WTF is a thigh gap?



  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    A trick of photoshop.

    ding ding ding, we have a winner.
  • emzypemzy93
    the best thing in the world.
    what i'm aiming for
    also known as a gap space
  • x_ItNeverEnds_x
    Thigh gap = ***n rest....same thing.
    I'm really struggling to figure out what is censored in that statement. I think my "bad word" vocabulary is pretty limited.
    Same, WTF is that word!

    OH Chin. WTF why is that ***
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    Want something else to obsess over? Google hip dip.

    LOL I swear we just invent things to make us insane.

    Love your body, it's the only one you've got :-)

    OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I have always hated this on me! I didn't know there was a name for it! I can obsess over it....even more because I can call it by name. Crap :grumble:
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Want something else to obsess over? Google hip dip.

    LOL I swear we just invent things to make us insane.

    Love your body, it's the only one you've got :-)

    OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I have always hated this on me! I didn't know there was a name for it! I can obsess over it....even more because I can call it by name. Crap :grumble:

    Hip dip?? The eff? So is this considered good or bad?

    We always called this the "dancer's dent", and it was considered a positive thing. Comes from a combo of defined quads, hams, and glutes. Can't see why this is bad.
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    Fat women dont have curves, since they are fat, and fat smoothes out the curves.

    Curves is a definition of a beautiful woman body, who is obviously not overweight.

    Too many whiteknights and whales in the thread mad at girls who have thigh gaps. nothing else.

    God, you certainly are a troll, aren't you? Let's call women whales on a site for weight loss. I feel like pissing some people off and hurting people's feelings. You, my dear, need to get a life.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    Want something else to obsess over? Google hip dip.

    LOL I swear we just invent things to make us insane.

    Love your body, it's the only one you've got :-)

    OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I have always hated this on me! I didn't know there was a name for it! I can obsess over it....even more because I can call it by name. Crap :grumble:

    Hip dip?? The eff? So is this considered good or bad?

    We always called this the "dancer's dent", and it was considered a positive thing. Comes from a combo of defined quads, hams, and glutes. Can't see why this is bad.

    No honey.

    The hip dip picture.....just like on me gives me the eternal muffin top and saddlebag thigh that will NOT go away. Gross. I LOATHE IT. It seriously makes me angry when I see myself naked.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Want something else to obsess over? Google hip dip.

    LOL I swear we just invent things to make us insane.

    Love your body, it's the only one you've got :-)

    OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I have always hated this on me! I didn't know there was a name for it! I can obsess over it....even more because I can call it by name. Crap :grumble:

    Hip dip?? The eff? So is this considered good or bad?

    We always called this the "dancer's dent", and it was considered a positive thing. Comes from a combo of defined quads, hams, and glutes. Can't see why this is bad.

    Pepole actually wear butt cheek pants? I'd hate see what it looks like from the front.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    ^^^ they're tights. That guy just has a big butt. Dancers don't really give an eff.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    ^^^ they're tights. That guy just has a big butt. Dancers don't really give an eff.

    it looks like his butt is eating his tights like pac-man. I can't stand it when my butt eats my underwear.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I have one. It showed up at about 140 lbs (I'm 5'9")

    My mom has one as well. She's 5'4" and 124 lbs. (63 years old)

    It's genetic. It also means that my thighs don't rub together when I run. I also like the way it looks in skinny jeans. That's always a good thing.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    ^^^ they're tights. That guy just has a big butt. Dancers don't really give an eff.

    it looks like his butt is eating his tights like pac-man. I can't stand it when my butt eats my underwear.

    It does look gross and REALLY uncomfortable. lol
  • anggxo
    anggxo Posts: 102
    It is a casual apparel thigh that has struggled since the late 90's due to being sandwiched between a lower and higher sister company, those companies being Thigh Banana Republic and Thigh Old Navy.

    this made me LOL so hard.

