the fake 'I'm so fat' comments



  • Kayeb90
    Kayeb90 Posts: 8 Member
    reminds me of a few ppl I know. My best friend I love her to death and she went up to about 200 or so having a baby she's 5'1 looks great now at about 140 but constantly talks about being fat and needing to lose another 20 or more and when she acts like that of course I say you look fine but it also hurts my feelings because Im 340 at last weigh in before getting on track and when I get annoyed by it and frustrated I just say " don't tell me about being fat look at me this is fat if you think you look so awful Id hate to know what you think of me." she does have some image issues but sometimes she is just fishing for a compliment may even have an eating disorder one thing I know for sure is been boney isnt healthy or attractive and no one should strive to be a skeleton with skin and these smaller ppl should be more considerate when speaking to someone much heavier about how "fat" they are
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Have a who's fatter? contest with them, the loser has to eat an entire pizza
  • avsingleton
    avsingleton Posts: 98 Member
    awww....don't feel annoyed. i'm considered small by the ppl i'm around and sometimes i feel sooo fat. it's a personal thing and shouldn't be taken personally by others. :noway:

    btw...part of the reason why i'm still small and the ppl around my are overweight is bc i am so conscious of my weight and don't allow it to get out of control...think about it. u don't have to let a situation get out of control to take control. :wink:
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    The world has such a twisted view of what "true beauty" is. Too many people fall into the trap of those lies. Young men and young ladies. Unfortunately, there are many who will say this because they won't attention... even more unfortunate, though, are the ones who actually believe it.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Unfortunately, I'm one of those ppl no matter the actual size of the person, my response is the same

    "If you feel that way then do something about it....go work out"

    Personally I love when I'm at the bar with a group of female friends and at some point of the night there is always one that'll make the "UGH....wish I wasn't so fat"
    Me: well that beer certainly isn't going to help :laugh: and what's wishing gonna do ya if you don't do anything about it. Don't like how you look, then change it. Until then, lets go back out there and have fun, k?
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    Simple-just don't say anything back or give attention to it when it is done in that nature!!!
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    my cousin is like that!
    i invite her to join me on my workouts.
    then i told her that we're gunna be lifting weights and
    alternating cardio dvd's that are about an hour long
    and suddenly,she was like uhh! umm, i dont think i can do that.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I always say, 'if you think you're so fat, then what must you think of me?' Normally shuts them up,

    I do that! Love it.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    It's probably not fake. Just because they are thinner than you does not mean they don't legitimately have low self esteem.

    ^^ This. Body image issues don't go away with the pounds. I will wear a curve hugging shirt because it fits nicely, but I still see the fat girl in the mirror. I've lost 57 pounds and rarely see it. I'll hold up a pair of pants and think "these look tiny, they will never go above my knees" and they fit perfectly. They might look awesome to someone else, but I'm still insecure about it.

    ETA: I never say "I'm so fat." I'm not THAT girl. My issues are my own. I *know* I'm not fat any more, it's my own head issues I'm battling with.
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    :embarassed: Guilty on all accounts, but I'm not looking for sympthy or any of that is how I actually feel and I don't go around staying these things for attention. I do feel feel like I'm getting old because I feel as if I'm soon to be out of my twentys and far from my teen years. it's a scary thoughts growing older.
    I know a lot of people like that. Yes, very annoying. I work with people young enough to be my biological children. They constantly say, OH I am sooo old! Here I am creaking and cracklin when I walk, Finding grey in my hair and have a niece and nephew older than them! Plus the same kiddos talk about how chubbo they are. PHFTT. I have 50 more lbs to lose. Thats half their body weight! Who are they kidding!
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    I just compliment them and tell them they look nice.

    I enjoy making people happy and feel better about themselves.

    Sometimes fit people have "fat days"

    Awwww this is the right answer, EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS AND JUST DO IT!
  • LuckyMe381
    LuckyMe381 Posts: 105 Member
    I just compliment them and tell them they look nice.

    I enjoy making people happy and feel better about themselves.

    Sometimes fit people have "fat days"

    Awwww this is the right answer, EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS AND JUST DO IT!

    I agree you never know what is really going through their heads and this would probably make their day! Always be nice to people because being rude will get you nowhere
  • twingirlsmommy
    twingirlsmommy Posts: 111 Member
    I get annoyed when I see women who are smaller than me say it because I'm like "okay, what does that make me then . . . if you're "fat" I must be a whale then!?"
  • sc0418
    sc0418 Posts: 22 Member
    It's probably not fake. Just because they are thinner than you does not mean they don't legitimately have low self esteem.

