What's the meanest thing someone said to you?



  • painthoss
    painthoss Posts: 63 Member
    My mother:"If I could do it all again differently, I wouldn't have kids."

    :( Some women have the maternal instinct of alley cats. I'm sorry she said that to you.

    Thank you,and thank you to the others who replied to that. After all these years, I feel better. Validation IS what it's cracked up to be.
  • guufylvr
    guufylvr Posts: 1 Member
    A now ex-boyfriend and I were at a basketball game and he was using binoculars he claimed to watch the coach talk to the team. I knew he was checking out the cheerleaders. I told him that they make cheerleader costumes. He blurted out without thinking "Do they make it in your size?"
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    "you look like your mother"

  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    A few years back, when I was about 220, I ran into an old friend's mother at a store. She hadn't seen me in probably 10 years and the first thing she said was "wow! You were always so thin!" ... Gee, thanks...

    I never once got the "pregnant" comments when I was at my largest, but about a month ago I went to get my hair cut and one of the first things the stylist asked me was "When's the due date." I wanted to be like "REALLY?", but I just sort of blurted out that I wasn't pregnant. She was mortified and the worst part was sitting there for the next 20 minutes while she cut my hair. Conversation was very strained.

    I've always had larger breasts, at my heaviest, they were DD. I was shopping with my mom and grandma and I mentioned that I wanted to look at bras because I needed some. My grandma asked, shocked, if they carried my size in the stores. When I said yes, they had a conversation about how they figured I had to order them. Ouch. The worst part about that is that my mother and grandma both are very nice people.
  • lakingfish
    lakingfish Posts: 24 Member
    "I love you like a brother." Because that means not only am I not going to have sex with you but I find the whole idea kind of creepy!
  • Erinthebodo
    Erinthebodo Posts: 215 Member
    It's a tie...

    "I still love you... but I'm not IN love you." :sad:


    "Just go ahead and finish, I'm not going to c*m" :noway:
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    This thread makes me sad. I know these comments cut very deeply, but let's all try to remember that we're making positive changes in our lives, and hanging on to horrible things that people have said is unproductive.

    Forgive them. Living life being insensitive to others keeps them at arms length from people who could love them. They miss out. You don't.

    "Holding on to anger is like picking up a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned." The Buddha
  • Crisitunity
    Crisitunity Posts: 98 Member
    A guy I know but don't get along well with described to me in detail that the most disgusting thing he had ever seen was a girl eating what he considered to be a large amount of food what he considered to be too quickly. Really. It wasn't even about me. Unless it was and he was just being... I don't know what. Came out of nowhere too.
  • metzlerjn
    metzlerjn Posts: 57 Member
    A skinny girl at the Fred Meyer deli asked if I was pregnant...hopefully she asks all her hungry customers that?

    A random kid at the park told me I should get a nose job.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    you're done? I'm not even undressed!!!
  • TheFinalThird
    TheFinalThird Posts: 315 Member
    A speaking scale told me, "hey, one person at a time, PLEASE!"

    This made me pause. Surely that's a joke, right?

    ummm.... yes. And a fairly old one. ;-)
  • JayStu
    JayStu Posts: 332 Member
    The meanest thing I was ever told was my older brother, who has 2 kids told me "when you have kids... actually you will never have kids"
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    My soon to be ex looks at me in the car one day and says, 'do you seriously want to be unattractive to your wife?'. This after going from 250 to 175 and running marathons! Like I said, soon to be ex-wife! WTF?
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    I got really sick and was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. I was put on prednisone and gained lots of weight while trying to get the disease under control. At my darkest moment, I asked my ex husband why we didn't go out anymore, he looked at me and with a straight face said "You are too fat to be seen in public". Yeah, he is my ex. As fate would have it....he is now really fat.
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    My soon to be ex looks at me in the car one day and says, 'do you seriously want to be unattractive to your wife?'. This after going from 250 to 175 and running marathons! Like I said, soon to be ex-wife! WTF?

