Looking for motivating friends on 1200 calorie diet!

Hi - I am new to this site, but loving it so far! I'm looking to lose about 25 lbs, and just joined a gym and started the 1200 calorie diet. My weakness is sugar and sweets - I am a chocoholic! :) Would love to meet some encouraging people for support and to share tips & recipes! I promise to help motivate too!


  • eidc
    eidc Posts: 79 Member
    Feel free to add me if u like
  • NursRatchett
    NursRatchett Posts: 39 Member
    You may add me if you like. I am a sugar addict and am on the 1200, and have lost 24 lbs so far. :bigsmile:
  • Hi - I'm brand new to the site as well - maybe we could navigate together. I'm also doing a 1200 calorie (high protein) diet. I just started so no loss yet - but fingers crossed!
  • mcrower
    mcrower Posts: 37 Member
    Feel free to add me. I too am on 1200 calories since August & it's working for me.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    Why would you only want people who encourage you to undereat? Just curious.
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    add me if you want, i am 1200 calories, did lose the weight, however then i went back to school for 3 years and well gained most of it back :(
  • RychelleD
    RychelleD Posts: 103 Member
    Hey there, same here.1200, but its working! request sent :)
  • cma17
    cma17 Posts: 56 Member
    You can add me if you like =) I'm on 1200 to and have serious sweet tooth. Chris
  • goldengirlamiee
    goldengirlamiee Posts: 13 Member
    add me ..... i love candy and it has been hard to not eat it:tongue:
  • I'm addict, period. I can get addicted to sugar, exercise, work, you name it. I shoot for 1200 calories, but my main goal is to eat well & exercise. I've enjoyed this site. I'm trying to maintain my present fitness level & weight. :)
  • Mama_Lyn
    Mama_Lyn Posts: 45 Member
    Why would you only want people who encourage you to undereat? Just curious.

    Why would you visit a thread you disagree with, of which you probably knew would be full of noobs, and try to encourage a debate that you'd more than likely lose? Just curious...oh wait, I know- fail troll is fail. :)

    I'm at 1250- feel free to add me!
  • Add me if you'd like. I'm on the 1200 calorie diet as well.My weakness is CHOCOLATE!!! LOL...you can tell how my day will be like in the office depending on what time I dip into the sugar bowl...It's my stress reliever but I've gotten down to ONE mini choco treat a day. :)

    So, this 1200 thing is working for me so far. It's been about a month for me. I've noticed that I've dropped in clothing size however, my scale is not in agreement. :(

    My weight, based on my scale has been the same since I started. I lose 3 on one day and then gain it all back the next. I'm not sure if it's my scale but I think my body builds muscle easily because I find it crazy that I'm dropping in pant size but not in numbers. Numbers are a huge deal for me.

    My overall goal is to drop 50 lbs or at least the permanent tire I've been sporting since college graduation back in 2003. Lol
  • LisaLouisiana
    LisaLouisiana Posts: 145 Member
    You can add me, too. Sorry you got the "starving yourself" comment. If you're eating junk food and fast food and holding to a 1,200 calorie diet, then yes, she's right. Add me and take a look at how I eat. It's super healthy. I will tell you, though, I don't eat sweets. Everything that goes into my mouth has a reason. I'm one of the ones that watch my macros and I'll make a lot of decisions based upon if I need protein or fiber, etc.

    In the end, you have to find what works for you. If you find that you're having trouble at 1,200 a day, go to 1,500 until you fine tune both your diet and your portions. Sometimes people overwhelm themselves by starts so strict and instead of giving themselves some room to move, they just stop. I'd hate to see you fail.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    Why would you only want people who encourage you to undereat? Just curious.

    Why would you visit a thread you disagree with, of which you probably knew would be full of noobs, and try to encourage a debate that you'd more than likely lose? Just curious...oh wait, I know- fail troll is fail. :)

    I'm at 1250- feel free to add me!

    It's not trolling, it's called concern for a newbie who might not know better, from someone with lots of experience and, obviously, success! But have a nice day :flowerforyou:
  • hi i am shanda and i am looking for some help i am also a sugar person looking for friends on the 1200 diet
  • add me for a dieting buddy :smile:
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Welcome...I eat 1200 calories. I love sweets...but I pass on them.
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    Add me if you like .. I'm a sugar hound and am having a hard time saying no to my beloved Mountain Dew. I'm managing .. barely! :-)
  • Hi Ashley. My name is Kirsten and I'm a totacholic. The tater kind. I'd love some great ideas on how to stay under 1200 calories without starving to death.
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    Unless you're starting at 300 lbs. 1200 calories a day is starving your body. I started MFP 2.5 years ago and lost 10 lbs pretty quickly on their 1200 calorie plan but found out later that once you get anywhere within 20 lbs of your goal, all bets are off!

    I've been stuck on a "plateau" for lack of a better word for over a YEAR....I've moved 3 times in that year and lost my father in law and my shadow (my dog) after 11 years with her but still...some things don't change...like my weight and my measurements...SO...4 weeks ago, I upped my calories to 1700 and guess what?? I LOST WEIGHT!! Stop starving your body and start feeding it and you'll see how your body reacts.