    ^^ This. Body image issues don't go away with the pounds. I will wear a curve hugging shirt because it fits nicely, but I still see the fat girl in the mirror. I've lost 57 pounds and rarely see it. I'll hold up a pair of pants and think "these look tiny, they will never go above my knees" and they fit perfectly. They might look awesome to someone else, but I'm still insecure about it.

    ETA: I never say "I'm so fat." I'm not THAT girl. My issues are my own. I *know* I'm not fat any more, it's my own head issues I'm battling with.

    This is so true and completely how I am! Over the last 4 years (and before joining MFP) I lost around 40 lbs. So anytime I run into people I haven't seen for a little while they always comment on how small I am or how good I look. It feels really good to hear those compliments, but in my head I'm still that person I was before. I know that this is a personal issue that I alone have to work on, and telling myself that this voice in my head will go away once I lose the last 10 - 15 lbs probably isn't true. But it's really hard to move past that.

    But on the other hand, I too have a really good friend that does the complaining on a pretty regular basis and she has 9% BF!! I try to be supportive of her, but it can be frustrating and make me feel bad about myself.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    My response to my more fit friends when they talk about how "fat" they are is "I really don't want to talk about weight"

    It generally stops the conversation. I know that it isn't a contest, and I know that everybody has their own issues. It's best not to get into it with them. Works for me.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    It's probably not fake. Just because they are thinner than you does not mean they don't legitimately have low self esteem.
    This. I was thin and I thought I was fat until I gained some weight and had kids. Now I love myself because of the gift of life I can give and realize I am more than that. I was never fat and even not I am just a little overweight, not obese or anything of the sort. I also didn't see people bigger than me as whales, but often even was jealous of their confidence instead.
  • Aurorakitty
    Does anyone else get annoyed with thin women who talk about how fat they are all the time? I am not talking about the insecure type who feel they are fat and have body issues. I am referring to women who know they have an amazing figure, like to show it off and are very aware that they look good. I know someone like this and it really annoys me when she will come up with a random 'Oh I'm so fat' when she knows there is a group of people (mostly bigger people) around and someone will say 'Noooo! you have an amazing figure' or 'Don't be ridiculous you are stunning'. I wouldn't mind if I thought it was genuine but it is so obvious that she is just after compliments. I know there are a lot of people with genuine body issues but I know this person isn't one of them.

    Yes I hang around with these type of people on the weekends and its affected my view of myself so much that I don't know what skinny is anymore. :( They can't figure out if they need to lose or gain weight and only complain because of attention where as other skinny people who complain have self esteem issues and mental health issues. In all regards they probably can't help but compare themselves to the bigger people around them and just want a response from those other people- trying to make them feel bad because they aren't as skinny as the skinny girls.
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member
    I've run into that a few times. I agree with them and have said "You should probably lose some weight." And watch the disgust roll over their face. Makes me laugh to see them get ticked for agreeing with what they've said.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I've run into that a few times. I agree with them and have said "You should probably lose some weight." And watch the disgust roll over their face. Makes me laugh to see them get ticked for agreeing with what they've said.
    Lol I love this except be careful because some people really mean it and are already very skinny xoxo
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Maybe someone already said this but different people have difference ideas about what is fat for them. I was fat when I joined MFP and I was 130 and 5'4". To someone else that might seem crazy because that might be their goal not their starting point. Sometimes I think there is more genuine support for people who have a whole lot to lose numbers-wise. Losing weight and NSV are just as meaningful to the individual whether you have 10 or 200 pounds to lose. It seems as the number to lose gets smaller people just don't think it's as important to offer encouragement. I understand people don't want to encourage eating disorders, but someone say my height ( 5'4") is perfectly healthy at 115. When you look at it that way I hope you can see how 130 is fat for some of us.

    I don't think it is fair to say that someone seeking support or opinions about their weight is instantly trolling for compliments, a b!+<#, have insecurities, or an eating disorder. I hope this makes sense and doesn't seem petty or insensitive. For the record I'm not saying I don't get support -I do. I'm just saying it's disheartening to read threads like this when so many assume people who don't have a lot to lose don't have goals or that subtle changes (both good and bad) aren't as important to us.

    ETA just because someone is saying something about their weight doesn't mean they are talking about you. If someone says something like "I'm hungry" do you instantly think "what about me don't you think I might be hungry too?!!" Probably not so why assume someone is talking (or thinking) about you while expressing a personal feeling?