Burnt out on cottage cheese & fruit, lunch suggestions?



  • capnj1545
    Eat whatever you want as long as it fits in your budget for the day. There are no bad foods, too much of any food is bad. The reason people fail is because they "diet" and try to live on cottage cheese, broccoli and steamed fish. Learn to eat real food in the proper proportions for the rest of your life. If cottage cheese is boring now what is it going to be 10 years from now?

    ^^^ This! You can eat anything you want as long as you dont have health restrictions against anything specifically. It's about fitting things into your daily allowance. If you eat a high calorie/fat lunch, just know you may need to account for this at dinner when you are closer to your calorie count. I eat sandwiches with Bread Thins (which are awesome, and only 100 calories for both flats!) to give me the flavor and food I want, with lower caloric counts.

    Hope this helps!
  • iwillbeaphotographer
    Greek Yogurt is good. It tends to be low calorie (between 80-120 calories) and has more protein in it than processed foods (such as tv dinners or basically anything that comes in a box). I personally like the cherry and lime flavors.Protein keeps you full and speeds up your metabolism!
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    I love sandwiches! I use 100% whole grain, no sugar or molasses or any of that stuff added bread. It's amazing how much bread on the market is lousy, but I happen to prefer whole grain "real" bread so no problem there.

    I go light on the meat, no cheese, a TON of spinach instead of lettuce for crunch and nutrients, some thick sliced tomatoes, and some condiment like mustard or a small amount of mayo (I go for real mayo - again with the sugar in light!)

    Everything in moderation. I can usually get it in for about 250-300 calories, which sits in with my plan nicely.
  • brendajs
    brendajs Posts: 110 Member
    Great ideas!

  • jackjamma
    jackjamma Posts: 11 Member
    An open faced turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread with lettuce tomatoes
  • BeckySBowen
    BeckySBowen Posts: 59 Member
    Lean Cuisine has a Steak Tips Portobello meal with broccoli that comes in at only 160 calories and is pretty low carb. They have several meals at 200 or fewer calories.

    I just ate this today...yummy! And, yogurt for desert. I love most of the Lean Cuisine meals and have to eat fast. I do have to watch my sodium intake when I eat these meals, but overall, they are tasty and filling.

    I also use Nature's Own 40 calorie bread for sandwiches. Great with low sodium deli ham and spicy mustard!
  • beanerific518
    I eat some kind of meat with some kind of veggie. This week it is pot roast with sweet potatoes, carrots and spinach. Last week it was chicken, avacado, broccoli and butternut squash. And I eat some kind of fruit for dessert. I prep my lunches on the weekends so it is grab and go during the week. This also lends itself well to buying fruits and veggies in season and meat that is on sale. No need to choke down Lean Cuisines and canned soups - yuck!
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    Burger, no bun, never boring.

    Love meat. If you don't, you should.
  • hellohappylisa
    hellohappylisa Posts: 141 Member
    Like everyone said, you can eat bread!
    If you want less calories you could do a wheat tortilla instead, or corn for even less.
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    Huge servings of vegetables. Steamed squash, baby carrots, etc. I sometimes will eat an entire half of butternut squash by itself.

    Beans. Garbanzo beans, baked until they are crispy and sprinkle cumin. Red cooked cabbage.
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    try low carb high fiber wraps for bread - La Tortilla Factory makes a good one - also flatout flatbreads are awesome!!

    Turkey/Cheese/tomato - wrapped in lettuce or flatout - careful choosing cheese - some are lower cal than others..

    also for a quick one - do you like hardboiled eggs? peanut butter n apple slices? Personally, I like to keep lunch my lightest meal, so they sometimes tend to look like snacks....but whatever - just experiment a little!!
  • cmcorn26
    cmcorn26 Posts: 253 Member
    i made some homemade refried beans over the weekend. i put it on a whole wheat shell with chopped onions, lettuce, tomatos....whatever else looks good and is healthy. then i have an apple, banana, or a fruit for the desert.
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    I have to agree, Now the weather is turning a bit cooler (getting quite cold actually) I have been batch making soup and freezing it in portions. I am taking that now for lucnh, less hassle than making a salad, but still healthy and low cal but warming and tasty
  • sunshinesquared
    sunshinesquared Posts: 2,733 Member
    Bumping for all of the great ideas!
  • babyhazelz1
    babyhazelz1 Posts: 39 Member
    An Unwhich fron Jimmy Johns. You can have a beach club with no mayo for 200cals. Delish!
  • rowdylibrarian
    rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
    bump for good lunch ideas!
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    try low carb high fiber wraps for bread - La Tortilla Factory makes a good one - also flatout flatbreads are awesome!!

    Turkey/Cheese/tomato - wrapped in lettuce or flatout - careful choosing cheese - some are lower cal than others..

    also for a quick one - do you like hardboiled eggs? peanut butter n apple slices? Personally, I like to keep lunch my lightest meal, so they sometimes tend to look like snacks....but whatever - just experiment a little!!

    Love them! I like to keep lunch pretty light as well, but want it to be filling enough so that I'm not dying by the time dinner rolls around. That's why I went the cottage cheese route for so long because it was low in calories, yet filling. I like my meals to be lighter as the day gets later. So normally I have a big bowl of egg white oatmeal for breakfast with coffee, lunch was cottage cheese & fruit but now I'm going to start making sandwiches on flat bread with turkey & lots of veggies , maybe with a side of baby carrots & dinner is usually fish or chicken with steamed veggies. Snacks are usually anything from fruit, to almonds to greek yogurt.
  • lambgrin
    lambgrin Posts: 1 Member
    20 almonds =100cal
    1 pre pkg PC "blue menu" cheddar =90 cal
    1/2 envy apple =40 cal
    PC Melba toast multi grain pkg (6) =80 cal
    =310 cal. Pretty balanced, pretty easy
    *hope this helps-its my go to "in a rush" lunch.