

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to Rose, Louise, Cindy (Cindyfranck), another Barbara and JoAnn!! :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Happy birthday to Barbara (Auntiebk). I am not too far behind. I can not imagine "60" yet.

    :bigsmile: Jackie, I continue to love reading your posts. About your mom, your DH, your appliances and whatever else you end up talking about. You make me smile and sometimes laugh out loud (and that - "they" tell me - is good for a person)

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, thanks so much for sticking with us. I appreciate you.

    Update on my daughter Natalie: she is coping reasonably well. I think she is surprised at the level of pain she is experiencing. She has a young body, a loving husband and a caring family. She's ahead of the game I'd say.

    Update on me: February was not a great month. Basically lost and gained and had major dental problems. I'm happy I did n ot totally go to pot. Boy, did I enjoy the Olympics. Watching tv was my saving grace (i.e. distraction) while being out of circulation. And my adopted country CANADA did well.

    :bigsmile: I want to see more improvement for myself in March. Still going for the size 10 in 2010!! :bigsmile:

  • keewee
    keewee Posts: 7 Member
    I have been searching for a support group of ladies age 50+ . I joined just a month ago and was going it alone, but I find that sometimes it is difficult without support. I would love to hear from some of you.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Welcome KeeWee and all the Newposters. You will love this group they are supportive and caring, not to mention informative.
    I just finished a squeaked in exercise session. 400 calories burned. Time to study for class tomorrow.

    Rest well :heart: Alice
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome keewee. You have found the most supportive thread in MFP.
    Hi, I read your message and decided to join the group. I started a week ago and did well during the day, struggle at night. I set a goal for this month of 10 pounds, I think it might be a little more than is realistic at my age. I also plan to weigh in on Tuesdays and will do my measurements to keep an eye on that. Any suggestions about curbing that eating after 9pm habit?


    To answer your question...Be sure you are getting enough protein earlier in the day. Also make sure you are getting plenty of fiber, particularly later in the day. When I do this, I am able to keep the hungries at bay. I still like to have SOMETHING as a snack before going to bed, and so I try to "save" some calories for that purpose. If I do eat something later, having a little "good" fat gets me satisfied faster, and KEEPS me satisfied..so no nibbling. One of my favorites is a banana with about a tablespoon of almond butter.


    Regarding your question about the counting of days logged in. There was a recent post in the tech support section wherein it was explained that if you stay logged in to MFP from day to day, without actually signing in, each day won't be counted as a "log in." I discovered this when the website began sending me reminders as though I were MIA, but I had been logging and posting every day.:huh: :grumble: At the time, there was talk of a "fix: but whether it has been done or not I don't know. I changed my email notification policy settings and eliminated the problem that way.

    Here is a "news of the weird" story for you. A guy driving in northwest Washington state, sort of between my location and Barbiecat's, ran his car off the road and called family members, saying he wasn't injured, but asking for help to get out of a ditch. When they arrived at the location he described, they found him dead!!!:noway: :huh: It seems while he was waiting for them to arrive nature called, and the hapless fellow took a wiz on a (live) downed power line!!! He electrocuted himself!!! How sad for his family. (I was about to say, it must have been a terrible shock for his family, but for obvious reasons, I decided to say it differently!!:embarassed:)

    The moral of the story I guess is "pause before you pee." Here is a link to the story: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2011224615_apusurineelectrocution.html

    So far I have done ok today on eating, but I still haven't gotten myself on the Gazelle for my cardio, so I need to get on with it.

    Keep well everyone.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Today is the day I got all the income tax papers assembled and mailed off to the accountant:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am doing the happy dance. This is my first chance to log onto this thread (I've posted my food and exercise, but didn't allow myself the luxury of reading the posts) and I am thrilled by the participation.

