Goal of 20 lbs down by Christmas...any joiners?



  • I'm totally in! Start weight = 181 (10/24)
    Goal weight = 161 (12/25)
  • :embarassed: Yep - Ready to go for it want to go 190lb to 150lb
  • lisarob5
    lisarob5 Posts: 7 Member
    I would like to be a member of this group!!

    SW: 178.2
    GW: 158.2 (by Christmas)

    ** This would put me in the "healthy" BMI range - and THAT would be exciting!!! **
  • TattedInStilettos
    TattedInStilettos Posts: 331 Member
    Im all in... I was looking for a challenge to participate in....

    Cw: 255
    Gw: 235 or more
  • I will join!!!!
    Current weight 165
    Goal 125
  • Count me in... start weight 203; goal weight by x-mas 183. That would be great!
  • rere2008
    rere2008 Posts: 19 Member
    I am in!

    Current: 255
    Goal: 235

    Feel free to add me as a friend! I need more!
  • I would love to join. My name is Debra Rubeck and I have been gaining for a year now. My current weight is 224 and I would love to be 204 for Christmas or less?? Not very familiar with message boards so please advise me if I am not appropriate. Thank you for the challenge and good luck to all of you. I just need a friend and some motivation. Thank you. Debra
  • I'd like to join too please!

    Starting weight 155lbs
    Goal weight 135lbs (only 5 off from ultimate goal!)
  • Tinker_and_Bash
    Tinker_and_Bash Posts: 39 Member
    I'm in!
    SW 249
    GW 229!
  • meredithgainey
    meredithgainey Posts: 37 Member
    Im in 302 lb currently an would like to be atleast 275 if not below before christmas!
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Sign me up Scotty!

    Current: 195lbs
    Goal 2 weight: 175lbs

    (Goal one was 200lbs met that and past it weeks ago, plateaued... LETS DO THIS!)
  • Hichiko
    Hichiko Posts: 97 Member
    I'm in!
    It's been a struggle and a half to lose -anything-, but a goal's a goal, right?

    Starting: 231
    Goal: 211.
  • ME TOO! I started last week. :D

    Start: 150
    Current: 147
    Goal: in the 130s. :)
  • I just now saw this. Would love in. I've lost 30 so far this year and would love to shed the last 20! Starting weight 155- goal 135
  • ahodge0502
    ahodge0502 Posts: 14 Member
    iM in! GW: 115
  • r1r2
    r1r2 Posts: 3
    I've also just got back at it after taking six weeks off (and gained 10 lbs back). Three days in and doing good. I intend on losing 20 for XMAS. Starting weight 167. Goal 147. Merry XMAS to me. At that point I'll only have 7 lbs left to get to goal.
  • fitmomma1212
    fitmomma1212 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in! Current weight 166 lbs. Goal 146 lbs. That would be a great holiday gift to myself!
  • gldlx7
    gldlx7 Posts: 5 Member
    Great idea and an awesome group of people to do it with!

    Current weight : 148.6
    Goal weight : 128.6
  • Hopefully, I'll loose more than 20 by then. But 20 is a start!