    Honestly, I never heard of the thigh gap before Tumblr, but everyone is obsessed with it on there. And for a while, I sort of thought it was importnat, and I really wanted it. Buttttttt, it is NOT an indicator of health and is largely based on bone structure. Some girls will have to be dangerously thin to achieve it. Not worth it girls!
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    He's obviously a ballet dancer (check out what the girls are wearing in the background). Thats what they wear to practice and perform in.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    For whatever reason, a lot of women want to look like 12 year old girls whos thighs dont touch when they walk. I dont get it. Id rather have thicker thighs than chicken legs. I dont think they realize that its how your built, not necessarily how skinny you are....

    Was the body shaming in the first part of your comment necessary for the more accurate second part?
    Want something else to obsess over? Google hip dip.

    LOL I swear we just invent things to make us insane.

    Love your body, it's the only one you've got :-)

    OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I have always hated this on me! I didn't know there was a name for it! I can obsess over it....even more because I can call it by name. Crap :grumble:

    Hip dip?? The eff? So is this considered good or bad?

    We always called this the "dancer's dent", and it was considered a positive thing. Comes from a combo of defined quads, hams, and glutes. Can't see why this is bad.

    No honey.

    The hip dip picture.....just like on me gives me the eternal muffin top and saddlebag thigh that will NOT go away. Gross. I LOATHE IT. It seriously makes me angry when I see myself naked.

    What? Something else I've never heard of? *google*....crap, I have that...first I had all the popular things I've never heard of...thigh gap...had to figure out the different kinds...then the V...whatever that's all about...and back dimples...because that became a thing somehow...and now this...and I have them all...but I agree with the last part above...eternal muffin top and saddlebag thighs of doom.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I know what all of those, but back dimples? Had to google that one. lol what will they come up with next?

    As far some folks hating on "hip dip", everybody has it. It's where your leg connects to your hip - it's a natural part of your body. I even want to say the skinnier I got, the more pronounced it got. Whatever - it doesn't bother me a bit.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Lol feet together thighs apart.
    Just another fashion fad to drive people insane about being fat. As is pen test. I've seen pics of girls do this where they are painfully thin but because their spine doesn't touch the floor they don't pass the test because their stomach rises above the pen.

    I'm fat. I'm currently 90kg/198 lbs and I think in about 10kg/22 lbs I'll have a thigh gap and my legs are huge. They look like whole christmas hams. They only just rub together at the top now. I have wiiiiiiiide hips.
    The only benefit to me is not ruining millions of pairs of pants from the rubbing. And I can wear cords without that hilarious noise.
    If I got to my 'ideal' weight (lol what all the BMI charts say) of 54kg/119lbs you could throw a baby through that gap.
    Wait, wait, wait...what is the pen test?
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I think a lot of people think it is sexy when the thigh gap looks like a heart and has definite curves...the pro ana/mia types are aiming for the fashion model thigh gap where the legs have no muscle definition and are straight up and down from the top of the thigh to the ankle, no curving at the top (which gives the legs that heart shape).

    I have a thigh gap because I have wide hips and am bow legged...genetics baby!! I got teased for it when I was 14ish because it used to be thought that you were "easy" if you had one?? Even at my heaviest I have one, so it does not always equal being waif-like or extremely skinny!

    THANK YOU! I would love to have more explanations on why this got popular? And which kind is suppose to be the 'in' kind...because we have 5:
    1. The has a name...that's when you have the little 'heart' between your thigh fat and crotch
    2. () <-the one that looks like that from crotch to toe
    3. () <-the one that looks like that from knees to crotch
    4. <| it connects like a triangle at knees and crotch
    5. The one with both of them combined. The joins are at the ankles knees and crotch

    OK, now to figure out the rest...what else do I not know? I know of thigh gap, triange, 'lady V', back dimples, and the new hip thing haha
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 383
    the pen test is where you lie on your back with a pen perpidicular to the floor- if your stomach rises above the pen, you fail.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member