Coffee coffee coffee! Is it packing on the pounds?



  • DesignGrrl
    DesignGrrl Posts: 147 Member
    Add a scoop of peanut butter protein powder! I put a scoop in 2 cups of black chilled coffee and drink that at breakfast, and it's delicious! It makes it so I don't need any creamer or sugar or anything, and gives me extra protein.
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Large double double please!! Im addicted to coffee. And I just cant drink it with milk or skim milk instead of cream..Just cant stand the taste! I try to make it at home instead of going to Tim Hortons but it doesnt help having the place across the street. How much is coffee effecting my weight loss? I drink about 2-4 a day

    EEHHHOOOO :) Thats the Timmies standard here in Canada :)

    Im cutting out coffee switching to tea at least that i can count as water ;)

    Actually....I should of said Medium double double since they changed all the sizes!

    i know i used to try to tough it out through the large lol but it was just far to much coffee so i too have gone down to a medium *smh* for shame
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    I'm the kind of person (I know, real coffee drinkers scoff at me, hahaha) who likes coffee -- but only "foofy" coffee as I call it. It has to be loaded with a BUNCH of sugar and flavored creamer til it's gut rot tingly sweet (Kinda like the flavored starbucks! haha). For that reason, I don't drink it really anymore.

    That being said, I was raised only LITERALLY only drinking pepsi from as young as I can remember. It left me with a major caffeine addiction, and a disdain for water. When I tried to break this 100% pepsi thing and add water, I got such horrible headaches that I would have for days on end no matter how much ibuprofen/tylenol/etc I took. But it would instantly go away within a few sips of pepsi....or mountain dew....or coke, etc. So what I did was -- I had found a water that is caffeinated, but with literally NOTHING else in it. It tastes like regular water, has no calories, etc. It just has caffeine. I started swapping out the caffeinated water for pepsi, over time, decreasing the pepsi and increasing the water more and more. And then I'd add in a glass of regular water a day. And as the pepsi intake went down, trading to the caffeinated water, and increasing the regular water, etc.

    This way I wasn't battling both the taste issue along with the caffeine addiction.

    By this point I'm actually CRAVING water. When I'm home I occasionally drink milk, but almost only plain, filtered tap water anymore. When I'm out for a meal, sometimes I'll get water, and sometimes I'll get Coke, Diet Coke or Mountain Dew -- but it's certainly no longer for the addiction.....just 'cause I like the taste every now and again (especially in combination with certain foods :)

    If anyone is interested in the caffeinated water, it is Called Avitae (there may be others -- I'm not sure. This is just the one I found)
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    What do you have your goals set to? 1 lb a week, 2 lbs a week, sedentary, lightly active?

    With four children, one a baby, you are at a minimum lightly active and quite possibly the next one up from that. 1200 calories is probably not enough for someone chasing after kids all day.

    If you up your calories, you'd have plenty of room to drink those shakes you want to finish.

    I have the activitey set as low as it can go until I set myself a regular routine.
    I think I have it at 1.5 a week?
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    According to Google "Tim Horton" is a USA & Canadian coffee and doughnut chain - across the road, huh? Have you considered moving?

    Might i add that it was ours first and it is still better in Canada you guys have done something weird with it down in the US of A
  • ShelleyTurgeon
    ShelleyTurgeon Posts: 95 Member
    This post should be Cream cream cream! Is it packing on the pounds?

    Coffee has very few calories. Would you have a bowl of ice cream every morning and expect to lose weight?

    (Note: I know there are people out there who eat ice cream every day and still lose weight.)

    Actually, even though coffee has few calories, the caffiene in it inhibits weight loss. But I am in agreeance here I think there is a little more going on. I am addicted to the sugar and the caffiene too, I HAVE to have on every morning from Tim Hortons. I suffer from fatigue aswell and I think that all of it goes hand in hand. You need to eat real food with more protien in it more times daily, you will see you energy go up and you pounds go down.. that hardest part is giving up the habit!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Log it. It's affecting your weight loss where it affects your macros and calories. If you can stay within those (calories in particlar) while drinking that much coffee then I guess power to you. But really, if you are drinking cream and sugar, you should be anticipating about 70-100 cals or more per cup you buy at TH.
  • abbeyarmygirl
    abbeyarmygirl Posts: 7 Member
    I'm suprised no one has mentioned! I am still learning and pretty new to MFP, but CINNAMON!!!
    The best way with little calories is to make your coffee this way...

    Coffee, lots of skim milk, one packet of slenda and as much CINNAMON as you want! Cinnamon boosts your metabolism and is amazing flavor with little calories. You gotta try!!!
  • marathon_mama
    marathon_mama Posts: 150 Member
    True but most people add WAY more than 1 tablespoon. I know i do. I like it to be a light caramel color.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Large double double please!! Im addicted to coffee. And I just cant drink it with milk or skim milk instead of cream..Just cant stand the taste! I try to make it at home instead of going to Tim Hortons but it doesnt help having the place across the street. How much is coffee effecting my weight loss? I drink about 2-4 a day

    It's all about what you put in it!! I've been using coffeemate powdered creamer instead of half n half, that along with a 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and sometimes a wee bit of almond extract. It comes out to about 58 calories. I limit myself to 2 cups a this doesn't cut into my calorie allowance over much.
  • Measure exactly how much cream and sugar you are putting in each cup per day. This is the only way to retrain your mind to accept that its probably not worth the amount of calories you are taking in and thus sabotaging your weight loss goal. It is estimated if most Americans would drop the equivalent of one regular soda per day(about 140 calories) they would drop 15 lbs in a year on average. You are most likely drinking this many calories in that much coffee. With growing insight into the calories, eventually it won't taste as good as it does now.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    I have the activitey set as low as it can go until I set myself a regular routine.
    I think I have it at 1.5 a week?

