Breastfeeding pics - Curious



  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member've never had your picture taken while eating? You haven't seen cute pictures of babies/kids eating with a messy face? Whats the difference?

    The baby is eating. Maybe you should never leave your house again as eating in public may cause you some embarrassment.

  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    I have never witnessed a woman be anything but discreet when breast feeding in public, (as much as possible while holding a baby). If you stare long enough............I sure you are bound to see more than she had hoped you would see! To me it's 100% natural and I have ZERO problems with a mother taking care of her childs needs no matter where they are!
  • Sirxx99
    Sirxx99 Posts: 43

    you are looking too much into it.. The act of in public breastfeeding is lazy. Why not go to the car, cover up, use a dressing room at a department store there are several almost unlimited alternatives. To chose not to exercise those options can be viewed as being lazy. I cannot think of any reason or situation a woman would have that would require her to not be descrete. While someone may come up with something very one off 99% of all situations can be controlled. If it is because she doesnt care then fine. I never said it is wrong, however, I would not want my wifes business hanging out for everyone to look at.If you are ready to destroy the elderly over a comment then I would be interested to see what happens when someone looks at your wifes chest.

    Are you ignorant? Tell me this do you actually HAVE any children? You do know that NOT every restroom ever has a seat to sit and feed baby. Not only that but how unsanitary do u think an environment like that is? A breatfed baby need milk EVERY 2-3 hrs. Not only that but in order for proper production of milk momma has to be comfortable! If you were a real father you wouldnt be concerned about who is looking at your wifes breasts, your concern would be for baby.

    Asking a women to put down everything and walk to the car to feed her child is ridiculous, you sir are ridiculous.

    I am a father (as the previous post says) and YES I did have to plan around the childrens feeding times, YES I would ask my wife to cover up (but never had to) as that has nothing to do with the baby eating, YES this was only an OPINION, YES it may be an ignorant comment as I am a male and could not breast feed my kids, YES you can free bird if you want to, YES I have had to drop everything I was doing to take care of my kids (that is what a parent does), YES I would expect the mother to do the same,YES it is hard work planning everythign you do around a babies eating schedule, YES this thread is ridiculous arguing about opinions but NO I did not keep my baby out for 2-3 hrs without a plan on how to keep them well provided for, NO I dont think a womans job is easier than a mans, NO I would not be "comfortable" in public if it were me, NO I am not offended if a woman wants to breastfeed in the middle of Times Square.
    PS I did not mention a restroom I mentioned a dressing room and they are all more than willing to accomodate. It was an example. I have planned around many scenario's. Tell me this.... Where are you that you are out and about for 2-3 hrs **IN PUBLIC** without an option to at some point make a consious effort to be discreet.

    What most angry women are failing to see is that I am not knocking you. You are just seeing a man post about what he has had to do with his kids because he never had those options. Breastfeeding is natural, however, do I want my 11 year old boy to see your boobs in public? No, not really but I can explain to him what you're doing. Just not why in the middle of all these people.
  • Sirxx99
    Sirxx99 Posts: 43

    well you can read my prev posts. As well.. I never said it was wrong but in most people and most situations it is laziness. Not taking time to plan ahead. Maybe not every situation but most can be done in private. My original post was also about the women complaining about people looking when they are the ones in public. So tap dance away it is my opinion. I have had 2 kids and I was able to plan thier bottles out BEFORE I did what I wanted or needed to do. Babies have a pretty regular time schedule.

    You are very lucky to have babies with regular schedules. I have 8 children and have not had that experience. We are all different. I try to be discreet. I have had children that have no problem allowing me to use a drape or a blanket over them but I have had some that are screaming maniacs if I try a drape. If people stare that is their problem. I also dislike it when people want to bf in public and then complain if someone looks.
    I just wanted to reiterate that I am only speaking to terms of the females I have seen that have not remotely tried to hide it not the act itself. I just wanted to be clear about what Im speaking on. I have witnessed mothers not trying to cover up at all. I am pro breast feeding in public most mothers I have seen do a great job keeping things under wraps. I am only speaking towards the ones who cross the line of being appropriate.

