I'm never going to be thin or fit...



  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I had a morbidly obese woman in my ER tonight, 49 years old, who almost died of a heart attack. Her life will never be the same.

    I see a lot of excuses, obstacles if you'd rather, to why you can't do this. I won't disagree with you that is hard. I'd rather never have to think about what I eat and just eat what feels good. That's the problem though, isn't it? Eating what feels good makes you *NOT* feel good. I've been there. I've quit, gained back everything I'd lost plus 20. I was miserable a year ago taking the elevator at work for *ONE* flight of stairs. I was physically tired, in constant pain, and a ticking time bomb. I kept asking myself why did I let this happen again? Why couldn't I just stick with it?

    Take a break if you need to, but will you please make a list for yourself? Make a list of everything that you will gain if you continue to work on your health. I'll share a few things that I've gained myself, so far:

    -Regular, less painful periods
    -Improved sleep quality
    -My heartburn is gone,
    -My energy level has improved--I can get so much done in a day now!
    -Sex is better, I can breath now (TMI, I know)
    -Less pain overall, and I have a number of pain issues, including a chronic tendon problem with one of my feet
    -My pulse has decreased at rest, from 100 to the high 70's, and my legs swell less at work.

    I'm a large breasted woman as well, and I know the issues with bras. Wear several if you have to, but why not just walk for now? Google exercises/videos for workouts at home.

    The food issues are harder on a tight budget and it can be very discouraging--I know. My sister is struggling with the same thing right now, as a newly diagnosed diabetic. Get creative, portion size out what you have available, clip coupons (lots of on-line coupons available), shop at Aldi's for the fresh stuff cheaper, or Wal-Mart. Get frozen veggies, much cheaper than fresh.

    Please--it was so hard to see that woman tonight, with fear in her eyes, in so much pain. Her father had died from a heart attack and she knew exactly what was happening to her.
  • Faericn_Rising
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...

    You'll forgive me, but those sound like excuses. I find fresh vegetables to be way cheaper than processed salty foods. Pack of hot dogs? Buy the fat-free kind that are 50 calories a pop. Bags of frozen tilapia fillets, I saw those in the freezer aisle the other day, 5 bucks for a pound or somesuch.

    Woot! Thats what im doing, and its working! my trick was finding exercises i enjoyed, that i could start out small with...after that, it was just bigger and harder, every time i thought i was capable. And i learned, that im capable of a lot more than i thought. So are you!

    You don't need a gym. Use the public pool, a lake or ocean to swim. Buy a sports bra at the local Goodwill. Shouldn't run you more than 3-4 bucks. Now you can go jogging. Do crunches, squats and leg-lifts. Lift gallon jugs of water. Download workout videos and do them in your own living room.

    No excuses. Start NOW.
  • xxloveiswarr
    Don't let two days of failure dictate the rest of your life. And don't let not having money determine how you can shape your body. Give yourself a chance and give up the excuses.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    You can do this!!!!!!!!!!!! You do with the best you can, negativeness is not going to get you anywhere!!!!!!!! Walk away the pounds, you don't need a gym (heck i can't afford a gym and i'm losing ,ever so slowly but still).

    If this was meant to be a cake walk, then all of us would be skinny. I started losing when i was pregnant in May of 2011, and let me tell ya, being 243 sucked, not only because i was pregnant, but also because my asthma acted up and i wanted to just say screw the world and not care, if i would have let the depression of losing my mom, my grandma, my home (yes I lost the place where my mom and I lived) college, and life in general get to me, I would be over 300 and probably sinking.

    Well, thanks to my son as well as my determination, i'm back under 200 (I'm 182 atm) and i am still pushing through to be 125. I never was skinny, but does that discourage me? No, and you know why? Because I am a fighter, always have been, always be. Life is never easy, and you deal with life, and two days is not the end of the world. all of us here can attest that at some point in this journey, we have had great days and bad days and wtf days. But we learn and move on, and that is what you need to do. So what you ate a few brownies, so what you drink mountain dew.....(not saying u did but still) that was the past, let it go, start working out, start eating smaller portions, drink water and before you know, boom goes the dynamite, boom your at goal weight, boom you look better then you ever have in your entire life! Will life be perfect? No, will you have set backs? yes, but only YOU can decide if this is worth it! Obviously you are here, so you made the choice that you want to change, now go after your dream!!!!!!!!
  • GwennyH
    GwennyH Posts: 80 Member
    If you think you can't, you can't. But if you think you CAN, you CAN.
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    NNNNNOOOOO!!! Don't give up. Just stick it out one more day. Tomorrow eat on plan all day and get in a good workout. Then at the end of a STELLAR day you can decide if you're really ready to throw in the towel. The rule is, you can't quit on a bad day just because it's hard or you're disappointed in yourself. You can only decide to quit after a good day so you have some perspective. Have an awesome day tomorrow and THEN decide. Hope to see you here Saturday.

