

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Good morning, Ladies!

    I'm sorry that I still haven't had a chance to get caught up on reading the posts. I may just have to start fresh from here, but hate to miss what I know are many great insights and achievements.

    We had a really nice, relaxing time in Mexico. The Caribbean was a gorgeous turquoise, as always, and we had an enjoyable time just sitting on the beach, watching people and reading. I have a really attentive pool guy (maybe just nice, but more likely the tips) who brings two large umbrellas whenever he sees me coming. He watches the shifts in the sun and either moves my chair or the umbrellas so that I can stay out of the sun. I'm terminally white and never tan, plus issues with sun allergy rashes and skin cancer. I do love the beach, though! Being odd, I managed to somehow burn my knees, but nowhere else. I still haven't figured that one out! :blushing:

    We did a lot of walking, and I tried cooking down there for the first time. I'm not sure about my experiment to break my plateau by taking a break while I was on vacation. I'm up just 1 lb., but think I'm still retaining water from the altitude changes. I'm having a bit of trouble getting back on track, but it's coming along.

    Ironically, I co-organize a monthly meet-up group called "Ladies Who Lunch," which I have to leave for in a few minutes. We don't actually have lunch, though. It's a networking group for women, and we have a featured speaker each month on various women's issues or business strategies.

    Speaking of lunch, I get to meet Laura80111 tomorrow! I'm looking forward to not only meeting someone who is very nice, but also getting to see her new AT GOAL self. :flowerforyou: We're going to Red Lobster.

    Well, off to my meet-up now. It's not cool when the organizer is late!
  • CSueB
    CSueB Posts: 31 Member
    Started my morning off right with a walk with the dog.......it was only mildly windy then, but now is blowing like crazy with gusts in the 50's easy, and the sky is turning brown from all the dust...NOT a very pretty day in the neighborhood at all....just hoping anyone having to be out on the roads will stay safe..........

    Mazaron I LOVE your goals!:smile:

    rjadams, yummy sounding pumpkin pancakes, so I googled and found a recipe, will try it this weekend hopefully :flowerforyou:

    hijude57........... hugs to you, as I was a caregiver for my mom, and she passed literally a day before we would have had to put her in a nursing home....... that's a tough one. :heart:

    DMOMof THREE....(so am I) what a laugh about the shaving the legs...although I can relate at time! :laugh:

    Laura80111 and janehadji.....enjoy Red Lobster! my DH and I go there for very special occasions..... :flowerforyou:

    Kathyszoo.....great job on that paperwork....spent an hour and a half on mine last night, with many more hours to go....maybe as my journey to a better prayer life/weight loss/fitness plan improves, so will my organizatoinal skills.....sure planning on it anyway! :drinker:

    OOPS, forgot to write down your name, SORRY but maybe Amanda, with the 3rd friend with cancer........ :brokenheart: so sorry to hear that, and only hope they have found it early enough.......... too too many woman are having to deal with that..... ::frown:

    I love this site, and this group, we are all in it together, and the support is so great..........everyone chugalug and make those good choices!

    ANDDDDDDDDD..................be safe! :happy:
    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member

    You had me cracking up at that:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    It seems I've been randomly coming and going on MFP. But somehow I do always come back to it.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    We had a really nice, relaxing time in Mexico. The Caribbean was a gorgeous turquoise, as always, and we had an enjoyable time just sitting on the beach, watching people and reading. I have a really attentive pool guy (maybe just nice, but more likely the tips) who brings two large umbrellas whenever he sees me coming. He watches the shifts in the sun and either moves my chair or the umbrellas so that I can stay out of the sun. I'm terminally white and never tan, plus issues with sun allergy rashes and skin cancer. I do love the beach, though! Being odd, I managed to somehow burn my knees, but nowhere else. I still haven't figured that one out! :blushing:

    We did a lot of walking, and I tried cooking down there for the first time. I'm not sure about my experiment to break my plateau by taking a break while I was on vacation. I'm up just 1 lb., but think I'm still retaining water from the altitude changes. I'm having a bit of trouble getting back on track, but it's coming along.

    Glad you had such a nice time in Mexico! You did very well with your weight while you were there. The second time we went, I gained 11 lbs! This May was a bit better ~ only 7 lbs up...:tongue:

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    i have so many replys I might have to break this into 2 posts tonight!

    PearlyGrace:smile: Please come in often and chat with us! This is a great group of women, lots of inspiritaion and motivation, and good recipes too:bigsmile: !!!

