Mike’s Daily Rant 10/30/2012 The McDonalds 10K



  • berkra
    berkra Posts: 78 Member
    it is the small things (or big) that need to click
    Will have that in my mind the next time I "want/need" something
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Loved this post, thank you!
  • traci0620
    traci0620 Posts: 46 Member
    Mine isn't food related, but my workout motivator is I am not allowed to watch My favorite TV shows unless I am on my elliptical working out. This is great for a few reasons. I can't snack while I am on the elliptical and I love to watch TV that isn't cartoons (I have 2 little kids). So I DVR The Walking Dead, NCIS, Bones and a few other shows and for the last month I have worked out 5 days a week. It is a great motivator for me.
  • jfatheree78
    jfatheree78 Posts: 78 Member
    Mike, have you considered writing a book? You are a great writer and very entertaining. I always look forward to reading your rants. =)
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Thanks for sharing, Mike.
    I always find that McDonald's sounds and smells much better than it actually is. One bite - good. Second bite - hmmm. Third bite - yuck!
  • johnny059qn
    johnny059qn Posts: 163 Member
    Awesome post!

    I too, love Mcdonalds. I worked there as a skinny kid back in the eighties.

    I swore it off for almost 5 years 2005-2010. Then gave in one day due to convenience. I couldn't stop and gained a ton.

    Now, if I want it, I make it fit into my plan. I don't go very often. I cook at home almost exclusively.

    I will go there in November. McRib is coming back!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I hate eating alone. There are some great restaurants in the cities I travel to for work. But eating by myself is such an inconvenience in terms of time and lost mental energy (free food - as it is billed to the comapny) that I prefer to go to the corner store, grab some tuna, tomatoes, fruit, etc.. and eat in my room.
    So it's laziness of a different sort.
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    Thanks funny cause this is exactly how I plan to get through Thanksgiving lol....If I can't burn it off that same day, I'm not eating it! lol
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Thanks funny cause this is exactly how I plan to get through Thanksgiving lol....If I can't burn it off that same day, I'm not eating it! lol

    I have a 5K that morning. I signed up for guilt free pie.
  • AEB_WV
    AEB_WV Posts: 323 Member

    If I have McDonalds it will be something more sensible if that’s not an oxymoron.

    Exactly. I think black coffee would be a sensible chioce at McDonalds. I just don't go b/c I don't like it that much anymore. Now chicken wings is another story....maybe I should start running since today is discount wing day down the road....
  • bclin
    bclin Posts: 10
    This idea is very inspiring! Next time I get an urge, I'll walk to wherever they sell it! Great idea and example!
  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    This is my Thanksgiving plan too - doing a 5k that morning, and having some pumpkin pie that night.
  • I love this idea! I may have to figure something out for me to do like this!
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    This is awesome...for me its Coldstone.......LOVE THE PLACE!!!! I eat there but I do not order what I use too and I miss it still...but my challenge is actually going in there with my kids and NOT ordering my usual foudners favorite and going with teh more low caloric options......
  • I used to be addicted to McDonalds; I would crave it and it's on my way home and I would be so tempted to stop and my order was close to yours: two hamburgers, a medium fry, a kid sized diet coke and a chocolate milkshake for dessert. Since becoming a vegetarian I have had zero cravings for it and I am really happy for this!! Now my cravings are pizza!! :-P

    Pizza with what on it? I love pizza!!
  • good for you

    I have to drive past a mcdonald, kfc burger king and have to tell myself they are a mirage !

    No they are really there. LOL. The question is whats inside? :smokin:
  • good post today. great food for thought.

  • Beautifully written! Congrats on kicking Mcdonalds in the face!

    Thank You.
  • it is the small things (or big) that need to click
    Will have that in my mind the next time I "want/need" something

    Sounds great! You are right the little/big things that need to click.
  • literatelier
    literatelier Posts: 209 Member
    Really inspiring post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!