    I strongly encourage you to set it to at least lightly active and 1 lb a week. You can add on exercise calories too. Think of it this way: you can't take care of the little ones properly if you are burned out, and the first few years are hugely important. They are more sensitive to how mom is doing than we give them credit for. They have to keep an eye on their caretaker, their survival depends on it.

    I'm not someone who hates 1200 calories by the way, that's my calorie goal as well. I'm not going to tell starvation mode at you. But for you, it really seems you are not getting what you need. Do you mind sharing your weight? It's hard to tell you what you should eat without that. If you don't want to share, that's cool, but please consider running MFP with the settings I suggested. You will lose weight on whatever comes up from the changes. MFP works, without all the going to other websites to calculate this and that or following this user's or that user's special programs and spreadsheets. Keep it simple.
  • I found that for me, coffee negatively affected my weight loss in a couple of ways:

    1. I never liked it black, and always added plenty of calories & sugar to it.
    2. It made me crave more sweets.
    3. It made me capable of getting by on less sleep, so I'd be in a chronically sleep-deprived state and always needing it. Being short on sleep negatively affects weight loss in itself, and also when I'm sleep-deprived, I'm more likely to seek comfort and stimulation in foods.

    As far as coffee addicts go, I was pretty light - one or two large mugs per day. But since quitting coffee I find that I just can't make myself stay up as late at night, so I'm getting more sleep, and I wake up with a lot more energy and have more energy throughout the day.

    If you want to wean yourself off of it, do it gradually so that you don't get headaches...I went from 2 cups coffee per day to 1 cup coffee + 1 cup black tea, then to 2 cups black tea, then 1 cup black tea + 1 cup herbal tea, and now I'm to 1 cup green tea + 1 cup herbal tea. I'm almost totally off caffeine and I'm sooooo happy I made the switch, and haven't had a single headache in the process!
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    Large double double please!! Im addicted to coffee. And I just cant drink it with milk or skim milk instead of cream..Just cant stand the taste! I try to make it at home instead of going to Tim Hortons but it doesnt help having the place across the street. How much is coffee effecting my weight loss? I drink about 2-4 a day

    It's all about what you put in it!! I've been using coffeemate powdered creamer instead of half n half, that along with a 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and sometimes a wee bit of almond extract. It comes out to about 58 calories. I limit myself to 2 cups a this doesn't cut into my calorie allowance over much.

    Months ago I was drinking 3 or4 coffees from Timmies a day but I now drink more from home. I get coffeemate cream as well but the Coffeemate double double kind so I dont have to worry about adding sugar.
  • adriadawn19
    adriadawn19 Posts: 174 Member
    according to what i found online there are about 150 calories in a medium double double at tim hortons which means if you are drinking 3-4 a day that is any where from 450-600 calories a day. maybe you are consuming more calories than you realize...
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    Some days I drink half my calories in coffee drinks and vitamin water. Those days I usual trade coffee drinks for food not relay healthy but sometimes it happens. If you do it every day and stay within your calorie range how much can it hurt as long as you drink some water too. And add in an orange or something lol.
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    Give up coffee?!?! BLASPHEMY!!!

    Seriously, I refuse to give up my coffee. That being said, I have dramatically cut back on the amount I drink, and switched from regular creamer (liquid kind only--powdered creamer is only for dire emergencies for me) to low-fat. I have also gradually reduced the amount of creamer that I use. Maybe someday I'll be able to drink it black.

    I did give up my Starbucks habit. I've come to realize that I have to treat Starbucks like a recovering alcoholic does a bar: I can't even let myself go near it. Even though I switched from a grande white mocha to a tall skinny vanilla latte (and at 90 calories I don't think that's too bad). It was the banana bread that would get me. I LOOOOOVE their banana bread, especially when it's fresh. But at 490 calories and $4 a slice it was breaking my wallet and my waistline. I think it's been 3 months now and I've gone there once. Now I'm making my own coffee at home and staying away from that vile, wonderful place.
  • healthynotthin
    healthynotthin Posts: 223 Member
    I weigh 116 pounds and drink at least two cups of coffee per day.

    Just make sure it fits into your calorie goals and you'll be fine!
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Some days I drink half my calories in coffee drinks and vitamin water. Those days I usual trade coffee drinks for food not relay healthy but sometimes it happens. If you do it every day and stay within your calorie range how much can it hurt as long as you drink some water too. And add in an orange or something lol.

    Truely bad advise.
  • The headache may not be a migraine - may be caffeine withdrawal. Slowing reduce caffeine over a period of time!