Why does breakfast suck?



  • joymelanson
    I often have toast and peanut butter.
  • southernselkie
    Wow, thanks for all the useful suggestions everyone!

    And mostly, to expand on the oatmeal hate: its the bland, hot and "mooshiness" that bothers me. It just makes me crazy! But I will have to try the steel oats; I think it takes away a lot of the grossness of oatmeal for me.

    Also, to the peeps that are saying "eat whatever you would for the other parts of the day and don't think of it as breakfast", I can see what you meant, but I don't know what it is but I really need something "breakfasty" in the morning or I feel a bit robbed. Breakfast used to be one of the major meals in my day ( I would usually skip lunch) so it would just feel weird to me to "skip" eating something breakfast related and go straight to something I would eat for lunch or dinner.

    I can definitely get behind the smoothies, toast and peanut butter though!
  • jkmiller82
    jkmiller82 Posts: 214 Member
    I have changed my mind on oatmeal after a couple changes.

    I am a big advocate of savory oatmeal.'

    My favorite recipes with some raisins sprinkled on top.

    or this one...

    Sometimes I'll be lazy and make the pre-made cinnamon stuff, but add a tablespoon of peanut butter and marionberry jam (any jam will do). So yummy and comforting.

    Bananas and peanut butter go together so well. I'll eat a banana smothered in pb when I'm short on time..

    I'm not a big fan of the texture of eggs either, but I've started mixing them with a tablespoon of cottage cheese and it makes the texture smoother to me. Tons of salsa makes anything better anyways.

    I just bought a new cookbook: I Can't Believe It's Not Fattening and they have a bunch of great breakfast recipes like breakfast fried rice and cheese and olive omelets. On Amazon you can get some of the recipes without buying the book.

    Have fun with breakfast!
  • switch313
    switch313 Posts: 16 Member
    As someone suggested earlier, I like to have steel cut oatmeal made with vanilla almond milk.. soooo good compared to making it with water or normal milk.

    I also like turkey sausages

    eggs on whole wheat tortillas

    Avocado (but I love avocado anytime and anywhere.. even just plain)

    English muffin with cottage cheese and turkey bacon (yeah I'm weird, I have the pallette of a poor college student).

    If I'm not feeling solid foods sometimes I'll make a protein shake with non flavored almond milk.

    Also lefts overs from the night before have been known to makes its way into my belly in the mornings. Brown rice is good with eggs (imo).
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I really super badly want to try these pumpkin cornbread waffles

    Why don't you want to eat pancakes and waffles for breakfast if you like them?
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    breakfast is overrated.

    i like to use mine later and eat MORE

    whatever makes you happy.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    It's not cold, but BACON!!!! It's good for you in moderation and actually if you get low sodium bacon it tastes the same without all the salt.
    If you are crafty in the kitchen you could make some low carb muffins or something like that.
    Special K Protein Plus is high in protein but pretty low in calories. It tastes like slightly sweetened bran cereal. I describe it as raisin bran without the raisins!
  • zozzabubba
    zozzabubba Posts: 137 Member
    My breakfast EVERY DAY (high-ish cals; I like a big breakfast, I'm on maintenance at the moment and I usually have a lot of extra exercise cals too)

    - Half a frozen banana, chopped up
    - 4 large (frozen?) strawberries, chopped up
    - Handful of mixed (frozen?) raspberries/blackberries/blueberries
    - Half a cup or a whole cup of nonfat greek yogurt
    - About a cup of various types of cereal (I like to mix them up, at the moment it's a bit of special k red berries, some cheerios and some all bran)
    - Between half a cup and a cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk
    - Half a scoop of vanilla protein powder (for the sweetness/flavour as much as for the protein :P)

