What's the meanest thing someone said to you?



  • nyxrun
    nyxrun Posts: 60
    I'd had a miscarriage, and had just gotten out of the hospital from a D&C that was gutwrenching. My son came home from a boyscout trip and climbed into my lap, then put his head on my chest.

    My then MIL took one look and said to me: "It's a good thing that baby died". When I looked at her she made the comment again and said how I couldn't possibly have time for another child when I spoiled the ones I had like that.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I'd had a miscarriage, and had just gotten out of the hospital from a D&C that was gutwrenching. My son came home from a boyscout trip and climbed into my lap, then put his head on my chest.

    My then MIL took one look and said to me: "It's a good thing that baby died". When I looked at her she made the comment again and said how I couldn't possibly have time for another child when I spoiled the ones I had like that.
    What a *****!
  • shm1289
    shm1289 Posts: 102 Member
    My grandpa told me I should get knocked up so at least I'd have an excuse for being so fat. I was 17 at the time.

    I also had a (ex) boyfriend who told me I got fatter every time he saw me. I can't believe some of the things I used to put up with!
  • Lisa760
    Lisa760 Posts: 113 Member
    I'd had a miscarriage, and had just gotten out of the hospital from a D&C that was gutwrenching. My son came home from a boyscout trip and climbed into my lap, then put his head on my chest.

    My then MIL took one look and said to me: "It's a good thing that baby died". When I looked at her she made the comment again and said how I couldn't possibly have time for another child when I spoiled the ones I had like that.

    Your MIL is an evil witch.
  • jrs1008
    jrs1008 Posts: 18 Member
    Wow. There are pretty hurtful things said to a lot of people, aren't there? My dad would 'joke' about my weight gain . . . he said that if I got any bigger he would have to buy a bigger TV set (I was stooped over picking up my kids' toys) . . . and he said he hoped that I would get big enough to where he could get 'one of those TV's that hangs on the wall' :noway: ; he asked if I would be in shape before our hunting trip, and 'I don't mean round although that's a shape!' :grumble: ; and 'all comedians are big. You gonna be a comedian soon? :angry: ' But eventually, he did voice his concern for my health and said that he didn't say those things to hurt my feelings and apologized AFTER my sister Dawn called him on it :bigsmile: .
  • Lisa760
    Lisa760 Posts: 113 Member
    LOL Good for you!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'd had a miscarriage, and had just gotten out of the hospital from a D&C that was gutwrenching. My son came home from a boyscout trip and climbed into my lap, then put his head on my chest.

    My then MIL took one look and said to me: "It's a good thing that baby died". When I looked at her she made the comment again and said how I couldn't possibly have time for another child when I spoiled the ones I had like that.

    Wow :brokenheart:

    Ignorance is BLISS! I wonder how she would have felt if you would have responded:

    "Ya know, I was just thinking that exact same thing about your mother (after hearing you say that to me)--if she would have had a miscarriage with you?----but then I wouldn't have my husband, so I guess I'll ever have to wonder about that and never know!--hmmmph"
  • Broadzilla007
    Broadzilla007 Posts: 20 Member
    Just my brothers, but I don't think that really counts. lol. My Pastor used to ask me if I was having twins when I was pregnant with my last child. i shut him up by saying that if I had twins I was going to give him one! Snappy come backs make you feel better and let the person know they have been rude. I would have told that lady "No thanks. I'm trying to get on the People of Wal-mart website.
  • Broadzilla007
    Broadzilla007 Posts: 20 Member
    Good for the doctor although he or she might have been more professional about it. if more doctors told their patients to lose weight instead of treating the symptoms (diabetes, sore back, muscle strains, bad knees, etc.) healthcare costs wouldn't be so stupidly high as they are now.
  • Blossom59
    Blossom59 Posts: 81 Member
    I went to a weight loss facility. One of those that had exercise tables. I had been going to another one with a similiar program and they went out of business. I went through my introduction at the new studio and used several of thier tables and was told to come back the next night. I went back and the owner took me to her office and weighed me and then just went off on me. She told me how fat I was and that I was too large for her equipment...that I was over the weight limit. To add to the insult she told me that she did not believe that I went to the other facility because they had weight limits also.

