20-30 lbs to lose group



  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    What kinds of exercises do you do/have time for with the new baby in your life?
    I would like to join this group! I just had a babe and gained 70 lbs! Lost 35 so far, but I have 30 to go. Goal is 140, for now....
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I think that you have great goals for your weight! I love to see that you are looking to get healthy and feel good about yourself. So many people have the wrong perspective when losing weight. It is very important that they do it for their health and self-esteem. Although I wouldn't mind looking sexy in a bikini, I know that I need to do it for my health first and foremost.
    I started at 140, currently 138, but I want to get down to 130 first and then eventually between 120-125.

    I guess I'm honestly only aiming for 125, which is 15 pounds, but this group is close to the weight range that I want to lose and I wouldn't mind losing an extra 5 lbs!

    I've only been on MFP for a week but I already feel like a new person. I'm not technically overweight, but I just don't think that my starting weight was a healthy one. I think my "healthy" weight starts at 130-- the weight I can normally and easily be when eating in reasonable moderation and staying active. I'd love to get to 125 but haven't seen that weight in forever! 120 would be a dream for me :P But I'm actually considering it a possibility with MFP!

    Mostly, my goal is just to feel good about myself, feel that I look good and reduce fat, and be healthy :)
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I think that is great that you get on the bike even for a low intensity workout. I have always felt something is better than nothing!
    Workouts: I take a jazzercise class twice a week, which I like alot. I like attending group classes but I leave for work at 7:20 am and get home at 6:00 p.m., so I really need a class at 7:00 or 7:30 pm and there aren't very many nearby. I have a pretty nice recumbent bike that I use a lot - I can vary the intensity of my workout to suit my mood - sometimes I do a pretty light intensity and just read a book, but I figure it is better than not doing it at all. I would like an elliptical for at home but I can't afford to spend the money right now, to get a decent one.

    Foods: There are a few things I have "discovered" that have been helping me lately. I like Arnold Sandwich Thins and Pepperidge Farm Deli Flats for sandwiches, toast, or a snack - only 100 calories each. I like Weight Watchers Whipped Cream Cheese - I had tried other reduced or fat free varieties in the past and didn't like them but I really like the WW's. A night time snack for me will be will be a cinnamon raisin mini bagel with WW cream cheese, or a toasted sandwich thin with cream cheese and 1 tbsp of strawberry preserves. I also have been eating 1% milk fat cottage cheese with canned (lite) peaches, for breakfast, lunch or dinner, when I need "a little something" instead of vegetables or salad.
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    What the heck, count me in!
    I can use all the motivation I can get.

    Started Jan 5th at 173.5
    Today weighed in at 165 you have no idea how happy this makes me :bigsmile:
    Goal 150

    This is the first time I really feel like I can do this.
    Thanks to MFP, it really makes a difference for me.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Glad to see a little action on this thread - I wonder what happened to all the others who "signed up" at the beginning?? Anyway - my weekends usually include going out for dinner on Saturday - it is a habit my husband and I have gotten into now that we are pretty much "empty nesters". I do view it as a treat, but still try to stay within my calories by eating only a portion of my entree, and exercising as much as I can.

    On the weekends, I also try to "change up" my breakfasts and lunches a bit, since I work M-F and pretty much stick to a routine on those days.

    The other thing I do is go geocaching (see http://www.geocaching.com/ for more info). It is fun and a good way to get exercise. The only problem is the weather - I live in a suburb of Buffalo, NY, and many recent weekends have been too cold and windy for geocaching. I am planning on going out tomorrow though - it is supposed to be 35 degrees and a little sunny, which is better than it has been in a long time.

    I am hoping for a loss of about a pound on Monday, but we'll see. :bigsmile:
  • Niques081086
    Niques081086 Posts: 3 Member
    me mee! i wanna join

    Call me Niques...i'm 23 years old

    currently 176lbs with an ultimate goal of 145.....i started exercising from last september and i was 191lbs. so i stil have some way to go!

    i joined this site yesterday! and i think it is an excellent site!!!
    i look foward to making friends here!!!!

    good luck to everyone on their journey!!!!