    Barbie:smile: I just had to laugh at the picture in my mind of Brandy and Sasha chilling out on the sofa:laugh: , that`s Noels favorite place to be! We don`t get a lot of snow here, and the first time Noel got to go out in it, she was trying to climb my leg wanting me to pick her up:laugh: , I`m sure she was thinking, what, this is wet and cold and it`s sticking to me, and you want me to "go" now:noway: :laugh: . She still doesn`t like it, but she wil tolerate it now. Flannel sheets so so cozy!!!

    Taylorgirl:smile: Welcome:flowerforyou: ! Enjoy grandbaby #5, they grow so fast!!!

    Lila:smile: Enjoy that treadmill watching TV, or listening to some good music, makes the time go by much faster!!! Hope you`re feeling better today!!! Kate gave me the recipe for honey, lemon and ginger and mix it in hot water, I actually put it in hot tea and it worked wonders!!!

    Linda:smile: A date night at the gym sounds so nice, how sweet of hubby to want to do that! That t shirt he brought you back will be big on you soon!!! Sorry your youngest doesn`t want to go this weekend, look at it this way, one day they`ll be in college and you`ll have plenty of time to duck hunt, they`ll probably want to go with you then:tongue: !!!

    Michele:smile: It makes me tired just reading about how much you do in a day, you`re like a little bumble bee going from flower to flower all day, do you ever get tired? We had a pool at our old house and it added around 150.00 a month extra in the electric bill, however that`s been a long time ago. You can always use plants to add some color around the pool, and outdoor furniture, the cushions could be a bright color, or several different colors, you can have lots of fun, plus if you get tired of it you can always change things around. Don`t plant magnolia trees, deer love them, I planted 1 and the deer ate it, got another one and my yard man put some kind of deer repellant on it, didn` t work, they ate that one too, I just gave up on them.

    Amanda:smile: That`s too bad about hubby`s account being hacked into:mad: , hope they get it straightened out soon!!! Yellow diamond earring sound like a lovely Christmas gift, or a just because you love me gift!!! Hope you`re feeling better! How about some celery for a crunch, add a little salt and you`ve got crunchy and salty:wink: !

    Janemartin:smile: Glad your knee is doing better, sorry your back is acting up!!! Let us know when grandbaby #5 gets here!!!! Oh, sweet little newborns :love: :love: :love: !!!

    Gail:smile: Hope your workday is over before 8pm tonight!!!

    M:smile: It`s amazing how a good walk improves our mood:bigsmile: !!! Sounds like you had a wonderful date night!!! I had deer come up on my backdeck and eat my tomato plants, I am not a gardener by any means, but I love fresh tomatoes, so I planted several in pots on my deck, I babied those plants, I watered them, I talked to them, I even petted them and they were beautiful, they had tomatoes on them just turning red, I went out one morning and my beautiful plants were stubs, every tomato was gone:sad: . I had no clue the deer decided to have dinner on my back deck:grumble: . That was several years ago, I`ve not tried planting anymore. Did you go to Grand Caymen? We used to go there every couple of years in Nov., I love it:love: , laid back and relaxed, good fresh seafood, and the sand is never hot!!!! Oh those days were great!!!! Maybe I should plan a trip....

    Lin:smile: Glad you`re back home!!! How is your dad doing?

    Nancy:smile: Glad hubby`s eye surgery went well, and he listen to you on the drive home:laugh: !!!

    Jb:smile: The Pee Mart :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , I`m still laughing, however if I`d known about I might still have a magnolia tree:laugh: .

    Jolene:smile: Hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou: , that just sounds so painful:frown: . I`m sure you look lovely in you pink fuzzy slippers!!! Loved the joke:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: .

    Laura80111:smile: I cannot believe someone would steal a card number and then spend 207.00 on fast food, and for breakfast:sick: , gross, just gross!!!

    Kathy:smile: Good for you getting things decluttered!!! I need to do some of that myself:angry: !

    Genealace:smile: That is a cute story about the nurse at your lace group:happy: !

    Janehadji:smile: You burnt your knees:huh: , I once had stripes from a beach chair, wasn`t a good look:noway: :laugh: . It sounds like you had a wonderful time on vacation (except for the knees). Hope you have a good lunch with Laura!!!

    CSueB:smile: It`s a good thing you got out early to walk your dog, a brown sky doesn`t sound like you need to be out under it!!!

    Rebel:smile: Hi! Come in more often:flowerforyou: !!!

    Deborah:smile: Hope you`ve had a good day!!!

    Meg:smile: If you`re reading this I hope you`re having a good time in Philly, besides working, I hope you get to see the sights!!

