Dr. told me to drop down to 750 calories



  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member

    I have a few conditions I'm expert in, either from having them, or from working in research related to it. I don't confuse my experience with a medical education, but it does give me enough knowledge to know when the doctor made a mistake. Because they do make mistakes - just like people.
    in ur expertise what would happen to a woman who is at around 30% body fat ate 750kcal for 30 days but ingested enough miconutrients, min 30 grams fats and min 40 grams protein?
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I think you should see a nutritionist or at least get a second opinion. Doctors are generally not trained in Nutrition and then give advice to their patients on how to eat. That would be like me giving advice to a cancer patient on what medications to take and I am only a third year college student studying the social sciences.
  • Ldysw357
    Ldysw357 Posts: 118 Member
    I'd say it's time to drop the doctor! Get a new one!

    ^^^agree...you need a new doctor!
  • angelalf1979
    angelalf1979 Posts: 244 Member
    Please DO NOT listen to her!!
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    I've done 800-calorie diets. It's also known as "anorexia". This particular doctor sounds like a quack. Those do exist.

    OP, if you feel safe on a 750-calorie diet, do it. In my experience, after 3 days, your body adjusts, and you will lose weight fairly quickly. As to how healthy you will be...get a second opinion.
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    In my case, if i had listened to this doctor, i would have endangered my unborn baby.

    Doctors go to school, yes. They usually are knowledgable...but not in every area. Use your OWN common sense.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    In my case, if i had listened to this doctor, i would have endangered my unborn baby.

    Doctors go to school, yes. They usually are knowledgable...but not in every area. Use your OWN common sense.
    i am super glad 2 hear ur baby did well! at the end of the day it the OPs choice. i just want to get across to the mfp masses that a short term crash diet can be effective.
  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    Find a new doctor.
  • awilmeri
    awilmeri Posts: 218 Member
    Pre kids I went to my general practitioner because i was feeling lethargic and having pain near my hip that would shoot down my leg. My periods were only coming every other month. Previous history of cysts. She told me to lose tens pounds. I was 5'9" and 165 pounds, which is not overweight. I called her two months later having started to work out and still having no period she said, let's do bloodwork to see if you're pregnant. I wasn't. And I wasn't the next time it happened either. I moved and went to a new gynecologist. He looked at me before doing any tests and said "you have pcos". Ultrasounds and bloodwork confirmed this. They also found a cyst that the doctor wanted to watch. I moved again(husband was in school at the time) and I decided to go to a reproductive endocrinologist. She said I needed a laparoscopy to look at the cyst on my ovary( it was sitting on a nerve which was causing me pain). She did the surgery, removed the cyst, it was endometriosis. The cyst basically killed that ovary, luckily we have two.

    Moral of the story, trust your gut, if you don't like what a doctor says it might be because it's bad advice. It might be right and sometimes we have to be willing to hear what they have to say but doctors are people too. Go to the experts. Good luck op!
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I did not ask for weightloss advice from the doctor. I went in because my morning blood sugars were trending 98-105 which is quite over where I normally have them. I have the glucose meter because I've had gestational diabetes with my pregnancies and am at a higher risk for Type2. I also have many symptoms of PCOS and wanted to see if she could run some bloodwork. One, among my many symptoms is difficulty losing weight. She latched on to that and wouldn't let go.

    I got told -
    > Exercise does nothing. None of her patients have ever had success losing weight by exercising. It's all about FOOD.
    > Ok, I tell her about tracking on MFP. She tells me I'm eating too much if I'm trying to stick to 1200 cals. For a little 5' tall person like me, that is double of what I should be eating. Drop down to 750 cals.
    > I bring up the BMR and how it is not advisable to go under 1200 on a regular basis. She says that's a bunch of lies. People who have gastric bypass eat 700 cals and do fabulously.
    > Says the exercise I have been doing is maybe burning a 100 calories. I have a HRM and use it to figure my calorie burn - which is about 450-550 for 60-70 min of cardio...she says the HRM is wrong. I'm burning a 100 calories during the 60 min zumba/running/elliptical whatever.

