Has anyone been successful without becoming a Gym Bunny?



  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I rarely ever get to go to the gym. With full time college courses, kids and the house I have a lot going on. I work out in my house with a treadmill on bad weather days, stationary bike, mountain bike around town on our trails, have free weights in the house, stretch bands, stability ball and DVD's. I keep saying I'm going to get to the gym this week but then I have an exam to study for. I always feel guilty when I go out instead of staying home to study. I hope after mid terms I can get a couple hours in at the gym.
  • 8Spokes
    8Spokes Posts: 35
    I'm easily bored with workout tapes and doing light weight and/or calisthenics and being in a gym feeds my competitive drive. I also like getting out of the house!

    Besides, I don't have room in my house for a squat rack and all the weights I'd want for my typical 4-5 day/week workout. ;)
  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
    I rarley go to the gym.....I do my workouts in the basement.............

    I am fine motivating myself with workout DVD programs......this is hard for some people.....
  • 1. high protein, low carb diet (and calorie counting)
    2. weight lifting, yes, even if you're a girl. find someone who lifts, get them to train, you should start with ss (starting strength)
    deadlifts, squats and bench presses.

    you only need to go three times a week

    (at least not much)
  • To be honest, no. Not me anyway but that's because I'm just not motivated enough to do enough working out at home. I'm at the gym and I really get into it and stay there longer than I should. But that doesn't mean someone else couldn't get a good enough burn at home on their own.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Oh also... Sometimes a financial commitment to a gym membership or some kind of class schedule is what helps people stay on track. If I had to motivate myself by doing a DVD at home I'd probably end up sitting on the couch with a bag of Doritos
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Never been to the gym either. Lost over 120lbs. All on the bike and good food :-)
    Wow! What an inspiration! Congrats! :)
  • I don't think it will work for me without working out because i dont get enough food (calorie wise).
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I wouldn't say I've been "successful" yet; but, I've had success over the last month. And... I've been exercising A LOT. I've been to the gym only once, though. I walk, strength train (with body weight exercises), and use my fitness ball. So... I wouldn't say that I've been a "gym bunny"; but, exercise is very important.
  • There are so many ways to lose weight and the gym is not a must in reaching goals...I sometimes do the gym, especially since its free for me...but when i'm out of the mood for the gym environment I do dvds and free weights at home and still lose weight and tone.....my dad is the perfect example...hes NEVER set foot in a gym and has been doing workout videos for at least 25 years and looks amazing...so the gym isn't for everyone but there are still so many other ways to approach being fit and looking great...best wishes on reaching your goals!!!
  • lisavirani
    lisavirani Posts: 117 Member
    I actually cancelled my gym membership the day I started MFP because I never went to it and i knew I was just wasting my money. I don't work out reguarly like I should, and I am still losing weight. I have just been eating healthy and clean, and watching calories/fat/sugar. I have lost 33 pounds in 4 months... just by diet alone. So yes, it is definitely possible. I would advise working out at home to tone up though. Even though I have lost 33, I am still flabby and I know working out would help with that. Good luck!
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    It all depends what you mean by... !

    I go to the gym 3 times a week but even though I am not as tall as I was 20 years ago, I haven't reached 5' 6" yet.

    I lost 0.1kilo in the last week and judging by the previous month THAT is success.

    It is all relative
  • amselby81
    amselby81 Posts: 150 Member
    She said that she defines a gym bunny as someone who works out more than 3 times a week, even outside of the gym. So basically, she's talking about an "exercise bunny." I do not go to the gym, but I try to exercise at least 3 times a week. I've lost weight before w/o exercising, but I never reached my goal. I got within 25 lbs of my goal, and then the weight stopped coming off. Then I gained almost all of it back when I fell off of the counting calories wagon. Physical activity is so good for you! It helps relieve stress, helps build muscle, strengthens the heart, and bones. You might lose weight, but you won't be strong w/o exercise. You'll be thinner, but still jiggly.
  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    I don't go to the gym. I like to play sports, and I've recently taken up running through the Couch to 5k program. So I do exercise at least 3 times a week.

    If you don't want to exercise, I personally think that you have to at least take a 20 minute moderate pace, brisk, or speed walk every day of the week. Counting calories will allow you to drop some weight, but if you want to reach your goal, you'll have to do some exercise.

    Find a workout/running/walking buddy if you need motivation.
  • I've been temped a few times but have never joined a gym. You will notice a general theme in the answers though that exercise is important. Dieting alone will get you just so far but your body will try to achieve a balance at whatever food intake level you use. There will come a time when the choice is to get more active or starve. Believe me, I know. I had to face that choice myself. Now I try to cycle at least 10 miles, 5 days a week and if I can't do that I try to make up the balance on the treadmill. I can get great enjoyment from cycling but I hate the treadmill with a passion. Either way the benefits to my health make the effort worth it, hate it or not.

    Some from of regular activity or exercise will likely have to become part of your life. My best suggestion is to find something or things you like right now and start doing them at a very basic level. Listen to your body and build your activity from there.

    I agree that exercise can really suck sometimes but just remember; being fat sucks worse in all cases....
  • cindiva65
    cindiva65 Posts: 335 Member
    I don't think you have to necessarily go to a gym, but I know I do much better when I incorporate exercise along with my diet. I can lose some weight by just diet changes alone but in order to tone up and such I definitely need to work out in some respect.
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,719 Member
    I have thought about joining a gym, but haven't. I would like it more for the social aspect, than the actual working out part. I have just found myself wanting to be around people, the more I feel like getting out.

    It hasn't stopped me from losing weight. Of course, I get exercise, walking, using one of my own machines, heavy bag, hiking. You can get fit anywhere!
  • mjzwilton
    mjzwilton Posts: 2 Member
    I lost 130 lbs. two years ago. I never joined a gym. All I did was walk. Started with my driveway, which is 700 ft, the gradually worked up to 7 miles a day. I lost it in 11 months. I had a baby in February, so I gained a lot of it back. Working to get it off again. Considering a gym this time, only for the support of friends.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    i run outside a few times a week, box once a week and count calories. I don't think I'd define myself as a gym bunny.
    but i would say I've been successful.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I :heart: the gym!