How does one survive on 1200 calories per day anyway??

Hello All,

I am not so different from many of the others on this site being that i know what I have to do, but everytime I enter in my food I feel like a looser, like OMG I only have that small number of calories showing on the screen and it's not even dinner time yet! Fresh veggies -check, water check, bagel uhoh, cream cheese - oh my you get the picture.

i think that my choices are ok until I track them and realize I am in the negative for the day...and HUNGRY.

Frustrated and feeling very blah. If you have any advise for what I am experiencing I would appreciate the help..thanking you in advance :)



  • lindsiswatchingyou
    lindsiswatchingyou Posts: 114 Member
    Hi! I'm short (5'2") so my calories are on the low side. You can send me friend request if you'd like to look through my diary for what I eat.

    It's an adjustment, but I've found a way to eat healthy and a lot of what I want.
  • Hi there :) Welcome!

    I'm sure you'll get a variety of opinions, but I for one feel that 1200 calories a day is way too little. To lose one pound of weight, you need to burn/reduce 3500 calories. Don't know how tall you are, or how much you weigh...I'm 5'10" and now weigh 220lbs. My goal, is to lose 1/2 pound per week. I run every other day, walk 2 miles every day, and stay under 2000 calories a day.
    As you can see from my 'ruler' below, it's working.

    Find where you need to be, and then figure a healthy way to get there. TONS of GREAT people here that will help you work through the math :)

    Good luck! And feel free to 'add' me as a friend if you want support, etc.

  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    Why are you at 1200 per day? Are you trying to lose weight fast? I can't imagine surviving on 1200 a day but not sure even at my normal weight would mine be so low cause I am tall. I struggle with 1860 and do better with some exercise calroies burned for wriggle room. I think your going to have to plan meals out and choose wisely so you will be full but not go over.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Hello All,

    I am not so different from many of the others on this site being that i know what I have to do, but everytime I enter in my food I feel like a looser, like OMG I only have that small number of calories showing on the screen and it's not even dinner time yet! Fresh veggies -check, water check, bagel uhoh, cream cheese - oh my you get the picture.

    i think that my choices are ok until I track them and realize I am in the negative for the day...and HUNGRY.

    Frustrated and feeling very blah. If you have any advise for what I am experiencing I would appreciate the help..thanking you in advance :)

    I did 1200 calories for months without any problems because I started drinking a lot of water (which I was terrible at before) and limiting my portions to appropriate amounts, and made better choices when I saw what it was going to cost me on calories. If one piece of my lunch was going to make it so I couldn't eat dinner, then I didn't eat that thing, or ate half. Planning the days out in advance helps too. I also use the recipe feature a lot, and then if I don't like the calories per serving, I make the servings smaller. I've increased my calories to 1460 now because I am close to my goal.

    That said, 1200 calories is the default setting if you say you are sedentary and you want to lose 2 lbs/week. That's not necessarily the correct or appropriate intake for you or any of the other people that MFP puts at 1200.
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    As you have found out, you have to make wise choices. Try to divide your calories up into meals. For instance, I try to use around 300 for breakfast---only eat 1/2 half of the bagel or 1 bowl of cereal. Then have a low calories snack mid morning and mid afternoon... That really helped me.. You can choose Yoplait yogurt that has less than 100 calories. or maybe fruit...Then lunch is light using maybe 400 calories and then that leaves 500 for dinner. Remember that you can eat your exercise those make a difference....Once you have MFP into your head, you will make the best choices,,,,
  • ChristineEaton7210
    ChristineEaton7210 Posts: 52 Member
    Very easily.....I eat 1200 calories a day - eating 6 small meals / breakfast/am snack/lunch/pm snack/supper and a late pm snack

    I exercise 5-6 times a week and don't eat back my calories

    Works for me
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I did 1200 calories a day for the last 10 months. It was fine in the beginning. Now that I'm working out more and really need the calories, I'm actually doing EM2WL. Now I get lots of calories, I still work out lots and I have energy. I'll update you later regarding the weight loss. If nothing else, I'm in a more relaxed mode until after the holidays.

