38lbs down. No one has noticed.



  • hattie2833
    Losing 38 lbs is wonderful. My neighbor lost about 50 and I never noticed because she still wore the same clothes. But when she bought herself a new top and new jeans, wow! Also, there was a big difference in her face when compared to an old driver license picture. Keep going....they'll notice!
  • bluemilan
    Its such a hard thing to do--lose weight and you should be extremely proud of your achievement even though no-one else has noticed.

    I agree that people may not want to upset you by remarking onnyour weight loss but I am delighted for you.

    Having never been thin in my life-even as a child, I still always see myself in the mirror as the fat person. Its such a difficult concept to realise that you are shrinking and even though clothes are smaller, you still feel the same.

    Stand up and be proud of your achievements---you are doing a fantastic job!!!!

    LA x
  • nfrewin
    nfrewin Posts: 73 Member
    Annnnnnd sometimes if people see you every day they don't notice as easily because the change is gradual. People only noticed I was losing weight when I went home on break from college, and my relatives hadn't seen me in like two or three months.

    Totally agree - a colleague of mine had lost about 20 ponds but because i saw them every day i never noticed the difference - and when i eventually did i felt too awkward to say anything as it had been so long
  • SCharlie123
    If no one notices just think that it benefits you in the long run. I've lost nearly 15 pounds now and I still look like the same obese guy but as long as I know I'm losing weight its fine by me, it just takes time I guess. I reckon I need to lose around 50lbs first to notice any changes in myself.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Annnnnnd sometimes if people see you every day they don't notice as easily because the change is gradual. People only noticed I was losing weight when I went home on break from college, and my relatives hadn't seen me in like two or three months.

    Yep. I've been losing weight pretty steadily for the last year and a half... No one at uni really noticed through all of last year, but when we came back from summer break, suddenly *everyone* was asking me about it, complimenting me, etc. I had been losing at the same rate over the summer, they just hadn't seen me in 5 months.
  • chameleonish
    chameleonish Posts: 2 Member
    I haven't managed to read through the other comments, but I once read an analogy which explains this: losing weight is like unraveling a roll of toilet paper. Every pound you lose is 1 sheet. At the very beginning, you can take off a lot of sheets, and you still don't really know the difference. It takes quite a lot of "sheets" to get rid of just 1 layer (especially if it's getting colder, and you're wearing more clothes, it can be pretty hard to tell). The further you progress, the more people will notice.

    And towards the end, 1 sheet will wrap around the whole roll, so if you take that off, it'll be much more noticable. Which is why towards the end, when people actually start noticing, they'll probably start commenting that you're losing weight "so fast all of a sudden", and perhaps that you are losing "too much weight".

    At the end of the day, people noticing is just a nice bonus. The real reward is what you are giving your body: health.

    EDIT: Forgot to say - 38 lbs is AMAZING! Congratulations, and keep up the good work.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    People that see you daily are less likely to realise.

    For me a friend that maybe saw me every week or two commented "I didn't realise how much you'd lost until you were wearing that tight t-shirt".
    I have a load of medium t-shirts, but hadn't worn them for a while; I tend to carry my weight fairly well and dress appropriately if I have too much of it.

    Finally, have a look at some of the threads where people have been offended by all sorts of things in relation to their weight - no wonder a lot of people may not want to mention it when people can be so easily 'hurt'.
  • stewy1963
    i have lost 34 lb don't know how much weight you have to lose to be noticed
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    It's taken 69lbs in 8 months before anyone noticed with me & before I got out of the 'fat girl' mentality.
  • eatrainsmile
    eatrainsmile Posts: 220 Member
    I am sure your inner organs and blood values have already noticed your weightloss. Does it matter that others are aware of it or not? You are not doing it to draw others' attention. You are doing it for your health. Keep doing whatever you are doing. There will be the day they all will congratulate you for your weight loss.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I worked SO FREAKIN HARD to get my body fat down and although my husband told me every day that I looked great, no one else said a word. I thought all the "changes" I was seeing must have been in my head.

    Then my male coworker came up to me one day and said, "I'm just going to tell you this because none of these b*tches will say it to your face, but they're all talking about you, saying how great you look." My coworker had lost a lot of weight and knew how much it meant when people noticed, and he thought I should know that people noticed my change, even if they didn't say anything.

    Do you work with a lot of young women? They tend not to say anything, even though they DO notice.
    I was told my women, so I guess it varies and is more about the personality of the people you're around. It could also be jealousy. I had the one person I always sort of envied tell me how I looked great and asked what I did in the past. I felt spectacular! I 100% plan to relive that :] I also remember clearly at prom one of my fiance (now husbands) friends seen me walking down the stairs and went "WOW." LOL So I know I was noticed and I miss feeling so awesome!
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    It took a good 2.5 stone (35lb) for the first curious "have you lost weight?" As others have mentioned before me, I suspect that some people are a little shy of upsetting people who have lost weight - it's a touchy subject. I've lost a lot of weight and some people are still polite and say "you look different, have you cut your hair?"

