Sick and tired of defending goal weight!



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    A way around this is talk about body composition. Most people dont understand it and wont even bother. I tell people i wont be happy until i am 6-8% body fat. I also do this as weight is a meaniless number that most people arbitrarily pick without knowing variables such as current lean body mass.
  • calm yourself. maybe you shouldn't be DEFENSIVE at all and take it as a compliment.
  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    I know what you mean. My one friend tells me all the time that I look find the way I am, and that I don't show my weight. It is sweet and nice to hear, but since I am currently borderline obese, yea, staying where I am at is not going to happen.
  • Almost everyone is overweight. You are trying to get to healthy weight for your height they have no idea what "healthy" weight looks like. Several women I work with have commented that they are "skinny" or "small" and they are not!!! I'm getting "healthy" not skinny. They do not understand! We all do!! Good luck!!

    This. People I know used to compliment me on how small I am.
    I was 10 pounds overweight. Tiny in stature, but not weight.

    Luckily, people don't really comment much on my weight (at least where I can hear them).
    And I certainly don't bring it up, unless I offhandedly mention it on my way to work out.
  • TravelDog14
    TravelDog14 Posts: 317 Member
    Besides my husband and my listed goal weight here on MFP I don't share my goal weight, nor do I tell anyone how many more pounds I'm looking to lose.
    If anyone were rude enough to ask me how many more pounds I was going to lose I'd tell them 5. It's a lie, but it's also none of their business.

    A fair share of people here in the USA have no clue what a healthy weight looks like since we're surrounded by the obese, so I put zero stock in what the ignorant of the world want to spout.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Preaching to the choir sister. My goal is to lose 100 total. People now are getting seriously verbal about "if you lose any more weight..." and they're saying they'll be angry. Like seriously? Who asked you? My goal is to be 140. That's in the middle of the range for my height too. I have plenty more to lose, isn't it my decision?
  • amsohs85
    amsohs85 Posts: 166
    I simply ask them if theyd like to see me naked!

    That shuts them up pretty quickly! careful throwing out responses like that. Sooner or later some smartass is going to say yes...then you're in trouble!!! :drinker:
  • wow29
    wow29 Posts: 283 Member
    No need to defend! jUST DO.:flowerforyou:
  • wow29
    wow29 Posts: 283 Member
    some people think they can spray their opinions on you like vomit. Don't worry about it.
    :laugh: :sick:
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    My advice to you:
    People will hate you
    Berate you
    Rate you
    Lie to you
    But how strong you stand will make you !!!
    Just do YOU !!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    I had a man (the appointment setter) at my doc's today tell me I didn't need to lose more weight and "you look fine just as you are." ((My Doc wants me to lose at least another 25#'s...I want 145 (was a bit more, but thinking a bit less will be better) Since he's not seen me ~4 months, he can see the 30-ish I've lost since then.
    MPJCRUZ Posts: 23 Member
    That's smart, why tell people, better to keep it to yourself.
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    I ignore the scale. Get healthy and weigh what YOU want to weigh. The calculators tell me my healthy weight range is 136.4 to 184.4. A 6' guy at 136 is NOT healthy! I have a friend that is 5'4" and 135, and he is THIN! I want to put on a nice amount of muscle and be lean yet weigh around 210-225 or so. That's a fair amount of lean mass to gain, but it's outside of their parameters....
    MPJCRUZ Posts: 23 Member
    Don't tell people, keep it to yourself. It's nobodies business.
  • jpohoney
    jpohoney Posts: 66 Member
    I should have said how much more I have to lose, people don't know my goal weight. I don't let people know how much I weigh, besides on here. I guess we are just damned if we do and damned if we don't. Its like when people think they know what healthy eating is. Its probably the same people telling us we don't need to lose anymore weight. I could either go the route that oh I only have about 5lbs left or oh no I still have 50/60lbs left! or tell them that I just keep on losing weight and I'm just not sure why. I should probably see someone about it. Maybe just have some fun with it. Cause really its none of their business unless you are hurting yourself and I am not! Some people. I had one friend tell me my goal weight be like 20lbs over what I wanted it to be just so I wouldn't be lighter than her. She was a way different build than me, short and stocky and I am tall and lanky. Needless to say we are not friends anymore, for many more reasons
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    I have told 2 friends in total that I am tracking my food. That's it. Only 2. The reason is that I'm not trying to lose an awful lot but EVERYONE I know would start looking at me like I have a problem if I said I needed to lose a couple of kilos. But I DO need to lose some. I set my goal weight to one that I have been most of my adult life (except the last 18 months). I am comfortable in my clothes at that weight and it suits me. I am lightly boned and at my current weight and without clothes on I look 'skinny fat'. I am hoping to get a little more weight off so I can ease up my exercise again without flaring up past injuries.

