Wii Etc (Fit, Fit Plus, EA....) Team for March



  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    YEAY!!!! After a week....I finally found some time to get back on the wii.....Did 20 min of free run, boxing, kungfu, and some strength training! Gosh that felt good!!!! I need to make it a point to get on it more often!! ;)

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    I have the WiiFit Plus with My personal Coach. For Lent I'm determined to do AT LEAST 15 minutes of yoga per day. This is in addition to my regular exercise (I usually do exercise for about an hour/day, I shoot for 3 days of cardio, 1 of yoga and 2 of strength training. I may or may not do some balance exercises the last day, it all depends on the schedule).

    Anyway, I like the yoga on the MPC, and was wondering if there was some way to increase the number of times of instruction. For example, it'll take you thru the moves for a sun salutation once, and then you're on your own. I have to hope that I remembered everything and in what sequence. There was another pose that I did tonight (was it triangle?) and for whatever reason it didn't really tell you when to come out of the pose and start again.

    Is this a feature that you can turn on? If so, how do you do it?

  • irismoon
    irismoon Posts: 83
    Awesome more Wii users! I'm so in on this!

    I have....

    Wii Fit Plus
    Gold Gym Cardio Workout (boxing)
    My Fitness Coach (love it!!!)

    I plan to get more soon. I love working out on the wii and my other game systems. Playstation also has some good exercise games available now.
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    I've been doing the EA active - 'More Exercises' 6 week challenge for about 3 weeks now and LOVE IT!!!! i have done the Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus and the original EA Active, but this is my favorite by far. It has awesome preset workouts in the challenge that make me sweat! and the step aerobics programs on it are like "real" step classes, not just on and off like on the wii fit. You actually have knee raises, leg kicks, etc included in the step routines. i burn like 200 calories doing 30 min. of the step. You can use it with or without the balance board and you can actually "weigh in" on this new version just like on the wii fits. Also, there is a warmup and cooldown with each programmed workout and they include abs which is not on the original.

    I was actually thinking about getting the "risers" for the balance board to kick it up a notch, so if anyone has any opinions of the risers, let me know.

    Keep up the good work everyone!!

    PS: i don't have any trouble with the leg strap as long as it's on tight : )

    I bought the risers for the board. They give you a better workout on the step, but the system does not pick up every step up. It is great for free step. Do not use the risers to do body tests (weight). I loved that I was like 25 lbs lighter! :happy:

    I'm sure this question has been answered in past posts but . . . . Would the board be more accurate if you used a sheet of wood under it instead of putting it directly on the carpet? I have been getting weigh in numbers from it since I refuse to buy me a scale!
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    Definitely let me know how you like it Jaime :)

    Michelle, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my EASA. At first I had some trouble getting used to the leg strap, but now I have no problems with it. As long as I wear it over tight pants or directly on my skin, it stays snug and in place.

    shellgib, I've used my risers 4 times now (I just bought them a week ago) and I can definitely tell the difference when I do the free step on wii fit plus. This is the one I bought but from best buy: http://www.amazon.com/Everlast-3-Aerobic-Step-Nintendo-Wii/dp/B0024FAY6O/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1267451119&sr=8-1 They are very sturdy which was a big concern of mine since I'm a huge klutz :blushing: Maybe I'll have to check out more workouts if I meet my mini goal because it sounds like I'll like that more than the yoga game.

    To piggy back on what Peter said, if you'd like a longer workout during the challenges, once you're on the last rep of an exercise, you can hit I think it's 2 on the remote?, and it will give you a bunch of options. One is to start the exercise over again. That way you can still keep the calories burned (if you're tracking that way) and get more reps in.

    bennettv, I bought EASA after I hear great reviews from a friend and it didn't disappoint :)

    25anniversary201, put a nickel in each hole where the bottom of the board fits into the risers. I read that in a review on amazon, and it worked for me :happy:

