Almost every weekend I fall off the wagon. I'm not sure why. I can't even get to the gym. Seems like if I'm not in my routine of work, then gym I'm not going. I have no children or commitments holding me back, its just my inner lazy fat girl.
The same goes for my eating habits, I eat like crap on the weekends, I think part of it is my husbands influence, but he does not make me put the crap in my mouth.
Any advice for me?


  • logdunne
    logdunne Posts: 132 Member
    I do pretty much the same, I content myself with the knowledge that i am not going over anywhere near as bad as i used to, and that i have been a good girl all week.
  • Lindseyelizabeth87
    Lindseyelizabeth87 Posts: 151 Member
    I do, but I don't fall too far.

    I think the weekends I can over indulge, but I never go totally wild with any of the food. It's just more likely that I will have big family parties or go out for breakfast etc. Also booze is more likely to appear!
  • BeautifulBetsy
    BeautifulBetsy Posts: 60 Member
    I'm the same. I'm so focused Monday thru Friday but then the weekend hits and I run a train on everything. I use it as motivation on Monday to hit the gym and give it 110%. Food gives you energy so if you over eat use that energy at the gym.
  • letsdothis84
    letsdothis84 Posts: 77 Member
    I do and im terrible! im going round and round in circles with this weight loss and often feel like im getting nowhere, need to buck my ideas up!!
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Yup. I figured that I could either make myself miserable with deprivation and probably balls up my social life by trying to stay on the wagon at the weekends, or find a way to make it work. I opted for calorie cycling. Keep the cals low during the week (helped by a couple of 500 cal day fasts), then I've got the surplus calories to eat the weekend. So far it's working. I still get to go out to restaurants with friends without fretting over the menu for low cal options, have pudding if I want and still manage to lose weight. :happy: :happy:
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    There are times I fall off, get ran over and then it backs up and runs over me again.

    I do so much better when I'm at work and busy all the time. Trying to be more active on the weekends, but home life is depressing!

    I hit 100 pounds lost, but now I'm fighting with the same 5 pounds by putting it back on and taking it back off for almost 3 weeks now.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and maybe we can keep each other on the wagon!
  • Shua89
    Shua89 Posts: 144 Member
    I do somewhat but I try very hard to control it. I surround myself with snacks that are healthy so that I can easily make a better option than what my family is eating.

    I log everything. Even if I go over. Sometimes after logging I realize it really wasn't all that bad or at least I can learn what was the worst and avoid that next time.

    I try to get out of the house and do something fun. Yesterday dh and I went hiking at the park for a couple of hours.

    Weekends are hard but over time I hope to be able to be in as much control on lhe weekends as I am during the week.
  • bachoat
    bachoat Posts: 24
    I binged all weekend now reaked with guilt :( I do great during the week but our weekends are food and drinks.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I binged all weekend now reaked with guilt :( I do great during the week but our weekends are food and drinks.

    Arrg same... and now I don't even want to do anything today... I gotta get over this hump.
  • Agirard25
    Agirard25 Posts: 154 Member
    Don't do it!!! OR at least don't do it EVERY weekend....I started to do that....and then it slide over into tthe week...and now I've put back on 9 of the 30lbs that I lost and have basically reverted back to all my old ways and let my healthy lifestyle slide back out.....It is awful and I am making my way back to the new (now old) me again! UGH, SAVE YOURSELF!!! Don't be me--this sucks.
  • I can relate to the weekend difference. I was down 4 pounds saturday morning and back up that 4 this morning! I think weekends are less structured is my problem. I don't even plan my meals on the weekends because I never know what we'll be up to like I do during the week. My husband also is a factor, but again he doesn't force feed me! I try to stay active througout the day so I'm less inclined for boredom eating, which I"m very good at! Maybe if you try to structure your days around your workout and plan out your meals that would help. And I always TRY not to buy the junk in the first place, but with a healthy husband and children who know how to eat things in moderation its very hard! Every day is a struggle for me. Best of luck, hope this helped in some way!
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    It took me a while to stop falling off every week. I'd lose weight during the week then put it back on during the weekend. I finally got tired of the two steps forward, one step back approach and decided to start treating my weekend EXACTLY like a weekday. I eat around the same times and have about the same amount of calories. I may splurge a little, but for the most part its been working for me.