    Stay strong. The encouragement will come. In the meantime, be your own cheerleader! You know you've lost that much, and will continue to do so.
  • bordsilly
    bordsilly Posts: 31 Member
    I have found some people are afraid to say anything so as not to offend anyone! Let's face it most people loose alot of weight when they are having a personal or family issue or are sick. I've been told oh I noticed but didn't want to offend or pry. They don't realize that it makes us feel wonderful and gives our self esteem a boost that someone see's all our hard work. Keep up the great job and post before and after pic's if you can. Would love to see, I bet there's a big differance!!!:wink:
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Thanks everyone for your comments.
    Yes i have bought new clothes, i dont care if no one notices...its the fact that i cant either so the weight loss must all be in my head.
    I look at photos from before and i see no diference. My before photo was. 205lbs and i compared it to one I took now at 167lbs and still cant see it. :(
    I know you probably feel weird posting the pictures, but maybe if you asked people here and they were honest youd feel better about it. If you ever felt comfy you could link me and I swear Id be 100% honest if I didnt see a difference. We also have a success forum for that type of stuff to be posted. xoxo I'm sure it is obvious and you just don't realize it. :]
  • ajfc1971
    ajfc1971 Posts: 258 Member
    Snap - it is dishearting when you don't think you look like you have lost weight. I am 30lbs down and basically in the same wardrobe. I have some things that didn't fit me that now do again but I am still in mainly the same cloths. ( God knows what they must have looked like a sausage skin lol).
    I have also plateaued for 2 wks and am starting to lose heart. But I will keep on at it and hopefully it will click and I will look in the mirror and see that I have lost weight. Taking pics is a good way ( thanks for the tip)
    Chin up
  • acuthbert93
    acuthbert93 Posts: 6 Member
    I wouldn't worry about people not noticing. They either just haven't seen the change because it has been gradual and they see you so often, or else they're a little bitter because your success doesn't make them feel very good about themselves.

    And when it comes to noticing the weight loss yourself when you look in the mirror, it will come in time. I fluctuate a lot (although this time I plan to be losing for good!) and last time I lost a major amount of weight (About 43 pounds I'd say), it took me a while after I reached my goal weight to feel good about the way I looked. I suppose I still felt like I was a fat girl, and didn't notice that I had a skinny body!
  • k2charmed4u
    The problem is people who see you everyday (including yourself) don't tend to notice because it's minor changes over a long period of time. However if you don't see a friend for 6 months and you've lost 30 or lbs in that time they'll notice straight away. Try putting a before and after picture next to eachother and you'll see the difference :smile:
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I worked SO FREAKIN HARD to get my body fat down and although my husband told me every day that I looked great, no one else said a word. I thought all the "changes" I was seeing must have been in my head.

    Then my male coworker came up to me one day and said, "I'm just going to tell you this because none of these b*tches will say it to your face, but they're all talking about you, saying how great you look." My coworker had lost a lot of weight and knew how much it meant when people noticed, and he thought I should know that people noticed my change, even if they didn't say anything.

    Do you work with a lot of young women? They tend not to say anything, even though they DO notice.
    I was told my women, so I guess it varies and is more about the personality of the people you're around. It could also be jealousy. I had the one person I always sort of envied tell me how I looked great and asked what I did in the past. I felt spectacular! I 100% plan to relive that :] I also remember clearly at prom one of my fiance (now husbands) friends seen me walking down the stairs and went "WOW." LOL So I know I was noticed and I miss feeling so awesome!

    EDIT: I totally forgot the point of this, which is I had no idea anyone noticed! I had not even thought to check my weight or measurements until I had lost 25lbs already and 4inches on my waist. I walked in our music room head nearly down feeling so ugly and horrible, then I was complimented by someone I sort of admired and it opened my eyes entirely to distorted reality.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    My thoughts are who cares? :flowerforyou: You are doing this for YOU not THEM! One day you are going to walk in there like BAM! and they are all going to be like WTF! On that day (if I were you) I would just raise an eyebrow at them and say "what?"

    On a side note, it wasn't until I had lost about 80 pounds before someone noticed. Now I hear people pretty much every other day say things to me like "you are looking really good" and "have you lost weight"... maybe a couple pounds. :laugh: :laugh:

    This. Congratulations and keep up the good work! 38lbs is awesome.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    At some point you'll get people saying you're too thin..believe me.

    Well done and keep going, you are doing brilliantly!