    If I ever see her, I'm going chola on her *kitten*. *cracks knuckles* :angry:
  • hvelikans
    Wow! Where would I start? This is 26 years of cryptic ( and not so cryptic ) comments

    1. Husband who has 'always said he hates fat women and won't stop just to save my feelings' - thanks dear
    2. Husband who is convinced that constant jabs at my weight is 'motivation' - after 26 years you think he'd realise that doesn't work!
    3. The 'your daughter gets her values from you, how would you feel if she ended uplike you'? comment - completely different figure type but it's always a favourite!
    4. The 'you know other people have to look at you' question - gotta love that one!
    5. The 'people will blame me for how you look' - thanks again dear ( trade in looking good! )

    And the best of all ...

    6. The 'we don't have your size here, we only in deal with normal size people'! That's a real one, blew me away and my hubby said 'see what I have to put up with? I'm so embarrassed! This is your fault'!

    Just as well I don't care what other people think and luckily I know he loves me heaps :)

    All I can suggest is keep smiling, other people don't count towards my self esteem and hubby can be reminded about black kettles and pots occasionally! Do what you do for yourself - won't work otherwise and love yourself no matter what - we are AWESOME!

  • astrylian
    astrylian Posts: 194 Member
    I dealt with a LOT of bullying in elementary/middle school. It died down by the time I hit high school, for some reason. I got into a lot of fights with boys that would hang up and call me fat names/throw rocks at my head in elementary school, and my bus made school absolutely intolerable for me during middle school. I tried to skip class almost every other day because riding the bus was a torturous and terrifying experience for me.

    Nearly all of the kids on my bus then when call me fat, chubby, "Twinkie Girl", ask me if I wanted a Snickers because they knew I was hungry, et cetera. No one would let me sit next to them, ever. When I walked down the bus aisle, kids would make sound effects of a dinosaur crushing the earth under its weight. It was pretty horrible, and the bus driver just let it all happen. I remember crying almost every day.

    When I broke up with my first boyfriend, he used a lot of fat insults to hurt me, despite the fact that he had been loving and supportive when we were together. He told me that I was fat and disgusting and that he was dating a girl that wasn't Shamoo, and they had ALSO had sex (something that was very hurtful for me, as we were both each other's firsts and the immediacy of a new relationship).

    Men also think it's funny to mock hit on a girl. It really has influenced how I deal with men now. Being genuinely approached now, at a lower weight, and constantly - I am so unfamiliar with that experience. Guys catcall me often now, and I instinctively am offended/distrustful because I recall the time when catcalls were a mocking joke in order to ridicule my size and desirability.
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    I think the meanest and most damaging was my mom when I was a teenager, and pre weight problem (I was 14, an A honor and advanced placement student, and not going out with boys) that I was so fat and disgusting no one would want me unless I was a *kitten*. It took a long time to realize that my mother had/has a lot of issues that have nothing to do with me but with her own self image. Happy Days/:

    Nice to meet you-you must be my long lost sister, because we apparently had the same mother. HUGS!

  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    In my case, it wasn't what was said but what was expressed.

    I had a knack for frightening small children with just my presence alone when I was at my heaviest. It was probably a combination of my weight, hairiness, and acne... looking back on it though is quite funny.
  • Toya2xcel
    Toya2xcel Posts: 107 Member
    I was 1 month postpartum and had just quit my job 2 months before to become a SAHM. I gained 45 pounds during the pregnancy and my aunt hadn't seen me for the entire pregnancy. She came over to see the baby and she looked at me and said "you are gaining weight...maybe you should go back to work!" She said it like i must have just been sitting home on my *bleep* all day eating cake or something. Mind you I was only 1 month postpartum, who says something like that to a woman that just had a baby?! Little did she know, I had already lost 20 pounds of the pregnancy weight by then. Yeah i felt like CRAP and wanted her to leave after that lol

    I told my dad the other day that I had lost 39 pounds since having my baby in July....he looked at me and said "You did?! from where?!" Gotta love family! In his defense, he did kinda redeem himself the next day when I wore something more form fitting and he said "OH WOW, I SEE IT NOW!" haha