watching this web series called YouCube. It's about a guy called Peter and his workout blog that he does at his desk. Exercises for the office = Offercises! It's got some good tips.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I don't. I am usually working on a computer all day, but I do try to make time in the evenings to do SOMETHING. Before baby came, I was doing 45-60 minutes at the gym, but now I hit the treadmill when I get home.

    I also don't leave my desk for lunch on most work days.
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    I use every opportunity to get up and move- going into someone's office instead of calling them, using a bathroom downstairs, taking a walk outside at lunch. I work from home a few days a week though, so those days I work out more.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    You don't leave your desk for lunch? Isn't it illegal to make people work without taking a lunch break?

    Yes, it is. Unfortunately, I'm self-employed and my boss doesn't let me take lunches. :sad:

    No time to take lunch. You get it done, you get it done fast, you eat over a two hour period while you're getting it done, and you get more work to get done. More work = more money = my kids get to eat and I pay my mortgage.
  • sabrinar1982
    sabrinar1982 Posts: 36 Member
    I work 8-5 too I go outside and walk around the parking lot during my breaks, and eat my lunch at my desk then walk during my lunch hour...I've also considered bringing a stability ball to sit on at my desk....any little bit you can squeeze in helps! :)
  • smtillman2
    smtillman2 Posts: 756 Member
    I have like bike pedals under my desk. It's not the greatest thing but at least I'm moving.
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    I exercise constraint by not telling people to **** off!

    my thoughts EXACTLY!!!!
    and parking 9 light years away from the office and making myself walk the stairs instead of the elevators.
    But while actually at my desk ... it mostly just exercising my ability to control my tongue.
  • tdhighfill
    tdhighfill Posts: 200 Member
    I'm glad someone noticed this. Usually, you're choosing not to take a break. If not, your employer is breaking federal labor law.

    This isn't true, or atleast not in NH. As long as the employer allows the employee to eat at their desk and can prove that it would be detrimental for the company to allow the employee to leave their work station, then it is legal. I have dealt with this battle and the Department of Labor, twice. Not for me, but people I worked with.

    wow. I work at my desk. I work maybe 9-11 hour days. I don't take a lunch break, except if you count me going to the restroom, or microwaving maybe 15 minutes I sit and eat, and yes, I sit. However, the wow is because I never heard of companies not allowing employees to leave their workstation. However, I have been working a salaried job for so long I thought hourly jobs people must take at least one 15 minute break every 5 hours. Don't know where I heard that but that stuck with me.
    I don't like to exercise doing work besides parking far away in the morning, and sometimes I do take a extra lap around my office during restroom break. I get any exercise in in the morning and I go to the gym DIRECTLY from work most night. It is very important not to go home for me - otherwise - I won't go back out.
  • wonderstruck91
    wonderstruck91 Posts: 107 Member
    i work the same hours, also at a desk. i make it an effort to get up every hour at least and walk around (refill my water, visit the ladies room, go ask someone a question, etc.) i also try to take the stairs whenever possible (i work on level 5 of my building) & make an effort to walk for 20-30 minutes during my hour lunch break. it's tough but when you squeeze in little things like this it is helpful. and if i can do it i honestly feel like anyone can. i work in a high volume call center, and our off-phone time is monitored, but i still can make it work.
  • lindsaykdesigns
    I work from home, but I live up 5 flights of stairs. ;) Built-in workout.
  • WandaWoman41
    WandaWoman41 Posts: 153 Member
    You can't exercise at your desk unless you have a job where you don't have to actually do work and you can just stand out in the middle and do sit ups and jumping jacks. I would suggest exercising before 9 or after 5.

    I had a hearty laugh with this quote. I use a pedometer in the office and walk laps until someone notices.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    You can't exercise at your desk unless you have a job where you don't have to actually do work and you can just stand out in the middle and do sit ups and jumping jacks. I would suggest exercising before 9 or after 5.

    ^ I love this answer! Because I'm always slightly baffled by the 'exercise at your desk' question that pops up on the threads occasionally. Are they looking to replace an actual real exercise program with 'desk exercises'? Because that is unrealistic. I do get up and walk around a lot and walk on my lunch just for circulation, to keep my bum from falling asleep and to keep my sanity BUT in no way does it replace a honest good hard sweaty work out at the gym (or home or on the trail). If you are thinking being active at your desk is an activity you can log.....FAIL.
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    I do lunges in the bathroom. Our bathroom is huge, so I have room to do them.
    I also will make sure my posture is strong and tall all day, and keep my abs contracted for as long as possible.
    I also get up and make myself walk around at least 4 times a day.