Do You Know Anyone Who Has Cancer?



  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    My mom had uterine cancer, had a hysterectomy and is now cancer free. My maternal Aunt and a cousin had breast cancer and beat it, my paternal grandfather and a maternal uncle had/have stomach cancer and last but certainly not least, I have a very dear friend, who's breast cancer has spread to her bones, and now 70% of her liver is covered in tumors. It is a horrible disease!
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    My mom's aunt died from stomach cancer, my uncle died from cancer, my mom had breast cancer - surgery and survived, I had to have minor laser surgery done to remove some pre-cancerous cells from my cervix after my 2nd child was born, another uncle of mine had a brain tumor.... Well, long story short, it's very thick in my family so I take this very seriously.

    Much love to those who have posted about losses and beating the odds.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    My Father has had cancer for about 14 years now.
    About once a month, he tells me that he only has about a month left to live.
    for 14 years...

    Personally, I think pure anger has kept him alive.

    My wife had cancer cut out. It was either overies or uterus (some female part). It was scary but, she is clear.

    I have had a bit of skin cancer taken out (welcome to the Sunshine State.)
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    I lost a sister to Cervical Cancer, because her FEMALE GYN told her to just deal with her symptoms of heavy bleeding and clots because she had a negative pap smear 6 months prior and was just going through her changes.....LISTEN To YOUR BODY and never take NO if your body is telling you something isn't right!
    I also lost my dad to leukemia and lung cancer.......hate Cancer :(
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    My friend and co-worker Wes was 47 when he died in 2009 from lung cancer. I vividly remember the day he got "the call". I was the only one in the office besides him (my cube was right next to his) and when he got off the phone he stepped out of his cube with all kinds of things going on in his eyes. I looked at him and didn't know what to I just went up and hugged him.

    He fought a brave fight but died less than a year after diagnosis - he was stage 3 or 4 when they found it.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    In 1984, I was 25 and lost my 29-yr-old husband to acute myelogenous leukemia, after a 2.5 year battle.

    Two years ago, a really good friend was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. She opted for no treatment, as she'd been suffering for months before the diagnosis. She'd been laid off from work, had no insurance, and doctors kept pushing her off to "somebody else" because she didn't have insurance. Finally, one doctor cared enough to take a closer look at her and made the discovery. By then, it had spread to her spine, up her neck, and into her brain. In the span of a month, she went blind. Less than 2 wks after dianosis, she passed away.

    I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer this past Valentine's Day. Six days later, I had surgery and they were able to get all the cancer (complete hysterectomy). I've had a 6-month check-up since then, and everything looks good. Will continue with check-ups for 5 years to determine if I'm cancer-free.

    Oh, I'd like to add....ladies who are post-menopausal...if you experience spotting, please see your doctor. That was my signal. But I'm sure I waited way longer than I should have. I just dealt with it, didn't really give in until pain started accompanying the spotting.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer 3 years ago... she is still fighting and going strong...
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member
    My Grandmother died of ovarian cancer.

    My father had kidney cancer 3 years ago. Had his kidney removed and is completely free of cancer now.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    My fiancee passed away in 2007 from brain cancer. 2 months shy of his 31st birthday. He made it a year from being diagnosed.
  • blueraidermike
    I survived neuroblastoma as a child, they removed my right kidney. Now I have Renal Cell carcinoma in my left kidney at age 48. Two completely different cancers. Its in my lungs, I have a spot on my brain and liver but they are not sure if they are just imperfections or cancer. So in the middle of the battle. Trying to shrink the primary tumor on my kidney before surgery - will know on Tuesday. If not, surgery on Nov 13 to remove the tumor and save enough of my remaining kidney to function, then go after the cancer in my lungs. Its been a crazy 3 last three months but I am so thankful, still. I have been able to impact many others lately, I consider it a gift from God.

    Now cancer still sucks. But we all need to count our days whether we are sick or not. Make them count!

    Still using MFP, still working out!
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    one of my dear friends is 82 years old. She has lived through two bouts of breast cancer...and beat it both times. two years ago she got a lump which was cancerous in her neck...she went through chemo for a year, couldn't eat solid food for a whole year and today she is healthy and can eat anything she awesome to see her each week
  • BenChase
    BenChase Posts: 169
    i know myself quite well i'd say, my story is in my open profile for anyone who wants to read :wink:
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    My mom was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer in April of this year. She was receiving a combination chemo which included the platinum based componant which while killing the cancer also began shutting down all of her primary systems. She is now on a different combination We will not know if it is working for another few weeks. Her numbers are going down again but I want to see the CT scan which will be ordered soon. Watching her suffering has been awful and we are enjoying seeing her feeling better. I even took her shopping for some clothes that actually fit. She said she always wanted to be thin but this wasn't what she had in mind! Obviously her sense of humor is intact. I have been running my office, commuting to her office 2 hours away and working for her, then staying with her and my dad for a few days and taking care of their personal stuff. People ask me how I am doing it but the fact is I consider myself pretty blessed to have this time with her.

