Junk food Junkie!



  • LvLite
    LvLite Posts: 102 Member
    First of all GET IT OUT OF THE HOUSE!! the begining is the absolute hardest! I quit fast food and junk food cold turky for about 3 months because I could not trust myself to be able to stop once I started eating. Let me tell you, it was like PMS times 1000! lol. My poor DH, lol.

    Once I felt like I could have some control, I did (and do) eat those foods occasionally. I never feel guilty when I do. I fit them into my daily calories if I want it bad enough.

    Like PP said, only you can decide if you are going to stay away from those foods or not. find other diversions, lower calorie options.

    Also I would say, to focus on one thing at a time, thinkging you have to fix everything about your diet and all your bad habits at once is overwhelming. focus on cutting back junk food first, then take it from there.

    I agree.One at a time. Cravings can be vitamin defi's or other metabolic issues as well as head issues :) I am a sugar addict. The only way I have success is to enjoy my food and not be a slave to it. A little is not bad but binging will cause problems.
  • NoMoreExcuses1971
    NoMoreExcuses1971 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you so much for that!
    Okay. I know some folks are offended by references to God and faith and whatnot. But since you referenced God in your original post, I'm gonna go there.

    Recently I began a bible study based on a book by Lysa Terkheurst called "Made to Crave". It's great if you have the time to read it. It's a fairly quick read. Anyway, a couple things I've heard so far are making a big difference for me so far in my efforts at a lifestyle change. The first thing she said that hit me was "you crave what you eat". In other words, eating salty snacks begats a craving for salty snacks. For me, until I am able to eat them with moderation, I've chosen to cut the usual suspects (Cheezits, Potato Chips, Chex Mix, etc.) out of my diet. Same goes with me and candy, my other Achiles Heel. Most "diets" tell you not to cut stuff out because otherwise you will just go crazy from deprivation and over indulge. I can't argue with that. All I can say is that for me, I'm replacing those snacks with other items that may or may not have the same sodium, but because they aren't the source of my craving, I'm able to eat them in moderation. For example, some afternoons when I want something salty, I'll eat a serving of beef jerky. High in protein, salty like I like, but breaks the cycle of the useless calorie salty stuff. Candy I've just had to step away from for now. I don't think giving up salty snacks and candy has to be a forever thing for me. Just until I feel I can consume them in moderation.

    The second thing she said that hit home for me was "You Were Made For More Than This". I was not put on this earth to fight this weight/food struggle every day. God has something else in mind for me. So I am trying hard to focus on eating to live, rather than living to eat. Not sure that makes any sense as I sit here and read what I've written. But I want time in my life to focus on just what it is God has made me for, and not so much on when I can eat next, what I can eat next, and oh my gosh I can't believe I ate that, I wanna throw up.

    To anyone who does not share my Christian faith, I apologize if my discussing it offends you. But I think there are applicable principles here even if you remove the God from it.

    Thanks for reading.
  • fullofhope76
    I have the same problem. My plan is to compare it to something else, like smoking or drinking. Whatever you think is something really bad that would be hard to give up. Some people say that these types of food in moderation is fine but in my case, and maybe yours, once we give in we binge. Good luck to you! Give up the crack! :)
  • NoMoreExcuses1971
    NoMoreExcuses1971 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks so much everyone for you suggestions and support!
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member

    I know there isn't a quick fiz out there. What I am honestly looking for though is someone to tell me something that finally clicks! I've been beating myself up the last couple of years about my weight and the way I eat.

    I'm a 41 year old happily married mother of two (23&18). I have a wonderful husband and two great kids. I'm also surrounded by great friends and if it wasn't for God getting me through some rough times I don't know where I'd be.

    However...........I HAVE NO SELF CONTROL!

    I have all these people telling me I'm not going to lose the weight no matter how much I exercise if I don't eat right.

    Here's what you need to know (and I'm embarrased about) I have never been a fan of fruit and veggies! Soooooooooooooo, not only do I have to develop and new habit I also have to get rid of an old habit! And that is junk food! Take for instance yesterday I had (not all at one but throughout the day) 2 pieces of chocolate cream pie, 6 shortbread chocolate chip cookies, and a home-made chocolate milk shake!!!!! And to be honest, I could do this every day!

    I know what I'm doing is wrong. I know if I didn't have it in the house I wouldn't eat it. I know I have to eat my fruits and veggies. What I don't know is how to SAY NO to the bad and YES to the good!

    So if anyone can tell me anything that will click or if you know about some majic button I can press that will give me self-control please let me know.

    I'm sitting here reading all the success stories of people that have lost my total body weights and you are all amazing. Then I sit here and think "you're an idiot Rhonda, why can't you just do it and lose 20 pounds!?"

    Thanks for listening folks!

    God Bless.

    IMO, I think you could benefit from doing low carb just for a couple weeks to break your sugar cravings and then start adding in the fruits and veggies and healthier options and see if that helps. Sometimes when you have issues like that, a little restriction for a short period might help you out, especially if you can't control yourself trying moderation. This might help you get on the right road so you can have some treats in moderation and won't resort to binging. It is all about figuring out what will work best for you and altering from there.