    Have a great wii day everyone. Tonight it's my challenge and intense upper body for me! My arms feel like jelly already just thinking about it :laugh:
  • SweetieBsMom
    SweetieBsMom Posts: 16 Member
    I haven't used my Gold's Gym Cardio yet but am looking forward to it tonight after work. I did my Charlean Extreme and Rockn' Body workouts this morning before work. With my work schedule, it's just easier to do those workouts in the morning and Wii at night that way if my son wants to jump in he can. He's 6 and has Autism and he just laughs and laughs at me when I'm doing Just Dance. He'll keep telling me "you can do it Mama". I want him to jump up and join me. He may like the cardio boxing. He didn't like the boxing on Wii Sports - every time he hit the guy he'd say "sorry guy" and when he knocked him out, he cried. God forgive me but I was rolling on the floor laughing.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • jnikitow
    jnikitow Posts: 334
    So, did day 2 of the EA Sports Active 30 day challenge.

    I like the exercises and I'm feeling it in my arms and legs. I just feel there is a lot of down time between each exercise at the beginning because you have to learn the right technique. I hope this decreases as I continue.

    My HRM has been higher than the game's calorie count, but my HRM is counting down time and I don't think the game is.

    I really needed something to help me tone up. I have done a lot of cardio though-out my weight loss journey and losing the 69 pounds, but I didn't really concentrate on the toning part because I thought it was boring. This really helps with that. So far I am not bored and I am doing toning exercises.
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    I didn't get on my WII Fit at all this week!!!! :o( I have been working out though. I got Jillian's 30 Day Shred and have been doing that as well as one of the Biggest Loser workout DVD's that I already had. Lots of sweating, and actually lots of fun!!! :o)

    I am going to try starting a challenge in my house tonight though. I am thinking of coming up with some prizes or something that everyone would like and then holding a competition with the WII Fit to see who wins. I'm not sure what to use as prizes though. :O)

    Any ideas you have would be welcome. I have a 17 year old girl, a 44 year old construciton worker husband, and myself. :o)

  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I didn't get on my WII Fit at all this week!!!! :o( I have been working out though. I got Jillian's 30 Day Shred and have been doing that as well as one of the Biggest Loser workout DVD's that I already had. Lots of sweating, and actually lots of fun!!! :o)

    I am going to try starting a challenge in my house tonight though. I am thinking of coming up with some prizes or something that everyone would like and then holding a competition with the WII Fit to see who wins. I'm not sure what to use as prizes though. :O)

    Any ideas you have would be welcome. I have a 17 year old girl, a 44 year old construciton worker husband, and myself. :o)


    Just don't make it food! LOL
    Maybe some sort of daily chore? Loser has to take the trash out for a week, or do the dishes. Or maybe the winner gets to pick a weekly movie or video or something.
    Let us know what you come up with. I can't seem to get my daughter (17) on the Wiii for any reward.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I agree, as long as it's not food. Healthy food, they (kids) might not want to win. lol

    I think a weekly or even a monthly event might be good.
    What about a loser pays for the amusement park?

    We know the kids might not have the money to pay for all of you to go, but if they agree, they'll know if they're last, that might give them some incentive to play and not finish last??

    Maybe winner gets a new piece of clothing/shoes?

    Jane - how's your water doing today? :wink:
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585

    Jane - how's your water doing today? :wink:

    Haha, It's so funny Peter. When I see you have posted, before I even look at the message, I go reaching for the water bottle. :drinker:

    So, its a 20 oz bottle. How many of those do I need to drink a day? More than 4?
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Jane - how's your water doing today? :wink:

    Haha, It's so funny Peter. When I see you have posted, before I even look at the message, I go reaching for the water bottle. :drinker:

    So, its a 20 oz bottle. How many of those do I need to drink a day? More than 4?

    hehehe, whatever method works. So everytime you see my msg you will drink water now? wooo hooo :drinker: :drinker:

    20 oz bottle. 4 of those means you got 10 x 8oz glasses which is great.
    Finish the 4 and get into your 5th and that should be good everyday.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I have my balance board on a tile floor. When it was on a carpet it did not register my weight and other things correctly.