    I definitely don't advertise the fact to anyone, but when someone notices I just say I've started exercising a bit again (I stopped exercising 18 months ago due to severe plantar fasciitis in my feet that left me hobbling like an old woman...only I kept eating like a weight lifting man LOL)
  • I get it a lot too... I just ignore it :/
    A lot of people don't know what "healthy" looks like. And no one knows what it's like to be me, that's for sure, so when someone tells me I need to lose more weight or I don't need to lose anymore weight, it just goes through one ear and out the other for the most part. I just try to keep weight out of conversations as much as possible. But, if someone says I look good, I just say thanks and leave it.

    If someone tries to talk about weight, I switch the topic to health. I talk about what a healthy lifestyle is like. It seems to work.
  • OMG! This is how I feel exactly. I was just telling my husband tonight that I'm so sick of people calling me skinny and saying, "Don't get anorexic." Please! Are the blind? I am 5'7" and I weigh 231 pounds. I'm hardly anorexic. I didn't talk to anyone at first about my lifestyle change. They started noticing about a month after I started losing the weight. I was getting discouraged at first because nobody was noticing but now that's all they do is comment on it. Be careful what you wish for...I was talking to my mother the other day and she said, "You really wear a size 12- huh?" I had told her a couple of weeks earlier because it's my mother and I figured I could tell her and she'd be excited for me. Well- she then said, "Your sister said you must be on a starvation diet if you're losing that much weight." It made me kind of mad because I mean do they think I couldn't possibly cut calories and exercise for hours a week when I used to live a completely sedentary life? Seriously...I wanted to say it but it's my mother and I have respect for her, so I bit my tongue. I'm not close with my sister and this means they were discussing me, which annoys me too. Now every time I talk to her she will ask if I am still working out and dieting. My mother is tiny and she has always made comments about her getting fat and how much weight she's going to gain while at my house eating holiday dinners that I cooked from scratch. She weighs like 120 pounds and is like 5'6" tall. Come on...I've always felt like she looked at me as fat just because I was big boned and a bit heavier than I should be, even when I wasn't this overweight at a younger age. I had a step-father that was verbally abusive about my weight, a grandfather that would criticize my weight and I once caught my cousin and uncle making fun of me at Christmas time. These are people that are supposed to love me and accept me. Next time my mom brings the diet up, I will just say yes and change the subject.

    I am half way to my goal. I want to lose another 30 pounds or so. I bust my butt doing the treadmill three to five days a week for 45- 60 minutes each time and I have cut out most junk food. I have an occasional oreo binge and I eat Mexican food, pizza or any other meal that I crave but within moderation now. It's almost like people don't want to see others succeed. They only want to see you fail. I am genuinely happy to see people improve or when good things happen for others, I get excited for them. At my job, it's the same way. I am in sales and you have to be careful what you say because people get envious and you end up with a target on your back. Honestly, people always say- don't worry about what others say or think but the fact is that we all want to be accepted and we all care to a degree what people say or think about us. Anyway, enough of my rant. I just got home from the gym, read this and literally this whole situation sounds exactly like mine. My main goal was to add some exercise in my life and stop the blood pressure medicine. I have been off the medicine now for about a month so I'm excited. I want to be healthy...
  • monicamcisaac
    monicamcisaac Posts: 35 Member
    Oh I can totally relate! Everyone has an opinion and it says more about what they think of themselves than anything else.
  • Nobody can say anything about your body. It's your body and your happiness. So don't let them get to you; just think about the result.