    Once I was in a store and a little boy in a shopping buggy said real loud to his mother "look mommy at the fat lady"!!! The mother never said a word to him. I strolled up to his buggy and I said "your mother is doing a fine job in raising you and teaching you manners.......by the way God loves you and I do to" and walked off.......the mother stood there with her mouth open!!
  • ilinx
    ilinx Posts: 34
    I feel so sorry for everyone here who has been hurt by all those meanness. And I am proud of you for bearing it, especially those of you who could use it as a motivator and/or forgive it.
    I have never been generous or noble enough to do so, I only keep disliking people in general and avoid them more and more with every mean comment..

    Here are my two highlights:

    The boyfriend I had when I was 15 said "Your face is quite allright. And your boobs are perfect. If you could only lose that fat on your belly.. Maybe then you could make up for your personality." Personally, I don't think that I have a horrible personality, but nevertheless note that I was 167cm (5'6ft) and weighed 51kg (112lbs) back then. I was clearly below what is a normal or healthy weight for my height, also I had a flat belly. This led to many years of trying to lose weight the unhealthy way, disordered eating and self issues I'm still struggeling with.

    I know my dad loves me, but he has always made hurtful comments about my weight, bodyshape, eating habits and everything else. There is one that I will never forget for sure : He told me to be happy that I am 'not that pretty', because boys would be too intimidated by beautiful women to talk to them. When I pointed out that he, as my father, should love me unconditionally and therefore be the one person to think of me as beautiful (which was the first time I ever spoke up against his many hurtful comments) he only laughed and started making fun of me. At this moment I decided that if I ever had kids I'd tell them how beautiful and special they are every day.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Once I was in a store and a little boy in a shopping buggy said real loud to his mother "look mommy at the fat lady"!!! The mother never said a word to him. I strolled up to his buggy and I said "your mother is doing a fine job in raising you and teaching you manners.......by the way God loves you and I do to" and walked off.......the mother stood there with her mouth open!!
    It's probably best that she stood there with her mouth open--if you said that to my kid I wouldn't have been so polite as to bite my tongue.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I knew you were going to fold, you play poker like a frightened rabbit.
  • GodzillaR35
    GodzillaR35 Posts: 73 Member
    "You're a fuc?en embarrassment"
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    The most hurtful thing ever said to me...I was 10-11 and had come home again from another doctor visit relating to my Scoliosis.

    "You are broken. You are a mistake, an accident."

    Yeap, good old mom - thanks for keeping us (me & the sisters), it gave you something to abuse, torture and laugh at for twenty years.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member

    If you don't like what people say then change your lifestyle to a more healthy one and lose the weight.

    ^RUDE! Obviously this thread is on MFP because these people ARE trying to lose the weight, DUH! If you don't have a story to add or positive words of wisdom, STFU!!!

    Right on!!

    Seriously, dude, you don't get it. Words HURT, and the scars can last a lifetime. Just because we accept our obesity does NOT give others the right to be bullies. To do so is to justify the meanness....and quite frankly, there IS no excuse for stupid.

    On another note: If my mother/father/husband/best friend/sibling/etc. or any other supposed "loved one" was as mean, rude, obnoxious, or downright cruel as some I have read about on this thread, they would no longer BE my mother/father/husband/best friend/sibling/etc. Maybe it's my age (53), but I no longer suffer fools gladly. Time to take out the trash.
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    About 7 years ago, I had been leaving the gym with a friend and I crossed the road and a man in his early 20's shouted out 'Fatty! Why don't you lose some weight'. I don't know if this was the meanest thing but it is something that sticks in my memory. I remember trying not to cry and putting a brave face on infront of my friend but I was thinking about the comment for a long time after.
  • I'd had a miscarriage, and had just gotten out of the hospital from a D&C that was gutwrenching. My son came home from a boyscout trip and climbed into my lap, then put his head on my chest.

    My then MIL took one look and said to me: "It's a good thing that baby died". When I looked at her she made the comment again and said how I couldn't possibly have time for another child when I spoiled the ones I had like that.

    Your MIL is an evil witch.

    Don't insult witches. That woman is Satan's bride.:devil:
  • jevoyager
    jevoyager Posts: 59 Member
    Nothing like being mistaken for being pregnant. Even better after you let them know you aren't, and they proceed to explain all the reasons why they had thought I was pregnant. :grumble:

    Not the meanist thing even said (thank-you-f*uped-family!), but perhaps the most facepalm worthy, lol
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    The most hurtful thing ever said to me...I was 10-11 and had come home again from another doctor visit relating to my Scoliosis.