    1200 works fine if you don't work out and are entirely sedentary.
  • I get 1200 a day as well. im in your boat, seems like after lunch im left with just enough calories to have a lean cusine :cry: I'm going to try to "earn" more calories by exercising more and see where that takes me. I for sure going to eat the calories I get from logging exercising! feel free to add me for support!
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I have no problem staying at 1200. My advice, no matter how many calories you are set at, is to log your food before you eat. YOu can see how much it is and avoid that surprise after.
  • It's hard, but I try to use my calories on filling foods. Broccoli, for example, is low-cal - a bowl of cheesy broccoli won't set you back too much. I make sure to eat a lot of healthy fats and protein so I'm not gnawing on my own arm by the end of the day :P

    A little walking helps too. I'll often do a 30-min walk so I can have some extra food later on.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    LOTS of veggies, lean meat and fruit....cut out the starbucks and any junk haha
  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    I think you should look again at your choices...

    A bagel and cream cheese is one of the worst breakfast you can have - loaded with carbs and not enough protein to keep the hunger pangs away.

    Try a egg beater veggie omelette, add a slice of ham or 1 whole wheat toast (dry) - skip the cheese, watch the ketchup or have a berry and protein powder smoothie.

    I hardly ever get hungry on 1200 I work out mosts days and eat those calories back so I eat 1400-1500 depending on the work out.

    Try home made food use turkey mince instead of beef - you get burgers, pasta sauce, chili, meat balls, meatloaf.... all the things you can do with hamburger but a lot less calories, if you are short on time make double quantities and freeze half.

    Eat tonnes of green, red, yellow or white veggies as much as you like as long as it is streamed or roasted very little oil.

    Do not eat a lot of things that I call fat carriers - mashed potatoes is one, only eat ONE serving of pasta better still use spagetti squash or shredded cabbage instead.

    Eat eat eat ---- really you should be able to be stuffed on 1200
  • I stay around 1200 calories take a look at my diary. My goal is to lose two pounds per week and to exercise three times a week. I'm 5'7 and now 229.2 pounds
  • ksmiley412
    ksmiley412 Posts: 274 Member
    Its tough I am doing 1200 a day but trying to exercise to be able to eat some back but not all I ll try to be down 20lbs by the end of February then I will slowly increase and maintain. Friend me and you can see my diary.
  • sexikc
    sexikc Posts: 153 Member
    The only way it can be done is to plan and choose wisely....If you only have 1200 calories, you cant waste in on soda, juice, white rice and fried foods. I have never tried the 1200 cal thing, but for a while I was on 1340 (I have since upped mine to 1800 just becasue I am wanting to slow down my weight loss a bit and I work out a lot but I digress) The way I did it was never fry foods and I planed nutritious meals. Even if I went to McDonalds I knew I could get a side salad with a grilled chicken patty added to it. You have to always have a plan. If you work you have to bring your lunch (or go to Mcdonalds lol) The more raw or plain steamed veggies you eat the better. You can eat a whole bag of spinach and still be very low cal but you will be full and will have eaten a very nutritous dish.

    Basically if you are gonna do that make wise cant be wasteful.
  • You should really figure out how many calories per day that you burn (TDEE). Once you have that, it's much easier to figure out how many calories you can eat.

    There are many people who can and do lose weight eating 1200. There's also many who eat considerably more and still lose weight.

    Scooby's calculators are great and they match up pretty closely to my FITBIT and BMF. Here's the link:

    Also, HeyBales is a guru when it comes to figuring out these things. I suggest you find him on the boards and stalk his posts or PM him.

    Good luck!
  • I started off at 1200 calories a day and that was just not working for me. I was starving!! Maybe you are trying to lose weight too fast and should cut back to a half pound or 1 pound/week weight loss. I'm at 1310 now, which is much better for me, but I usually end up eating much more than that due to running (but can still stay under my goal).
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Eat more. Figure our your BMR and TDEE and eat between them.

    You've got 70 lbs to lose, so a little patience will take you a lot further than trying to starve yourself thin. You will still lose weight by eating at or slighly above your BMR. It will be slower, but you'll give yourself time to reteach yourself how to eat and to fix whatever problem you've got going on with your relationship with food. These lessons mean a LOT more than dumping the weight quickly as they are the key to keeping yourself healthy and fit for life, not just to get skinny fast.
  • I'm starting tomorrow also with 1200 a day, so I'll see, now I'm lying ill in my bed, so I need to keep that goal in front of me without working out... Good luck to you all! :)
  • RosaC773
    RosaC773 Posts: 126
    High protein meals are key! When I use to eat a bagel with cream cheese, I was so hungry and I snacked more.

    Now, I eat eggs in the morning and it holds me over so much more now.

    Chicken, tuna, protein shakes really help.