Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I think we are all going to have our ups and downs but we need to stick to it. Short term we can have great weeks where we lose 3 pounds or bad weeks where we gain a pound. But long term it will even out and it will be DOWN. We have to commit to this long term! I know I feel frustrated with the scale and with myself ALOT, but i do not want to be this heavy (EVeR AAgain) and i cannot give up unless I am giving in to being unhappy with myself! Here it is........'

    SW- 185
    CW- 176.8

    3/10 mini- goal- 170

    I missed my goal, but I am still down! Gotta remember to be proud of what was successful. Lets stay accountable to each other and check in everyday if we can! Good luck today!
  • well, only down .5 of a lb. better than nothing though! new weight is 193.5
    mini goal : 189 by march 10th

    I am ready to fix the mistakes i made this week so I can can kick next weeks butt!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Missy and Fit_in_2010, you are amazing. You all are really I just read their posts last. I don't feel like I'm becoming stressed about not losing weight, I'm becoming obsessed. Every night before I go to sleep I talk to my husband about my goals, should I change my numbers, exercise levels, activity level...I'm going nuts. I just want to lose weight, and although I'm going on vacay in July, I want to do it the right way even if that means it's not all gone by then. It's my time of month too and I'm just beating myself up. I remind myself a hundred times a day I can do this, but when I weigh in every Wednesday and the scale doesn't move I feel like crap. But you're right, it's not about the scale moving. It's about how I can do 45 on the elliptical somedays and not feel like death, how I finished a really challenging video yesterday and can barely move today, how my husband tells me I don't act or look like the old depressed me and most importantly how before I take a bit of something bad I say to myself, what do I want more: chocolate candy or my life back....I almost always pick my life! Just when I feel maybe I'm not cut out for weightloss I log on and find instant encouragement. Thank you so much for everything and keeping me going when I sometimes don't feel like I want to!

    P.S. I did hit my calorie burn of 200 (actually a lot more) this weekend. I love having the challenges to keep me going. And although the elliptical is my favorite thing to do I just started The Biggest Loser Cardio was amazing. I litterally feel like I can't move today and all I used was myself and a pair of 5lb weights!!! I highly recommend it!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I almost forgot to post my weigh in results.

    Current Weight: 177 (no loss, but hey, no gain!!!)

    Final goal weight: 140

    Mini goal March 10th: 173
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Melissa... I feel your pain! Glad to hear you're still going strong! Keep logging in!

    My stats:
    CW: 191.5 (as of yesterday) - 2.5 lbs loss from last week; I didn't really have a goal for today since I joined recently
    GW: 135 (obviously, I'm all about this number)
    Mini 3/10 Goal: 188
  • Thank all of you for the great encouraging words! I really needed to hear them this morning!! My weight was down to 172.2. So I am happy with it!! I did not meet my goal of 170 by today but I guess that goal was a little to high anyways. My goal for march 10 will be 168. I will be sooooo estatic to be under 170 really. But I will shoot for 168. Good luck to everyone! And WE CAN DO THIS!!!!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    my weight is up this week to 199lb only a pound but mini goal for march 10 is 195lb. It was just one of those weeks I had a hard time with my workouts. I tend to bet myself up if I don't do as good or as much as I planned. Its really hard when I am following someone elses workout plan because if I don't messure up than I feel like I failed.
    so I have started to repeat to myself.

    the only time you truely fail is when you don't try.

    hope everyone has a great workout today.
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    Looks like everyone did good and moving in the right direction. I did lose my goal weight for today and thought it might be a little agressive. Didn't get in my workout last night and probably not tonight either. I will be ready to a long run on Thursday. At least I'm eating good.

    Current Weight: 229.9
    Mini goal on 3/10: 225
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi everyone, and well done to you all !!! I have met my mini goal and am delighted as at times it seemed a very long way a way.
    so here are my weights

    SW 164
    2 Weeks ago 156
    mini goal 2/24 153 Met
    mini goal 3/10 150
    Final Goal 126

    Good Luck for the next two weeks !!
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    GOOD MORNING! Well it goes to show what coke a cola can do to a body. I quit them a week ago! Not even one! My current weight is 115. I know alot of this is the soft drinks and alot also is changing my eating habits. I know the loss will slow down but I am thrilled to get off to a good start! My mimi goal for 3/10 is 112. Can not wait to see our total tomorrow!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    group start 211

    today still 209

    2 week mini goal - 207
  • Hi all. Better week this week.

    CW 192.4 ( Down two from my gain of 4 !)

    Mini Goal 189.00

    Have a great day all!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Weighing in!

