Do You Log Gains

For my own personal use I would like to take a poll on who logs gains into MFP and why or why not. I will use this to determine if I should quit logging gains(if it stays on more than 3 days I log it now). Thank-you for your time!!!!!!!!!!


  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    the only gain ive experienced is from water weight due to menstrual cycle.. and i dont log that.. i also dont log a loss unles it stays for a few days
  • hazymary
    hazymary Posts: 190 Member
    I don't weigh myself that often anymore as I'm in maintining now...but yes, I do.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I don't weigh myself that often anymore as I'm in maintining now...but yes, I do.

    I thought I was keeping it honest by logging my gains!
  • gimpygramma
    gimpygramma Posts: 383 Member
    I don't. I weigh daily so there's a bit of bouncing around . I would log a gain if it lasted for more than three days but so far that hasn't happened. (And I am hoping it won't.)
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    the only gain ive experienced is from water weight due to menstrual cycle.. and i dont log that.. i also dont log a loss unles it stays for a few days

    Me too. I haven't had a gain last more than four days and it's always been a spike and then a decline. I don't log a loss unless it's consistent over 2 days.
  • azjenny72
    azjenny72 Posts: 43 Member
    I log whatever my weight is on my normal weigh in day (Monday evenings right now). I don't log any other times I get on the scale (trying to curb my obsession with it) I just don't get upset over a small gain if it happens. I need the consistency and if I find an excuse not to log weight, food, whatever I know it will throw me off track more than seeing a better number on MFP
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    I don't weigh on a schedule. I log every time I weigh. What good does it due to not log a gain? Spotting trends should be helpful.
  • ksnegirl
    ksnegirl Posts: 85 Member
    NO WAY JOSE! I would beat myself up and ruin my motivation. But that's just me.
  • km202
    km202 Posts: 112
    I weigh weekly on Monday mornings. That being said, I record whatever the scale says. If it goes up, I can look at my diary and conclude that I didn't stick with it over the weekend and it helps me keep on top of things and pay attention.
  • Honestly, I dont log my gains. It discourages me
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Never had to but yes I would.
  • I weigh in once a week, if i've gained one week and then by my next weigh in I am still heavier than my recorded weight, THEN I will log it. I guess I always hope that the first weigh in was just an off day. Whether or not this is true I don't mind, I feel better about myself when I think that way :)
  • markpmc
    markpmc Posts: 240 Member
    I weigh ever week or so and log my weight.

    FYI - I've just returned from a week in SFO, I doubt I lost weight when I was there :)
  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    I weigh in every Friday morning and whatever the scale says, I log.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Nope. To be fair my gains have been water so far. I don't think I would log any actual gains either.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    No. Which is exactly why my weight ticker has been at a stand still for the last few months. I have been going back and forth between the same 4 pounds and it is driving me bananas. :sad:
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I log whatever the scale says every day.

    It makes for good review material when looking through my reports.
  • I log everything, it just helps keep me honest. I weigh everyday even though I know it says you shouldn't. I only react to overall trends but I know if I give myself any loopholes that I will either put off weighing if I know I may not have done very well lately or actually try to convince myself that I'm doing fine when I know I'm not. This way I see the fluctations but at the same time I see if I persist the overall trend is down.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    I log whatever the scale says on my weigh in day (Tuesday morning at the gym). Up, down, steady... whatever. What is the point if you're only logging losses? Does that mean the 15 pounds you pack on over the holidays doesn't count? Of course it counts!
  • Aplmark
    Aplmark Posts: 49 Member
    I weigh daily so I will only log gains if their consistent over the week.