You call this 'Storm Prep'?



  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    To tell if your freezer/refrigerator get too warm in a power outage and your food should be thrown away - put a ziploc bag of ice cubes in the freezer. If they are melted, your food should all be thrown away.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Thing I never understood is, that if people live in an area where there are a lot of hurricanes, why don't they just have non-perishables and water stashed in their basement permanently? Or at least a couple of weeks before hurricane season?
    You always see on the news how everyone rushes to the supermarkets the day before and suddenly there are huge lines and shortages in the shops.

    The area getting hit now does not get a lot of hurricanes...
  • mathteacher2010
    mathteacher2010 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm in MA and I did the same thing I have done for the last 100 hurricanes. Nothing. Hurricanes up here are a lot of hype, and a little wind and rain. The worst that has ever happened was losing power for several hours. That's just not a major problem. If it was a winter blizzard it might be a little different.

    I'm in MA also, and many times the storms here are a lot of hype, but when Irene hit last year we lost power for 5 days and it was not fun! We also had 10 trees come down in our yard; 6 of them were on our house! Luckily, the damage was very minor. I can't do much about the trees, but I can and do prepare for power outages.
  • marathon_mama
    marathon_mama Posts: 150 Member
    We are the brains the men are the bronze. Nuff said:grumble: mean brawn?
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    So, I worked 12 hour shifts all weekend and couldn't get to the store to prep for the storm. So, I gave my bf a list of a few things to get and asked him to get other supplies in case we lose power for a few days. So, I come home last night and he shows me what he got....two bags of tortilla chips and salsa, ice cream, four cans of soup, get the picture. So, I'm going back to the store this am to get some real supplies.

    If you are on the east coast, what did you guys get to prep for the storm?

    Have full tanks of gas in your vehicles. Fill your bathtub with water, you may need it to flush your toilets. Have flashlights and batteries, you need a battery powered radio. Enough food for at least a week, have all of your laundry done. Have lamp oil if you have lamps, all meds (prescriptions filled). Have dog food, cat food, horse feed etc. Bottle water, lighters, charcoal or propane for a grill. But most of all HEED THESE WARNINGS!!! Stay safe my friends!

    A seasoned hurricane vet from the gulf coast.
  • mmarlow61
    mmarlow61 Posts: 112 Member
    It is barely a hurricane. It will be a few rain days. I don't get what a months worth of bread is going to do. Water is the only NEED I can think of.

    Evidently you've never been through this type of severe storm. These people are in the path of SEVERE possible destruction, they may lose everything. We've been through the fringes of storms before where we lost power for at least a week. AND if the line from the main line to your individual house goes down, it is NOT top priority, main lines are. That could extend your length of time with no power. Being prepared is NOT silly. ALSO If flooding occurs, would you want to turn your electric stove on? hmmmmmm NEVER act as if people are being silly for being prepared.
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    I'd charge your iPad and kindle before it comes. Fruit ninja until that battery runs out followed by a good book (should last a week easy!)

    Everyones else has said the good stuff. I'd go with warm clothes/blankets. If there is no heating you wont need to worry if you're wearing suitable atire :)
  • heyshell79
    heyshell79 Posts: 65 Member
    We have water, food, firewood, a full tank of gas and we charged our phones and laptops. Oh and plenty of beer!!
  • bigblue92710
    bigblue92710 Posts: 12 Member
    We have water, food, firewood, a full tank of gas and we charged our phones and laptops. Oh and plenty of beer!!

    Especially beer!
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    All good advice but I never see people think about contraceptives. Lots of time home with no electronic distractions......

    Maybe that's just where my brain goes ;)

    Be safe all!
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    Everything the practical folks before me have said !! It is never a bad thing to be prepared.

    We were caught unaware for an October surprise storm up here in Buffalo a few years back, and as well as we can manage our snow, this was so very different. some went 3 or more weeks without power!

    Biggest lesson I learned was to remember what was on when the power went out. My daughter had been cooking eggs, and we didnt' realize the burner was still on low. When the power came back, we started smelling smokeI We had started piling stuff on the stove (bags, etc) Big Bad Move on our part!
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    All good advice but I never see people think about contraceptives. Lots of time home with no electronic distractions......

    Maybe that's just where my brain goes ;)

    Be safe all!

    That's why in 9 months from this storm the news stories will be covering the "sandy babies" :laugh:
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    A lot of good suggestions here. I'd suggest a jar (or two) of peanut butter and some whole grain bread, too. Filling, and relatively healthy.
  • dreilingda
    dreilingda Posts: 122 Member
    I was at the store checking out a few years ago when hurricane Ike was bearing down on Houston. In line in front of me was a guy who was buying 4 cases of Keystone light beer. I gave him a questioning look and he said "They told me to stock up on water".
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    So glad to irk you all.. haha

    You don't irk me, and now I am all ready no matter what happens. (even a zombie apocalypse!) :glasses:
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I was at the store checking out a few years ago when hurricane Ike was bearing down on Houston. In line in front of me was a guy who was buying 4 cases of Keystone light beer. I gave him a questioning look and he said "They told me to stock up on water".

  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,975 Member
    I went shopping at Bottom Dollar early on Sunday and they had plenty of stock except for bread. I have to work from Sun. afternoon until Tuesday afternoon staying at a hotel across from my building so I will be OK but the wife and my four adult boys will be in charge of the house -- we made sure all small stuff was put away and we left 2 large trash cans open outside with bricks in the bottom to catch water just in case for flushing toilets. Hopefully the storm is not as bad as they think because I start vacation on Wednesday and have reservations for Atlantic City for Thursday - Saturday.....
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Got stuff for PB&J sandwiches, protein bars, a 3-gallon thing of drinking water and filled some old milk jugs with water. Also got a pound of spaghetti and sauce at the last minute when I realized that we have gas appliances and will still be able to cook if the power goes out.

    Plus a bottle of rum. If we're not going to have power, we're going to have a good time, damn it!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Honestly, I did nothing. There's gas in the cars, food in the pantry/fridge, devices are all charged, flashlights located. But I didn't buy anything.
  • lveh8lve
    lveh8lve Posts: 162 Member
    All good advice but I never see people think about contraceptives. Lots of time home with no electronic distractions......

    Maybe that's just where my brain goes ;)

    Be safe all!

    That's why in 9 months from this storm the news stories will be covering the "sandy babies" :laugh:

    Very True!!! I was born in September the product of a January snow storm!!!!!