    Family challenges are something to figure out. I have one for this coming summer/fall. I have dared my teenagers to race me in a 5k. We are all going to start training as soon as my daughter has her hip surgery and is given the OK to run again. We haven't decided on a prize yet, but the dare is out there.

    I'm still doing my 30 minute free step almost every night and in the morning I am doing one of the new Wii Fit Plus routines. Once I've done them all I will start checking out any new games that I haven't done yet. My low scores are embarrassing, but at least my attempts are bringing laughter to the family as they watch or try themselves.

  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member

    Family challenges are something to figure out. I have one for this coming summer/fall. I have dared my teenagers to race me in a 5k. We are all going to start training as soon as my daughter has her hip surgery and is given the OK to run again. We haven't decided on a prize yet, but the dare is out there.

    Good Evening everyone.

    Good luck with the 5k, I keep saying I'm going to do that sometime but I have never had the guts to sign up for one. I'm sure it will be hard work bit sooooo worth it!!!! :smile:

    Ok so it was my mum's birthday today so went out to dinner. Never go the chance to go on the Wii tonight cos I'm staying overnight at my parents but will definately be on it tomorrow. We had dinner and had a walk for about an hour to work off our dinners so that was good.

    I am determined to meet my goals this month!!! Since I haven't in January due to knee trouble and February due to just sheer laziness!!!

    Hope everyone had a good Monday :heart:
  • irismoon
    irismoon Posts: 83
    Mind if I take the posts off topic of a mintue? Good? Okay. :smile: lol

    I've got a bad right knee and ankle. I love my wii. I own the wii fit plus and the my fitness coach. Both of them I love and can do pretty good. I also have the Gold Gym's Cardio workout, which isn't my favorite. I like boxing, but the movements are sometimes hard on my leg since it tells you to move your weight back and forth over and over. So I was wondering what other fitness games would be good for me? I have a whole list of games I want to get, but don't know if I should because of my leg. What do you guys recommend as I need something with a good workout, but that won't have a lot of running or push-up style positions? I was wondering about the biggest losser, pilates, your shape, and jillian games. They are the ones I see the most in the store. Also anyone own the Wii Active game & gear? I've thought about getting it but it costs so much. Don't want it, if it isn't worth it.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Iris - I am sure someone here can give you some more info about the Wii Active, as well as the others you mentioned. I would bet pilates might be suitable for you. Some of the strength training exercises on the Wii Fit Plus don't involve moves that would put stress on that knee or ankle. Good for you for doing what you can!!

    Getting on my Wii right now myself. Hoping to burn up 300 cals or so as tomorrow is my rest day.
    Funny, that for me, no matter what the scale shows on my weigh in day (Sunday), it's motivating. When I see a loss, it just gets me excited things are working so I push for more. When there is NO loss, like this Sunday, grrr, it makes me want to work twice as hard!

    Peter , LOL, Yep, now I just see your name or face and it's a trigger to reach for the water. :tongue: I am only about half way there today so far, but the workout should help me to get the rest in.

    Happy Wii-ing one and all!!
  • jawhwilson
    43 minutes on the wii, hopefully I can go to sleep now. It has been a busy day that came crashing down with kid stuff at the end. My exercise was good, but I went over calories. I'll snack better tomorrow. :)
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    One thing I kept saying about the EA active, is there's quite a few exercises that you can create in your custom workout that won't involve legs/ankles.
    Alot of these exercises can be done standing still. You use alot of swinging arms, but still having fun and getting a workout.

    Jane - :drinker:

    Weighing yourself with the balance board on tile floor would probably be more accurate than the carpet.
    Would a piece of board under the balance board help? Possibly, only one way to find out. IMO.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Hope everyone's March is off to a great start!

    I checked out the expert level boxing last night and it was great!!! Moves way faster than the advanced even. Was alot of fun, and a good burn. The advanced skateboarding however, ha, ..is going to take some practice.

    Peter, you are going to drown me. :laugh: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • lnixon
    lnixon Posts: 6
    How can you change the time minute allotment