Are looks enough to get girls?



  • theWinchester
    theWinchester Posts: 68 Member
    Um personally no, if I find a person attractive their personality will either build more attraction or ruin it completely. I know that is true for others as well.

    It is the personalty that decides, You may look like Tom Hardy but if you are a *kitten* you might as be pee wee herman. :laugh:
  • Beer every time.
  • For a short term thing like just a fling or a one night stand then yeah... but if you're talking about a long term/serious/potentially marriage kinda thing then no.. But yeah looks draws a persons attention to you in the beginning..
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    Not enough for the type of chick you would want, and even if it is it isn't going to be enough to keep them long term.
  • ifyouknew
    ifyouknew Posts: 68 Member
    Nope. Looks are all a woman needs to get a guy, but looks are almost irrelevant when women look for a man. If a man is smart, responsible, funny, kind etc that's all he needs. Good looks would just be a bonus!
  • Lindsay_N
    Lindsay_N Posts: 100
    Well I have seen quite a few men that I have thought "That guy would be so attractive... if he didnt have such a piece of **** personality" .... I would be so sad if I found out Bradley Cooper, Johnny Depp, and Ryan Gossling, had cocky, *kitten* personalities. It ruins everything about them Im attracted to. I can see a guy and notice his good looks, but if his personality sucks, then hes no good.

    Meanwhile, if I meet a guy that doesnt have all the looks, but his personality is completely awesome, then its a go.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    Whisch aspect you care the most in men?

    beautiful look
    attractive body

    rate them
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    How about ability to cook??
  • people are superficial by nature. Notice how the majority of people in this thread unanimously agreed that they need some "good looks in there somewhere" for them to be attracted?

    I wish it wasn't that way, for me you need to have some passion ( in something ) and not half *kitten* things to be attractive. I tried online dating and the majority of women only sent me messages such as "Hey" and "Hello" and always my favorite "yo". If I can make the effort to type up four or five personalized sentences after reading someone's profile I want to meet, it would be nice for one of two in return. Don't even get me started about putting the damn cellphone away during a date for 5 minutes.

    Ladies, you know you can be just as judgmental about looks as men. In todays society The Beast never gets Beauty, he gets Gaston's axe to the back of the head while Beauty swoons over how brave looking Gaston is. If the beast defends himself and injuries Gaston he's being "an *kitten*"
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    This is more than just a yes or no question. Looks are enough to get SOME girls, but not keep them (atleast not a girl with some self-esteem). However, looks aren't the only thing that gets you the girls. Anyone that knows me irl will say that I'm not a looker yet I do decent with girls.

    If you got looks going for you, it will certainly help. If you got money, that will help too (and not due to gold digger factor, money can bring you expensive clothings etc. which lets face it, even quality girls won't say no to). But you can always count on the way you interact with women to be the deal closer.

    And if all else fails, you can do what I do and get the ladies with the accent and the brown skin!
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    I'm sure I'm repeating others with this (I haven't read the whole thread) but any person you can get by looks alone is probably one you don't want to keep.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    technically no.

    if you are a good looking guy, you are always in with a shot. you can walk up and the girl is going to at least hear what you've got to say.

    from this point on, its about what you say, body language and if you can make the laugh. this is also helped by alcohol.

    from this stand point, no looks are not enough. there must be some level of communication.

    can looks run interference on the fact that someone is: not right for you / a bit thick / a douche etc.

    its enough for short meaningless relations.

    its not enough for me.

    thats right girls. stay in school.
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    Jaime............................I'm doing everything I can to hold back from a full on unloading would be so easy............and I'd hear the crickets chirping in no time..........silence would lay over this thread.....................but they can't handle the truth.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Go for it Joe. I want to see you unleashed!
  • Sick_Beard
    Sick_Beard Posts: 407 Member
    Looks create the initial attraction but the personality is what keeps them hanging around =)
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    technically no.

    if you are a good looking guy, you are always in with a shot. you can walk up and the girl is going to at least hear what you've got to say.

    from this point on, its about what you say, body language and if you can make the laugh. this is also helped by alcohol.

    from this stand point, no looks are not enough. there must be some level of communication.

    can looks run interference on the fact that someone is: not right for you / a bit thick / a douche etc.

    its enough for short meaningless relations.

    its not enough for me.

    thats right girls. stay in school.

    pretty much this. we'll give more airtime to a guy who we think is attractive but from then on i want personality.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    let it out joe let it out.
  • skellyness
    skellyness Posts: 165 Member
    Depends what type of girl
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Looks are enough to get a guy noticed. If he's an A-hole or a total fool, he gets real ugly, real fast. :tongue:
    But that's just my opinion.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I love my ex, my friends do not understand why because to them he's ugly. people always questioned why I was even with him but I think he's beautiful on the inside and out, I love him for who he is. It depends on the girl and whether it's just going to be a fling or relationship. As I've grown up, I've realised looks really aren't everything and there will come a point in that persons life when the looks will fade, but the personality will still be there.