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How do people tolerate weighing every day???



  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Gives me strength...

    I can eat 2000c and see a difference in a week right?

    I can eat approx 1000-1500c a day and see a difference daily...

    I don't really care, it is more a monitoring phase lol... I wanna tone up more than anything else so don't care, I know I will drop another 20 pounds likely, but that 20 pounds, is if I lost fat, built no muscle and lost some muscle in process...

    It's interesting is all... :)

    Yep...I went through what I thought was a plateau but was confused because I was seeing changes in muscle tone and the fit of clothes. Then I realised that my body was adjusting to workouts that had intensified because my trainer knew I had reached a new level of fitness. So I kept my cool, realised that eventually I would lose again as long as I stayed the course. N it has started to move again. Not week to week like it used to (because i am closer to goal) but it'll happen in a whoosh all of a sudden. Now I know to work towards that and appreciate that along the way there are good changes happening that aren't scale related.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    When I was losing, I enjoyed weighing myself everyday. now I stay away from it...totally discouraging.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I do it, but I don't let the fluctuations bother me. If my weight fluctuates, I think of what I could have done that caused it- eating a lot the previous day, or eating really really late and have some retaining weight from that, I think about if I worked out the day before, or when my TOM is going to come. If the weight stays on for more than a week, I log it. If not, I don't. Same with if I lose. I don't log it until it's stayed off for a few days.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I usually weigh myself everyday, but I always do it in the morning before I've ate anything and after using the restroom. I find that doing this makes me stay on track more and figure out what's working for me and what's not working when it comes to my eating.

    Me too! and I don't see anything wrong with doing it, as long as we don't get obsessed by weight fluctuations.

    Edit to correct spelling
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I do it everyday but at this point I'm able to tell if it is going to be higher or lower based on how much sodium and water I had the day before too. So I'm not bothered if it fluctuates a little bit each day
  • Kaydana123
    Kaydana123 Posts: 71 Member
    I weigh myself daily. Not so I can see how well I'm doing (I'm well aware that daily fluctuations are normal and pretty meaningless, it doesn't even occur to me to let that bother me) but so I can track trends over time and find out what works for me and what doesn't.

    So I guess the trick to being able to handle weighing every day is to be able to consider the numbers in a non-emotional way. If you want to see how well you're doing, then stay well away from those scales. If you just want to keep track of trends and are able to deal with the numbers without too much excess emotion then weighing every day just becomes part of your normal routine, about as emotional and upsetting as drinking a glass of water.
  • Ravin714
    Ravin714 Posts: 38 Member
    As a Dr. the ideal weigh in time is..Once a week, same day, in the morning after you empty your bladder. This is your true weight!
  • I was slave to my scale. No more! I like using my clothing as my tool in knowing my body is changing. I wont weigh in until Jan1 2013.
  • Now of course if you look at the studies on this subject, they do prove that people who weigh in more often tend to lose more weight, lol...Just sayin'

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    As a Dr. the ideal weigh in time is..Once a week, same day, in the morning after you empty your bladder. This is your true weight!

    Yep that's the stock standard answer for sure...but this time round I decided that if what motivated me or kept me on track was unconventional but felt right for me then I was going to do it. I focus on the positives..I only track losses not gains because if I only did it week to week I know mentally it would undo me. I am only interested in new numbers. Having said that though, I have friends who weigh daily and it flips them out..some people can't wrap their head around fluctuations so for them I would say weekly or monthly. Whatever works to keep you balanced mentally for the long haul. My doctor and my trainer recommend weekly as a stock standard answer too but they know I am logical about fluctuations and basically say do what works for your focus. I'm not obsessed with the scales, they are just part of my "tool kit".
  • i weigh all the time and only log on sundays (still, even though i'm on maintenance now) i can't resist, and i think the changes motivate me more, if i see a bit of a difference, it makes me say "hmm, maybe i better not skip exercise" or "maybe i better skip the bowl of ice-cream"
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    I weight myself whenever i feel the need. Only logging weight on Fridays. Before im off 2 days i usually weight myself then when im back after 2 days i weight myself as these are my not so good days and i like to see how much i need to work extra.
  • wmako
    wmako Posts: 36 Member
    I recently started weighing myself everyday for two reasons. 1. I don't want to get on the scale after a few months and find that I've gained 12 pounds which is exactly what happened over the summer. Weighing every day keeps my eye on the ball. 2. I don't want to work hard all week and then look forward to my weekly weigh in and realize that I haven't lost. It's very discouraging and used to send me in a downward spiral. Now there are no surprises, I know exactly where I stand everyday while expecting normal fluctuations.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I don't understand people saying that weighing less frequent eliminates the fluctuations either. They don't.

