10 Pounds for Halloween!



  • umadumamilla
    umadumamilla Posts: 5 Member

    9-11-2012: 153 lbs
    10-15-2012: 147 lbs

    Over half way there!!
  • cecimaguina
    cecimaguina Posts: 81 Member
    Hello, here is my update for this week:

    SW: 9/10 : 175
    9/17: 172 (3lbs loss & 12lbs to go)
    9/24: 170 (2lbs loss & 10lbs to go)
    10/1: 169.6 (0.4lbs loss & 9.6lbs to go)
    10/8: 170.2 (0.6lbs GAIN & 10.2lbs to go) CRAP!!
    10/15: 168.6 (1.6lbs loss & 8.6lbs to go)....Feeling good about my progress!
    10/31: (Halloween Goal: 160lbs)

    Working out 6 days a week and eating as healthy as possible is paying off. Lots of water too!
    Good luck everyone!
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    Today's weigh in ....

    Sept. 11- sw 169.1
    Forgot to weigh in next week
    Sept. 24th- 170.4 - Wrong direction scale!!!!
    Oct. 2 - 168.4
    Oct. 9.- 170.9
    Oct. 16 - 168.7

    Yay!!! I went in the right direction!!!!
  • jessmastrilli
    jessmastrilli Posts: 203 Member
    SW: 150 lbs
    GW: 140 lbs
    9-10: 149
    9-17: 147
    9-24: 146
    10-1: 144
    10-8: 143.4
    10-15: 143.4
    TOTAL: 6.6 pounds lost

    Well I did not lose anything this week. I decided to figure out my TDEE and BMR #'s and I'm going to do that for a while. I really don't think I'm going to lose the 3.4 lbs in a week. Next Friday I leave for Florida so I won't be able to weigh myself on the 29th. But I'm happy that I lost at least 6.6 lbs!

    As this is drawing to a close, I want to invite you guys to join my group. It's a weight loss challenge that goes by months. Right now we are on the 2nd week, but you may join and wait until the next month starts to join in the competition. It's a lot of fun :)

    URL: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/8851-monthly-weight-loss-challenge
  • jennibee70
    jennibee70 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Forgot to check-in on Sunday.

    30/9/12 SW 179 lbs
    7/10/12 Still 179 lbs
    14/10/12 177 lbs

    My target was 173 lbs, I suppose 2 lbs a week is possible, but probably not likely. I'll try to be stricter with myself and not skip any exercise classes (so much harder to convince myself to go out on these dark, cold nights), but I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't get there.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    SW: 189
    CW: 188
    GW: 179

    Don't think I'll get there but I had a rough couple of weeks in the middle of this challenge where I gained everything back and then some. It's starting to make its way down.
  • melodylyn73
    melodylyn73 Posts: 505 Member
    YEAH I reached my haloween goal weight today!!!
  • jessmastrilli
    jessmastrilli Posts: 203 Member
    YEAH I reached my haloween goal weight today!!!

    Awesome Congrats!!! :D
  • jennibee70
    jennibee70 Posts: 1,067 Member
    30/9/12 SW 179 lbs
    7/10/12 Still 179 lbs
    14/10/12 177 lbs
    21/10/12 175 lbs

    I was originally aiming for 6 lbs loss, I now think that was over ambitious but that's 4 lbs off in 4 weeks, which I think is pretty good. Don't have any plans yet though, so haven't bought the sexy-snow-white costume. I'll check in again on the 31st.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Lol, oh look! Weight loss ISN'T. LINEAR.
  • katealbright
    katealbright Posts: 134 Member
    Wish I'd found this earlier. My goal has been to get under 135 by halloween and today I weighed in at 136.6. I've been slowing down a lot in the last few weeks, but that's to be expected because my goal is 130. Getting tough!
  • jessmastrilli
    jessmastrilli Posts: 203 Member
    SW: 150 lbs
    GW: 140 lbs
    9-10: 149
    9-17: 147
    9-24: 146
    10-1: 144
    10-8: 143.4
    10-15: 143.4
    10-22: 142.4
    TOTAL: 7.6 pounds lost

    This is pretty much the last time I will be weighing in. I leave for vacation on Friday and won't be back until November 4th. While I'm happy that I lost 7.6 pounds since Labor Day, I am still kind of sad that I didn't reach my goal of 140. I tried the TDEE method this past week and I'm happy that i'm off my plateau. I only wish I would have researched it a while ago and probably would have lost to my goal weight. Oh well, here is to 7.6 gone and many more to go!! :) Have a great Halloween everyone!!
  • cecimaguina
    cecimaguina Posts: 81 Member
    SW: 9/10 : 175
    9/17: 172 (3lbs loss & 12lbs to go)
    9/24: 170 (2lbs loss & 10lbs to go)
    10/1: 169.6 (0.4lbs loss & 9.6lbs to go)
    10/8: 170.2 (0.6lbs GAIN & 10.2lbs to go) CRAP!!
    10/15: 168.6 (1.6lbs loss & 8.6lbs to go)....Feeling good about my progress!
    10/22: 168.0 (0.6lbs loss & 8lbs to go)
    10/31: (Halloween Goal: 160lbs)
    TOTAL LOST: 7 Lbs. as of today :wink:

    Overall I feel great about my progress, I would've wished for a little bit more than 0.6 but at least is something. I felt pretty crampy yesterday and bloated..uggg! so I guess it should be more than that my next Monday.

