Looking for motivating friends on 1200 calorie diet!



  • LisaLouisiana
    LisaLouisiana Posts: 145 Member
    So, this 1200 thing is working for me so far. It's been about a month for me. I've noticed that I've dropped in clothing size however, my scale is not in agreement. :(

    My weight, based on my scale has been the same since I started. I lose 3 on one day and then gain it all back the next. I'm not sure if it's my scale but I think my body builds muscle easily because I find it crazy that I'm dropping in pant size but not in numbers. Numbers are a huge deal for me.

    Building muscle is good. Muscle burns calories efficiently where fat just sits there. A pound of muscle is smaller than a pound of fat. ....you can lose inches while not losing weight. When I read what you said, I thought to myself, "Oh, she must be exercising more than she used to!"

    Fluctuations in your weight is common. You can expect to see them. There's all kinds of philosophies on how to deal with it. What works for me is I weigh every morning and record my lows. I'll hit new lows for a day or two or more in a row and then I'll wake one morning and weigh 3 pounds more. I stick to my plan, do what I need to do, and be patient knowing I will beat the scale into submission eventually. The fluctuation also can be from health conditions and retained fluid. If my sodium intake jumps up, I can bank on weighing higher. I also find that if I drink about 10 glasses of water a day I lose more efficiently.

    When I put a lot of muscle on, I didn't lose an ounce for over a month.....but then the pounds started coming off quicker than they did before I got into exercise.
  • It would be awesome to find more support friends. I am down almost 11lbs since 9/24 on a 1200 calorie plan :)
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    I'm trying to do 1200 also. Sometimes I'm over. Sometimes I'm under. I retain water like a sponge but I have lost either 9.6 pounds of water or fat or both. MFP only says 1 because I put the weight I was at in July before I gained more weight in fat or water. Then my DH decided to use MFP and showed me how to navigate it and I'm doing MUCH better with it. The first time I was here it was a case of "forget this ****". Now I'm able to track my foods and like the site very well. Good luck on your journey. I'm short and fairly seditary. 1200 is NOT an unreasonable calorie goal for me.
  • alecsg21
    alecsg21 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there! I'm on a 1200 calorie diet too! I've lost 5 lbs in 3 wks so far. I started with just watching my food, but then added exercise a week later. So for 2 wks now I've been watching my food intake and exercise. take it slow, your own pace! If you work during the day, plan your meals at night time. Pack healthy snacks, try not to eat processed items. I over pack my lunch bag every night because I think I'm going to get Sooooo hungry the next day while at work. But because I've been eating a healthy well balanced diet I stay full longer and end up bringing some food back home!!! (I'm doing a high protein diet)

    I'm doing this solo too, so anyone feel free to add me as well. :-)

    Good luck!!!!! and stay healthy!
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Are you assuming a 2 lb weight loss goal to be given 1200 net calories? Unless you have some medical issues, you should not pursue a 2 lb per week goal if you only have 25 lbs to lose - your goal should be no greater than 1 lb per week at the most. The less fat mass you have, the less fat oxidation can occur in a 24 hour period; thus setting a 2 lb is too aggressive and you are unnecessarily driving your metabolism lower.
  • littlehedgy
    littlehedgy Posts: 192 Member
    I eat about 1200 calories a day and I'm never staving. I also have a non counting day once a week. Be prepared for all of the "IF YOU DON'T EAT ABOVE YOUR BMR YOU WILL PLATEAU AND WHITHER AWAY INTO DUST WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY LOSING NO WEIGHT AND GAINING IT ALL BACK... AT THE SAME TIME!" it's a pretty hot topic around here. Do what works for you. Go ahead and add me, I am a big recipe sharer :)
  • I eat 1200 calories net because I exercise as well! :)
  • Feel free to add me. I'm on 1200 calories a day and have successfully lost 23 pounds and am about to log in my 100th day. I'm 55 and my metabolism had come to a screeching halt - I never thought I would get back to where I am now. I also love chocolate but have found that just a square of a really expensive dark chocolate bar will usually take care of that craving. Good luck in your journey. I'm about to disappear for a week (getting married) but will be back if you want to add me as a friend.
  • Feel free to add me too! On exercise days i eat a ton, but keep around 1200 calories at the end of the day :D
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Quick, someone keep track of all these names so when we see them again in 3-6 months complaining of no weight loss for 4-8 weeks, we can ask them....

    If 1200 is minimum for safety reasons for sedentary people, like minimum building codes is for safety reasons only, but neither is for aesthetics, longevity, or performance - why would you want to do that to your body?
  • Saraqt apparently doesn't understand that the calories are based upon the requirement of the individual on the diet. 1200 for someone who wants to lose say 1.5 lbs per week would be appropriate given the persons hgt/wgt and amount of exercise.
    Saraqt, you need to understand the process. If you use the mfp auto tool to determine your cals, you'd understand.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    :bigsmile: You've hit a nerve with a lot of people right there at 1200!!
    Add me if you wish. I aim for under 30 g of sugar / day and 1200 cals.... good luck with your goals!
  • hestellel
    hestellel Posts: 2 Member
    this is my goal too~~~ Add me!

    tried Shirataki noodles.... 0 calories... Maybe the answer to my diet :bigsmile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    I would start here.

    Most people start at 1200 and learn why not to... eventually.
  • muirwoods
    muirwoods Posts: 6 Member
    check the cea how meetings
    good luck.
  • Some people have to eat that much to lose weight. :/ I have to eat 1200-1300 calories a day in order to lose weight, if I eat more i start to gain. It's because of my size/height (I'm 4'10"). I know this for a fact, because over the past year I've paid close attention to my body.

    Anyway, You can add me as a friend if you'd like :) I am working towards a mostly vegetarian/raw diet, and I love to garden. My goal is to eat as little processed foods as possible, but it's hard to change your diet if you truly don't want to. A lot of my reasons for pushing to have a raw/vegetarian diet is because of my connotations with food, which didn't happen overnight.
  • I am the same! Sweets and chocolate are my downfall! I have been doing P90X and on week 3 now - along with the diet plan. What has worked for me to keep my cravings down is the P90X protein bars (chocolate peanut butter or chocolate fudge). Or I do a Shakeology in chocolate as a meal replacement. Feel free to add me and we can encourage each other!
  • hannahchch29
    hannahchch29 Posts: 6 Member
    hey! Im new too! Just joined the gym and counting my calories on here! Dont really know what Im MEANT to be doing to lose the weight and tone up so any help would be great!! :) I live in NZ too :)
  • PapaDunx
    PapaDunx Posts: 243
    Why would you only want people who encourage you to undereat? Just curious.

    Why would you visit a thread you disagree with, of which you probably knew would be full of noobs, and try to encourage a debate that you'd more than likely lose? Just curious...oh wait, I know- fail troll is fail. :)

    I'm at 1250- feel free to add me!

    It's not trolling, it's called concern for a newbie who might not know better, from someone with lots of experience and, obviously, success! But have a nice day :flowerforyou:
    Pearls to swine, I think is the phrase.
  • juniper4
    juniper4 Posts: 2 Member
    You can add me if you would like! I just started as well and haven't lost anything yet. I luckily don't have a weakness for chocolate, but crunchy and saltly is my demon!