Tell me it's possible without any special diet? :(



  • RitaSantoss
    RitaSantoss Posts: 986 Member
    Honestly I'm not into any special diet, I just try my best at eating healthy and doing exercise. I don't even go to a nutricionist. I used to but I didn't feel like it worked and felt like it was something that 'I had to do' insted of 'wanting to do it'. So I would advise you to just do something you're confortable doing :)
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    Most of us here don't follow a diet of any kind, just healthy eating, watching portions, exercising and drinking water. Just make it a lifestyle change that you can follow the rest of your life!
  • sariannach
    Heck yes. Lost 20lbs since the beginning of the summer, from watching my food intake and slowly figuring out how much I actually need to be eating (with a lot of help from MFP forumites!). I don't actually exercise--which probably accounts for my fairly steady ~33% body fat in spite of weight loss. I'm sure there will come a point when I will have to suck it up and start exercising, though. I'm waiting for that particular plateau, though, as the less strain I put on my knees the likelier I will stick with it. :)
  • tracyhall63
    tracyhall63 Posts: 84 Member
    Nothing special. Count and track, make good choices, more whole foods, less processed food and keep moving!!
  • thomasxaviersayles
    Here is what I have done to lose approximately 2 lbs per week and 2 points off my blood pressure each week. I eliminated all bread, no processed foods, no soda pop, almost no alcohol (one glass of wine weekly), no sugar, no foods with added sugar, no caffeine (I like sugar in my coffee), and then I ate only fish, hormone free meats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables along with lots of water all day long. Then I incorporated a cardio/weight lifting schedule into my daily routine of at least four days per week at a minimum 60-90 minutes. don't expect to lose the 28.5 pounds in one or two months, what I do have as a goal is a life time behavior of physical, emotional, and spiritual fitness and overall quality of life improvement. I am very fortunate to have professional trainers available who help. Additionally, with the weight loss is an increase of lean muscle mass of at least five percent. from my previous high. It can be done and anyone can do it. I also recommend watching the film I have posted a link to help you decide not to eat GMO foods.
    If nothing else this will scare the hell out of you when it comes to eating this poison and I mean that literally. I hope that you take encouragement from all those posting here. If you need help, ask for it is available and people care about your success.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I've also not cut anything out, just cut down and added exercise into my life. Lost around 60lb. Good luck!x
  • Heather1899
    Heather1899 Posts: 179 Member
    When I first started all I was doing was counting calories and exercising, and drinking water-no soda. Over time though, I have improved my diet, added better foods and limited less good ones. Now...nothing is really off limits for me. If I want something I have it, I just eat lighter to keep calories in range the rest of the day...but yea just counting calories worked for me.
    I started at 312 and am down to 180ish and I don't eat "perfect"
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,023 Member
    I can't keep up with those plans. They are so temporary. I found an average daily diet that worked for me (banana, yoplait lite, nuts, apple with peanut butter, protein shake, turkey and crackers, grapes, roasted and raw veggies) - those things I got into a routine of eating throughout the day. Then at dinner time I'd eat whatever my faimly was eating but calculate my portion and calories through the Recipe section on the site. Worked fine. I quit eating out and just got simple.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    Diets are short term, lifestyle changes are sustainable. It's calories in vs calories out, but make sure you are eating enough to fuel your workouts.
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    I am feeling a little discouraged; it seems everywhere there are new and "amazing" diets that help others lose weight so quickly:

    - Atkins
    - Keto (pretty much the same)
    - Paleo (Okay, another similar one)
    - South Beach
    - Jenny Craig

    yada yada....

    Please tell me there are people out there who have lost their weigh by just watching their foods, eating a little less, and exercising??! *sigh*

    I don't know if I can keep up with technical diet rules. :/

    See my ticker below? I've only been counting calories, staying at or under the recommended amount for me as suggested by this site, and exercising 6 days a week. I started using this site in April. I haven't stopped eating anything in particular, but I have been focusing more on making sure I eat plenty of higher fiber foods. That has given an unexpected bonus: NO MORE CRAVINGS for bad stuff!

    Best of luck to you as you undertake your journey to a healthier, lighter you!
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I'm doing it daily!!! Just follow the guidelines...log your food and exercise!! It will work!!
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    I jut tell "My Confessor" what I ate everyday and so far I lost 12.4 kilos since stuff stopped sneaking under my food radar from August 8th - my diary is open if you want a look.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    to chime in with all the others... i don't follow any special diet. i take it day by day. eat what i like and what i want within reason and exercise. :)
  • Blonde1330
    Ive lost 32 lbs by just calorie counting with this program, it came off pretty fast.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,248 Member
    No gimmicks or brand name diets or even brand name exercises here. I eat pasta almost daily. Bread daily. Baked potatoes a couple times a week. Cheese. Sometimes chocolate. Half a pizza once a week or more. Stuff like munchie bar foods every few weeks (SW Eggrolls, boneless buffalo wings, bacon cheeseburgers). Just balancing out what's good for me with what I enjoy. Thankfully, the two often overlap. Chicken and vegetables can be made so many delicious ways. :happy:

    Exercise is as basic as it gets... running and lifting weights. No fancy expensive complicated programs and no dvds with celebrities on the cover or corny names.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I do not diet, I eat healthy.
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    I am feeling a little discouraged; it seems everywhere there are new and "amazing" diets that help others lose weight so quickly:

    - Atkins
    - Keto (pretty much the same)
    - Paleo (Okay, another similar one)
    - South Beach
    - Jenny Craig

    yada yada....

    Please tell me there are people out there who have lost their weigh by just watching their foods, eating a little less, and exercising??! *sigh*

    I don't know if I can keep up with technical diet rules. :/

    I lost 19lbs by watching my food and exercising more. It's taken a few months but it's something I plan to continue even when I reach my goal weight.
    I don't starve myself - I eat chocolate, cheese, biscuits (not all at the same time) but all IN MODERATION. Those last 2 words are key words in my dictionary.

    It is possible :smile:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 4,995 Member
    I have lost 106 lbs just by eating less moving more and using mfp, you dont need to follow any special diets all of these diets basically are a way to limit calorie intake. Just follow the MFP guidelines and dont give up., YOU CAN DO IT
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Special diets are no good unless you plan on following them for the rest of your life.

    Tracking my food and exercising was the best thing for me. Very eye opening to see how many calories I had been eating, how little protein I was getting, how much sodium, how little water, etc, etc. Knowledge has been on of my best tools throughout this whole process!

    Knowing what I am eating calorie-wise, and daily protein/carbs/fat totals.
    Knowing how much I am burning through exercise.
    Knowing my BMR and TDEE and eating in between those numbers - not too much, but not too little, either.

    I eat at home-cooked meals most of the time, and a good variety of fish, poultry and beef, as well as fruits, veggies, grains, etc. I also still drink alcohol, eat pizza, burgers, cake and ice cream, etc - just not every day! :bigsmile:

    This is my life, not a temporary diet plan -I love food, celebrations, birthday parties, camp outs, holidays - things come up where foods available, or that I just want to enjoy, don't fit into some "special diet". So I enjoy those treats, work them into my daily calories, exercise regularly with weights/strength training & a bit of cardio, and I'm feeling fit and healthier than I have in years. I've gone from a size 12 to a size 4/6 - body is still changing as fat continues to come off, even though at this point my scale doesn't change much.
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    Well if someone wants them to go on a program than let them i mean any program can work as long as you stick to it... But none of those diets that you listed are proved by doctors and they hardley have any nutrition or support behind them/