    This is some damn good advice! Im gonna remember this.
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    Ate like a cow today, second day in a row...Losing motivation.

    I honestlyjmight just give up on the whole weight loss thing and admit I will be fat forever.
    I have to admit, I feel like that almost every day! I started in January and have only lost 30 pounds, but even with all my bad 'screw it' days, I have kept it off. At this rate I will be at my goal in 4 more years, lol, BUT I remind myself every time I feel down that it's better than being my starting weight in 4 more years!
    Just start over tomorrow morning, and if you screw it up tomorrow, start again the next day.
  • codapea
    codapea Posts: 182 Member
    Don't give up on yourself! You don't have commit to eating perfectly or exercising every day... you just have to commit to not making any more excuses. A 2 lb. bag of carrots is a dollar! A pound of apples is eighty cents! Put them together and they are half the price of a bag of chips and 4 times the food, so I call BS on people who say "healthy food is expensive". Work out in your living room, there are tons of exercise videos on youtube. You could start with Leslie Sansone walking videos on there. I hope you will be receptive to the responses to your post.
  • jsherrill92
    jsherrill92 Posts: 775 Member
    Who's got 2 thumbs and thought exactly the same thoughts as you? This guy. You keep up the calorie counting and get your diet under control, you will see results I promise!
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    Don't give up...I've lost 110lbs since January and all I've done is stick to my calorie count and walk a lot. I started just walking during my lunch break and then eventually added some walks after work too. I haven't even been in a gym all year, so you really don't need money to lose weight.
  • Dargealing
    Dargealing Posts: 58 Member
    Don't give up. I was watching the LWN channel, and they had a nutrtionist on there and I caught the end of her segment and she said that the diet sodas can make you hungrier for bad things, so be careful how much of it you drink. I don't belong to gym. I went to thrift store and found some awesome exercise DVD's CHEAP! one of them was walking indoors 4 miles with Leslie Sansone and doing only with stretch band. which you can subsitute with weights or any other piece of cheap stretch rubber hosing. I have been doing her every day almost. Go to good will, value village and go to DVD section and there are usually lots to choose from.
    And ditto on the food thing. There are ways of eating healthy for less. DON'T GIVE UP. and ditto to the gal who mentioned sports bras from VV or goodwill. I just bought 2 of them cheap! You don't have to run to get healty. It is bad on joints.Walk, and keep those arms and legs moving..And YES DO Free downloads from Utube and other sites.. keep your food diary going.. Nothing good for you is going to come easy, but you can do this. this was your cry for help.. We are all in this to help support ourselves and others.
    keep smiling:bigsmile: :smile:
  • untouchable86
    Okay my love first things first...stop making excuses! You don't need an expensive gym pass or over priced 'healthy' foods. Walking for 60 minus a day at a pace that makes you breathless but you can still talk can burn up to and over 700 calories.

    Gym memberships are over rated. Want to lift weights..get a couple cans of soup. Want to use the elliptical..go up and down two or the same steps for 15 minutes. Want a treadmill..go outside and walk.

    As for the not being able to afford healthy foods..that is bull. I feed my family of three very healthy well balanced meals on a budget of $200 a month. It all comes down to wise spending. Instead of fresh veggies go with frozen..same for meats. Store brand is just as good as name brand but a whole lot cheaper.

    If you can't afford a good bra, wrap them girls up tight in an ace bandage. Make yourself a workout jar. Each time you workout for at least an hour drop a dollar in it. If you do it every day for a month..get a good bra. Same for shoes.
    Workout shoes don't have to be expensive but have to be comfortable.

    Until you stop feeling sorry for yourself, and quit making excuses, this will be hard.