    It's CRAZY good, incredibly filling and nutritionally very balanced (as well as carbs/protein it gives a super hit of fiber, vitamins and iron depending on which cereal you use). Good for before a morning workout! It usually comes out at about 400 calories, but can go up pretty dramatically depending on the type/amount of cereal used.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    flourless protein pancakes-1 egg, 1 banana, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter (or any nut butter). Mix together and fry batter like you would actual pancakes. Great texture and taste!!! I eat em with fruit slices and yogurt, but you can use normal syrup as well.
  • skellyness
    skellyness Posts: 165 Member
    Granola with raisens and yoghurt atm, however I love cereal bars even though they are packed with sodium.. the chocolatey ones like Alpen Coconut and Choc - sadly ontop on the sodium they also don't fill me up much
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Wholegrain/rye toast with ricotta and tomato

    Wholegrain/rye toast with avocado and tomato

    Wholegrain/rye toast with cream cheese and tomato

    Raisin toast with ricotta/honey/cinnamon mixed together, with sliced banana on top

    Toast with peanut butter and banana
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I love bagels and english muffins for breakfast. I also usually have 1 or 2 slices of whole or multi grain bread with breakfast, a greek yogurt (on days when I don't do eggs), and usually a fruit or juice item.

    You can also have cereal and such, just combine it with some yogurt or other side items and measure out only one serving. Moderation goes a long way with this. Don't just dump the cereal in a bowl and chow down. Try to plan it out.

    Never feel like you have to eat food you hate to drop weight either. There's nothing wrong with hating eggs and oatmeal. No need to eat it if you don't want.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Four egg bacon omelette with cheese, topped with guacamole, sour cream and salsa. Omnomnom!

    Or maybe salmon, baked from the night before and refrigerated overnight, with some boiled eggs, avocado and capers drizzled in balsamic vinegar? Chicken with fried eggs? Baked sweet potato, fried eggs and leftover beef strips or bacon? Shrimp, cream cheese and avocado omelette with...
    ...I want breakfast now. :/
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Ham or salmon are my cold breakfast choices. Fruit.
    Or I'll have a croissant or pain au chocolat every once in a while.
    Pozole (hominy soup) is my suggestion for a fantastic start and the go-to hangover cure with my brothers.

    Hate boiled eggs but will eat them if that's what's available.
  • HeidiSmith419
    HeidiSmith419 Posts: 71 Member
    I love soups for breakfast. Homemade leftovers are the best. Chili is good too. Both can just be nuked.
    Leftover chicken, steak, fish in a wrap is easy. No need to heat it. A quesadilla with meat is another good option. If you prefry some ground turkey with taco seasoning its easy (even frozen) to toss in there. Top with Greek yogurt instead of sour cream for more protein, less fat.
    Have you tried a frittata? They are easy to make with odds and ends veggies, meets, and cheese. Easy to eat cold like a quiche. Still eggs of course but no crust.
    I also like just cottage cheese and fresh fruit or diced ham. Easy and cold.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I usually eat leftovers for breakfast. However, you can try smoothies or protein shakes. There a huge variety of recipes on the internet that would be easy to find.
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    My favourite breakfast

    Oatmeal pancakes

    6 egg whites
    1 cup cottage cheese lite or normal
    1 cup oatmeal
    2 tsp sugar or stevia
    1 tsp vanilla
    1 tsp cinnamon

    Put all in blender and process until smooth. Makes about 8 pancakes, using 1/4 cup of batter per pancake.
  • queensturg
    The past few days I've had smoked salmon on flatbread crackers with cottage cheese. I thought the crackers and cottage cheese would've been a healthier alternative than having it on a bagel with cream cheese, and it was really nice. This morning I had a mango smoothie with almond milk and nutmeg, very low-cal, but just to hold me over till after the gym when I have a mid-morning snack before work. I struggle to find breakfast foods that I like too, eggs and cereal and porridge and all that are ok, but sometimes they do get boring if you don't mix it up a bit sometimes and have other things instead.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I would be willing to do unspeakable things for a plate of eggs royale right now.
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    Someone on here gave me the idea, but I like to mix a cup of non-fat Greek yogurt and a scoop of vanilla protein shake mix together and put it in the fridge. Tastes like cheesecake and you can add whatever else you want in flavor-wise. Not too bad on cals (probably around 200) and packs a lot of protein to get you moving!