    Well, I`m sorry if I missed anyone, i have read all the posts, and I`m sending you all good wishes on this journey of ours!!!

    Tonight I`m having leftovers:angry: , not my favorite thing, but I have chicken in the fridge and salad stuff so that`s dinner, at least it`s easy:bigsmile: .
    Hope you all have a wonderful night.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    It seems I've been randomly coming and going on MFP. But somehow I do always come back to it.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


    Love you! Welcome back.

    So even though I am sick we had a fly fishing class scheduled today so I stood out in a freezing river in the rain and learned how to cast a fly rod. At least it was something with DH and in the outdoors. It is so beautiful in the PNW and I just don't take enough advantage of it. However, now I am chilled to the bone and sneezing up a storm. I had a hot apple cider and I am warming up.

    the latest picture of the kids.

    It was just a few short months ago they looked like this. Time flies.


    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Jane - you sound like a wonderful grandma. I bet #5 can't get here fast enough for you.

    Did an hour of a Jari Love DVD today. Tomorrow I'll do 30 minutes of HIIT and then 30 minutes of speed intervals. Today I went to the local theater, I think I'll probably volunteer there a bit in the box office. Not very hard work, but I'll be able to see the shows for free.

    Tomorrow after exercise I have my DEXA scan. I was asked to play mahjongg later at night so I'll go at night rather than during the day.

    M- I didn't realize you lived in Lincoln University. We lived in Kennett Square right before moving to NC, my daughter worked at New Bolton Center. Don't ja just love that mushroom smell????? :) I had heard about hair clippings repelling deer, but it ws just a "heard", has anyone used this with success? So many ab classes that I've been to focus on the abs (especially if it's a short class), but very rarely do anything for the lower back, and that is so important. I remember when I worked at the Y women would ask me "how do I get rid of this (excess fat)" My answer was always strength training, you have to do cardio, and good nutrition. Then I'd make a point of telling them that if they worked their abs they really needed to work their back muscles and explain why. Sometimes I have a tightness in the left part of my lower back, but I know that's because I have very tight hamstrings. Don't really understand why they're so tight, might be because of all the exercise I do. I don't sit a lot and that usually causes tight hamstrings. I'm surprised that you didn't hear Vince complaining about the fencing. The guy who is head of the group that installed it is supposed to be here Sat. Today Vince went and held a level to each and every post. There are 11 (out of around 40) that are more than 1" off. The pool co. owner called and Vince told him this, I think the guy was a bit surprised that Vince measured each and every post! Well, we haven't paid yet, and we won't until it's fixed to his satisfaction. The guys installing the tile are supposed to be here again tomorrow to finish grouting (I didn't realize it was so involved) and do cleanup. Not sure just how thorough the cleanup is supposed to be.

    Amanda - Vince had his credit card stolen quite a few times. Fortunately it was always the AmEx card, and they are very very good about flagging anything suspicious and then correcting it. For some reason (knock wood) I have never had my credit card used fraudently. It was stolen once, but that was a while ago (which was one reason I couldn't wait to move from Kennett Square)

    Nancy - that is so cute how your hubby came home from the hosp. I'm going to ask for gift certificates to audible.com for Christmas. When I'm doing exercises that are repitious (like the hula hoop) many times I listen to a book.

    jb - that's great the scale is moving in the right direction! Wish mine were.

    janehadji - your vacation sounds absolutely lovely. Have a great lunch tomorrow.

    Rebel - so glad you're back!

    DeeDee - I think Vince would shoot me if I ever planted a tree. It's amazing that there are so few trees by us yet there seems to be a lot of leaves in the pool. The solar cover came the other day, now we just have to cut it to the shape of the pool. The landscape lighting came also. We didn't want the solar lights, they don't put out that much light. Instead we got the low voltage lighting. Before the concrete was poured, Vince buried pipe so that he could put the lights up. Oh, the things you use to wind up the pool cover came also. Vince wanted something that I could do by myself. I remember when MIL and FIL had their solar cover, it would take two people to get that cover off the pool. This one (I think) has half on one roll and the other half on the other roll so in essence I would only be lifting something like 25lbs. Did I completely confuse you yet????? lol A friend of mine has a time share in the Cayman Islands and she invited me to go with her the first week of Nov. For one thing, we're paying for the pool. For another thing, I have to get a tooth pulled that Thurs and they need to do it then because of my Reclast infusion, they want as much of the Reclast out of my system as possible. So in the end, I'm not going (this year -- Vince doesn't know about that part....lol)