    Heaviest Weight (April 2009): 209.9

    02/08 Starting weight: 188.0
    02/10 1st weight in: 186.6 (-1.4 lbs)
    02/17 185.6 (-1.0) (<-- TOM)
    02/24 183.8 (-1.8)
    03/10 (Mini Goal: 180)
    05/19 (Mini goal: 165 -- my 30th birthday!!!)
    07/28 (Mini goal: 155 -- hubby takes the bar exam!!!)
    09/11 (End Goal: 148)

    Didn't quite make my goal this week of 182, but I am down almost 2 lbs, which is still really good. :smile:

    Happy Wednesday, all!
  • Is it too late to join?

    I'm 24 and have a 3 year old son. I have been thin all my life (I look back at pictures of myself and cannot believe I thought I was chubby). My family history is full of obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.. I guess I am the odd one in the family. But as I get older, I realize its not so easy to lose, or even keep a steady weight. I barely fit into any of my clothes these days.. I hate that feeling of having so many clothes but always wearing the same jacket or baggy sweatshirt everyday. Blah. Also, I am getting married next year (July 2011) and by that time I am hoping to have maintained a healthy weight for several months. We all know its easy to lose weight but to keep it off is a challenge. My overall desire to lose weight is to just be healthy and look good. I am 5 foot nothing, 145 pounds. My BMI is 29 (obese) and my CLINICAL "ideal weight" for my height and frame is 95-110. MY "ideal" weight is 115-120 ..I looked at felt my best at this weight. I haven't had my body fat measured but I'm sure its pretty darn high.

    To accomplish my goals, I plan to work out 3-4 times a week (FT mom, FT student, PT job) and watch what I eat BETTER. The weekends are what get me. We are out and about so eat on the run ..

    Mini-Goal (3/10): 140 ..first 5 is water-weight, right?
    Mini-Goal (3/24): 136
    Mini-Goal (4/7): 132
    Mini-Goal (4/21): 130
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    I got way to excited my weight is 215. I am still proud of it and cant wait for the week to start!
  • okay, I went to the doctor yesterday. I weighed 182 pounds! I was shocked! I'm 5'4" inches tall, I'm 55, I have high blood pressure, a disfunctional thyroid and I'm expecting my first grandchild Spet 19. I'm buying a scale this week and keeping an eye on that. I would like to weigh about 138-140. I feel really good at that weight. I knew I was overeating but now I'm at a weight that I never thought I would be. So, I'd like to join this group to help with support and just genreal "I know what you're going through".

    present weight: 182
    weight by September: 138-140
    mini goal: five pounds off first and cutting back the sugar
  • Hi ladies,
    Happy Wednesday and Happy weight in day. I finally have lost some weight which I am pumped about. Here is my weight in information:

    SW 166.8
    LW 167.8
    Weight today 165.8
    Mini Goal - 162
    Goal weight by 9/10 135

    thanks for all the support,
  • erinm
    erinm Posts: 53 Member
    First weigh in for this group.

    Weight as of this week: 202#

    down 4.8 from the previous week.
  • Hi everyone - I'd like in!

    My name is Shannan and I'm 36, married for 11 years, no kids. I work as a lab manager for the dental hygiene department of a college here in Miami (I'm also a hygienist, but don't work in private practice). I was on mfp last year and managed to take off 25 pounds, but 12 have crept back on since I have let my guard down (those little compromises sure add up!). Instead of getting mad at myself (this isn't the first time this has happened) I'm going to kick my own butt here and look forward to some motivation and support from you good people!

    I injured my neck some years ago and in January, it flared up again. Since I've been going to the chiropractor 3x a week, that has replaced going to the gym 3x a week and I'm all jiggly. Tonight is the first time I will be able to get back to exercise in over a month!

    I look forward to getting to know you all better!

    Heaviest - 207
    start - 194
    mini goal 2/24 - uh, that's, like, today
    mini goal 3/10 - 189
    final goal 9/11 - 150
  • You all are so inspiring! I can't wait to join you in your progress.
    Before getting pregnant (in 2008) I lost 50 lbs and made it down to 215. I didn't watch the scale when I was pregnant but got HUGE - bigger than I have ever been. I finally got on the scale again after I finished nursing and was back up to 231.5 lbs. Since then I have been trying to lose on my own. I made it to 185 two weeks ago and celebrated. For the first time since 9th grade I fit in size 10 jeans! But then I went and ate a fancy Valentine's dinner (with dessert!) and pizza over the next weekend and before I knew it I was cheating all the time and gained another 3. Now I am back up to 188 - argh!
    I am having trouble motivating myself to lose again. I have come so far and yet I still have so far to go! I do yoga and pushups/situps every day and go to the gym 1-2x /week. I am a SAHM and try to make every day active. In the summer I used to walk 2-4 miles a day with my baby in the stroller but now in the winter all I can do is circles at the mall. Any advice, inspiration or recommendations for workouts would be fabulous. Hopefully the accountability and fellowship of your group will help more than anything! Thank you!

    Heaviest Weight: 265
    Starting weight 2/22/10: 188
    Mini Goal 3/8/10: 184
    End Goal 8/1/10: 155
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