    Good luck this week everyone!
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    Yay!!! I LIKE todays weigh in!!

    Sept. 11- sw 169.1
    Forgot to weigh in next week
    Sept. 24th- 170.4 - Wrong direction scale!!!!
    Oct. 2 - 168.4
    Oct. 9.- 170.9
    Oct. 16 - 168.7
    Oct 23 - 166.2

    Thank you to everyone for the accountability here. The weekly weigh ins are keeping me on track.
    My body weight hasn't really changed that much, but my body has definitely been changing. I have been lifting weights so I wasn't too surprised that the scale didn't move much at the beginning. It looks like it has started figuring it out.
  • jessmastrilli
    jessmastrilli Posts: 203 Member
    SW: 150 lbs
    GW: 140 lbs
    9-10: 149
    9-17: 147
    9-24: 146
    10-1: 144
    10-8: 143.4
    10-15: 143.4
    10-22: 142.4
    10-29: 140
    TOTAL: 10 pounds lost

    I made my goal!!! I decided to weigh in right before my vaca to see where I'm at.. and walla, I'm at 140!! So crazy!! Have a great Halloween everyone :D
  • cecimaguina
    cecimaguina Posts: 81 Member
    SW: 150 lbs
    GW: 140 lbs
    9-10: 149
    9-17: 147
    9-24: 146
    10-1: 144
    10-8: 143.4
    10-15: 143.4
    10-22: 142.4
    10-29: 140
    TOTAL: 10 pounds lost

    I made my goal!!! I decided to weigh in right before my vaca to see where I'm at.. and walla, I'm at 140!! So crazy!! Have a great Halloween everyone :D

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! WOW! 10lbs is a lot!! and you did it! So happy for you!
  • meeksfour
    meeksfour Posts: 59 Member
    Game on! No costume for me, however I might be in a few pics with my boys on Halloween. I have a mini goal to be -20 lbs by next fri sept 14th, so I will go from there. Let's make it 12.5 lbs lost by our due date of Halloween. Also, just did day one of C25K.

    Argh! Here we go....

    Current weight: 180.5 (yuck yuck yuck!!!!)
    Goal weight: 168

    The above was start date. I have reached my goal mini goal a bit early so I hope to keep the momentum going. Have a reward weekend in two days, going to a concert with husband. Can't wait!

    Start weight (9/3) 180.5
    Current weight (9/11) 178.0
    Goal weight (10/31) 168.0

    To all on this post.... Great job on your loss so far and keep after it.

    Current weight (9/18) 176.5 Had an awesome weekend, with great music and a few food splurges.

    Slow and steady, stay focused everybody!

    Current weight (9/25) 176.5 the same :(

    Had a weird week, had a cut on my finger and doc didn't like how it was healing so he put me on heavy antibiotics that make you sick. So have eaten to settle stomach and that was not good and on top of that I have either not worked out or not as hard as I should. Last night doc ended up cutting it all out and new meds kept me up all night sick, so sticking to Advil, but have to stay on the antibiotics another week.

    Everyone keep after it, there is plenty of time to reach our goals.

    Current weight 176.0 minus 0.5 I will take it.

    As of 10/26 I am at 173.5 so a total loss of 7 pounds. Not bad.

    We have 5 days to bust a move and reach our goal!

    This is hard work, be proud of yourself for how far you all have come. Have a successful weekend.
  • meeksfour
    meeksfour Posts: 59 Member
    You are awesome! I will do the happy dance for you, have a great vacation. Take lots of pictures.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Start weight: 328.2
    Goal weight: 318.2
    09/17 327
    09/24 328.2
    10/01 328.0
    10/08 326.2
    10/15 327.6
    10/28 328


    For some reason this is not working, I joined the thread, but not losing?
  • cecimaguina
    cecimaguina Posts: 81 Member
    SW: 9/10 : 175
    9/17: 172 (3lbs loss & 12lbs to go)
    9/24: 170 (2lbs loss & 10lbs to go)
    10/1: 169.6 (0.4lbs loss & 9.6lbs to go)
    10/8: 170.2 (0.6lbs GAIN & 10.2lbs to go) CRAP!!
    10/15: 168.6 (1.6lbs loss & 8.6lbs to go)....Feeling good about my progress!
    10/22: 168.0 (0.6lbs loss & 8lbs to go)
    10/29: 166.6 (1.4lbs loss & 6.6lbs to go)
    10/31: (Halloween Goal: 160lbs)

    As of 10/29 and 7 weeks into this challenge I've lost a total of 8.4lbs! I went from 175lbs to 166.6lbs - an average of 1.2lbs a week!
    Although I was really hoping for 15lbs loss, I guess I was being a little too ambitious, I am extremely happy with this progress.

    I'll weigh-in again on the 31st just to get to the actual date and see if there's a bit more of a weight loss and close my gap a little bit more.
    I'll also check the week where I lost the most weight...week of 9/10 (the very first one) and look at what I ate and did to lose 3lbs in just 7 days!

    Overall feeling great about myself and my progress!

    New goal: 5 weeks for a 8.6lbs loss!!!! Go from 166.6lbs to 158lbs!! I can do this!!!