    Have you found a new doctor yet?
  • Does she also own the funeral service in town? cause it sounds to me she is trying to kill you.

    HAHAHAHA!!! That was classic :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member

    Because possibly people who live with a condition she has (or might have) could give her the benefit of experience?
    hey, i respect ur opinion but i would rather listen doctors then to patients.
    i just get very frustrated when people take this 1200kcal theory as the holy grail of weight loss. its just a number that businessman of a calorie tracking site came up with.
    I don't care what number MFP founder came up with. But I do care to heed the advice of SO MANY who have had success losing weight and doing it the right way. My doctor is clueless on this topic and it seems to be her soapbox. She sounded like she's advised/counseled lots of people with this kind of advice because it just started coming out, immediately upon my mentioning 'difficulty losing weight'. She did not want to offer to look at the whole picture, the other symptoms I have, nothing. I was not given any referral to go somewhere else and no followup or anything like that. Just that I should drop down to 750 because I'm short and my metabolism seems to be toast.
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member

    I don't think folks are questioning whether or not the method will work. I think they're questioning the wisdom of it. The doc made no mention (unless the OP failed to relay that in her post) of any type of monitoring/follow-up care/guidance other than to drop down to 750 cals. The OP also brought up valid concerns, which the doc seemed to ignore or brush off. Those things combined would have me questioning the docs advice as well.

    Completely agree with you. No followup/guidance offered other than the calorie thing. She is SURE I'm eating too much and that's the problem.
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    I have made an endocrinologist appointment. There is a long wait to see him. Hope that's a good sign!!
  • jpe71
    jpe71 Posts: 50 Member

    I have a few conditions I'm expert in, either from having them, or from working in research related to it. I don't confuse my experience with a medical education, but it does give me enough knowledge to know when the doctor made a mistake. Because they do make mistakes - just like people.
    in ur expertise what would happen to a woman who is at around 30% body fat ate 750kcal for 30 days but ingested enough miconutrients, min 30 grams fats and min 40 grams protein?

    I never claimed expertise in nutrition, however I also wouldn't make the mistake of assuming that some programmer with a website came up with the 1200 kcal theory - I heard that a long time before Al Gore invented the internet (;-P), from pretty much oh, everybody reputable I ever consulted in the nutrition industry.

    I DO however, know a stitch or two about PCOS, though that's not my own diagnosis. I dealt with endometriosis, and had cystic ovaries, but never a formal PCOS diagnosis. I did, however, due to my endo, struggle with similar symptoms of difficulty with blood sugar management, cyclical pain, fertility issues - which I have, as a result, researched considerably, and learned how to deal with. THAT's the expertise I offer, and yes, within that, I do think I know more than an awful lot of doctors. I've had doctors tell me that I "couldn't have endometriosis, too young" (research said it can start in the teen years, and I was in my late 20s, my expert surgeon agrees I likely had it for a very, very long time). I've had doctors tell me the only treatment was birth control pills, that it couldn't possibly impact my sugars, that the pain couldn't possibly be in my legs, that naprosyn would for sure work, that my symptoms would disappear forever once I had a child, and so forth - advice that ran counter to my experience. Even my surgeon didn't expect me to report relief of blood sugar symptoms - he's a nationally recognized expert in the condition. And yet, it worked for that, too.

    In short, I am an expert in my body. I make myself an expert in any health problem that impacts me. I make myself an expert in what's working for my metabolism, because I know the difference between statistics and individuals - attempting any one-size-fits-all solution fails in some cases. I know enough from my career to understand that it's completely hopeless for any physician to know everything, so I make it my business to learn about my own health concerns so that I don't follow bad advice. That was the main point I was offering - that her doctor seems excessively focused on a possible diagnosis and her own opinion, and may not be capable of offering sound advice to a patient she won't spend time to understand better.
  • h0kieerin
    h0kieerin Posts: 11 Member
    People who have gastric bypass eat 700 cals and do fabulously.