    I made chocolate chip cookies. At this point, I'm trying to make something that Vince'll eat but I need to have it in case things change and someone else comes here. Like I didn't expect two workers here tomorrow, only one. But that's OK, I have these chocolate cookies. I don't plan to give the guys doing the repair fencing anything. Maybe we're done with the baking --- oh I do hope so.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello all, another Thursday almost done. Started out with tai chi, then Thursday is my weigh-in at the gym at work. I was disappointed because the scale stayed the same from last week even though I thought I had a pretty good week. I am trying to be grateful for the 6 lbs I am down from the 4 weeks I have been on MFP but ... But I guess I'll need to work harder this next week. I did still get my treat after weigh-in, oatmeal with craisins from the cafeteria for breakfast, yum!
    The past couple of days I have been remembering a saying we used at Alanon that I am feeling about our group here- "Keep coming back! It works when you work it!" I am going to continue to keep working my program and encourage everyone keep working their program too.
    With much gratitude,
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    H ello Ladies,

    I have read everyone's posts. i am once again totally exhausted I keep trying to post here for every other word I start to fall asleep. I will post tomorrow and respond. I am so inspired by everyone,

    Today had very full day. We took both groups bowling. They love it, But does keep you on your toes.

    Wishing everyone the a good day

    PEARLYGRACE Posts: 6 Member
    Hello Ladies, good evening to all! sounds like you all had a good day! I had a good day,glad it's my friday!! enjoyed my 3 year old grandaughter,Son,& daughter in law this evening.looking forward to a wonderful weekend! God Bless You All!!!:smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: The update on Jake’s shoulder……he saw the orthopedic doctor who scheduled him for an arthrogram (he can’t have an MRI because he has an implanted defibrillator) The arthrogam showed that he doesn’t have a torn rotator cuff, so now he’s waiting to see the orthopedic doctor to find out what is wrong and what the next step is……..not surgery, but who knows what it might be.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I am in favor of men driving each other to and from medical procedures and leaving the wives out of the mix.

    :flowerforyou: Now that the weather has turned into autumn with colder temperatures and rain, I’ve declared the yard work season officially over and I’ll go back to doing weight training. I had stopped it in July because I wanted to use the time in the yard. Today Jake and I put on a good TV show and I got out my weights and did a series of exercises to remind myself of what I used to do. I didn’t have a plan, but I wanted to do something just to get back in the habit. By Sunday I’ll have a plan written down to follow and go back to the three days a week I had done so faithfully for months.

    :bigsmile: The exercise bike is scheduled to arrive on Saturday and I hope it won’t take Jake too long to put it together. We are both excited about having it in the living room to use while watching TV.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for October (with mid-month comments)
    *yoga once a week----haven’t done it yet
    *walk with hubby three times a week ---I ask but he hasn’t found it convenient
    *say “OK”---be agreeable ----doing well with this
    *stay in the moment ---doing very well
    *Be Barbie----great
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi all and hope everyone's day was good. I read all the posts but am at a resort (actually really nice here) for a seminar tomorrow and the Internet keeps kicking me out so this will be short. And I hate typing ( I guess it's keyboarding now) on the iPad. I forgot to bring my workout wear and swimsuit which is unfortunate because the program doesn't start until 9:30 tomorrow so I would have had lots of time to use the deluxe facilities.

    This cold must be just about over because I woke up this morning with no voice - totally gone!! Kept me off the phone anyway which didn't bother me one bit.

    Nancy - the trip over the Kootenay Pass was gorgeous today and the colours just elevated my spirits wonderfully. No snow.

    I went out for dinner tonight and had a wonderful duck breast with blackberry and cassis sauce over quinoa risotto with mini carrots and rapini. Not too shabby so I added a glass of merlot and called it a celebration. The calories were just fine!

    Going to song off before this kicks me out again.
    Good night and sweet dreams all you great women.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member

    Today, I came home from taking DD#1 to school and slept for about 2 hours. When I woke up I felt groggy for the rest of the afternoon. The sun never peeked out of the clouds here today. The temp was still about 84 degrees and a little muggy. My DH had to make a 6 hr dive one way to go pick up all the elk meat. He left about 10am and just got home at 9pm. There is so much meat that it fill the freezer in the house and the garage. He had to take the rest to his DM house as we ran out of freezer space. So, now we are stocked up on elk for the next 1-2 years. Nice organic lean meat.
    Tomorrow is payday for me and my 15yo DD has already planned a shopping trip to return MAC make- up and get something else at Sephora. They just have no concept of money. bills etc. I have taught them since they were little about money etc, but I guess they are part of the "ME" AND I WANT IT NOW, generation. Well, i am just trying to do as best as I can, so they can be independent successful young women. This is my dream for them. My youngest daughter is still into video game, not so much into the make-up fashion stuff yet! I did walk at the school today with my DD#2. I had to take her to school for make up picture day. We went early to pick you DD#1, got the picture taken and then walked 6 laps around the field. It took us 32 mins and I worked up a good sweat. I need to go eat some food now, but I am not hungry. I dont want to go into any starvation mode so I am going to eat and clean up a little and go to bed.
    Wishing you all a great nutritious filled Friday. Many pints of water, muscle fibers burning ,logging your calories and a partridge in a pear tree! Blessings, Linda:laugh: :laugh:

    Michele- that is a great idea about solar panels. Capture the suns energy and heat that pool and spa. Thanks for telling me about the trips to Daytona. So, there is light at the end of the tunnel! I think I would rather go to Florida too! What is Reclast infusion ? Is that the stuff they use for fillings. I got some gold crowns many years ago on my back molars. This is supposed to be the strongest material to use. Well, my last dentist check there were some tiny holes in the gold. Umh, I guess I have to stop chewing ice! Lol :laugh: :laugh: :angry: :angry:
    Amanda- the doctor here recommended
    , but they stopped. I can find it at stores like target and other drug Kerasal Exfoliating Moisturizer - Foot Cream for Dry Cracked Heel. It has Contains 5% salicylic acid, 10% urea (carbamide) and soft white petrolatum.She said the salicylic acid is the best ingredient. Costco used to sell it here but not any more. I can find it in other drug stores! Cracked feet can really hurt. Hope your get those feet nice and smooth soon. Hope you had a lovely walk home!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Jane, I am so glad that you are going to get some Violet time each week. I guess they are missing you more than you know. I am hoping that with a new president the economy will be getting better. There are so many people who are looking for work or are over qualified in the jobs they can get. Praying that something better will come along for your DH. :drinker: :drinker:

    M- don’t you have to worry about Lyme disease with your animals? Looks like you had a lovely date night with your DH, and dinner to boot! I think that last move we saw together with the kids was the Kings speech. My Dh would rather wait until it comes out on DVD and watch it at home than go to the movies. I made him go to see true grit and the kings speech. Something’s one needs to see on big screen! :wink:

    Lin – glad that you are back home! :flowerforyou:

    Nancy, that is too funny about your DH. Is your driving that bad that he cant stand to see it! LOl. That was very sweet of him to not bother you. Maybe he learned that he made it back in one piece, that he can just enjoy your driving. He just needs to cover his head. I think it has more to do with control more than they don’t like our driving! Hope your sub did a good job why you were out of class. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    JB –CONGRATS :drinker: :drinker: on the pound lost. Your hard work has paid off! Sweet! All that talk about pee, I better go to the loo right now! Lol. Seems, funny that the deer would not be repelled by a human being and their scent. Maybe, Put up a scarecrow, eating some venison.!!! Lol :laugh: :laugh:

    Jolene- I bet you were the hit of the office in your fuzzy pink slippers! A little bit of home at the job, now that is a great idea! Hope that darn toe of your heals up fast. Thanks for the Dad and Bubba joke! :laugh: :laugh:

    Mary- the weight will come off, just be patient and do hold too much against the scale. My daughter took my measurements the at the very start of my journey here on MFP. The next time I asked her to re-measure after about 30lbs lost, she did measure me. I gained a inch in my neck, lost an inch in my waist and gained 2 inches in my thighs. Lol- I didn’t take any sorrow in these measurements as I knew they were not accurate. For a 15 year old, she did a pretty good job! Lol Thank you for this saying- I have never heard it ,but it is so true!! :drinker: :drinker:
    "Keep coming back! It works when you work it!" :flowerforyou:

    Laura80111- chicken marsula sound good. I am going to have to google it because I can’t remember what is in the meal. Hope you did ok on your audit and were able to exercise today!

    Kathy- now that you got your desk cleaned up, can you come to my house and do ours! Lol. My husband is a hoarder and won’t throw out much of anything. It is hard for me to see this junk all over the place. You must feel a sense of accomplishment after getting that job crossed off the list! :drinker: :drinker: :happy:

    Genealace- now that is so funny that your mammo nurse was joining your group. Did you all blush!