    "You are broken. You are a mistake, an accident."

    Yeap, good old mom - thanks for keeping us (me & the sisters), it gave you something to abuse, torture and laugh at for twenty years.
    My mom was a real ***** too. She never told me I was an accident to hurt me, though she was honest about how none of us were planned. It was meant to be funny, not hurtful. But she did shelack make-up on me when I was five to make me prettier and dye my hair. When I was twelve she called me into her room to pinch my thighs and then declared that if I, a super scrawny child, had cellulite on my legs than it was okay if she did. There were other things, like telling my boyfriend (and father of my child) my first day home from the hospital that her boobs were nicer than mine because of her boob job and that mine were sagging from having a baby. But the worst was probably when she came in my room when I was dressing for school in a sleeveless shirt; she said she knew what I was trying to do, that I was just trying to get my father's attention, and that I would never be better than her.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    I feel so sorry for everyone here who has been hurt by all those meanness. And I am proud of you for bearing it, especially those of you who could use it as a motivator and/or forgive it.
    I have never been generous or noble enough to do so, I only keep disliking people in general and avoid them more and more with every mean comment..

    Here are my two highlights:

    The boyfriend I had when I was 15 said "Your face is quite allright. And your boobs are perfect. If you could only lose that fat on your belly.. Maybe then you could make up for your personality." Personally, I don't think that I have a horrible personality, but nevertheless note that I was 167cm (5'6ft) and weighed 51kg (112lbs) back then. I was clearly below what is a normal or healthy weight for my height, also I had a flat belly. This led to many years of trying to lose weight the unhealthy way, disordered eating and self issues I'm still struggeling with.

    I know my dad loves me, but he has always made hurtful comments about my weight, bodyshape, eating habits and everything else. There is one that I will never forget for sure : He told me to be happy that I am 'not that pretty', because boys would be too intimidated by beautiful women to talk to them. When I pointed out that he, as my father, should love me unconditionally and therefore be the one person to think of me as beautiful (which was the first time I ever spoke up against his many hurtful comments) he only laughed and started making fun of me. At this moment I decided that if I ever had kids I'd tell them how beautiful and special they are every day.

    a) your dad is a ****
    b) you do have an attractive face

    here's something you should know about some guys. some guys are like predators. in fact, they are like great white sharks. a great white shark will attack a seal, bite it, and then leave it to struggle and die. then they'll swoop in and eat the carcass. this prevents them from getting injured by the struggling seal. well, some guys know that girls with low self-esteem are easy pickings. they will say things to hurt you to lower your self-esteem. when you are low enough for them, they will use/abuse you (sexually, physically, monetarily, emotionally, etc.) until they find someone else who they fancy. i consider these guys to be sociopaths. not sure if a psychiatrist would agree, but that's how i view them. there are alot of them out there. so be aware and steer clear of them. to them, you're not really a person with feelings. all you are is something for their enjoyment/amusement. it sounds to me like you've already had dealings with guys like this.
  • Lisa760
    Lisa760 Posts: 113 Member
    The most hurtful thing ever said to me...I was 10-11 and had come home again from another doctor visit relating to my Scoliosis.

    "You are broken. You are a mistake, an accident."

    Yeap, good old mom - thanks for keeping us (me & the sisters), it gave you something to abuse, torture and laugh at for twenty years.
    My mom was a real ***** too. She never told me I was an accident to hurt me, though she was honest about how none of us were planned. It was meant to be funny, not hurtful. But she did shelack make-up on me when I was five to make me prettier and dye my hair. When I was twelve she called me into her room to pinch my thighs and then declared that if I, a super scrawny child, had cellulite on my legs than it was okay if she did. There were other things, like telling my boyfriend (and father of my child) my first day home from the hospital that her boobs were nicer than mine because of her boob job and that mine were sagging from having a baby. But the worst was probably when she came in my room when I was dressing for school in a sleeveless shirt; she said she knew what I was trying to do, that I was just trying to get my father's attention, and that I would never be better than her.

    Sorry that you grew up with a crazy mom. :frown:
    Newsflash - you're TOTALLY better than her! :smile:
  • nyxrun
    nyxrun Posts: 60
    I'd had a miscarriage, and had just gotten out of the hospital from a D&C that was gutwrenching. My son came home from a boyscout trip and climbed into my lap, then put his head on my chest.

