First Round P90X-ers



  • jfilon
    jfilon Posts: 80
    Good afternoon all! Where did this day go. I've been out the house since 8:30 am and am finally able to relax. Today is week 3 day 6 of the P90X series and I'm suppose to do Kenpo X but since Kenpo X is a kickboxing dvd I've decided to switch it ouf for my Saturday morning kickboxing class. I love this class b/c the instructor has soooo much energy and he keeps it fun. In addition to the kick *kitten* kickboxing class I did 30 minutes on the elliptical.

    You are gettin' it done, girl! Wish I could be that productive. :)
  • Im starting this coming friday. i went through it for 4 weeks last July but got off track. it does work. im posting from phone so b mindful of spelling and sort. i just started tracking my calories on here and will b starting X this monday. from august to december i lost 30 from just watching cals and hard workouts. now i have lost another 7 just using this mfp. i am sure when i start X again it will start coming off pretty good. even if we started at different times we can still all keep pushing each other. good luck to u all.

  • I would make a smoothie with whey powder.
  • jfilon
    jfilon Posts: 80
    bryan: Welcome to the party! I think this is one of the more interesting groups on MFP, but I admit I am most likely biased on that one. :)

    Well, today is FINALLY the last day of my "recovery" week. I am so surprised that I've been so impatient and literally craving to go back to the hard work outs. I woke up early by accident so I decided to just do 30 mins on the elliptical and ended up doing sprint intervals. Haha. I plan on doing Stretch X before bed tonight after what will hopefully be a mildly productive day (especially since I procrastinated by watching CBS Sunday Morning's cover story on what topic? Yep, procrastination. Oh, the irony).

    I don't know about you guys, but I've been having a really difficult time sticking to the diet plan. LIke some of you I'm a student, and I always end up gravitating towards quick, high-carb options when I'm on the go. So, my mini-goal is to eat clean for next 3 weeks of Phase 2. Lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and healthy low-sodium fats. Has anyone found something that correlates to the P90X plan that works really well for them as a quick, easy option with limited required ingredients?

    Thanks so much everyone! Let's git'r done this week!
  • carpediem13
    carpediem13 Posts: 41 Member
    Almost the end of my first recovery week. I'm excited that this coming Thursday is the 30 day mark. I didn't get many replies about the calorie amounts that P90X had suggested so I just did my own thing. To recap 2400 seemed to high so I was eating 1700-2000 only doing P90X and now I'm eating between 1400-1600 maybe 1700 with P90X and going to the gym. Part of this plan was to continue losing weight because my muscles will never show with fat on top. Anyway I have had a loss for the first time in 3 weeks, so I'm sticking with what works for me.

    jfilon- in regards to the P90X food plan, I understand where they are coming from but by focusing so much on eating protein I was eating too many calories and not meeting my goals. I still eat more protein and am mindful of what has protein in it even if they are carbs that the meal plan doesn't want you to eat too much of. Also I eat more fruit than they suggest but it's fruit and raw so why not? I'd try eating healthy carbs like Kashi cereals/bars and others that provide good fiber/protein (quaker rice foods are really good). Or apple sauce with cinnamon which is low in calories and cinnamon helps curb hunger.

    As for P90X hip flexors have been killing me so I took a small break and have been doing elliptical and am back on with cardioX today. I did Core/jump rope/balance moves from yogaX thursday and then only did the gym Fri/Sat. Today with cardio I'll do more Vinyasas and tomorrow a whole round of YogaX.

    Excited that many people are onto phase 2! Way too keep pushing play and staying motivated!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Today feels like the first day of school since I'm returning to the office after working from home for the past 3 months. I wanted to check in before I hit the road to begin my drive since things may be very hectic and I might not be able to check in as frequently.

    Today is week 4 day 1 of the P90X series and is dedicated to the recovery process. I was suppose to complete the Yoga X dvd but I'm not feeling Yoga at all so opted out of that. I completed 3 miles of the Leslie Sansone "5 mile Fat Burning Walk" dvd for a total of 36 minutes. My hope is that i'm not exhausted upon arriving home this evening so I can complete the Cardio X dvd but I wont commit to it until I see how I feel. The TOM is still kickin my tail.

    Nonetheless, a workout has been completed for today and if I'm able to get an extra one in this evening great but if not I've done something for today.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I forgot to check in yesterday but since it was a rest day I took it pretty light. I walked around a local park for 35 minutes. As I stated in the earlier post, if I'm feeling up to it I will complete the Cardio X dvd once I get home from work.
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope your Monday is going well...for a Monday, of course! :tongue:

    I started my second week yesterday and did the Core Synergistics workout. Wow, do I sweat during that workout!!! There are a few exercises on the DVD that I really despise (still those dang Dreya Rolls...hahaha), but I think it's starting to come around. :smile: I also ended up doing an extra 30 mins. on my elliptical since we ate out for both lunch and dinner.