    Janehadji- welcome back. Glad you have a wonderful trip to mexico. Have a fun meeting with Laura. That is so cool that you live so close together! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    CSueB- glad that you didn’t get blown away in the wind. Sound like the wind made for an interesting walk. :tongue: :tongue:

    Rebel- welcome and welcome back :wink: :wink:

    Dee Dee, oh my, that is such a sad story about your tomatoes :sad: :sad: . Those deer just helped themselves to your hard work. They got the reward of your hard work. I love home grown tomatoes but mine did not grow well either. I picked the first roma tomato yesterday. I was lucky and got it before the dog did! Last year we had a huge crop of tomatoes, but most were eaten by the dogs. They love tomatoes. They did save a few of the high up ones for us! :laugh:

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter- Good for you for bearing the cold and weather to do something with your DH. That makes them so happy. I love the pictures of your fur people.:heart: I couldn’t figure out the first picture until I looked at the puppy picture. That is so cute that they sleep on top of one another. Must be warm and toasty! Thanks for sharing!

    Liz – how rewarding that must be to help your groups experience life and have some fun. You are a very special person.

    Pearlygrace- glad you had a good day with your family. Yea for Friday! I have one more shift to work before it is my Friday!

    Barbie, tell me about your weights and what the workout is that you do at home. I need to start doing some weights at the gym, but have not gotten around to it yet. Did you get your routine from the book that you have mentioned on prior posts? Was curious what bike you bought. I would like to also have one at home, so those day when one doesn't feel like going to the gym, there is no excuse at home! :smile: :smile:

    Meg- hope your enjoying yourself in Philly, Your family on MFP is missing you! Hurry home!:cry:

    Lila- now this sounds absolutely wonderful -duck breast with blackberry and cassis sauce over quinoa risotto with mini carrots and rapini.:happy: What is cassis? I guess I will have to google this as I am so curious to see words or food I have never seen or eaten before. I hope you had a nice little song ,before you had to sign off! Sorry, I could not resist the typo! Hope you get your voice back for the seminar. With your lovely descriptions of the scenery in Canada, I am going to have to come back and visit one day. I have been to B.C, Vancouver Island, Banff, Lake Louise and a few other places along the road. I loved skiing in Banff and staying at the lovely lodge. The town itself was very charming. Oh to be young again and do those fun trips again!:cry::cry:

    Sweet Dreams
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Well the new boss gets a gold star, what a breath of fresh air. Okay, its day one and maybe it’s the honeymoon period but what a difference from the last one!!! I cannot fathom why she was passed over for the other one except for the age factor. D@#$ it, don't they know we older gals still have alot of offer???

    Got the LBD out, dusted it off and tried it on …It needs to be taken in a little along with everything else. Yippee! This will be the last year for it; I have worn that thing for the last I don’t know how many years just changing it up a bit by wearing a different pashmina or adding a shrug. Part of me wants to alter it (the frugal side) and part of me wants to just shuck all this old stuff and get new exciting better fitting clothing. But I am only half way there so I will hold off as long as possible. My old belt that I resurrected from the closet broke, forcing me to purchase a new one. It holds my jeans up well but they are starting to look a bit like pleated curtains around the waist.

    I also started cleaning my ‘office’ as I euphemistically like to call it; truly it is a dumping ground for everything that doesn’t have a home (especially since the flood). I have a box that has been filled up and will keep the shredder is action for a week at least. I feel like some of the chaos in my life is being created by the chaos in that room. It makes it hard to think clearly when surrounded by boxes, cords, bags from mom’s place, fabrics, STUFF in general.

    I promised I would get caught up, starting with page one:

    Genealace- how lovely of you to organize this evening for the War Brides, I hope you were one of the 7 brides that got to sit with the High commissioner ? I am hoping I won’t have to rake leaves, we had such a wind through here I am hoping all the leaves ended up on the lawn of an unruly neighbour.(hehehe)

    Gail – your meeting with the sewing/craft lady was fortuitous

    Glenda – I think you hit the nail on the head when you said you have restless legs after a confined space that was precisely my predicament as I don’t normally suffer from it. It sure makes the night long! I didn’t find anything that really worked for me that night, I was awake till the very wee hours. The only flowers I have left blooming are primroses that seem to like it a bit cooler. We got that fierce wind too, really hard to get any yard work done. I like your ‘gift’ moment.

    Yoyonomore55 – do I understand you correctly, do you live in NYC? I am heading there over Halloween as my husband is attending a conference. And I have been trying to research everything from the weather (for clothing) to things to do. Any suggestions?

    Cathyb60 – braces can be tricky things, knees can be tricky things. Take it slow even though you want to run. You are right, it’s easier when you have a friend who understands but then universe rarely makes two individuals suffer from the same thing at the same time, perhaps the reaching out is the part that makes you stronger.