    :flowerforyou: I had an "AHA moment" this morning about emotional eating. DH and I had some very cranky words this morning before I left to do my errands. He didn't answer the loving text I sent him as an apology for my part (I didn't know he didn't have his phone with him) and when I got in the grocery store feeling mad and sad, I began eyeballing the yogurt which might seem benign except I was thinking about buying a half gallon to eat with a whole box of Kashi cereal, then I started walking past the cheese toward the bread when I realized that it was all about trying to make myself feel better with food. It's been a long time since I looked at a food festival as a solution and I realized it was as ridiculous to look at food as a solution as it would be to look at having a "liaison" with the store manager as a solution:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: So I bought what was on my list including the things that DH had asked me to buy and went home feeling much better............and yes, we had a great conversation and cleared up the whole mess.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Thank you, Barb, for answering everybody's questions. You always do it so well. And thank you for telling everybody about all our dogs. I had to call Brandy and Sasha "Naughty Piggies" today when they were bed pigs and pushed us both out of bed:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, happy birthday to you:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Somebody said that we are only half as old as our mothers were at this age........I am 64 and feel better, saner, smarter, and more compassionate than I ever have.

    :flowerforyou: Keewee, if you read this thread every day and post on it you will have a host of friends who will encourage you and give you great ideas and be willing to listen to what you have to say. These women changed my life and hope you will have a similar experience.

    :flowerforyou: February was a good month......I maintained my goal weight and have continued to eat healthy and exercise. One day at a time, this lifestyle change is taking effect......I did some yoga (not much) and more strength training including a few pilates exercises but more is needed. For March I'll continue to maintain my good habits, do better with yoga, and redouble my efforts to nurture my marriage.

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, I want to hear about "Laughing Your Way to a Better Marriage"

    :flowerforyou: Laura, our trip to Los Angeles will be for fun and to spend time with good friends.....I am already getting things ready to pack even though we don't leave until Thursday morning.

    :flowerforyou: Let's just keep taking it one day at a time and not letting past bumps in the road cause us any problems.
    :love: :heart: :smooched: :love: :heart: :smooched: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    To the Newbies--

    Just to thoroughly confuse you, there are 3 Barbara's on the site. There is our fearless leader, Barbie/AKA Barbiecat; there is me--Barb/AKA weaklink109 and Barbara/AKA Auntiebk.

    I can't recall Auntiebk's status as far as pets, but between us, Barbiecat and I have FIVE dogs. She has Brandy and Sasha, two standard poodles, AKA "The Naughties." (She also has a cat named Haifa--but I am only counting dogs right now--that is enough!!) I have Mai Li (avatar photo), Pepper, and Bradley--in order--a Lhasa Apso with a DivaGirl attittude; a Shih tzu who loves EVERYBODY, and cats too; and a Yorkshire Terror. (My mom calls him the "Yorkshire terrorist") Thanks to Bradley's propensity for finding food that does not belong to him, and sharing with the other two, they are known, collectively, as "The Three Little Pigs":laugh: --Barbiecat calls them my "Naughty Piggies":bigsmile:

    Happy March!!!


    We're a 2 dog family, General Robt E Lee is the little black terrier mix dog way in the back in the sun.
    He's is in charge of Dixie, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, dozing on the patio in the picture.

    True Terrier Temperment Forever:happy:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    If my brain was operating on all cylinders, I would have looked at your AVATAR, which would have refreshed my memory about your "babies" before I posted about how many doggies there were amongst "the Barbara's." I guess there were just too "doggone" many doggies for me to keep track of in my current state.:bigsmile:

    Barbiecat--I put my taxing matters out of mind also. I postponed my appointment with my accountant "til next week.:laugh: I did manage to help a friend who just moved do some unpacking today. When I was finished, I went to Grocery Outlet, and discovered they had the cookies from :devil: that I can't resist if they are in the house, so, I solved that problem--left them IN THE STORE.:drinker: :drinker: Maybe I should have looked up the store manager as a distraction...:noway: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Nah..these days, EVERY guy I meet is younger than I am, so that probably wouldn't have worked too well!!

