Were You A Fat Child?



  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 239 Member
    Nope--I was a very thin child and young adult. I gained weight in my forties til I found myself 35 pounds over weight in my fifties! Yikes!
  • xkdrowex
    xkdrowex Posts: 107 Member
    165lbs at age 13... now... 27 and 2 kids and just about 130.

    Blog post here with pics. http://krystalrowe.blogspot.com/2012/09/confessions-of-former-chubby-girl.html
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I was never fat as a young child....but my family went through some difficult times when I was a pre-teen and that caused weight gain (lack of parental monitoring for my food choices, no exercise, etc). I did a lot of crash diets and cardio in high school and thought I was fat, but looking back at a picture of me on the beach in a bikini - I wish I had that body again, lol!!
    I didn't start gaining serious weight until I was in college and then when I got married. I had complete freedom to make whatever choice I wanted....but with no foundation in nutrition, I wasn't equipped to take care of myself. I won't repeat that cycle for my daughter.
  • regina1006
    regina1006 Posts: 21 Member
    I always like to say I was born a size 12. I have always been on the heavy side but played sports in high school so it was always somewhat under control. When I graduated from high school and went to college I ballooned and have been fighting it ever since.
  • ilikepandasyay
    ilikepandasyay Posts: 96 Member
    I was very underweight as a child, very active and had a good metabolism and was a picky eater so I often ended up only eating half servings of dinner. I started putting on a normal amount of weight during puberty, and then when I was about 18 my activity levels dropped and my eating habits got even worse and I started packing on the pounds. I'm about 40lbs heavier than I was when I graduated High School 8+ years ago.
  • McAlyna
    McAlyna Posts: 123 Member
    I was thin till my mid-thirty. I started to put on weight and even more after I had my daughter. She is now 3.5 yrs old.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I won't say I was "fat"...more like Husky. My dad used says I wasn't sloppy chubby, but more of a solid chubby! LOL So I've dealt with my weight my entire life. Unfortunately it also skewed my view of myself as well. When I was in HS, I was down to about 159 (at 5'9" tall) and I still saw myself as being fat. Now...what I wouldn't GIVE to be that weight again!
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    Nope. I was in 3 dance classes every year as well as sports some years (basketball and volleyball). I stopped doing anything when I hit 8th grade. Gained at least 40 pounds (going from 130 or 140 to about 180) that year. The lowest weight I have been since was 165 - that was last year before a friend of mine died and I bounced back up to 190. Ugh.
    I was my heaviest at age 16-17 when I probably weighed about 215. Never weighed myself, but judging by how much bigger I looked, I had to be about that.
  • lat2935
    No. My weight problem came about in my 20's. I worked at a hospital then, and one day stepped on the scale to my surprise I was 180 plus. After I had my daughter my weight increased drastically. So here I am doing something about it!
  • starry8740
    I was a very skinny child then once a I got into the 4th grade it got bad. I was in plus sizes and I was always made fun of. Funny thing is I was never picked on for my weight...it was for being a loser because my mom was strict. One day the girl shoved me in a locker and I went home and told my mom I was never going back ever. Every day before school I puked. With the stress I ate more junk. My mom homeschooled me after that and I lost the weight instantly. High school and onward I fit into smalls and ambercrombie I fit in XS. My ex fiance I met at 16....and were together till I was 18and a month....he was a blackbelt in karate and had his own school so he taught me a lot...we were always active and hardly ever were sitting or eating junk. After the break up I took it hard because he was my first love....and I started eating more. I put on 20to lbs but still fit in meds. That summer I met my now hubby and we walked all over town. 3-5 miles a day...i stayed the same until my dad fell ill that next spring with cancer. He lived 10in months and during that time I ate more....i was back in larges at 150.00 ...then came his death last january.....i never lpst anyone to death before and I took it so hard...I still am 9not months later. Anyway I ate whenever it hurt after his death....chocolate seemed to help the hurt a little...it deff relieved stressed and in that month I sprung up to 185. Eventually. I hit 191a lbs before I joined.

    I seem like I can take weight off as quickly as i can put it on.
  • Denise1224
    Denise1224 Posts: 150 Member
    I was not a fat child, very skinny in fact did not gain weight until about 7 years ago after I got married.

    Same here... about 3 years ago... I've always been thin (even after having kids) .... Seems I turned 40 gained weight and am having a REALLY hard time getting it gone this time!
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    Normal weight as a child, was very active and sporty. I put on my weight when I went to high school, got a part time job and discovered sweets and chocolate (we didn't eat much of those when I was growing up as our parents wanted us to be healthy).
  • Busachick
    Yep... I sure was. I remember at 9 wearing a size 14 ladies when my mom took me shopping for jeans. LOL... that sucked!
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    I was a bit overweight, but not that much. I always considered myself average, but I was definitely the most slender in my family.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    165lbs at age 13... now... 27 and 2 kids and just about 130.

    Blog post here with pics. http://krystalrowe.blogspot.com/2012/09/confessions-of-former-chubby-girl.html

    I read your blog. Very encouraging! Way to stick with everything and not let the stupid in people bring you down! KUDOS! :D
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    I was overweight but not badly. The only ones I got teased by were a few "mean girls" and my abusive (in every way) step-mother. I remember I was about 8 when we were going to the pool one summer. I had a 2 piece on (that SHE had bought mind you, I didn't get to pick out ANY of my own clothes until I was 14 and no longer lived under her roof) and she told me I was "ridiculously fat and need to go on a diet. No one should have to suffer seeing you in that swimsuit". I ran away when I was 14 and never returned. (broken family for those wondering)
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I was never overweight when I was a child. The only reason why I'm overweight now is because of an injury that stopped me from being so active. Now, I need to get back to that. It's not easy! >.>
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    yes been bigger since i can remember, not huge but always chubby/fat...
    this is the first time ive really had success with weight loss! i am smaller than i was in high school right now!
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    Totally fat and addicted to food by like 5 years old.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Yes and no.

    I was a BIG child. Tall, big boned... with a bit of baby fat. I wasn't FAT but I wasn't tiny either. But I felt fat. From as far back as first grade I felt like I was HUGE. Mostly because of my height. I was so much taller then everyone else and it made me feel like I was big.

    I've felt fat my entire life, even though I have been skinny (as an adult until five years ago I was skinny).