I'm never going to be thin or fit...

Ate like a cow today, second day in a row...Losing motivation.

I honestlyjmight just give up on the whole weight loss thing and admit I will be fat forever.


  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    Two days is a drop in the bucket of 365..... get back on it tomorrow! You can do it! It's the first day back that's the hardest, but you can do it. You're the only person standing in the way of what you want to accomplish! :)
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    You either want to do it, or you don't. You either will, or you won't. Whatever happens, it is YOUR decision and only you are responsible. Many have done it before you, so it IS possible.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I've been at this since March of last year and I'm still not at my goal. I am 60 lbs down though, which I wouldn't be if I just said "screw it" the first time I had a bad day or two. If you keep trying, you'll get there eventually.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    I've been at this since March of last year and I'm still not at my goal. I am 60 lbs down though, which I wouldn't be if I just said "screw it" the first time I had a bad day or two. If you keep trying, you'll get there eventually.

  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    You don't have to be fat forever.
  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    You'll see how easy it is to maintain discipline and eliminate the risk of consuming a zillion calories if you just throw away all the bad foods in your kitchen! The most fattening thing that should be in there is a frozen slab of fish! Plan and pack your lunches. Replace snacks with Splenda-sweetened tea (caffeinated during the day and decaf at night) or those sugar-free Jello cups. If you eliminate the tools of "sin", you eliminate the ability to sin.

    Carry bottles of Crystal Light and diet soda everywhere for whenever you get the urge to pig out. Chug that *kitten*! Then you'll be so full you won't be able to think of food.

    Today is the first day of the rest of your life. One pound at a time is all it takes, and soon enough you'll be at your goal weight.
  • hope8311
    hope8311 Posts: 166
    I felt the exact same way the other day...ANd thought oh well might as well keep eating...NO...Wrong...I still felt ****ty , b4 and after...are you willing to feel the same way you do when eating and gaining weight? I don;t think you would....YOur better than this, Its been a week no weight loss but am not going to quit....IT hurts only me.....If I can keep at it so can you.....Your better than this...
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    NNNNNOOOOO!!! Don't give up. Just stick it out one more day. Tomorrow eat on plan all day and get in a good workout. Then at the end of a STELLAR day you can decide if you're really ready to throw in the towel. The rule is, you can't quit on a bad day just because it's hard or you're disappointed in yourself. You can only decide to quit after a good day so you have some perspective. Have an awesome day tomorrow and THEN decide. Hope to see you here Saturday.
  • karmahunger
    karmahunger Posts: 373 Member
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...
    MPJCRUZ Posts: 23 Member
    Ate like a cow today, second day in a row...Losing motivation.

    I honestlyjmight just give up on the whole weight loss thing and admit I will be fat forever.

    Don't even think about quitting!! Quitting is not an option, jump back on the bandwagon tomorrow. So what you ate whatever you ate, tomorrow is another day.
  • mommyweighless
    mommyweighless Posts: 192 Member
    Okay my love first things first...stop making excuses! You don't need an expensive gym pass or over priced 'healthy' foods. Walking for 60 minus a day at a pace that makes you breathless but you can still talk can burn up to and over 700 calories.

    Gym memberships are over rated. Want to lift weights..get a couple cans of soup. Want to use the elliptical..go up and down two or the same steps for 15 minutes. Want a treadmill..go outside and walk.

    As for the not being able to afford healthy foods..that is bull. I feed my family of three very healthy well balanced meals on a budget of $200 a month. It all comes down to wise spending. Instead of fresh veggies go with frozen..same for meats. Store brand is just as good as name brand but a whole lot cheaper.

    If you can't afford a good bra, wrap them girls up tight in an ace bandage. Make yourself a workout jar. Each time you workout for at least an hour drop a dollar in it. If you do it every day for a month..get a good bra. Same for shoes.
    Workout shoes don't have to be expensive but have to be comfortable.

    Until you stop feeling sorry for yourself, and quit making excuses, this will be hard.

    I love to help people any way I can. Feel free to friend me. Also check it my pages for a little help.



  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...

    You'll forgive me, but those sound like excuses. I find fresh vegetables to be way cheaper than processed salty foods. Pack of hot dogs? Buy the fat-free kind that are 50 calories a pop. Bags of frozen tilapia fillets, I saw those in the freezer aisle the other day, 5 bucks for a pound or somesuch.

    You don't need a gym. Use the public pool, a lake or ocean to swim. Buy a sports bra at the local Goodwill. Shouldn't run you more than 3-4 bucks. Now you can go jogging. Do crunches, squats and leg-lifts. Lift gallon jugs of water. Download workout videos and do them in your own living room.

    No excuses. Start NOW.
  • stewarm01
    stewarm01 Posts: 331 Member
    Then just walk the pounds away. Eat as best as you can afford but stay under your calorie goals, you will eventually win. Just don't stop, and to be honest and probably tougher than the others. You are now beginning to make excuses, just do it. Heck, it's hard for All of us. This isn't a cake walk, I battle each day. It was fun getting this weight on, now let's get it off and get it done.
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Your diet does not have to be one massive change. Do you log what you eat? If so, take a look back over the diary and see if there are some alternatives. Food wise buy things as you need them. Try to cut down on treats, that might help with a little saving to go on something else. Exercise does not have to cost. Check out some exercises on you tube. There are posts on here that give you lots of ideas. Skipping rope for example, you don't even have to have a rope, just pretend. It still works and is extremely good. Walking is good also.

