I'm never going to be thin or fit...



  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I've lost 130 pounds and have never ever set foot in a gym. I started walking. First walk was 3/4 of a mile and took me almost an hour to walk it and I thought I was going to DIE... a couple of weeks ago, I walked 8 miles in 2 hours and 18 minutes and felt AMAZING afterwards.

    Healthy food isn't more expensive... you just have to stop buying the processed, junky food. Of course if you are still buying the bad stuff, it will cost more to ADD the good stuff... so stop buying the bad stuff. If you just HAVE to have chicken nuggets or buffalo bites, make your own. Buy a bag of frozen chicken breasts, cut up in chunks, roll in some seasoned bread crumbs, bake... if you want the buffalo ones, dip in some hot sauce first, then the bread crumbs.

    Find a discount bread store. I get whole grain/whole wheat bread for a buck a loaf. Put it in the freezer.
    Frozen vegetables are a staple in my house. It takes about 10 minutes to steam basically any frozen veggie. If you get tired of steaming them, spray lightly with olive oil and put them in the oven and roast them.

    Weigh out portions! It's easy to think that you're eating a serving of peanut putter when you're actually eating 3 servings.

    I struggle from paycheck to paycheck. Right now, it's 5 days till payday and I have $4 cash and $19 in the bank. Will have to put gas in the vehicle for hubby to get to work for the rest of the week. This is not an uncommon scenario for us... Yet I've lost 130 pounds, my husband has lost 90, my son has lost about 70...

    The only person responsible for your health and happiness in YOU...

    If I can do this, anyone can. You just have to want it badly enough. You're 21... don't wait till you're 40 like I did.

    Exactly this!
    I was so worried about the expense of the food I was going to be buying that I told my boyfriend, who pays for the groceries, that I would foot the cost of anything extra he had to pay. Turns out that shopping is cheaper by $30-$50/week. And I'm saving money from not buying crap from the cafe's for lunch at work, that works out roughly $50-$100 a fortnight. Sometimes I run out of fruit or want certain things we haven't picked up at shopping so I'll pay for those but it's rarely more than a few dollars.
    Now we are both eating better and there are no junky temptations at home. Even when I shop for the step kids visiting I buy healthier snacks incase one of us is tempted to eat them. Without all the pre-made food I usually buy for them I didn't even feel like I was shopping for them being here as it wasn't much more then $30 extra. And that's awesome for feeding 3 kids.

    I plan ahead most days. I separate food into servings before it gets put away. Including chocolates and chips. In ziplock bags. They stay fresh and I know I'll get my monies worth by spacing them out and I wont blow my calories.

    ^^^ THIS! GREAT job. This is a girl who truly wants this and is making the lifestyle changes to sustain her loss! Go girl!!
  • trobbin88
    trobbin88 Posts: 38 Member
    Don't let two days get you down. In this world of uncertainty, what we eat is one of the few things we CAN control...for health and for weight loss. Two days is okay! We all do that...but get back in the saddle girl and keep on goin'!
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Ate like a cow today, second day in a row...Losing motivation.

    I honestlyjmight just give up on the whole weight loss thing and admit I will be fat forever.

    The CHOICE is yours entirely. But in my opinion this is a poor choice.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
    Don't give up that easily.
    Eating healthy can be cheaper if you plan your meals ahead, then shop at cheaper stores or even go to local markets for fresh produce.

    Exercises can be found on YouTube and things like walking, jogging, running are all great free sports.

    If your heart is not in this then you will find excuses and not overcome them but you can do it, you just need to work around it x
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Ate like a cow today, second day in a row...Losing motivation.

    I honestlyjmight just give up on the whole weight loss thing and admit I will be fat forever.
    When I hear something like this, I always think...

    did you make smaller goals within your larger ones....and did you acknowlege them?

    Or do you make Big Goals, then cut yourself down when you don't achieve them?

    'Cause that is what you are doing in this post.:wink:
  • HappyandToned
    HappyandToned Posts: 49 Member
    Liquorice. It's revolting.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Liquorice. It's revolting.
    Wrong thread silly!
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...

    Oh my god... your attitude is...terrible.