  • I'm in! especially because my weigh in's are mondays anyway.

    I currently weigh 167.6 and want to get down to 145.

    Let's do this!
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Monday weigh-in, right? I lost 1.5 this week. Yay - I am happy about that. Sometimes it seems so slow, but at least I am sticking with it, and hopefully it will be more permanent than what I have done before. How'd everyone else do??
  • Weigh In:

    last monday: 167.6
    today: 165.0

    2.6 pounds! wooooh!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I'd love to join :)
    Weighed in this morning at 201 (most likely went up a pound because I ate nothing but crap all weekend, lol).
    Goal: 180

    Also worked out this AM, general aerobics.
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    Weigh in for this week DOWN 2.5 lbs.
    My body just does not lose that much at one time, so I am THRILLED!!
    Hope everyone has a successful week !

    Realistic Goal : 150 lbs
    Fantasy Goal: 145 lbs
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Weigh in for this week DOWN 2.5 lbs.
    My body just does not lose that much at one time, so I am THRILLED!!
    Hope everyone has a successful week !

    Realistic Goal : 150 lbs
    Fantasy Goal: 145 lbs

    Excellent - I haven't had a week like that in a long time. Slow can be frustrating, but I guess steady in good!
  • I just joined this site about a week ago, and I am starting the P90X workout tonight. I have little motivation and may things going on around me with three girls at home and have try to start this workout a couple other times. This is the time that I am going to try my hardest to stick to eatting better and doing my work outs. We are going on Vacation in May and I want to be in better shape by then. I am currently 156.2 lbs and would like to get down to 130 lbs. and tone.
  • My original weigh in was 160, I'm now at 158 (hey, every little bit counts!) and my realistic goal weight is 140. Dream weight? 130. My biggest downfall is sweets - I don't mind the workouts, I just need to control my cravings!
  • slm638
    slm638 Posts: 64
    jbuffan218 I absolutely LOVE this! :drinker:
    "I dont smoke,drink, do illegal drugs or have promiscuious sex so what the hell, let me have my diet coke!"

    Hope I'm not too late to jump in...I weigh in Tuesdays, but will switch to Mondays.

    I thought my lowest weight had been 147lbs, but found my little record or weights/measures from about 8 years ago and I was 137 at my lowest! All I can say is, "What the h happened?!" (and I know the answer...I stopped working out and started eating as much as my then future husband!)

    I started mfp quite a while ago, but then fell off the wagon...I've been faithfully back since the end of January and don't plan on leaving. I've always known the secret to weight loss, but actually doing it is so much different :blushing:

    I'm 5'3".
    Starting weight: 168.2lbs
    CW: 160.6 lbs (today)
    GW: 130 lbs

    I think a mini goal will help me (but I've always been scared to commit to short term goals):
    Mar 9: 158.6

    Good luck everyone!
  • Ok so I am feeling kind of down today. I took my weight this morning and endding up gaining almost 2lbs. I have cut out or aleast cut down on a lot of my bad food. And I am still putting the pounds on. I don't have the motivation I should have to do the exercising I have set out to do, but with three young girls at home it is also hard to find the time. I wish it wasn't winter, I think I would be more energetic.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Just checking in: 198lbs. w00t.
    Last week was 201.

    3lbs in 1 week is a little much, guessing a big bit of that is water weight. But I'll take it either way :)
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I stayed the same this week. I am not too happy about it but I have had a few good weeks in a row so I am probably due for a "bad" week.
  • taylorfriedchicken
    taylorfriedchicken Posts: 47 Member
    I didn't get a chance to post yesterday but I weighed in today and am down another pound. so close to 159 I can taste it!
  • geekyjen
    geekyjen Posts: 103 Member
    I weighted in today and was at 136.0! That's my first time within the "normal" BMI and 1.2lbs down from 5 days ago. Woo-hoo!

    SW: 149
    CW: 136
    GW: 120
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