    You are doing well you are asking for support, that's what it is about. YOU CAN DO IT.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member

    You don't need a gym. I've never set foot in one. Walking is free. So are body weight exercises. There are videos on YouTube, etc... Gotta lose the excuses before you can lose the weight.
  • Calipalm
    Calipalm Posts: 114 Member
    I, at one point told myself that I would always be fat, that I would have to be the girl with the fun personality instead of pretty face or skinny girl. I donated all my clothes that no longer fit because I was gaining weight. I told myself be who you are and enjoy your fat self. And then I was diagnosed with a fatty liver, at 25 years old. Then I was told I have a thyroid disease. That's when I realized I was worth more then just giving up. That's when I realized that I had to do something about my health and take control. Don't let yourself doubt what you can do!!!!! Because your body is amazing and worth the fight. It's worth the bad terrible indulgent days and the days were your work your butt off and eat healthy. There is no perfect journey to your goal weight. Some days you do amazingly well! Other days you wonder what came over you and how you managed to eat 3 servings of cheetos. But I promise you that if you take all your self doubts and turn it into motivation you can and will succeed even if it takes you a year or 5! At least you know your working on it, you are worth the battle! Do what you can double up on bra's buy 1 veggie and 1 fruit when you can, they aren't terribly expensive, you will learn to sacrifice when you need too! I am just here to offer support and let you know that's been where you are, and that i do have terrible food days and that sometimes I can't afford my favorite healthy yogurt, and that I emotionally eat, yet I've never given up and I've managed to lose weight and I am no where near where I would have hoped i'd be, but that's what this journey is like! It's crazy!!!!! So realize your worth, dust yourself off, get back up and keep going!!!!! 
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    You don't need equipment to exercise, you just need your own body, you don't even need to wear shoes. You don't need to run or walk to lose weight, you just have to eat smarter, do some squats and jumping jacks if you want to exercise, look on youtube for workouts. Blaming a low income for bad food choices is just an excuse too. I used to have so many excuses for why I never lost weight, it was the PCOS and the stress and depression and I couldnt afford a gym and I didnt have runners to go walking oh but I couldnt walk in public because of my social anxiety and I couldnt buy healthier food because we are on a low income etc etc etc etc

    I soon found out that it is cheaper to feed my family of 5 healthy food I make myself than buying crap and that I don;t need a gym membership as long as I have my body and that PCOS is no excuse and the mental issues get better too!

    Once you start really wanting to change you will stop making excuses.
  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    Don't get discouraged...just keep at it and make tomorrow a better day. You will NOT be fat forever.. You just have to be persistent and set up small goals incrementally so you don't get discouraged.
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    How about just focusing on being thinnER and fittER That is, focus on developing healthier habits for their own sake. I am still 50 pounds overweight and I feel great. It's easy to get discouraged if you are thinking about the end point and not focusing on the day to day journey itself.

    To second what others have said, you don't need a lot of equipment to exercise. Walk everywhere that you can. I lost most of the 50 pounds I've taken off through walking alone. There are also great websites like nerdfitness.com that have workouts you can do at home. Search on the forums for home workouts and you'll find a lot of recommendations. If you have a good library close by they might have DVDs you can borrow or books you can use -- I just got "You Are Your Own Gym" out of the library here and it's entirely filled with exercises that you can do at home with either no equipment or else with items you probably have already.

    Good luck to you and try not to let a couple of bad days get your down.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    frozen veggies in large bags is very affordableget a few bags of a variety of mixed, such as brocoli and cauliflower.
    while 90/10 ground beef isn't the cheapest, you can buy 85/15 in large tubes at a discount price.

    Eggs are very very cheap.

    House brand marinara sauce (low sodium) isn't expensive when bought in a large bottle, and pasta is overall pretty inexpensive, especially when used in moderation.

    Ah head of lettuce is around 2$ but for one person, it can stretch over 4 meals.

    chicken breasts are affordable if you buy them places such as cost-co in large bags.

    A sack of potatoes can stretch, and be prepared in a healthy manner.

    check out this youtube clip,
    there are many more with the same concept of incorporating cardio with weight resistance using just your body.

    soup isn't the worst choice in the world when it's on sale and their are usually low sodium.

    burritos? ridiculously cheap.
    1 bag of kidney beans goes a very very long way.
    add tortilla (again,, cheap) and some cheese. bought in bulk, cheap and can be cycled in to a LOT of meals.

    chili, same thing. make the beans from scratch, get a (very cheap) can of tomatoes chopped down and add an onion (which is also very versatile.) when you buy stuff like heads of lettuce, onions, make sure they're versatile. The onion can go in yourmarinara sauce, scrambled eggs (you don't really need milk) burritos and chili. potatoes are actually healthy. Just buy in bulk as you go and things will get better.

    **Also learning how to make rice (red beans and rice with chicken scraps) goes a long way.
    those cheap cuts of beef, the only affordable ones? dice them down small and they can also go far. again, burritos, chili.

    they have a small bag in the dry bean dept for bean soup.. buy a hamhock (cheap) and collard greens (cheap) add to the bean bag with seasoning packet (cheap) and you have at least 8 meals.

    You can do it if you get a bit creative and think outside your kitchen comfort level. Beans are super easy. All you do is soak them in water over night. That's it. They're not scary at all!
    A 2 dollar bag of kidney beans can easily make you 4 batches of chili. The beans are typically in 2 places in a grocery store.
    By the canned beans and in the mexican food dept. compare prices, sometimes one is cheaper than the other or on sale.

    Oatmeal? ridiculously cheap if you don't get instant.

    Don't give up or in. Like someone else said.. it's 2 days out of 365.