How often do you weigh?



  • voncreepy
    The main thing about when I weigh myself, is "when." Weight can vary throughout the day. However, when you get into a routine "for the record", you should follow through with it at the same time, each time you weigh. For me, it's first thing in the mornings immediately afetr I "evacuate", so to speak. This way I get a more accurate picture of where I am at each day. Also, morning work well because I am normally at my lowest weight...which is encouraging. The fact that we burn a lot of water weight at night is also encouraging as well. I do weigh at night before bed for giggles and grins...but not "for the record." So I would venture to say as often as you want and only at a time that is convienent for you. Just my humble opinion.
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    once a week
  • DeadAmbition
    Pretty much whenever I'm near the scales. s:
  • kismicallychal
    I'm pretty bad, I weigh myself every morning AND night :P But I do that so I can motivate myself - if the number is higher I work more and harder, if it's low I'm motivated to keep getting on the treadmill because i'm seeing results. It works for me. But the number I officially recognise as my weight is every Friday morning.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Just curious on how often everyone weighs themselves.... Daily? Weekly? Monthly?

    Since I just started, I was thinking about weighing daily for the first few weeks, then moving to weekly.

    If you weigh weekly... what day do you do it on and is there a reason for it?

    Just trying to find my place. :)

    Before I discovered this place and when I was half heartedly hitting the gym and eating better when I had been to the supermarket once a fortnight (!)... I used to weigh daily and it drove me crazy!

    Started on here, started focussing on a decent programme at the gym
    Weigh in for me is on Friday after I have done my full session at the gym (I go super early)... I have a sneaky stand on the scales at the gym on a Monday and Weds (and the Friday) but I use a Tanita Body Fat scale at home and pretty much weigh in around the same time on a Friday...

    I do waist and hip measurements at the start of a new month, when I up my programme at the gym.
  • carolinagirl0
    carolinagirl0 Posts: 51 Member
    I weigh daily, it's a bad habit.
  • jb55mee
    jb55mee Posts: 10 Member
    It's a Friday morning for me - in the buff in front of the mirror :embarassed: !! I've put the scales in a 'not so accessible' place now though so that I don't weigh every day. My Friday 'surprise' is so much better.
  • Fr33zefram3
    Fr33zefram3 Posts: 163 Member
    I weigh twice a week, Mondays and Fridays.

    Monday's so I can feel bad about drinking too much on the weekends, And Fridays so I can feel good about my week and not feel as bad about drinking on the weekends XD

    It's a vicious cycle, lol.
  • EAVA
    EAVA Posts: 31 Member
    I'm pretty bad, I weigh myself every morning AND night :P But I do that so I can motivate myself - if the number is higher I work more and harder, if it's low I'm motivated to keep getting on the treadmill because i'm seeing results. It works for me. But the number I officially recognise as my weight is every Friday morning.

    me too I weigh myself every morning and night, just to see what I eat that keep me gaining,
    which food to avoid.
    I was here March-April and weigh myself once a week only to be sad that I gained 2-3 lb a week on 1200 calories:huh:
  • ThatNeuroGuy
    ThatNeuroGuy Posts: 16 Member
    I weigh myself in the morning right away and also right before I go to bed. I also record my blood pressure at these times as well. I use the morning weight to track the changes since that's going to be when I'm the most dehydrated and I can avoid much of the fluxuation that you would get with water weight.
  • ShellyShuey
    I weigh on Wednesdays, my clothes are a better gauge of how I'm doing.
  • Ghkffb56
    Ghkffb56 Posts: 263 Member
    month and a half.
  • TriciaG1955
    I weight weekly on Monday Mornings because it keeps me more accountable and more alert of what I eat over the weekends. Now I do splurge a little more on weekends but I try not to go over my calories. During the week I do not use all of my calories. Hope this makes sense
  • Shua89
    Shua89 Posts: 144 Member
    I tend to weigh myself every day but I only log it here on Fridays. The daily thing is just for me to see how my calorie intake or sodium intake, etc.... affect daily fluctuations.

    I log it here on Fridays because it's much easier for me to stick to eating right during the week than on the weekends. By entering it here every Friday it motivates me not to blow it so that I don't have to "start again" on Monday and lose the weekend weight.
  • prinlea2000
    prinlea2000 Posts: 34 Member
    I weigh in once a week (Monday mornings) at home. I used to do WW & go by their suggestion of only weighing in one time/week because your weight does really fluctuate a lot throughout the day & I don't want to get hung up on just that # (I like to take into consideration overall health & what I'm losing in inches).
  • erindh87
    I weigh myself every morning. For whatever reason, my weight is higher on Mondays and Tuesdays, then decreases as the week goes on. For the past several months my Wednesday weight has been around my weekly average, so I use that one as my official weight to log here.

    The thing I like most about weighing daily is that I am able to see the trends and can relate it back to something that I've done or something going on with my body at that time.

    I'm slightly addicted to weighing myself, so I'll often weigh throughout the day as well. My weight fluctuates 2-4 lbs throughout the day, and I find it interesting to see how it changes.

    Edit: spelling and grammatical errors
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    Every Monday for the Monday Group
    Every Tuesday for the ...

    (are we detecting a theme here?)

    Anyway, probably everyday before I eat but I tell MFP when it has gone down.

    Do you count decimals? I mean does 108.9 = 108 ? (kilos, that is)
  • jwatson7
    jwatson7 Posts: 58 Member
    I became obsessed with the scale and it led to frustration. I now go by how my clothes feel and how I look in the mirror. I only get on the scale if my clothes start feeling looser or tighter to see where I'm at.
  • Hairhacker
    Hairhacker Posts: 174 Member
    I weigh on the 1st and 15th of every month. It keeps me on track more than once a month, and doesn't discourage like every week :)
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    I weigh everyday but only "record" my weight once a week on Friday morning. I don't stress about any fluctuations though the rest of the week and have taken a calmer approach in my journey this time. I feel totally liberated by my success and wonder why I never "got it" until now. Many amazing and healthier times ahead. I eat what I want within reason and calorie consciously and stay within my daily calories allowed. I NEVER feel deprived and everything is going smoothly. If I want something special I adjust the rest of my days calories to accommodate it. Sometimes I go over----but I start everyday with a fresh slate and don't beat myself up if I slip up. In the past I would be so strict with myself and give up after a "cheat" to the old "what's the point" attitude. No more of that for me....I finally discovered the key to the mint!