What are your "red lines" foods and why?



  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    cereal is bad too.. once you get to the end of it, it's the perfect consistency and you just have to have another bowl!
  • Food....in general. LOL.

    but seriously, anything sweet and lately ive been craving sweet/salty combos. Mostly chocolate, candy, ice cream and brownies are my biggest "red line" foods. I'm just now getting really serious about this, and its hard to just not eat them. I try to eat as close to 1/2-1 serving size as possible rather than just eat the 2-3 servings Id eat before which seems to be satisfying enough for now. Hopefully, when I really get into the groove of things it wont be a problem to walk away from them. I however will treat myself to some chocolate every now and again because its just cruel to be a chocolate lover and NEVER eat chocolate.
  • I cook each and every day for my teenage son and my husband. Learning portion control is so hard. When I cook beef stew, I want a bowl so having to grab the measuring cups is awful. I LOVE cakes, cupcakes, ice cream and NACHOS with jalapenos! I have really been craving the NACHOS....my husband makes an awesome bowl. I enjoy Chinese and Italian way to much.
  • chocolate and starbucks...
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Reeses or ANYTHING which combines PB & chocolate. Mmmmmmm!!!!! Been that way since I was a child.

    ^^ Reese's are the devillll, so hard to resist!
  • mkwalk
    mkwalk Posts: 15 Member
    My biggest problems are toppings and sauces

    Sour cream - I could eat this on anything. Burgers? Tacos? in my chili? Yup. and a tablespoon is just sooooo small.
    Sauteed Mushrooms/onions - the more buttery the better.
    anything prepared "oscar style"
    Hollandaise sauce - uh. yum.
    That white dipping sauce at hibachi restaurants - any veggies are just a vehicle to get more of this sauce into my mouth
    Ranch dressing - it goes on salad....is it really that bad to dunk pizza rolls in it?? LOL.

    I struggle to have any of the above in moderation. it's just sooooo yummy.

    Substitute sour cream with fat free greek yogurt. It's amazing and so so so much healthier.
  • Jg04811
    Jg04811 Posts: 102 Member
    Mine is french fries as well....also any ice cream that is single wrapped such as ice cream sandwhich's ,drum sticks, snickers etc...I will eat the whole box in a day.
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    home made chocolate chip cookies
    Because there is no way I will just have one (or 2 or 3!)
  • peanut butter- i love pb and have a hard time controlling my intake with it, i could eat a whole jar in one night if i wanted to
    sweets (cookies, cakes, brownies)- umm they're delicious and impossible to stop at one, duh
    fast food (burgers, fries)- so salty and delicious
    pizza- my favorite food since i was like ten
  • booboomagoo
    booboomagoo Posts: 28 Member
    Anything I can eat in bits throughout the day. Bowls of candy are deadly for me. Just a piece here and there.. Then bam I've eaten 1000 calories in sweets/chips.
  • Glynneybug
    Glynneybug Posts: 196 Member
    Home made mac and cheese, cake with frosting, chips and pasta! All meant to be eaten in moderation- but I'm still learning how to be the proper moderator! :D
  • Anything I can eat in bits throughout the day. Bowls of candy are deadly for me. Just a piece here and there.. Then bam I've eaten 1000 calories in sweets/chips.

    Yup. When I worked an office job, this time of year was dangerous for me. First, it was people putting out bowls of candy around Haloween. Then, Christmas candy and cookies.
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    I t a l i a n C r e a m C a ke.

    most evil food on the planet. I have eaten an entire one of those in 2 days nearly completely by myself. It was my birthday, but still doesn't make it right.

    Only other weakness is Garlic Bread. I find it easier to just very very far away from either of those. Strangely the garlic bread isn't bothering me too much anymore, but let me catch a whiff or sight of that cake and it hurts to know our friendship is over.
  • mrsoski
    mrsoski Posts: 19 Member
    Peanut Butter and Co. White Chocolate Wonderful. aarrrggghhhh.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Kettle corn! Once I open a bag, I don't stop til it's gone!
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    3 Musketeers
    Arby's curly fries
  • souperficial
    souperficial Posts: 122 Member
    Cheez-its, pizza, and anything dark chocolate.

    I swear, Cheez-its are the food of the gods. I could eat half a box in one sitting.
  • mamacita721
    mamacita721 Posts: 194 Member
    White rice will cause a downward spiral every single time.
  • Try the powdered versions of coffee mate! The fat free versions, or even sugar free are pretty decent. I use the fat freee french vanilla everyday! They even have a pumpkin flavor out now. Delish!
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237
    I can't wait for you to get the inevitable "eat whatever you want in moderation!" responses from people who can't define what "moderation" is

    Pasta is like cocaine for me, once I start I can't stop. Every few months, I'll eat it at a restaurant where even if the portion size is pretty large it's still finite, but if I have a box of it in the house I'm done.

    Funny, cocaine is like pasta for me.

    Seriously though, I feel you. Some foods affect me soooo intensely. For me, most kinds of fast food burgers I could eat until I get sick. Also any ice cream.