    BTW, look in the Chit Chat Fun and Games section and you can find my post on "National Pig Day"--really, it was March 1st!! Who knew they would name a day after my doggies--"The Three Little Pigs":laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Time to crash. :yawn: I deliberately stayed up posting so I could be sure not to fall asleep in front of the new and improved Leno show.

  • mynyddisamrs
    Good Morning... :flowerforyou: ...everyone!!
    I have just logged in my food diary, put in my exercycling that I'm about to do and found that the number of calories I'll have left for the day will be.......666 !!! :devil: Devilish or what!!!

    :drinker: Firstly hello to all the Newbies!!! I think I can safely say that I'm not one now!! Great site and great company!!

    :smile: Early start today as Mum needed to go off and see the "Vampires" at the blood clinic. Good appointment but early. Boy ..it was just like trying to get the kids off to school but without a packed lunch to worry about! It's only two minutes away in the car but still a trial and a half to get out in time!! Then... glutton for punishment that I am .... I decided to take her "Ears" for a service at our hospital ... 14 miles away. Thank goodness we were in and out and back in no time. Stocked up now with batteries and valves ... :bigsmile: so she can hear a pin drop now.

    Update on the home front.....
    :frown: Home, to find that the heating engineer's not coming 'til Friday now and that there going to have to drain the whole system and insert a new valve in the pipe ...to take the thermosat ... like the one that was tried the other day! I really should be wrapping myself in clingfilm, sitting in the lounge and sweating the weight of me!!! ...:noway: .Don't think we'll go there, shall we??

    :smile: The toilet now has a new flush ... fitted by my DH with a last minute Tweek by yours truly... Well ...couldn't let him take all the glory ,could I? Whatever happened to "Pulling the Chain" to flush the loo!! ... Harking back to the old days ...again!

    :smile: The Dance DVD's were returned and now we have a Salsa one to replace the Mambo one. He's sending the Jive one in the post .... we wait for the postman once again!! Hopefully ..we'll have a go this afternoon... Salsa..ing I mean.

    :glasses: Holiday's getting nearer 'cos while I was out this morning, Peter's got he cases out and SO... I CAN START PACKING soon!!
    But... less than 2 weeks now to lose a few pounds.!!

    :flowerforyou: Well ...Here goes ...of to exercycle and press the "Post Reply" button... Do hope it isn't all lost!

    Bye for now
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :flowerforyou: WELCOME to all the new ladies! Take time to read and post on this thread every day and you'll be amazed at how motivated you become. :wink: This is a wonderful supportive group of women. TIP: If it looks like someone is gaining victory in areas you are battling, you can easily read all her posts simply by clicking on the blue number under her name and profile picture on the left of the thread. Its also a great way to get to know each other better when you have a bit of reading time on your hands.

    :flowerforyou: With one day of March behind me I am feeling pumped. :happy: Yesterday I met all my goals except the water one. :drinker: (My goal is to drink at least half my weight in ounces every day which at this point is 82 ounces.) I only drank 66.

    :glasses: As an added be-good incentive I got online and ordered myself something really cute to wear to the beach that is a size 10. Didn't hurt my feelings that it was on clearance! :happy: (Prolly last year's style, but I don't care.) When it finally fits I will post a before and after picture of myself. (18/10)

    :drinker: I've begun drinking protein smoothies in place of one meal a day. I still can't stand to drink them plain with just water and the powder. After much experimentation, I have discovered how little frozen fruit to add and them still be palatable and under 250 calories. My girlfriend told me to add a tsp of flax seed oil at the end to make them creamier like a milkshake. Works like a charm! So far my all time favorite is Gold Standard Strawberry Banana flavor Whey Protein. The double chocolate isn't half bad if I make it with half milk and 2" of frozen banana either. As added insurance I am planning daily supper menus, something I rarely do. I pretty much eat the same thing every day or two for breakfast so that isn't a problem.

