Goal of 20 lbs down by Christmas...any joiners?



  • lieselLalor
    lieselLalor Posts: 169 Member
    I'm totally in! I really don't think I'll be able to lose that much that quick but this will definitely be a big motivator. I feel renewed right now. I'm163lbs now, goal weight: 143lbs by Christmas!
  • You know what, why the heck not! If I lose even half that by then, I'll be happier than a clam in sand.

    CW: 181.2 lbs
    GW: 161.2 lbs

    And in case it matters, I'll be doing a Monday weigh-in (which means I will be at my hopeful goal by Christmas Eve ^_^)
  • I'm down! :wink:
    Starting Weight: 260
    Goal Weight: 230
  • Oh2BeMaintaining
    Oh2BeMaintaining Posts: 188 Member
    I started this last Monday so Christmas is 10 weeks from my start date. I am a little concerned that I will be able to lose 2 pounds each and every week but this may be exactly what I need to motivate me to exercise.
    Count me in, Start 255 Christmas 235
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    1 pound is now gone after committing yesterday to lose 20 by Christmas. :)
  • FluffyNoMore26
    FluffyNoMore26 Posts: 92 Member
    I want to join!!

    Starting Weight: 220.8
    Goal Weight: 200.8

    Hardest part for me is alcohol intake. I love me a beer, but my waistline does not.
  • elisabeth3204
    elisabeth3204 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in! Weighed-in at 143 today...hope to get to 123 by Christmas!!
  • Im in! I'm going back home to see my family @ Christmas, so I have all the motivation in the world lol
  • belly_buster
    belly_buster Posts: 7 Member
    I am in!
  • 111dani
    111dani Posts: 10
    I'm at 144 right now, my first goal weight is 125. I'd love to reach it by Christmas!
  • hotsassymom
    hotsassymom Posts: 10 Member
    Count me in.

    - Val
  • What the heck, Ill give it a shot!

    SW 161
    christmas weight 141

    That would be awesome!!
  • kareneldridge999
    kareneldridge999 Posts: 10 Member
    id love to join u guys! i am 176 pounds so my target is 156 if i lose 20 pounds. x
  • karlyelindsay
    karlyelindsay Posts: 25 Member
    count me in! currently 159 goal would be 139 by Christmas! good luck everyone!!
  • chessiesmom
    chessiesmom Posts: 5 Member
    I'm definitely in! 20 pounds gone would be the perfect Christmas gift!
  • hi count me in too. start weight 208lbs would like to be 180lbs by christmas but my goal is 150lbs
  • Count me in! :D

    SW: 128 lb

    Goal: 108 lb
  • venturaroo
    venturaroo Posts: 84 Member
    Count me in!! SW = 238.2 GW = 218.2
  • It too late to join and I really don't know anyone on the site... i will have to step on a scale :( but if you don't mind me joining
  • Sarahkov12
    Sarahkov12 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm in! Was down to 181 but after a few weeks of slacking up to 191! Jeez that happened fast! So hard to lose so easy to gain lol! Goal is 171!!!