    We may start that way, but we don't continue that way. That phase is only a few months.

    I'd definitely be looking for a new doctor.

    Good luck!
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    I can easily eat 750 calories in one sitting. Is she a dietician????
  • pamperedpenguin
    pamperedpenguin Posts: 95 Member
    I'd say it's time to drop the doctor! Get a new one!

    This ^
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    Get a new doctor ASAP.
  • JustRenea
    JustRenea Posts: 82 Member
    Un. Believable.

    This doctor has no clue. NONE. And knows absolutely nothing about PCOS, said this PCOS survivor!

    First of all, PCOS is a form of pre-diabetes. Gestational is a symptom.

    Second, blood sugars of 98-105 are pretty darn normal.

    Third, and most important, weight gain is a symptom. It means that your body doesn't process insulin effectively.

    See an ENDOCRINOLOGIST and arm yourself with info first. I recommend www.soulcysters.net.

    Girl recently diagnosed with PCOS now goes pre-diabetes 0.o ahhhhhh :(
  • Michellereducf
    Michellereducf Posts: 168 Member
    Your doctor is a quack.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I agree with the part about losing weight mostly coming down to 'food' but I do believe exercise helps, especially weights....
    I'd say she really should have kept her mouth shut especially since you were not there for weightloss advice. I would probably go to a different doctor. I had a doctor tell me once that there was no need for me to have been doing what I was doing to gain weight when I was underweight. He said "ah wll, you know how we mississippians are. We just always think you have to have meat on your bones. Your fine." .....even after I explained to him about being underweight on bmi and I was there for dizzy spells, etc. That was the last time I went to him. You'd think doctors would give better advice on weightloss/gain or just stay quiet about it. =/
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    get a new doc, that one is not using good common scene
  • 45taylor
    45taylor Posts: 21 Member
    Time for a new doctor!!
  • Gee she sure sounded like she wasn't very encouraging. I would change doctors
  • My dad is a doctor and was always hard on me for my weight. Looking back, he would say some of the stupidest things like "there is no such thing as a good fat." I later learned that in med school, most doctors only take one nutrition class IF THAT. So while consulting your doctor about your health as it relates to your weight/diet can be important, many doctors are not capable of giving you solid diet/nutrition advice.

    I agree....most doctors have very little knowledge about nutrition and diet...i also studied medicine and it was a very small part of the cirriculum and what it did teach was often very generalised or wrong. I have personally had bad experienced with doctors...i have had a heart condition for a long time and when i told a doctor about very serious symptoms she didnt even take my blood pressure or do any physical exam...just took blood, thought the results were fine and then asked ME what she should do next!!
    Having said that...you need to find a nutritionist/dietician that suits you...i have had many in the past and some have been absolutely clueless ofr simply just uncaring as they are clearly fed up with their job. As someone who has a significant number of allergies and intolerances this made things difficult ....so you just need to keep trying new people until you find the one who is right for you and who genuinely knows what they are talking about :D
  • stepheatscake
    stepheatscake Posts: 167 Member
    lol your doctor is so wrong! go to a nutritionalist instead... or another doctor.
  • Coming from a nurse...Get a second opinion (aka a new doctor) :)
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    NEW DOCTOR IS REQUIRED. Just curious, how old is this doctor?:noway:
  • txdahl
    txdahl Posts: 107 Member
    I am losing weight without exercise but I have to admit not as much as I could be and I do not feel as good as I could if I did. My choices so not whining, just pointing out it can be done.

    When I told my Dr about MFP and being at 1200 calories I thought she was going to never stop lecturing me....end result, 1400 for now and we will monitor everything before I go any lower. She is so supportive and non-judgmental about anything I talk to her about which is probably why she's been my Doc for 15 yrs. She also is the first to admit when she doesn't know enough about something. I asked about exercise and her advice was simple....you are ok to exercise but go to a gym/personal trainer or someone and tell them you have these issues and let them help you set something up you can do.