    I love to help people any way I can. Feel free to friend me. Also check it my pages for a little help.




    love this!!!!!!!
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    If money is an issue, You Tube has some good exercise videos on there. You don't need a gym membership to lose weight. Walking is great(and free). As for food, I am on a pretty tight budget but make it work. Look for specials. Buy in bulk and freeze.
  • cutie_patootie
    Ate like a cow today, second day in a row...Losing motivation.

    I honestlyjmight just give up on the whole weight loss thing and admit I will be fat forever.

    Like you, I too ate like crazy in the past 2 days. However, the thought that I'm feeling better about myself today than I did a week ago is what's bringing me back on track.

    Don't lose hope. You didn't gain weight overnight and you wouldn't lose it overnight either. Reading success stories everyday helps. If ordinary people can lose over 100-150 pounds, what stops me from losing 60-70?

    Hope you continue on your journey, lose weight and look back at this moment saying "I'm glad I kept going!"
    All the best!
  • got2tryagain
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...
    Two days ago on another thread you said you got a free gym pass. What happened with that?
    MPJCRUZ Posts: 23 Member
    Okay my love first things first...stop making excuses! You don't need an expensive gym pass or over priced 'healthy' foods. Walking for 60 minus a day at a pace that makes you breathless but you can still talk can burn up to and over 700 calories.

    Gym memberships are over rated. Want to lift weights..get a couple cans of soup. Want to use the elliptical..go up and down two or the same steps for 15 minutes. Want a treadmill..go outside and walk.

    As for the not being able to afford healthy foods..that is bull. I feed my family of three very healthy well balanced meals on a budget of $200 a month. It all comes down to wise spending. Instead of fresh veggies go with frozen..same for meats. Store brand is just as good as name brand but a whole lot cheaper.

    If you can't afford a good bra, wrap them girls up tight in an ace bandage. Make yourself a workout jar. Each time you workout for at least an hour drop a dollar in it. If you do it every day for a month..get a good bra. Same for shoes.
    Workout shoes don't have to be expensive but have to be comfortable.

    Until you stop feeling sorry for yourself, and quit making excuses, this will be hard.

    I love to help people any way I can. Feel free to friend me. Also check it my pages for a little help.




    :drinker: Amen!
  • brownnee
    brownnee Posts: 1 Member
    I know its hard to hear give up on the excuses. I have stuggled with weight for ever. I was doing jenny craig did well lost 50 pounds in a year but worked out almost every day along with the "super expensive" food program. now 5 years later I lost my only daughter to illness, changed jobs 3 times, gained all the weight back, have been drinking myself to death, got breast cancer (luckily got through the treatment and am surviving) and cant afford to buy the proper food. but have given up all grains "gluten free" at first now down to pretty much just corn grain. now i dont even crave bread which i was totally in love with. I dont even want sugar which i also loved, so maybe this is a possible route for you. there was another person in this post talked about frozen and the store brands they work.. bag of chicken breasts, frozen veg especially when stores have great sales $1 or less per bag. If its really bad maybe apply for state help....food stamps..I hate to ask for help but it is not a bad thing if you need it.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    45lbs. youve come so far, why throw all that hard work away?
  • apocalypsepwnie
    I live by a single moto.
    And I apply it to everything I struggle with.

    This is hard. If it was easy everyone would do it.

    We wouldn't need sites like this. Noone would complain about being fat. Health related disease would not exist.

    The only person that can make this choice is you. If you give up, you are chosing to be overweight. If you keep going with what you have you are chosing to be thinner. Faster. Healthier.
    Then when it's all said and done, and you are a winner you can stand back and say with full faith 'If I can lose weight, anyone can'.

    You have to want it.

    I don't live in the same country but I know that 'I can't afford healthy food' is a load of crap. I feed my family of 5 on the same amount of money I used to feed my boyfriend and I. Smaller meals. Items that I would not usually use such as oats and cous cous stretch further than I could imagine. For the same price of a bag of chips I can now eat a whole lunch/dinner.
    Frozen items are as good as fresh, sometimes better as they are picked at the height of season and frozen quickly so they are the best they can be. They also last longer and are cheaper. Buy house brands. Who cares what's in your cart? Buy in bulk if you can, it may hurt first up but you'll notice the strain on your wallet easing as you move into it.

    With what you have now, eat within your calories. If you want this, you will.
  • got2tryagain
    45lbs. youve come so far, why throw all that hard work away?
    That is actually what she has to lose still but you are right she shouldn't give up. If you want something bad enough you find a way.