Dr. told me to drop down to 750 calories



  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    There are so many experts right here at mfp, I don't see why you would need a dr at all ...

    LOL. This.
  • mulderpf
    mulderpf Posts: 209 Member
    1. You are not even classified as obese, merely overweight.
    2. Get a second opinion
    3. When you get the second opinion, make sure that you mention what the other doctor told you.
    4. Report this doctor which gave you this dangerous advice.

    A doctor giving nutritional advice is a bit like an accountant advising on law. Yes, they have to have basic knowledge of the other subject, but certainly makes them no expert.
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    I would get another doctor. Seriously. :angry: That's awful.
  • Rachelle_Ohh
    Rachelle_Ohh Posts: 146 Member
    From one woman with PCOS to another, let me tell you.....this woman is a dumbass! I currently eat at least 1500 a day and get about 1.5 hrs of exercise in and have noticed quick results that LAST!

    It's all about cutting out "fake foods" and "over-processed crap" that our system can't handle. What I've noticed is when I cut out white flour, I tend to bloat up less and feel more energetic to workout for that 1.5 hrs.

    PLEASE FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR, preferably an ENDOCRINOLOGIST!!!! That's what I had to do and I'm SOOOO HAPPY I did!
  • rlynnehawk
    rlynnehawk Posts: 71 Member
    sounds like that doctor is a moron.. 750 cal isnt even enough to maintain your body at its minimum.. even 1200 is too low
    What are you and why does that matter Mormons tend to be a very healthy group of people people, or are you trying to come down on a political candidate?
  • noriri
    noriri Posts: 74 Member
    I am certainly, no doctor, nor an expert on nutrition and fitness, but that appointment sounded so discouraging.
  • tmbowen12
    tmbowen12 Posts: 175 Member
    There are so many experts right here at mfp, I don't see why you would need a dr at all ...

    LOL. This.

    :laugh: :drinker: Good one. To the OP seriously though run the other way!! and get a second opinion. A nutritionist/dietician is your better bet.
  • artbaby1
    artbaby1 Posts: 12 Member
    I think you need a new doctor
  • tmbowen12
    tmbowen12 Posts: 175 Member
    sounds like that doctor is a moron.. 750 cal isnt even enough to maintain your body at its minimum.. even 1200 is too low
    What are you and why does that matter Mormons tend to be a very healthy group of people people, or are you trying to come down on a political candidate?

    :laugh: I believe they said MORON not MORMON
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    I'm thinking there is another motive here from the doctor. My gyno blamed EVERYTHING on my weight...you've got fybroids now...that's because of your weight. The price of gas went up in my neighborhood...that's because of your weight. Turns out she started selling that HCG diet with the shots and a 500 calorie a day diet. She harped on how wonderful it was and how the weight just melted away (she has always been stick thin so I don't know where she needed to melt it from). She was a bit ticked off when I told her I wasn't interested. When I went for my yearly this past August, I was down 45 pounds or so and literally the first thing out of her mouth was "what are we going to do about your weight?" I said that I had lost 45 pounds in 6 months and thought I was doing just fine. She couldn't believe that i was doing it just through better food choices and exercise and not her miracle shots. I guess she needs to make everyone feel bad about themselves so they will buy her stuff. Needless to say, I am finding a new gyno...I need support, not a sales pitch.

    That being said, in my expert, learned it all through MFP message boards opinion, I can't imagine 750 calories a day being healthy in any way. It certainly isn't sustainable. Just someone spouting stuff out of the area of expertise (sort of like I am doing), but thinking that since he/she is a doctor, everything they say is right.

    When you lost weight...did her gas prices go down??? ;-)
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    I would get a second opinion. and most likely a new docor


    I would look for a new doctor ASAP,
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    I have never been told that PCOS is a form of per-diabetes.... I have PCOS and I have to watch my diet closely because it makes weight loss hard, challenges heart conditions, and doesn't help anything in the body. It's not something you "survive" from or get over... You live with it and treat your body with respect.

  • brendamurphy11
  • brendamurphy11
  • ceceoplaymate
    ceceoplaymate Posts: 63 Member
    YUCK sounds like an ignorant Doctor!!!! After that BS I would find a new Doctor.
  • Sarah1023
    Sarah1023 Posts: 194 Member
    I just posted a blog regarding PCOS and Nutrition if anyone is interested.
  • sofia10811
    sofia10811 Posts: 23 Member
    Like others have said, get a new doctor. Yes, you can lose fast on 750lbs. I know several ppl who have had bariatric surgery and while they have lost tons of weight quickly, they look a fright. Thin, straggly hair, rapid aging (deep lines and wrinkles), etc. Personally, I would rather eat a balanced diet and more calories and lose weight slowly. I like my thick hair and smooth face and I want to keep it that way. :)
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    The doc is right. just becus mfp puts out a doomsday number out there, everyone follows it. if u need to loose weight drastically go for it. let ur body live of the fat. just get ur nutrients in.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    She should have her license taken away. What a $&*%# moron!
  • MoonGypsyQ67
    MoonGypsyQ67 Posts: 121 Member
    WOW! That post really had me stunned. Have you considered getting a second opinion on that or visiting a nutritionist?