    I stepped on the scale this morning and noticed that I'm up close to 4 pounds! I don't know if this is due to my body's reaction to my sudden change in exercise, or if I'm consuming too much sodium or what. I searched for the topic on MFP and found a few good's still discouraging. :cry:

    Well, today is Cardio X day, and I'm definitely excited! I think the fact that I'm getting excited to workout shows a lot of improvement in my mentality already! Have a great P90X day everyone! :bigsmile:
  • whitelizabeth
    whitelizabeth Posts: 5 Member
    I am doing P90X Lean and jsut started Week 6. I have lost 9 pounds so far. :drinker:
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Morning all!....Today starts week 2...I have a modified version of it to fit my schedule a little better. (I do cardio on my lunch hour everyday and do the weight training at home in the evening....I also do legs on Monday as that is the day of the week that I feel I have the most energy for all those lunges!)

    I hope everyone had a great weekend and is going to have a great week!!.......Keep up the good work!!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    wow what a day! My schedule was so messed up. Woken up at 4 in the freaking morning by the plow truck. Forgot to pack my lunch and had a late meeting after work. This whole day was shot..... Tomorrow, starting fresh. How's everyone doing?
  • jfilon
    jfilon Posts: 80
    Hi everyone! Today is the first day of Phase 2 for me and as such the first day of Chest/ Shoulders/ Tri + ARX. Let me tell you that one hung me out to dry! So freaking hard. I had to do almost all of the pushups on my knees and didn't go about 10 lbs for anything involving weights. I hope that changes with time.

    On a happier note, one of my good friends saw me recently and was ecstatic over my "Michelle Obama arms". Haha. Best compliment I've received in awhile.

    ericac: what sort of cardio do you do during your lunch hour? Do you do P90X or something else? I always have such a difficult time finding something I can do to get my heart rate up enough & make me sweat while still keeping me from looking totally disheveled when I return to class or work. Any tips?

    whitelizabeth: congrats on the weight loss! That sure is one great accomplishment - cheers!

    SaraWo24: I freaking despise those Dreya Rolls! They make me feel all weak-sauce, especially by the end of the DVD. But hey, by day 90 I'm sure we'll both be able to get through them without a problem (and maybe even with an X jump or two thrown in!).

    See you all tomorrow!
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Hi everyone! Today is the first day of Phase 2 for me and as such the first day of Chest/ Shoulders/ Tri + ARX. Let me tell you that one hung me out to dry! So freaking hard. I had to do almost all of the pushups on my knees and didn't go about 10 lbs for anything involving weights. I hope that changes with time.

    On a happier note, one of my good friends saw me recently and was ecstatic over my "Michelle Obama arms". Haha. Best compliment I've received in awhile.

    ericac: what sort of cardio do you do during your lunch hour? Do you do P90X or something else? I always have such a difficult time finding something I can do to get my heart rate up enough & make me sweat while still keeping me from looking totally disheveled when I return to class or work. Any tips?

    whitelizabeth: congrats on the weight loss! That sure is one great accomplishment - cheers!

    SaraWo24: I freaking despise those Dreya Rolls! They make me feel all weak-sauce, especially by the end of the DVD. But hey, by day 90 I'm sure we'll both be able to get through them without a problem (and maybe even with an X jump or two thrown in!).

    See you all tomorrow!

    I love to I do 20 min (I only have a 30 min lunch).....6.7 to 7 mph but I do that everyday instead of every other.....I'm a single mom now and the days I do the P90X it takes an hour ...I work till 5...homework...dinner...blah...blah ...blah....I just can't leave my boys hanging with no mommy time ALL Tues and Thurs are theirs with me. I only do abs those nights. I'd dearly LOVE to have the full amount of time to dedicate to it...but right now....that's just not possible....Oh and as far as looking a hot mess when I'm done...well....I think I still look better then most of the patients so I'm fine with that!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! I don't have a lot of time since my work day has begun but I wanted to check in w/my ladies before the day got away from me. I got up at 5 am this morning and rocked out the Cardio X dvd of the P90X series. This is week 4 day 2 of the P90X series and since it's considered the recovery week I'm changing up my routine a bit.
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Good morning all! I don't have a lot of time since my work day has begun but I wanted to check in w/my ladies before the day got away from me. I got up at 5 am this morning and rocked out the Cardio X dvd of the P90X series. This is week 4 day 2 of the P90X series and since it's considered the recovery week I'm changing up my routine a bit.