    Well ladies, its time time to don my tennis shoes and spend an hour with Leslie. :love: LOVE her walk at Home DVDs for cardio days when the weather isn't conducive to an outdoor bike ride or walk. Like right now. :flowerforyou:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Wow, Good Morning Ladies.:flowerforyou:

    I use to be able to reply on just about everyone's post but my time is limited. I so enjoyed each and everyone. I have so much to say but so little time to say it.

    Yesterday I thought I would be able to get back on this post and reply off and on. That was not happening. :tongue:

    Today is another day. I was so happy when I got on the scale yesterday. I managed to maintain my weight. I weigh the same as I did on Feb. 1st. Yea, I hope I am at my down turn for losing weight.

    You should have seen the scale it was under a bookshelf with a layer of dust. (embarrassed to say) but I got it out and dusted it off. So to see I have not gained any extra weight during February was a great motivator for me.

    Yesterday I spoke to a social worker about help for my dad when he goes home. I probably will look into someone staying with my parents when my Dad comes home. It will be just when we as a collective family can’t do it. I just need to know I will be getting some down time.

    I was just going to complain about my brother and the little help he is giving but I guess I will stop here.

    Back to me! SO, I hope to continue to take care of me while I care for my parents. I hope to walk a little slower, catch a breath and say one minute I will be right there and NO I CAN‘T DO IT TODAY CAN YOU to my family. More often.

    Take care all and I hope to log in and read more today.

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Kathy, I have been thinking about you so much. Hang in there.
    You,too,Cindy, and eveyone who is caring for the elderly or ill relatives. My heart goes out to you. Just keep venting w/us and trying to stay on track. Kathy, great job on not gaining. If ever there was a tiem for emotional eating, I'm sure thisisit. But, you've done a great job staying in control.
    Havt o end here. Went to dr and have tendonitis in right wrist. So awkward using mouse and typing w/left.
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good morning ladies and Happy Birthday to all the birthday girls! :flowerforyou:

    Well, I didn't lose or gain on my last weigh-in so I figured it's probably a couple of things.

    1. I'm very close to my goal weight :bigsmile:
    2. I'm probably hitting a plateau now with my workout regime.

    So with that in mind, I am putting myself into maintenance mode now and not focusing on weight loss. I will let nature do what it is going to do now. Also, I have switched up my workout routine so that I continue to be physically active and I don't slip back into weight gaining mode.

    So my goal for March is to be involved in a structured walking routine. I want to formally train for upcoming challenges in different cities. There are walking/running challenges going on all the time. So right now I'm in training for 5 kilometre walking challenges. I'm "personally" looking at this routine as a pre-conditioning for the 10k walking challenges that I would really consider signing up for.

    I'm really excited about this new set of goals. Mixed in with it will be my beloved yoga. This will help with strength and will give me the flexibility that I will need to stay as limber as possible.

    I love the feeling of being physically fit! I don't ever want to go back to being sedentary and overweight. Life is a blast and I don't want to miss out.

    I will continue to be a vibrant, healthy and active 50 year old.

    Have a great day everyone! :drinker:

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Just finished a load of laundry and working up a sweat with Leslie. I'm literally glistening! :tongue: I'm 1/3 of the way to my water goal for the day so far. :drinker: Everything in my wants to hop on the scale but am steeling myself to wait until Monday when its actually been a whole week since my last weigh & measure.

    Now its time to get ready for my standing Tuesday salad lunch date. :flowerforyou:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Afternoon All:flowerforyou:

    Only have a quick minute...Gerald's steroid shot went well:smile: ...now we wait to see if it does the trick and whether or not he will be pain free...I sure do hope so. Anyway he has the day off (wish I did too:sad: ) and I'm only at work for the afternoon.

    I'll have to read and catch up tomorrow.

    Have a great afternoon and evening.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Afternoon to you all!