    My then MIL took one look and said to me: "It's a good thing that baby died". When I looked at her she made the comment again and said how I couldn't possibly have time for another child when I spoiled the ones I had like that.

    Your MIL is an evil witch.

    Don't insult witches. That woman is Satan's bride.:devil:

    oh she'd terrify satan. And when he stood up for her and said I was being too "sensitive"...well suffice to say this is why he's my ex husband. So glad I never have to see her again.
  • I'd had a miscarriage, and had just gotten out of the hospital from a D&C that was gutwrenching. My son came home from a boyscout trip and climbed into my lap, then put his head on my chest.

    My then MIL took one look and said to me: "It's a good thing that baby died". When I looked at her she made the comment again and said how I couldn't possibly have time for another child when I spoiled the ones I had like that.

    That was an intensely cruel thing to say. I am sorry you had to deal with that lady (and I use that term loosely).
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    The most hurtful thing ever said to me...I was 10-11 and had come home again from another doctor visit relating to my Scoliosis.

    "You are broken. You are a mistake, an accident."

    Yeap, good old mom - thanks for keeping us (me & the sisters), it gave you something to abuse, torture and laugh at for twenty years.
    My mom was a real ***** too. She never told me I was an accident to hurt me, though she was honest about how none of us were planned. It was meant to be funny, not hurtful. But she did shelack make-up on me when I was five to make me prettier and dye my hair. When I was twelve she called me into her room to pinch my thighs and then declared that if I, a super scrawny child, had cellulite on my legs than it was okay if she did. There were other things, like telling my boyfriend (and father of my child) my first day home from the hospital that her boobs were nicer than mine because of her boob job and that mine were sagging from having a baby. But the worst was probably when she came in my room when I was dressing for school in a sleeveless shirt; she said she knew what I was trying to do, that I was just trying to get my father's attention, and that I would never be better than her.

    Sorry that you grew up with a crazy mom. :frown:
    Newsflash - you're TOTALLY better than her! :smile:
    She called me one day when I was working out, and I answered out of breath. She asked what I was doing and when I told her I was working out she said, "Good for you! You get that from me, you know?!" I said, "Intense self-hatred? Yes, I know I got that from you, but that's nothing to brag about."
  • "And then yesterday leaving work, I take the stairs in the parking garage on purpose. About 50 stairs and by the end I'm usually out of breath. A woman stepping off the elevator at the same time I reached the landing looked at me and said "the elevators exist for people like you" to which I said " I got looking this way taking the elevator that's why I'm doing the stairs. I'm able bodied" she just looked at me and walked away. How rude. "

    Rude, yes, but your answer was amazing! Go girl!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Remember this is coming from a 5'10" guy who weighed 320lbs.....If you are fat you are fat! I tell people i went from a fat pig to just fat and will soon be normal sized.`

    All the crap fat people say, even me in the past, about being comfortable with their wieght, or this is who I am; know deep down they are kidding themselves.

    The best thing my doctor said to me is you MUST lose some weight, you are way to heavy.

    I am now down alomost 55 lbs and feel so much better.

    If you don't like what people say then change your lifestyle to a more healthy one and lose the weight.

    Agreed, but that doesn't give people the right to be assh@les to others.
    And a lot of comments seem to come from people who are even fatter than the person they're tormenting. People need to shut it.
  • mine came from my good old sister, 12 years my senior. hounded me about my weight ever since I can remember. but the one comment that stuck with me was:

    "men don't like fat women. if you don't lose weight, you will never have a man."

    I was only like 13 when she told me that.

    boy did that make for some bad decisions with men later on!
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member
    mum, when she 'caught' me eating a bag of tortilla chips after i'd been on an hour long bike ride - which i did EVERY DAY at the time (and was also, incidentally, the slimmest then that I had ever been) - 'DONT YOU THINK YOU'RE FAT ENOUGH?!"

    mum, age ten, when i weighed 8st, taking me to weight loss group that was supposed to be only for adults.

    the funny thing is she can't remember all the comments she's made to me.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I lived with my ex girlfriend for like 2 1/2 years.

    Caught her cheating, and for the first time in my life I cried over a woman (man card recently has been regained with the slaying of many persians).

    She told me to stop being such a baby, at the time in my life (and for the first time) my heart was truly broken.

    Needless to say i thought i could never love again, until I met my beautiful daughter! All stories have happy endings children.