    That's like saying muscle weighs more than fat. :laugh:

    It does...and anyone who is so narrow minded as to apply the 1lb = 1lb argument needs a huge dose of common sense...with a helping of respect for others as a follow up. I KNOW 1lb equals 1lb...and if you have so little respect for my intelligence as to assume I DON'T know that...you can jump off a bridge. The comon sense is applied when you realize NO one said 1lb of anything, and so...you have to assume equal volume.

    Pretty simple.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    As a Dr. the ideal weigh in time is..Once a week, same day, in the morning after you empty your bladder. This is your true weight!

    What if you had a big, protein heavy dinner the night before your weigh in? That only changes...everything.

    Yeah...I'll ask my doctor if my wrist is broken...not how often I should step on a scale, or anything else related to my fat loss efforts either for that matter.

    They're simply not qualified.
  • Mpol2
    Mpol2 Posts: 442 Member
    I can at least understand weighing every day. I did it for a little while but that grew old REAL fast.

    What I don't understand is this: "I weigh myself in the morning. Then I weigh myself before I go to the bathroom. Then I weigh myself after I go to the bathroom. Then I weigh myself before I go to bed. I might weight myself one more time during the day. And I do this everyday." WHY???!?

    Lol, I've gone through times like that .... But ever since I started on MFP I have managed to talk myself out of it and I only do once a week. Good news or bad, it is better than making yourself nuts with the fluctuations.
  • misslindseylou
    misslindseylou Posts: 141 Member
    I usually weigh myself everyday, but I always do it in the morning before I've ate anything and after using the restroom. I find that doing this makes me stay on track more and figure out what's working for me and what's not working when it comes to my eating.

    Me too! and I don't see anything wrong with doing it, as long as we don't get obsessed by weight fluctuations.

    Edit to correct spelling

    Yeah! I know that the number on the scale doesn't mean anything besides my body's relationship to gravity, and that the fluctuation can be due to anything. However, seeing the number does help me gauge what's going on and figure out what's helping me and what's hurting.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I weigh every single day in the morning to get a baseline, and every night before bed to get an idea of how my day went. I officially record weight on MFP 1-3 times a week.

    The weighing at night thing is a game/research on how food affects me. I test the things I eat for usefulness in weight loss and for the types of food that leave me feeling full or sick or bloated or hungry, etc. Then I note it on a different website (basically a private journal online) and go from there.

    The NATURAL changes in body weight over the course of the day do not bother me in the slightest. I've been working my way through 2.5 months of minimal loss (I've only lost a total of about 1.5 pounds over that time frame) but the way I see it is that either I can be princess perfect weight loss champion and lose my 0.5-1 pound per week, or I can test to see whether a certain type of food is helpful or harmful in my overall weight loss journey. I personally think that figuring out the foods and exercise that work best for me is extremely helpful.
  • ClareWantsProgress
    ClareWantsProgress Posts: 173 Member
    I weigh everyday to make sure I am on track with where I want to be. If I see that I am gaining, I adjust my food intake. If I am losing, then I keep on the way I am going. I weigh first thing in the morning when I get out of bed. Same time everyday.

    ^^^ This is exactly my reasoning for weighing in every morning. When I run into problems is when for whatever reason I am away from the scale for a long time - then it's like WHOOPS I'm up 7 pounds or whatever. It keeps me on track.
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    I usually weigh myself everyday, but I always do it in the morning before I've ate anything and after using the restroom. I find that doing this makes me stay on track more and figure out what's working for me and what's not working when it comes to my eating.

    Same here! We weigh every day, too. It helps me understand the fluctuations in weight, holding water, etc. But, I think for people that weigh multiple times a day, might have some issues because we go up and down constantly.