    Do you want to be heavy? Are you happy heavy? Do you want to stay heavy? I assume no or you wouldn't be here.

    Walking is how I lost the first 70 pounds I lost. Walking is how another pretty well known blogger lost half of her whole body weight in a year. You're making excuses, and they're terrible. If it is a priority you will make it happen, if it is not, you will make an excuse. Cut it out. Just doing a Jillian Michaels DVD (which is FREE on Youtube) every day for 27 minutes in your bedroom (with just body weight, you don't need weights if the cost is where you're going for reasons to not do something) will make a change, and quickly. So enough. Enough. Take control, be the person you want to be, or continue making excuses for why you are not. It's up to you.
  • sallysuze
    sallysuze Posts: 65 Member
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...
    How on earth did you afford the salty and bad food then????
    If you can't afford healthy food then you also can't afford bad food, in which case you would be all ribs and no fat by now.

    You *can* afford to buy food, it is your choice whether it is healthy nutritious food or not.

    Who says you need a gym pass to live healthily?It is one way, but not the only way. There are other choices open to you.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
    "Being overweight is hard, losing weight is hard, choose your hard"!
  • I have lost 25 pounds so far and today was my very first day of exercise. Weight loss is 80% diet and while yes, you don't want to neglect exercise entirely, you can still get started with one before the other.

    And you know the thing that I found motivating enough to finally start my diet again and get serious about it this time? Being told that I don't have to be perfect on my first try. All I should be aiming for is to do better than I did yesterday. So I went from eating fast food all the time to eating frozen pizzas at home. Not exactly healthy, but it was an easy change to make at first. Then I started eating healthier stuff at home and now I'm on a regular routine and I still have my piggy days but I don't let them discourage me. I just stop what I'm doing and vow to do better the next day. And then I do because I really want to be less fat more than I want that ice cream. Okay sometimes I want the ice cream more, but USUALLY I pick being less fat.

    It honestly is about motivation more than any other factor. You have to want this more than anything. In my case, being fat has led to me being crazy (hormone disorder, insulin resistance all culminated in crazy *kitten* mood swings and depression. Being less fat and more fit is my best hope now.) You just need to find what it is that makes it worth it and then never lose sight of it.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    frozen veggies in large bags is very affordableget a few bags of a variety of mixed, such as brocoli and cauliflower.
    while 90/10 ground beef isn't the cheapest, you can buy 85/15 in large tubes at a discount price.

    Eggs are very very cheap.

    House brand marinara sauce (low sodium) isn't expensive when bought in a large bottle, and pasta is overall pretty inexpensive, especially when used in moderation.

    Ah head of lettuce is around 2$ but for one person, it can stretch over 4 meals.

    chicken breasts are affordable if you buy them places such as cost-co in large bags.

    A sack of potatoes can stretch, and be prepared in a healthy manner.

    check out this youtube clip,
    there are many more with the same concept of incorporating cardio with weight resistance using just your body.

    soup isn't the worst choice in the world when it's on sale and their are usually low sodium.

    burritos? ridiculously cheap.
    1 bag of kidney beans goes a very very long way.
    add tortilla (again,, cheap) and some cheese. bought in bulk, cheap and can be cycled in to a LOT of meals.

    chili, same thing. make the beans from scratch, get a (very cheap) can of tomatoes chopped down and add an onion (which is also very versatile.) when you buy stuff like heads of lettuce, onions, make sure they're versatile. The onion can go in yourmarinara sauce, scrambled eggs (you don't really need milk) burritos and chili. potatoes are actually healthy. Just buy in bulk as you go and things will get better.

    **Also learning how to make rice (red beans and rice with chicken scraps) goes a long way.
    those cheap cuts of beef, the only affordable ones? dice them down small and they can also go far. again, burritos, chili.

    they have a small bag in the dry bean dept for bean soup.. buy a hamhock (cheap) and collard greens (cheap) add to the bean bag with seasoning packet (cheap) and you have at least 8 meals.

    You can do it if you get a bit creative and think outside your kitchen comfort level. Beans are super easy. All you do is soak them in water over night. That's it. They're not scary at all!
    A 2 dollar bag of kidney beans can easily make you 4 batches of chili. The beans are typically in 2 places in a grocery store.
    By the canned beans and in the mexican food dept. compare prices, sometimes one is cheaper than the other or on sale.