    This was all I was trying to say. I never said at any point it was unacceptable. I guess I look at things differently and offend people if it didnt come out right over the several posts. I would do anything for my kids at any time they need something. I was always able to time manage my kids for the most part. However the times I wasnt able to I was able to figure out the next possible thing. Dad's cant just breast feed on the spot and it takes a lot of work to plan things out. I wasnt saying it was ok or not ok by any means just dont complain if people look.
    Maybe you didn't mean to say it the way it sounded, but if somebody told my wife she is lazy for breastfeeding, I don't care if it was somebody's grandmother with a walker, she would be wearing it as a headband.

    you are looking too much into it.. The act of in public breastfeeding is lazy. Why not go to the car, cover up, use a dressing room at a department store there are several almost unlimited alternatives. To chose not to exercise those options can be viewed as being lazy. I cannot think of any reason or situation a woman would have that would require her to not be descrete. While someone may come up with something very one off 99% of all situations can be controlled. If it is because she doesnt care then fine. I never said it is wrong, however, I would not want my wifes business hanging out for everyone to look at.If you are ready to destroy the elderly over a comment then I would be interested to see what happens when someone looks at your wifes chest.

    Are you ignorant? Tell me this do you actually HAVE any children? You do know that NOT every restroom ever has a seat to sit and feed baby. Not only that but how unsanitary do u think an environment like that is? A breatfed baby need milk EVERY 2-3 hrs. Not only that but in order for proper production of milk momma has to be comfortable! If you were a real father you wouldnt be concerned about who is looking at your wifes breasts, your concern would be for baby.

    Asking a women to put down everything and walk to the car to feed her child is ridiculous, you sir are ridiculous.

    I am a father (as the previous post says) and YES I did have to plan around the childrens feeding times, YES I would ask my wife to cover up (but never had to) as that has nothing to do with the baby eating, YES this was only an OPINION, YES it may be an ignorant comment as I am a male and could not breast feed my kids, YES you can free bird if you want to, YES I have had to drop everything I was doing to take care of my kids (that is what a parent does), YES I would expect the mother to do the same,YES it is hard work planning everythign you do around a babies eating schedule, YES this thread is ridiculous arguing about opinions but NO I did not keep my baby out for 2-3 hrs without a plan on how to keep them well provided for, NO I dont think a womans job is easier than a mans, NO I would not be "comfortable" in public if it were me, NO I am not offended if a woman wants to breastfeed in the middle of Times Square.
    PS I did not mention a restroom I mentioned a dressing room and they are all more than willing to accomodate. It was an example. I have planned around many scenario's. Tell me this.... Where are you that you are out and about for 2-3 hrs **IN PUBLIC** without an option to at some point make a consious effort to be discreet.

    What most angry women are failing to see is that I am not knocking you. You are just seeing a man post about what he has had to do with his kids because he never had those options. Breastfeeding is natural, however, do I want my 11 year old boy to see your boobs in public? No, not really but I can explain to him what you're doing. Just not why in the middle of all these people.

    I just wanted to clarify that I am only speaking on the subject about the women who cross the line of being appropriate. Most mothers do a great job of keeping everything covered I am great with that. I was only speaking to the ones think they are entitled to let it all hang out.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member

    What most angry women are failing to see is that I am not knocking you. You are just seeing a man post about what he has had to do with his kids because he never had those options. Breastfeeding is natural, however, do I want my 11 year old boy to see your boobs in public? No, not really but I can explain to him what you're doing. Just not why in the middle of all these people.

    I just wanted to clarify that I am only speaking on the subject about the women who cross the line of being appropriate. Most mothers do a great job of keeping everything covered I am great with that. I was only speaking to the ones think they are entitled to let it all hang out.

    I understood what you were talking about but it is good that you clarified.

    I had someone tell me I should go to a bathroom to feed one of my kids when I had a cover completely covering myself. I asked why and they said, "I know what you are doing under there and it's gross!" REALLY??? You know what I'm doing under a drape? The baby could be sleeping? It ticked me off so I took the drape off and continued to feed the baby without it. People like that drive me nuts!
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    14 pages of debate? Meh..they are just breasts. No secret half the population has them. Big deal. North America needs to chill. I would much rather see you breastfeed than listen to your hungry screaming baby. As for posting pictures...again... there are lots more offensive things out there. Want me to find you some?
  • Sirxx99
    Sirxx99 Posts: 43

    I just wanted to clarify that I am only speaking on the subject about the women who cross the line of being appropriate. Most mothers do a great job of keeping everything covered I am great with that. I was only speaking to the ones think they are entitled to let it all hang out.

    I understood what you were talking about but it is good that you clarified.