    Morning hun!
    Good for you getting up and motivated so early!.......ugh I wanted to stay in my cave and sleep a few more hours!...Have a great day!!
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Yesterday was 2 mi on the treadmill...(as then home to do P90 legs and back...not as sore today as last week...woot...I can sure feel all those muscles in my ..*kitten* that I haven't been using!

    Today is 2 mi run at lunch of course and then abs tonight....ARX and maybe a little "insanity"......Hope everyone has a great day!!...Stay motivated....Summer is just around the corner friends!!:bigsmile:
  • carpediem13
    carpediem13 Posts: 41 Member
    Well my double workouts might have proven too much for my body. I went to the gym yesterday and did 25 minutes on the elliptical and 15 on a bike, then came home and did YogaX. My hip is absolutely killing me and causing pain in my lower back so most of my Yoga moves were not that great and up until now I'd been improving. I know many people don't like the Yoga but I have better posture, am much more flexible as well as have better balance.

    Anyway today my hip, butt and knee are killing me. I'm supposed to do Core as part of Week 5 day 1 and I think I might wait until tonight or take a rest day or do what I can and finish tomorrow. Any suggestions on how to keep going without more injury? I want to see a physical therapist but I think I know what's wrong and one of my cousins is a physical therapist who will be in town next week so she could help me.

    I like how people are good at mini posts on here and check in almost every morning. I think I'm going to try that to get me more motivated in the morning. I have been waiting too long in the day for my workouts. Also hearing how others are doing double workouts and push themselves make me want to do more...Thanks and Keep sharing!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Insane schedule today. Teach until 4:30, college class at 5. Probably done with class around 7. Since this is my recover week and today is sooo messed up I am going to work out at the Y. Today, Thursday and Saturday. My workout pretty much looks like this............

    Run 1/2 a mile on the treadmill to get warmed up.
    Standing Tricep Extensions: sets of ten till I can't do ten any more. Lately my first set has been 70 and my last set has been 130 moving at ten pound increments. That's seven sets. Holy crap. Never counted them before.
    Curls, sets of ten moving up increments of ten pounds until I can't do ten anymore. first set is normally 50 pounds
    Bench, sets of ten etc.... etc..... first set 140
    Sitting Rows, sets of ten etc.... etc...first set is 70
    Military Press, sets of ten.......first set is 50
    Pullups sets of ten till failure

    I normally do not work my legs. I think this week I will do Squats. They will suck. I will do sets of 10 starting at 140. Probably do 3 sets, 140, 150, 160.

    Wednesday I will do X Stretch and Friday I will do Yoga X.

    So in conclusion my week looks like this: Tuesday Lift, Wednesday X Stretch, Thursday Lift, Friday Yoga, Saturday Lift. Sunday Rest or X Stretch again. Then next Monday I will begin week 5 of P90X classic!
  • jfilon
    jfilon Posts: 80
    Morning everyone! Glad to see so many dedicated and hardworking people here. It's so inspiring!

    I taught Zumba again last night (and burned 700 calories in the process), so I'm a dragging a little today. Unfortunately, this affect my performance in Plyo this morning but I know I gave it everything I had. I only burned 468 cals when I typically burn between 550 and 680. It's alright though - I did my best & forgetting the rest! Plus, since I have a PES workout class and teaching Zumba tonight as well (at least only 30 mins this time), I'm not too worried on the low calorie burn.

    marksball: way to fit in everything into such a busy schedule! I just hope you don't go into your workout thinking your squats will "suck". You've been working so hard with these past almost 5 weeks with lots of squats on a weekly basis, I'm sure your form will be fantastic!

    So, I thought I'd start a little mini-thread here: What is everyone's favorite "break the hunger" snack? Whether it's late at night or in the middle of the afternoon, I'm sure we all have our particularly weak moments where we'd typically reach for something that isn't necessarily good for our new & improving bodies. What healthy options have you found that work best for YOU?

    I love to pack little baggies of veggies. Sometimes baby carrots, sometimes celery, and definitely cucumber slices and bell pepper. I am so bad at getting my recommended daily servings of them in my diet at meal times but it always seems to work out when I eat little amounts throughout the day. Plus, plenty of fiber to keep me full too!

    I'd love to hear your favs - that way, we can all get more ideas for ourselves too. :wink:
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Morning all! Everyone is doing a fantastic job!

    I started with week 5 day 1 of the lean today. That's core synergistics. I could NOT WAIT to do my workout today, as I am wearing my new Bodybugg! Much to my disappointment, as I was soaked with sweat and anxiously awaiting the number, I saw only 373 calories! :( Say whaaaa????? I burned more yesterday during an hour of Wii fit? (552). Ah well, maybe tomorrow will be better. I tried really hard too. I'll be interested to see what Cardio x works out to be.

    I usually keep my fruit basket filled sitting right on the table where I can grab something. My other go to snack is usually a FF SF yogurt.
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