I'm never going to be thin or fit...



  • karmahunger
    karmahunger Posts: 373 Member
    I am doing it...I was just saying thanks for the grocery ideas haha.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Two days is a drop in the bucket of 365..... get back on it tomorrow! You can do it! It's the first day back that's the hardest, but you can do it. You're the only person standing in the way of what you want to accomplish! :)

    Exactly. So what? You had an indulgent weekend. It was thinking like this that held me back for so long. You can do this!
  • Slim140
    Slim140 Posts: 66 Member
    You lost 52 lbs....its ok to get off program once in awhile....you are way ahead of us. Now if you had only lost 5 lbs then ate out of control i could see you feeling that way....But 52 lbs!!!!
  • vidalia68
    vidalia68 Posts: 1 Member
    Here's something you might try. Lower your goal from the 52 lbs you have listed. Maybe start with 10. Not such a daunting number to look at. When you reach that goal...set a 10 lb goal again. Repeat til you get where you want to be.
  • I've had a rough couple weeks lately too- so don't worry, one or two bad days won't be the end of you unless you let it! One day I just told myself I have to stop the behavior that's sending me in the wrong direction. I told myself I have to start getting back under my calorie goal and start going to the gym. And then, most importantly, I did it. I made myself go to the gym, only to find out I've gotten really out of shape. I got back under my calorie goal. And it's not as easy as sitting around and stuffing my face, but it's so worth it. I feel so much better when I'm working out regularly compared to how I've felt the last few weeks. I really liked how much better I had been feeling and even looking, and how much stronger I was. And I liked how proud i felt of myself when I stayed under goal. And I recognised how yucky I felt when I ate badly and stopped working out. It seems easier to let it all go because it is easier. But it's definitely not as rewarding and it's definitely not worth it. You're worth more than this!! All it takes is just to do it. Don't overthink it- just go to the gym, just go back to eating better. I find that the more I think about it, the easier it becomes to rationalize letting it all go. Just trust the program, trust the lifestyle change, and trust yourself!
  • jade_131
    jade_131 Posts: 59 Member
    Be strong! You can do it!!!
    =)) Be strong and stun everyone~
    learn from your mistakes ^^
  • Dont ever give up dear! You are worth it so much! Hard days will come and go. Just remember that you are doing amazing!!!! Postive thinking! :)
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    Everyone has bad days. Saying "oh no, I pigged out I may as well stop trying" is the equivalent to dropping your mobile phone on the ground, saying "oh well" and smashing it until it breaks.

    If you really want this, you have to commit to it for the long term. And yes, there will be days when you cheat, and there will be things like birthdays and weddings and life events where you may eat a bad thing or two. I like to call those "real life choices" because even when you reach your goal, you are still going to be faced with the task of maintaining your weight!

    Think of this as a life style and not just a diet and you will get there. It all depends on your attitude.
  • karmahunger
    karmahunger Posts: 373 Member
    Everyone has bad days. Saying "oh no, I pigged out I may as well stop trying" is the equivalent to dropping your mobile phone on the ground, saying "oh well" and smashing it until it breaks.

    Haha love that visual.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Here's something you might try. Lower your goal from the 52 lbs you have listed. Maybe start with 10. Not such a daunting number to look at. When you reach that goal...set a 10 lb goal again. Repeat til you get where you want to be.

    THIS! That's what I'm doing right now. I'm setting little goals so it's not so overwhelming to me.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    "If you're walking down the steps and trip...do you figure awww what the hell and throw yourself down the rest of the steps"........or do you just become more careful and more vigilant??
  • FutureMrsWarby
    FutureMrsWarby Posts: 96 Member
    "If you're walking down the steps and trip...do you figure awww what the hell and throw yourself down the rest of the steps"........or do you just become more careful and more vigilant??

    lmao, this made me laugh.
  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member
    losing weight is not a target.
    it is vague.
    stop being vague.

    Getting in shape is like saving up for something. You can do it, there will be set backs, but overall you'll get there.
    Don't start saving for a super yacht, start saving for a row boat!
    Then work up, this is lifestyle, not a one off.

    Write down what you want, why you want it, when you can get it and how you'll do it.

    This isn't for you, this is an example, make your own, do what you want with this. Put weight training in (you can make a sandbag very cheaply, it's any weight you want it to be).

    Bad Statement:
    I want to lose weight because I feel fat

    Good Statement:
    I want to lose 6lbs of fat, 2" off my arms, 4" off my waist, 1" off my legs.
    I wish to do this to improve my self esteem and fitness.
    I will start today & complete this by the 1st December 2012!
    I will exercise with the following timetable:-
    Mon - @ 6am I will run for 20 minutes as fast as I can at the local park
    Tue - @ 8pm, I will do 100 burpees at home as quickly as I can
    Wed - @ 7pm I will use my old skipping rope on the grass for 20 minutes
    Thu - @ 6:30pm train with my local boot camp
    Fri - rest day (no exercise, but I will use the internet to research new ways to exercise)
    Sat - @ run stop/start for 45 minutes
    Sun - @9am I will use an exercise DVD at home

    I will control my calorie input through the week:-
    I will eat all my calories through the week including my exercise calories.
    I will not go over my allowance, if I do, I will not let it stress me, it will not stop my progress.
    I will remove as much processed food from my diet over this period.
    I will remove grains from my diet and replace them with vegetables.
    One day a week is my blow-out day, I may eat what I want on this day, there are no calorie restrictions.