    Nancy - I hope by now your rash is the distant memory and that you no longer have to squirm in front of a bunch of 12 year olds. I like your idea of ‘sedating the man in the right seat’. Mine can be quite vocal, once I remember telling him that the first bridge I come to, I’m throwing you over board.

    Carolyn – your white chicken chilli sounds interesting, have never heard of it.
    Jb - I like your statement, “I must take care of me before I can take care of the world”. We women should have that emblazoned across our mirrors so we see the message every morning before we start our day.

    Lentigogirl – congrats on the weight lose, a little or a lot, it’s always a struggle.

    Wessecg – loved your bathroom exercises, that is the only place I have bars to hold on to so I often do smaller exercises in there like squats.

    Laura 80111 – it’s hard not to nibble when you are cooking up big bunches of food, especially when it smells so good and you have to test it!

    Mary – I like the sounds of your sit-stand desk, more bosses should be so thoughtful.

    Jolenec1 – spider bite? What kind of spiders do you have in your neck of the woods?

    Lila – good for you getting the treadmill!

    Barbie – sounds like you picked the perfect dogs for keeping you in motion! Please convey to Chiclet that she will not bring anyone down, we are her to help bring her up, to be her sounding board as she goes through this extremely difficult time with her mother and her own health. She doesn’t need to be alone, she shouldn’t do it alone.

    Sundance – I agree that the best thing for arthritis is getting moving; having it in every joint there are mornings I think rigor mortis has set in. I do my morning belly dancing exercises on a ‘wobble’ cushion and I go from feeling about 110 years old to feeling good. Losing the weight is helping my joints and I feel I will soon be able to take on more strenuous tasks. I still can’t get down on the floor for yoga and such but I won’t give up now that I am on a roll.

    Amanda- go get the boob squish, it’s never pleasant but I just take a deep breath and try myself my mind in another place, like a beach. So sorry to hear about all your friends, that is certainly enough to curdle your mood. Hope your squish results are squeaky clean.

    Lynn - I admire your energy doing all that painting! But you are right, we live ain a house for so long putting up with its short falls and then we fix it up to sell instead of fixing it up for ourselves .

    Mwheatcraft54 – WOW! 4 lbs! Congratulations! I love your joy and exuberance! AS for your BIL, I like your red hot poker idea. In a past life I had a BIL that moved in with us and a hubby that couldn’t see past the end of his nose. My problem was that he terrified me; I had seen him fly off the handle and break someone’s arm in a rage. I finally left that life and BIL was living under a bridge last I heard. As for trying to reduce my bhudda belly, my belly dancing exercises seem to be the best for the core workout. I can’t get down on the floor for any sort of ab crunches without having a crane at the ready and my carb count is always under the daily quota. Nope, bring on Jesse Cook and a little hip movement.

    Hijude57 – welcome! Spare time now? I worked from home for about 6 years doing alterations and sewing projects for clients. It worked well for the time but I have since gone back to work and only take on special projects for close friends and family.

    Tekwriter – overeating in the evening, I know it’s the most dangerous time of all. I like lentigogirl’s suggestion of hot liquids, I make pots of tea otherwise I would be scarfing sweet stuff.

    WEssecg –too true about bigger meals earlier in the day can help you avoid bigger meals at night. . I forget where I heard it but you are supposed to eat like a king for breakfast, a prince for lunch and a pauper for supper (or something like that?)

    Janemartin02 – great point, don’t skip meals! You only end up eating twice as much because you are so hungry.

    Jolenec1 – I like your suggestion about eating the high fiber foods for a snack, sometimes I will have a small yogurt and ¼ cup all bran buds if I find myself wanting to rip the doors off the cupboards. Then I will have a couple cups of water afterwards and that quite fills me. I loved your story about Lucky Dog.

    Ellen- it is so important to have a supportive social network, everyone has gone through some long dark tunnels and often times needs someone to help them along the way . I loved the story of your girls using your leg warmers as dresses!

    Jb-2011 - a beautiful and organized garden, great pictures. I love the fact that there is land available for this type of adventure as I feel so many people miss out on the joys of gardening.

    well, I have reached the end of page 5 and I am cross-eyed. I shall have to continue another day. Congratulations to everyone with victories and prayers to everyone with trials.

    hugs to all,
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Kate- I live in central NY outside of a small city near Syracuse I have been to NYC many times as my son lives in Manhattan.I have always been with family when there, so have never navigated by myself. My youngest daughter loves the city and travels there often. Probably the most enjoyable trip was the one that I met her at Grand Central and spent several days together at my son's. Kari and I walked all over and checked out many little craft shops, Central Park Zoo, etc. It was low key, but great time to connect. She is an expert at getting around. I would like to get to Mood someday and I really would like to get there when Christmas decorations are up. Enjoy your trip. I find it an interesting place to visit, but prefer the quiet of my dead end road out in the country.