    You should try changing a little at a time. workout FIRST thing in the morning on the weekends. That way you can cushion any over eating. Once you get the exercise part down, work on your eating habits. Also, try something other than the gym on weekends. Go for a walk or jog outside, Go dancing, or whatever. Maybe a change of pace will motivate you.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I "fall off the wagon" on random days. "Hey, it's Tuesday, I think I'll eat a whole box of cereal!" Lol! The important thing is to pick yourself up, and get back on that darn wagon! I know it's hard, but don't beat yourself up, just try again tomorrow :). If you don't lose, maybe you at least maintain. I like to think about all the weight I would have gained if I stopped trying, instead of all the weight I'm not losing because I had a bad day. :)
  • KateS211
    KateS211 Posts: 21 Member
    I think that eating well and within your allotted calories is a habit. If you constantly allow yourself to "fall off the wagon" on the weekends, it will become a habit that is really tough to break. It happens to the best of us, but try to make it the exception, not the rule.

    Also, I try to get in a little more exercise on the weekends since I have more free time to play with. During the week I alternate between going to the gym and running, but on the weekend I'll do both in one day. It gives me a little more freedom in the food department.
  • mulderpf
    mulderpf Posts: 209 Member
    I do somewhat but I try very hard to control it. I surround myself with snacks that are healthy so that I can easily make a better option than what my family is eating.

    I log everything. Even if I go over. Sometimes after logging I realize it really wasn't all that bad or at least I can learn what was the worst and avoid that next time.

    ^^^ I do that too.

    This weekend was the first weekend though where I was just pure lazy. I already decided that I wasn't going to be good and it was great!! (I wasn't really that bad though).

    Dragged myself out of bed 3 hours after my normal wake up time. Took a stroll down to the pub (with Endomondo switched on so that I could get the calories to eat), had a fry-up breakfast, walked to the shop (yes, also logged) and bought some stuff for the day because I had already planned to do nothing - I was sort of good, because the snacks I got was fruit and zero cal drinks, took the dogs for a quick walk around the block and did NOTHING for the rest of the weekend. Just ate and played computer games. Yesterday I just did nothing. Had breakfast, played games, had lunch, played games, had dinner, watched TV, went to bed.

    It was fantastic to have "a break". I generally stayed within limits - I was inactive, I was lazing about, just eating junk, but it was still contained.

    I even got on the scale this morning (Monday is my weigh-in day) and I was still down from last week (in fact, it was double compared to what I expected, but that was because my weight was flat last week).

    Back to the grind and losing the last few bits...(for now, before setting my new goal...)
  • I "fall off the wagon" on random days. "Hey, it's Tuesday, I think I'll eat a whole box of cereal!" Lol! The important thing is to pick yourself up, and get back on that darn wagon! I know it's hard, but don't beat yourself up, just try again tomorrow :). If you don't lose, maybe you at least maintain. I like to think about all the weight I would have gained if I stopped trying, instead of all the weight I'm not losing because I had a bad day. :)

    Good advice!
  • If it wasn't for weekends I would be in great shape!!!

    I can't seem to ever beat them....
  • zoober
    zoober Posts: 226 Member
    I do this too. My gym is at my work, so it's closed on the weekends. I'm going to try to address by doing something, even a long walk, into my weekend routine. Hang in there.
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    I struggle with weekends too. The structure at work--break times and lunch times--and then not getting home until almost 6PM, makes it easy to stay within calorie limits. I have firmly scheduled my workouts during the week, but the weekend is fluid and getting exercise in is less certain.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    Almost every weekend I fall off the wagon. I'm not sure why. I can't even get to the gym. Seems like if I'm not in my routine of work, then gym I'm not going. I have no children or commitments holding me back, its just my inner lazy fat girl.
    The same goes for my eating habits, I eat like crap on the weekends, I think part of it is my husbands influence, but he does not make me put the crap in my mouth.
    Any advice for me?

    Sounds almost like me!

    I don't go way off but I def am not as good as I am on the weekdays. And my hubs is a terrible influence, lol. But I usually do pretty good because I don't want all my hard work to be for nothing!

    I don't know how long you have been at this but I think it takes time to get into a regular routine. I mean, it's a lifestyle change. I haven't even been on here for a month, I think, and it takes time!

    You will get it and I will too ;)