    Update: Mom deceased May 2012. Sad but suffering is over.......stupid, hateful cancer:grumble:
  • lannirvin
    I lost my maternal grandfather to cancer when I was 15. I can remember it like it was yesterday, my mom was pregnant with my brother and they did not give my grandpa long. He fought a hard fight, fighting to stay alive long enough to meet his newest grandson. It was one month BEFORE my mom's due date and my mom was sitting with my garndpa at the hospital. It was time to leave and my mom kissed her dad and said goodnight to him and he looked at her and said,"not goodnight GOOD-BYE" Not long after I lost my maternal garndmother, just afew years ago my paternal granfather, and just last year my sister had skin cancer. The word CANCER terrifies me!!!!
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    Great news about your mom!

    An aunt died of breast cancer. My grandma had slow-growing skin cancer (spots removed, absolutely fine now).

    My partner of 9 years mom (age 48) was diagnosed last june with stage IV pancreatic cancer w/mets to her lungs and liver (the tumors on her liver combined is about the size of a grapefruit). Doctors estimated about 4 months for her, but HOPED to get her through the holidays and her birthday (1/7) at least, if possible.

    Even though her dad & aunt had both died of pancreatic cancer, MIL (so to speak) opted for treatment to prolong her life. At first she had pretty much every not-uncommon complication, and then despite the chemo the tumors were still growing. She changed chemo regimens and things started to get better. Her markers dropped from 22,000 to <2,000. Doctors ended up estimating her prognosis to now be 11 months from diagnosis. She was hospitalized only once for 3 days for an infection that had just started when they caught it.

    Ended up renting a cabin for a few days to go to with friends, and bumped her normal chemo one week later to do so with the consent of her doctors. That was a few weeks ago, and since then she's had increasing problems with pain, feeling sick, and increased falls and weakness. They did an MRI of her brain and spine which was fine. Basic bloodwork fine. Not sure on markers yet or the results of her routine CT which was done this past week (she should get the results when she has chemo on Monday).

    I'm happy to say that with such a strong family history of such a deadly cancer, my partner talked to her doctor at her appointment last week and although there isn't a blood test to predict if someone is at risk for pancreatic cancer, as there is for some other cancers, her doctor has referred her to a genetic counselor to help her with this, and plans to physically monitor her closely, herself.
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    My mom was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer in April of this year. She was receiving a combination chemo which included the platinum based componant which while killing the cancer also began shutting down all of her primary systems. She is now on a different combination We will not know if it is working for another few weeks. Her numbers are going down again but I want to see the CT scan which will be ordered soon. Watching her suffering has been awful and we are enjoying seeing her feeling better. I even took her shopping for some clothes that actually fit. She said she always wanted to be thin but this wasn't what she had in mind! Obviously her sense of humor is intact. I have been running my office, commuting to her office 2 hours away and working for her, then staying with her and my dad for a few days and taking care of their personal stuff. People ask me how I am doing it but the fact is I consider myself pretty blessed to have this time with her.

    Update: Mom deceased May 2012. Sad but suffering is over.......stupid, hateful cancer:grumble:

    Sorry to hear your mom passed away :(

    My MIL always wanted to be thin too, and at first thought of that as the ONE and only not so bad thing to come from cancer (also in a joking around way).....but she has had ascites and instead looks pregnant a lot. But......she's really learned how awesome her friends are, so THAT is the silver lining.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    Lots of them, unfortunately. My grandmother died of lung cancer almost 12 years ago. My mother had breast cancer. My great uncles all died of some form of cancer and my father in law had skin cancer recently. It's an ugly disease :frown:
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    My Aunt had small cell carcinoma and was given six months to live, she kicked it and it's been 3 years :) Also my father had throat cancer, he kicked that as well :):) I am really blessed!!
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    Lost a number of family members to various forms of cancer :(.

    I was diagnosed in early 2009. Spent the rest of 2009 and the first half 2010 riding the chemo/radiation roller coaster. I'm now 2 1/2 of 5 years into adjuvent therapy. Hate what the meds do to me but it sure beats the alternative :). Life is good.
  • kdub67
    kdub67 Posts: 181 Member
    My mom died of breast cancer at age 36. We just celebrated her 30th anniversary in May...I was 14 at the time:(