Matching Underwear



  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I don't have any "sets" but I do color-coordinate 99.9% of the time. My mother demanded it. She's a nurse and is all about the "What if you're in an accident?!?" My response has always been, "If I'm in an accident and at the point where they're having to cut my clothes off, I would hope they have other things on their mind than whether or not my underwear matches!" But yes, I do tend to make sure they match most days, just not for that reason. I like feeling like I have on an entire outfit, and will often try to match my blouse as well. Sometimes my heels, too - especially if I'm going to see my boyfriend! :wink:
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    oh you mean I am supposed to wear them both at the same time??? My bad
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I feel off kilter all day when my bra and panties dont match - so much so that I only buy them in sets or solids I can pretend came together.

    My fave places for panties are taget simply because you can find a cut you love and then get them in like 40 different patterns and color combos for like 3-5$ ea.

    Also - forever21 is having a sale on panties right now - I got some Wonder Woman ones and some Twister ones.

    But yeah - Target and VS are my forever go-tos for panties.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
  • jkandktmom
    jkandktmom Posts: 1,010 Member
    I wear matching bra, panties when i KNOW someone will see it. lol.
    otherwise its what is comfy and clean and goes with what im wearing for the day!


    ^^^^ This
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    wearing panties is overrated.
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 276
    Gap Body most recently with my weight loss. They have decent sales and the undies are cute and seem well made.
    I don't usually match bras and panties, it is usually whatever is clean and doesn't show lines, etc. I do agree that I strut a little more when I feel sexy, don't know if undies are 100 percent of the credit. Panties are replaced every 2-3 years, Bras can go 3-5 years. depends on wear and tear, how often they are washed.

    When I was larger, Lane Bryant was my store of choice and I had more opportunity to match bra and panty because of how thier underwear line is sold.
  • millions0fpeaches
    millions0fpeaches Posts: 195 Member
    Mine don't have to match 100% but the colors and/or patterns have to compliment each other somehow. I've found that most guys don't notice if your underwear match your bra... but they DO notice if they don't. It just looks wonky. Even so, for me, it has nothing to do with who will see me in my undies... It just drives me nuts. I also have about 25 bras and over 150 pairs of underwear, so there's no reason for me not to match. I have plenty of options.

    Most of mine come from Victoria's Secret because it's hard for me to find my size elsewhere. Aaaand because I have one of their Angel cards...

    ETA: For some reason, my socks almost never match though... We're not just talking white socks, either.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    So, in short.....if you are a guy, and ya boo is going out of town for business, and you notice she's wearing matching bra and panties, where she normally doesn't, is that a sign?

    That's not just a sign - that's a marquee!
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    From a male perspective I prefer a woman to always be wearing a matching bra and panties, shows a woman thinks about her appearance, even though majority of the time it's not on display. I also believe that wearing a sexy underwear set makes a woman feel sexy.

    It took me a long time to realize this as a woman. Equally important as sexy is comfort, though, and I'm having trouble finding comfortable matching sets. Especially those that don't break the bank. No one's sexy if they're constantly adjusting their cleavage so the underwire doesn't hurt or digging lacey panties out of their cracks.

    OP, I'll do you one better. I used to buy the six packs of granny panties at Walmart. They were comfy and really, who was going to see them other than me and my husband? I got stuck in a rut, then had my daughter, let my appearance go even more and not surprisingly found myself rather depressed. Nothing fit right, nothing was comfortable, I wasn't sexy, you name it. Then I said, "Screw it" and picked up the riskier sexy boyshorts and a handful of lacey goodness. I still wear the grannies now and then, but I feel like I can take on the world in the tiniest panties I could find and it's a good feeling.

    ETA - I still buy my panties on the cheap at Walmart and will until I'm at goal. Then I'm splurging on all sorts of sexy goodness and it damn well better match.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    So, in short.....if you are a guy, and ya boo is going out of town for business, and you notice she's wearing matching bra and panties, where she normally doesn't, is that a sign?

    That's not just a sign - that's a marquee!

    Like the "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign, all lit up, and blinking neon.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    I feel off kilter all day when my bra and panties dont match - so much so that I only buy them in sets or solids I can pretend came together.

    My fave places for panties are taget simply because you can find a cut you love and then get them in like 40 different patterns and color combos for like 3-5$ ea.

    Also - forever21 is having a sale on panties right now - I got some Wonder Woman ones and some Twister ones.

    But yeah - Target and VS are my forever go-tos for panties.

    I haven't stepped foot in a F21 since I was I may just have to go in
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    When I am a working ranch girl, I wear basic cotton, top and bottom in either black, grey or white(socks to match). The rest of the time, I run the gamut from wildly sexy bra/panty sets(Target, Walmart and VS) to commando...

    I :heart: U
  • karenbethrn
    karenbethrn Posts: 56 Member
    For those men who are wanting pics... there are plenty on the net but here you go .. V352809.jpg

    To answer the question, I try and always match but I go with whats clean, for obvious reasons.

    I only shop at VS because I know they fit and are comfy. I can't stand bras from other places because none ever fit right and I waste my money.
  • snowdrop_diva
    snowdrop_diva Posts: 142 Member
    That requires money. I select my under garments based off of 1, whether or not you can see the colors or lines through my clothing and 2, what's clean.
    Same here *lol*
  • Skyfire23
    Target panties FTW! Honestly, my boobs are so huge I can only find ugly gramma bras for them.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    wearing panties is overrated.

  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Mine match every single day, it makes me feel sexier and my granny used to say you should always wear clean matching underwear just in case you get hit by a bus! ;) I also don't buy cheap underwear, bits deserve the best!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I'm reaching into the underwear drawer in the dark....don't care about matching. I do like my panties in bright colors and patterns though.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    For those men who are wanting pics... there are plenty on the net but here you go .. V352809.jpg

    To answer the question, I try and always match but I go with whats clean, for obvious reasons.

    I only shop at VS because I know they fit and are comfy. I can't stand bras from other places because none ever fit right and I waste my money.

    thank you