What are your "red lines" foods and why?



  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I had to really think about this question. I don't believe that anything like that exists for me. There's no one food that if I eat it, it means the end of my healthy lifestyle. I can eat whatever I want and still be healthy IF I control the frequency and amount of it. I also don't really like most of the foods that are truly bad for you. Fast food and fried foods make me queasy, for example, so I don't even eat any of that garbage. I do like sugar, so although I do have treats now and then, I just control portions and it's not a problem.

    For example, you listed 1,000 calorie mall cinnamon rolls. I just ate ONE 347 calorie homemade cinnamon roll right from the oven and it was crazy delicious and yes, there was butter! I make most of my comfort foods at home, so I can control what goes into them and adapt them to make them healthier. Plus, there's no upset stomach and heartburn that goes with all that crap you buy pre-made. So, for me, a cinnamon roll is not the end of a healthy lifestyle, it's just part of a healthy lifestyle.

    P.S. True food addicts probably need to avoid their triggers at all costs. Non-addictive personalities probably just need to change their mindsets away from the shame and guilt. Don't feel like you failed if you eat a treat. Just mind your portions and focus on the majority of your eating being healthy and balanced. A treat now and then is nothing to be ashamed of. :heart:
  • tinyjaz
    tinyjaz Posts: 75 Member
    White Bread,white pasta and white rice. They send me into an eating frenzy!
  • wonjon
    wonjon Posts: 1
    For me it's yoghurt! This week, I've had a 1 litre container full in one go. Three times.
    Luckily it's the low fat type!
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    Chocolate or any type of dessert food - if its in front of me my will power loses most of the time.
    Fast food- if I have decided to choose to eat fast food, it means I am crashing and burning
    Chips- bad for you and I usually eat more than a serving size
    Pasta- high cal