    If you want it bad enough, you have to figure things out, it is all a learning process, some have just been at it longer then others, but we have all struggled at some point or we wouldn't be here!! Try small steps and see if that makes it easier :)

    Good Luck to you!!
  • quietasariot
    quietasariot Posts: 198 Member
    Decide to break the cycle. Or not... that choice is yours.
    I agree with this poster.
    I'll give you my 2 cents: I used to be very addicted to eating junk food - chocolate, cake, cookies, fast food, etc. I used to eat fast food almost every day, I would "treat" myself to chocolate almost every day. I did eat SOME vegetables and fruit, but not enough. I overate. But, nobody told me to lose weight. Nobody told me that I would likely send myself in to an early death because of how I treated my body. I didn't exercise.
    I had to have the wakeup call MYSELF. My husband, my friends, nobody could tell me anything that would motivate me, because I didn't care enough to overcome my problems. There was nothing more life changing - for me - than when I received an invite to my 10 year high school reunion and realized that I had to stop what I was doing to my body. Not only was it unhealthy, but I could not possibly show up to my reunion weighing almost 100 pounds more than I did at graduation.

    Another thing that helped me was a friend of mine had been working out and seeing good results. We would cheer each other on, from across the country, we would post up pictures of ourselves and we'd both be amazed at how different we both looked (and felt!!). Find someone to share your achievements, hardships, etc. with.

    Keep this in mind - it is for you and no one else. Nobody can make you or not make you change your life.

    I started out at a mile on the elliptical, and doing very light strength training. I did not overdo it, I did not get sore because I took it slow, and though I didn't have immediate, in a week results, I still FELT better overall, week by week. Now I can run easily, I lift heavier weights, and I WANT to exercise. My favorite snack used to be chocolate anything. Now I'm pretty happy with a piece of fruit and peanut butter. Or carrots and hummus. Etc.

    If you FEEL motivated to do it, change your eating habits NOW and start exercising NOW. I started exercising and realized I would need to change my eating habits, too. I was eating better, but still eating junk. Change one thing at a time if changing it all at once seems overwhelming. I know it is. I have been there.

    Now I can turn down cookies, cake, candy, and fast food isn't ever on my mind anymore.

    But, like that person said - it's up to you, it is your choice. There were many times my husband would very nicely suggest I stop eating a certain food or perhaps that I could go for a jog with a friend. That never helped. Only ME pushing myself worked. You can do it, if you want to do it. :)
  • rhondadwyer69
    rhondadwyer69 Posts: 74 Member
    AMEN to everything you said - it is a life change - the focus needs to be on God, NOT on food. God made us to need food to live, but He did not make us to do nothing but eat. Thanks for sharing!!!!
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    I think you already know the answer. The question is are you ready for it? I had to go through this myself. Actually it was my trainer that told me what to do. Its very hard to do this all by yourself. You need a coach and give that coach permission to be in your face.

    She said, the only way is to completely stop all the cravings is to replace them with nutritious foods. I remember saying and thinking NO! So, she said, "Can you humor me and try this for 2 weeks? If you do I'll give you a prize" So I cut dairy, sugar, alcohol, starches, grains (all at first then just gluten grains) and limited fruits to 1-2 servings in the AM and limited protein to lean protein and measured amounts. I also limited my good fat intake (yes, counted out the almonds and measured the olive oil). I was eating a lot of greens and vegetables with chicken, fish, eggs and lean beef. Still do but not to such a radical extent. That 2 weeks became another 2 weeks. It was hard at first but my cravings completely stopped and I found myself craving SALADS. I couldn't believe it. It forced my body to feast on my fat cells.

    We are merely creatures of habit. I remember slipping up once and only eating some catfish that was breaded. The bread crumbs on the catfish triggered an intense craving. It taught me that starchy sugary grainy foods trigger our desire for more of them.

    Now that I'm at goal I have been able to reintroduce some of the things that I was forbidden (lol) to eat earlier and I no longer have the same reaction. I now need to fuel to replace calories lost from running and strength training. I realize ,though, that the starchy carb obsession could come back so I have to be careful and always have some form of accountability. My wife is good for that and relishes the role.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Ouch, that was kind of harsh!!!!

    Blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah......I HAVE NO SELF CONTROL!

    blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah... I'm not going to lose the weight no matter how much I exercise if I don't eat right.

    blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah... SAY NO to the bad and YES to the good!

    blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah... "you're an idiot Rhonda, just do it and lose 20 pounds!"

    Thanks for listening folks!

    God Bless.

    Sounds like you have it figured out, you just need to do it.

    Probably so, but you're asking people to help you with something you, alone, have to control. Nobody is going to be there holding your hand. It's not like you don't already know what to do, you just need to do it. If you told me you kept getting burned by touching a hot stove, I'd tell you to stop touching the hot stove...it would still be up to you to listen and actually do it for yourself.

    You wanted something that might finally click, maybe point blank, no B.S., just stop eating junk food kind of advice might click.
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    I say get ALL of the sweets out of the house and don't eat any of it for about a month. Wipe your cravings and your palette clean. Then maybe find and adopt recipes on making the things you enjoy in a healthy fashion. This includes fruits and veggies. Try making healthy chocolate, zucchini bread or a chocolate and strawberry milkshake. Don't use sugar, try Stevia or Truvia. Use unsweetened cocoa powder rather than milk chocolate. Also try incorporating fruits and veggies in other meals like fresh apples and cinnamon in your oatmeal, or baked peaches in your cottage cheese...etc.
  • fitsin10
    fitsin10 Posts: 141
    bumping............I want to look back from time to time for all this good advise, some good stuff here...thanks from me too :)