what do you put in your coffee?



  • Kotuliak
    Kotuliak Posts: 259 Member
    I've been using coffeemate french vanilla, but the calories add up way too fast! Looking for a better alternative...

    What do you use?
    Quayludes. Makes me sleep well.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Either coconut oil, or coconut milk and a little bit of whey protein isolate.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    I put 1% GMO free milk from Costco, and a teaspoon of organic sugar..... and ice.
    I make my coffee iced anymore as I find I drink less caffeine (which I'm not supposed to have) and gets me to drink 1/2C milk with each cup. :)
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    I drink Coconut flavored coffee with half a Truvia Don't add anything else, I like the coffee taste. I'll drink the unflavored stuff too but the island coconut K cups are just really good and a little sweet without adding any calories
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I usually add some creamer and milk, but lately I've been adding hot cocoa mix with a little bit of milk. My favorite is mint chocolate. It usually comes out to a little under 100 calories, but for me it's totally worth it and it's a necessary part of my day :) Oh, I buy the more fancy flavored cocoa, but I'm sure there are less fancy ones that have way less calories.
  • ryanherbert
    ryanherbert Posts: 79 Member
    I put coffee in my coffee. A simple soy latte, so tasty :)
  • Domi_BTGfit
    I used to drink a double shot skinny latte... then a few months ago I started having a double protein shake (made on water, with ice) that includes a double shot of espresso. You don't need dairy or sugar due to the protein powder sweetness.

    It keeps me full and gives me the morning kickstart (caffeine) I need to stay awake.

    Thoroughly recommended!
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    Whey protein + whole milk + coffeemate french vanilla + half n half

    **** yeah.
  • huuxue
    huuxue Posts: 23
    i drink my coffee black as midnight and bitter as my soul
  • darleyschroeder
    I like using coffeehouse's single serving creamers. Right now I have caramel machiato, which runs me 30 calories. I also like to use starbuck's hot cocoa mix, they have a salted caramel kind and it's crazy good. I spread the package (it's 120 calories) out and make it last 3-4 cups of coffee and add a creamer in it sometimes.
    I drink a lot of coffee..
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Coffee and water! I drink it black and unsweetened.
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    Liquid splenda. Very rarely cream.
  • dvukmiro
    People, if you're going to use artificial sweeteners, PLEASE use Stevia or Truvia at least. This is SO MUCH BETTER for you than any of the Splenda, Equal, Sweet and Low junk that is out there. Stevia is a natural sweetener that is low in cals.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    1/2 serving vanilla whey protein powder mixed with 1 Tbsp coffee Mate Italian Sweet Cream. Yum.
  • LemonSnap
    LemonSnap Posts: 186 Member
    A shot of espresso, and a shot of Frangelico poured over a scoop of iceream.

    Best quick dessert ever.
  • StephanieEmpson
    I use to drink 24 oz, tripple toasted marshmellow mochas. No I put International Delights Smore (just found it) , or cinnamon vanilla. 2 T abot 70 cals, but I figure it is WAY better than what I use to drink.
  • meggolego
    extra espresso! haha.

    if i'm in the mood for sweet coffee or a latte, i add some skim milk and some zero-calorie vanilla flavoring.
  • sariannach
    Probably the least "healthy" option you'll see in this thread but...

    3 spoonfuls of turbinado sugar, one spoonful of vanilla extract, and a splash of light cream. Mmmm.

    I don't do artificial sweeteners or coconut oil (and both are found in non-dairy creamer!). I used to use heavy cream but decided I needed to decrease my early-morning fat intake. I have one or two cups of coffee in the morning but otherwise just drink lots of water all day.
  • freedski1
    freedski1 Posts: 65 Member
    Enriched soymilk and vanilla stevia (liquid). Or skim and 1 splenda when I'm picking up from Dunkin. ;)
  • suckerlove
    I use coffeemate french vanilla sugar free, 15 cal per tablespoon