    At the end of this 6 week period, I will reassess my needs and build a NEW plan.

    I hope I've helped, but at the end of the day, it is up to you to own your body :)
    good luck
  • Spiritwarrior3000
    Spiritwarrior3000 Posts: 322 Member
    The longer you diet for the more self-control you'll get. I love junk food i could eat it every single day and i used to eat junk food like 6 days aweek although i was always on the move so i did'nt gain weight that fast, but now i've been eating healthy for awhile i have become a better eating and am starting to control myself. You dont need alot of money to lose weight because you dont need diet suppliments or speacial branded diet snacks, you just need fruit , veg and a healthy eating plan. In terms of gym, i know some people who workout at home and have got amazing results. Home workouts are free and you dont need any equipment. Do cardio moves such as: jumping jacks, jogging, mountain climbers, burpees.

    Healthy eating is about making better choices not about how much money you have. Become like a diet jedi and control the ways of your eating. :) Goodluck!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I should mention, it's feeling impossible because I can't AFFORD healthy food. I can't AFFORD a gym pass. All I can do walk, I can't run because I don't have a proper bra, which I need. I can't afford one. Don't even have runners. All the food I have is salty and bad...

    I'm supporting 3 adults on a government pension while trying to pay every bill & rates (we own the house outright) as well as put my son through school. I can't afford NOT to eat healthy. I eat chicken thighs...have done since day 1 of this.... not breasts cause they cost 2 much. I have onions, tomatoes, garlic & capsicum as my main foods....every day. Every single day 2 meals a day. For 8 months.

    I afford 3 pairs of runners a month because I go through that many.... they cost me $20 each... nothing fancy... they do the job for my running. I get all my workouts from youtube & shop for my gym equipment on ebay...even if it takes 2 months to get here. I have 6 sports bras.... only cause my last ones died.... plus they were bigger than I was. They last AGES even with my workouts.

    You can't afford healthy or gym...... nor can I...but scrap the gym...you dont NEED it. Cook in a budget.... eat the same thing every day if you have to..... but don't ever make the excuse that it costs so much..... I get $500 every 2 weeks for 3 adults to survive on....

    BTW I should mention that I am doing all this with a back injury that has had me out of work for 3 years & made it so I cant ever work again in a manual job... the kind I love. Excuses are for the weak.
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    If you decide to give up, then that's on you, and if you do give up - then you'll be right - you'll never be thin or fit. Your ticker say 27 lbs to go, which indicates (to me) that your goal was 30ish to lose. That's not all that much; there are people on here who have lost hundreds of lbs. If they can do this, so can you. (If any of us can do this, so can you.)

    I suggest ditching the negatives (can't, don't, never) and start focusing on the positives; like you are ABLE to walk. Walking is a terrific form of exercise. There are plenty of other types of exercises you can do for yourself without gym equipment. You apparently have internet, start searching for ideas.

    Also, if I were you, I'd change your ticker to lbs lost instead of lbs to go. Yours gives you a seemingly overwhelming number to face daily. By seeing lbs lost each day, you can celebrate your success.

    You won't reach your goal overnight; that's not what it's about here, but if you quit - you'll not reach your goal either - right? What harm is it doing you to stick with it? :wink:

    I hope you get your thoughts turned around and realize you are worth the effort. Peace. :flowerforyou:
  • bizlee
    bizlee Posts: 1
    I know how you feel. Might just join you.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    thats a choice. so really you should say "I've made the choice I don't want to be thin or fit"

    its your body and your life, you are in control so in the end whatever the result, you chose that and did it to yourself. good luck.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Like others have said, it's basically up to you. Realize that you'll have good days and bad, ups and downs. As you continue to work out and eat healthy it'll get easier. But a bad meal, a bad day, even a bad week doesn't mean you need to give up forever. There's always time to get back on track again.

    I just lost 16 lbs in about 8 weeks by eating healthy and exercising-but I was eating super healthy, and working out 5 days a week-and even doing 2 a days on 3-5 of those days (I had to make weight for a Navy weigh-in).

    point is, it's work and it will always be work-there are days you'll have to stop yourself from eating stuff you shouldn't or days when you'll have to force yourself to work out when you'd rather not. The choice is yours, it's not easy, but it is worth it.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Take it one day at a time and know that just because you are not under your calorie count at will be ok. A friend of mine that was a body builder and personal trainer said it takes 90 days to create a habit and 3 days to break it. Do all you can to get those first 90 days in and go from there. Also, I am a diabetic and I know when my blood sugar is up I am not only hungry but I am hungry for sweet food. You may want to look into that or use your counter to see how many carbs you are taking in. The high end for a woman was somewhere between 40-45 carbs per meal, 10-12 per snack. Good luck.