    I had someone tell me I should go to a bathroom to feed one of my kids when I had a cover completely covering myself. I asked why and they said, "I know what you are doing under there and it's gross!" REALLY??? You know what I'm doing under a drape? The baby could be sleeping? It tickd me off so I took the drape off and continued to feed the baby without it. People like that drive me nuts!

    Yes I should have clarified way back on the first post. My experience was a younger mother (early 20's maybe?) talking on her cell phone in the mall while I was walking my with my kids. She was not paying attention to her baby and it was all out there. I understand people are taking care of their kids but so am I. I said from the first post I was ok with it but there is a line if that line is crossed other options need to be implimented.. Most moms are good about it and you really cant see anything a bra doesnt cover.... But this time that was not the case. There are great moms out there... Not all of them are though.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    just stop
  • As far as breastfeeding pics on FB or the like, I don't necessarily want to see them, but I'm not offended. I just scroll on.

    As far as breastfeeding in public, it's not offensive to me. It's a mom taking care of her child. The baby doesn't know that he/she is in a public setting. The baby just knows that he/she is hungry! I would much rather see a child being breastfed than hear a baby screaming because the mom is supposed to worry about strangers being offended by a non-sexual function of her breast.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    it is crazy how some make breast feeding a sexual act. It is simply feeding a child, granted there are perks outside of feeding, but primary use if you have a baby is to FEED the child.

    Society needs to get over it !!!
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I rarely use my facebook but If I saw someone on facebook breastfeeding then I would delete them. If I don't want to see them then I do not have to. Same thing applies to stupid club photos and tasteless nude pics. No need for debate.
  • hlandry6
    hlandry6 Posts: 230
    Not something that belongs on fb.
  • JillTwiss
    JillTwiss Posts: 139 Member
    I felt the same way with my first. By the third, I didn't give a crap. No, I didn't want anyone seeing my breasts, and I covered myself, but my baby being fed was more important to me than what someone else thought.

    If I had to choose, I'd rather see a photo of a mother breastfeeding her child than a photo of someone dressed very provocatively acting "slutty" which I see on FB every day. I'd also much rather see a baby breastfeeding than being bottlefed.

    Would I post photos? No. But I also wouldn't post photos of myself in a bathing suit (even if I were thin) just because I'm a very modest and self-conscious person.
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    This topic makes me hungry. Am I the only one? :drinker:
  • Zerashen
    Zerashen Posts: 59 Member
    I believe it's up to the mother, but yeah, I either scroll past it or remove that person's updates. It's something that I don't mind if people do, whether public or not, but I can easily avoid looking at.

    and that's my main point. I can always look away, and that's a better reaction than telling the baby what they can or cannot eat. :p
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Breastfeeding is normal.

    I have no issues with seeing people feed their children. Why should I? Not women's fault society has made breastfeeding a crime.


    I also think it's beautiful, and it makes me smile.
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    It's about normalizing it.
    I think it is great that they are comfortable sharing this with people. People need to accept breastfeeding as a natural, healthy part of life. I think it's sad that most women do not feel comfortable breastfeeding in public. Too many people use formula because it is inconvenient to breast feed and even frowned upon. Good on these women who post photos on facebook.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    boobs were made to feed babies. and that's it.
    that being said, i still feel uncomfortable about it. but that's my problem. my feelings projected on me by the views of others in society.
    i work in a child care center where the lead teacher feeds her daughter (who is a young age) in front of other children and me. i felt really uncomfortable about it at first, but then it just didn't... maybe it was because i grew to love the little girl and teacher...?
    i wish i was more tolerant about the ones around me and looked at things from their point of view. as should everyone
  • RunnerInVT
    RunnerInVT Posts: 226 Member
    I breastfed my kids and was able to cover up very well. Most of the time I would find a quiet corner if I got caught out during feeding time and only once did I need to feed a child at a table. From a young age kids can be taught to use one of those nursing blankets without problem. I have an issue with women who's older child flings her shirt way up and grabs her breast with a lot of noise and show. That is when my kids who are trying to have dinner get embarrassed.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    It's about normalizing it.
    I think it is great that they are comfortable sharing this with people. People need to accept breastfeeding as a natural, healthy part of life. I think it's sad that most women do not feel comfortable breastfeeding in public. Too many people use formula because it is inconvenient to breast feed and even frowned upon. Good on these women who post photos on facebook.

    ^succinctly put.