    Oatmeal? ridiculously cheap if you don't get instant.

    Don't give up or in. Like someone else said.. it's 2 days out of 365.

    this post is so full of win i can't even explain it....
  • salemore
    salemore Posts: 5 Member
    Some of us are not meant to ever be skinny, but you can get to a happier place for you. Just take same steps, they add up. Then you will work up to bigger things. I can not afford a gym, so I just walk around my neighborhood, it does make a difference. You will feel better. Don't give up on yourself. YOU CAN DO IT!! Please add me as friend if you would like.
  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    Sadly we all hit this point... feeling fat and unmotivated and like all the problems in out world are closing us in to where we want to give up on everything that is hard.

    But nothing worth having is easy! relationships are difficult and hard f***ing work! Being fit is hard work too but for me dealing with another person every damn day is more difficult! lol

    Wallow in your misery for as long as you need when you're ready you will get back up and keep trying to better yourself because we all do. Way to get tons of responses btw have hit a sensative spot for us all.
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    "two days wont make you fat"
    "two days wont make you thin and fit"
    You have to find motivation! Look at all the reasons not to give up?
    When I feel down I think about these reasons:

    -Giving your body what it needs
    -Feeling better physically and mentally
    -Being able to do more things (ex. hike, run, swim, mountain-climb, or even something crazy without having to stop or run out of breath)
    -Smaller (cuter, too) clothes
    -To say "i used to be big" or "I haven't always looked this great!"
    -Inspire others to do the same

    There are tons of reasons! I know some days are hard, I have days like this too... But you can pick yourself right back up!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...

    sounds like a lot of excuses. If you can afford crap food, you can afford healthy food. I don't have a gym pass and i probably will never get one. Walk, its still exercise. I find it hard to believe that you don't have shoes to wear to go out for a walk. Or just walk in place in your living room - do sit ups, push ups, whatever.

    this sounds like your just attention seeking and making up excuses to get someone to pat you on your back and do it for you. sorry, not happening. If you want to get skinny and healthy - you have to put the effort into it, not just complain.
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    You'll see how easy it is to maintain discipline and eliminate the risk of consuming a zillion calories if you just throw away all the bad foods in your kitchen! The most fattening thing that should be in there is a frozen slab of fish! Plan and pack your lunches. Replace snacks with Splenda-sweetened tea (caffeinated during the day and decaf at night) or those sugar-free Jello cups. If you eliminate the tools of "sin", you eliminate the ability to sin.

    Carry bottles of Crystal Light and diet soda everywhere for whenever you get the urge to pig out. Chug that *kitten*! Then you'll be so full you won't be able to think of food.

    Today is the first day of the rest of your life. One pound at a time is all it takes, and soon enough you'll be at your goal weight.
    Great idea!!!! I will take some of these to heart!
  • karmahunger
    karmahunger Posts: 373 Member
    I have to admit, I am shocked that so many people are being so callous and stupid; I don't want attention. Yes, I wanted ENCOURAGEMENT, maybe. EVERYONE has bad days. I am allowed to post my thoughts, and yes I can expect harsh replies, but this thread is from three days ago. I appreciate the KIND comments but stop with the mean ones. People, we are here to support one another. If people start being mean all the time when someone posts something like this, how are we to support each other? =/
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    Liquorice. It's revolting.


    As for the OP .. Don't worry about the haters -- just sift through them to find those that are here to encourage you! You are a beautiful gal .. and you CAN do this!

    Baby steps -- take your time .. create good habits, even one at time! Can't afford a gym yet .. (soon though) .. however - I just walk for an hour - or hour and half around my neighborhood for now! You can do stuff at home too, just like everyone suggests - youtube videos, creative thinking on your part.. You are better and more deserving than a bag of chips! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I can eat like a cow but I'll eat the right cow foods. Willpower is all this is. MY motivation went the moment I injured myself 2 weeks ago.... but I'm still at it cause I refuse to go back to where I was.

    It's all up to you. Either you can or wont. No such thing as can't do it..... everyone CAN do it.... just some wont do it.