    Deb A
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies,

    I came home so exhuasted went to bed early and went right to sleep. Now I am up hopefully I will be able to go back to sleep for a bit before I began my day. So as I was up decided to catchup some more on posts. What an amazing group to be part of.

    @Lin Welcome back!
    @M Congrats on losing 4lbs

    @Carolyn --- your white chili sounds interesting

    @Lili your dinner sounds interesting I have never had duck before. I love this time of year with the beautiful colors. Congrats on getting the treadmill.

    @Linda -- Your daughter sounds normal to me. I am always working with my DD to understand the value of a dollar. Its hard she starts planning all of these fun things without much thought of the real cost of things. I am sure you are doing your best its hard work guiiding them to being those beautiful independant women we know they can / will be.

    @Barbie good for you getting and keeping to your plan for workouts etc. I have never really work with weights yet.

    @Meg enjoy your time in Philly!

    @Jane have a fun weekend with Violet!

    @Dee sorry to hear about your tomatoes

    @Kathy great on cleaning up your desk. Now I have a couple of end tables that could use your attention. :)

    @ Kate--- I am sort of the same way I was going through my winter clothes and some of my sweathers/tops I have own since my daughter was 6 months she is now 19yrs old. They had shoulder pads which I remove. But still good so use them. We went through a really hard finacial hit a few years back so I haven't own a coat since my old one fall apart. I always would make sure my daughter's needs were taken care of or my DH 1st hated to spend money on self. I manage as I was (still huge but working on it) I didn't seem to need it I could layer and be ok only problem would be if car got stuck etc so I kept a blanket in the car. But this year I am buying myself a coat and a couple of new pants. It is time to take care of us.

    Well that's it for now! Sorry if I missed you I have read all of your posts. So enjoy being part of such a great group.

    Have a good Frodau

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Friday all! Only have a few minutes because my DD will shoot me if I'm not ready to go out with her this am when we set up what time to leave last night. Hope that sentence just made sense! I did read all your great posts! After breakfast out (hopefully healthy:wink: ), errands (if I don't get dog and cat food today I'll have a riot on my hands:laugh: ), then dentist for a new filling:ohwell: and lastlythe start of physical therapy for my injured calf (no more water zumba for me:grumble: :grumble: )

    Mary- I so agree with the saying "Keep on coming back!" Very applicable for us!

    Robin - Love the pics of your kids! My two boys are always curled up together too, usually on me.:smile:

    Linda-Loved your line with "a partridge in a pear tree":flowerforyou: I have been the hoarder in the family until recently! My mom was a hoarder (not where you couldn't see the floor but close) but it was kinda neat after she passed finding love notes and cards between my mom and dad that she had saved for years!:heart:

    Off I go to drink my water and start this day:drinker: I do look so foward to checking in with you all and having this thread to always return too!

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just popping in to say happy Friday all,

    Lots of work to do in my half day at work and I'm meeting Janehadji for lunch at Red Lobster, will be fun to put a face to a name and share our stories.

    Hoping everyone has a great day...don't forget to drink plenty of water it really does make a differance in the weight loss, log your food and let's keep moving.:drinker:

    Laura 80111:smile:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning from rainy Portland. The garlic I planted yesterday is getting a good, deep watering. :bigsmile:

    Shopping trip day, I need some clothes! I'll be flying down to San Diego late next week to stay with my mother for a few days and would like to have a few new things to wear, The one pair of decent jeans I have are looking a bit old. If I'd empty out my closet and dresser drawers of everything I own that's too big, I'd find I'm down to the bare minimum and have reached emergency shopping status. That's what it takes to get me out to the stores. :grumble: Put me in my grubby old jeans and plant my butt in the garden - that's where I belong :laugh:

    I leave you with these quotes, and wish everyone a very productive Friday!


    1. Keep perspective:

    What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters to what lies within us. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

    2. Never give up:

    Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. (Dale Carnegie)

    3. Overcome failure:

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. (Confucius)

    4. Inner strength:

    The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

    5. And of course, courage:

    Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. (Christopher Robin to Pooh – A.A.Milne)

    Next time you are in a difficult situation, remember you’re more than you think you are.

    xo :smile: jb