    I got up feeling a little yucky today so I really haven't done much. I'm feeling some better so I'm going to do the treadmill for a little while after I get off of here.

    Kathy: I used to fuss a lot about my BIL and his wife not helping much with Granny but I've gotten to the point that it really doesn't matter. All my complaining hasn't changed anything for all the years we have been here and the only person that it hurt was really me. I just finally decided it wasn't worth it to go or even start down the road to bitterness. So now if one of my siblings starts to complain about my husband's brother I just say don't get me started, I really don't want to go there. I just keep doing what I know in my heart is the right thing to do. Before Granny became homebound I had her in a daycare program. She went there 4 days a week and that was a godsend. If you can find a reliable person to help you out that will be great. We have a caregiver who comes in and stays 1/2 days with my mom. Like others have said and from experience I know sometimes you HAVE to put yourself first.

    Oh, and to those of you who asked about the "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage". Here's the link that you can view some highlights and find out more http://www.laughyourway.com/events/2010/05/Redmond-WA/ It was pretty interesting. I can't say that I agree with everything I heard but it was mostly beneficial.

    Well off to exercise,

  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hello All,:bigsmile:

    Am doing well so far this week hope to keep it up. I have upped my workouts and increased my protein to help jump start the weight loss.
    Watching the biggest loser and will walk a bit on the treadmill before bed.

    Thanks to everyone for the love support and prayers that you have sent my way.:flowerforyou: My mom and dad should be able to make it to my neices wedding this weekend what a miracle and blessing from God.

    Lynn:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • JuicyPlum
    JuicyPlum Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am tired. Got home from work about 2 hours ago and have got dishes done and supper cooked and just want to rest. Could walk this morning for exercise so guess after I eat I am going to try to get on my exercise bike to ride. It'll probably be easier on my feet. I am afraid I may have a bone spur on my left heel so walking hurts. I have done well so far with my food and logging everything down. I am overwhelmed at how many posts are on this board, it's nice but I am afraid I won't be able to keep up. Talking about dogs, we don't have any. I would love to have either a dog or a cat but I would have to get rid of a husband first so guess that won't happen anytime soon :laugh: . OK better keep it short and eat dinner and get to the bike. Hope everyone has a good night. Lucy
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Kathy (Plantlady) I remember when you and I and several others were able to reply to everyone on the thread and did so daily.....for awhile I was discouraged that I could barely get on the site and post and then I decided to get over my tendency to set artificial goals and deadlines for myself and start looking at what is really important......I think you learned that long before I did.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I'm fighting a nasty cold and have refused to let it take over my life.....I took a short nap until Sasha woke me to tell me that going to the dog park was a lot more important than a nap:bigsmile: In a few minutes we'll participate in a conference call with the leader and other couples who have been doing the "Become Passion" CD series....we are loving everything we've learned so far. There's a call tonight and next Tuesday and two more CDs to listen to. I thought we had a good marriage but this is teaching us how to make it even better.

    :flowerforyou: I looked at the preview video for "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" and it looks like fun.:laugh:

    A short post is better than none........I need to find a way to burn another 60 calories before bed
    can I do it? I hope so:happy:
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I can certainly drink all my water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart:
  • deejayy
    deejayy Posts: 7

    I like this topic, but don't fully understand how this message board system works. Can I "join" a topic? If so, how? I wanted to mark it as a "favorite", but can't figure out how to do that either. In general, I'm enjoying this site and learning a lot from it ... but it is a frustrating learning curve for me about how to participate. Thanks!
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: My kids and I are doing great on our weight loss. This week we are really concentrating on fruits and vegetables. With eating right, by the end of the day it seems like we've eaten way too much, but that's not the case. With six small meals instead of three big ones, we are finding we never really feel HUNGRY. It's good to be eating right all day! My kids are surprised that they don't really miss processed sugars since they are having lots of fruits throughout the day. We are just taking one day at a time. That's all any of us have anyway, isn't it?!:ohwell: Have a good night!