Does it bother you...

...when people who eat 1200 calories or less brag about how they are "stuffed" eating that amount and "couldn't possibly eat anymore"? Depending on the situation and who you're talking to, the implication is generally that people who eat above 1200 are lazier and have less willpower. I understand wanting to be able to choose your own path to weight loss without being jumped on, but dissing people who are trying to help you isn't the way to do it. :/


  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    I would say it would bother me. But then I eat around 1600-1800 cals/day, workout and still lose weight. I'm just happy I get to eat more.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    when your stomach starts to shrink,you really do not want any more food,,,, once you are a big eater, and start to slow down,it gradually is telling you this,,,,,,,,
  • I think some people just like to talk smack.....I am on the 1200 ...and I could easily go over most days..
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    no it doesnt bother me at all. if they're OK with screwing up their metabolisms for the long run then why should it bother me, it's not my body.

    also i wouldnt take their statement as having anything to do with me anyway. just because someone says THEY can't do something doesn't mean they're saying you shouldnt, and even if it that is what they meant, who cares? opinions arent laws
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    I don't see how they're insulting YOU by saying they're full on 1200 calories. They're talking about themselves. Did they say "people who eat more than 1200 calories are lazy and have no willpower?" Then yes, direct insult, not implied. But you might be reading something into it that isn't there.
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    You might be assuming the implication because you are sensitive to it. The person saying that may just be stating fact, not showing off. Or the person saying it might be trying to self-motivate. You never know. And it doesn't matter. I say if you don't want to talk with people about it, keep your calorie count to yourself and feel happy if you are working what works for you! None of the rest of it matters!

    Good luck!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    ...when people who eat 1200 calories or less brag about how they are "stuffed" eating that amount and "couldn't possibly eat anymore"? Depending on the situation and who you're talking to, the implication is generally that people who eat above 1200 are lazier and have less willpower. I understand wanting to be able to choose your own path to weight loss without being jumped on, but dissing people who are trying to help you isn't the way to do it. :/

    Not at all. Everyone is different. It is totally silly to compare your calories with someone else, and it's equally silly to judge others. Not that I advocate anything unhealthy, but size (RMR/BMR) does matter in this case. I get a little nervous when they are taller and already under weight and you can kinda tell something unhealthy is going on, but some of us are just older with a slower metabolism, short, petite, have a low RMR, and the doctor's and labs have proved to us that we need less calories. Especially you have no idea if someone is under a doctors care and you are telling them to eat more or less calories.

    1200 is such a stupid number to get stuck on. What you need to eat for a deficit is relative to your RMR. If you are short you really don't have much room for up compared to the 1200. If you are taller you will have a higher RMR and can go up or down and still be in a deficit (way above 1200) so you can lose no matter what. All that matters is a calorie deficit.

    To tell everyone eat more is wrong.

    To tell everyone to eat less is wrong.

    To find the exact amount of calories for you to be in a sustainable calorie deficit is correct. Some people can handle a deeper calorie deficit than others. Some people have emotional eating disorders and it comes into play. Even a small deficit puts your body in a state of flux with hormones and such and everyone is different.

    You just need to find the correct calories for YOU to be healthy and sustainable and still lose weight. It might require some experimentation and tremendous patience. You can always notch up and down by 100 until you find what is sustainable and still allows you to lose weight.

    If you have emotional eating issues than you are not going to be able to handle such a deep deficit and if you eat to low it will backfire. A better strategy is to eat at a shallower deficit, and sometimes give yourself a break from the deficit and eat at maintenance. This is not going backwards, but eating to low and then binging because you can't sustain it is going backwards. It's better to stay forwards even if it is slower. The tortoise wins this race in the end.
  • ...when people who eat 1200 calories or less brag about how they are "stuffed" eating that amount and "couldn't possibly eat anymore"? Depending on the situation and who you're talking to, the implication is generally that people who eat above 1200 are lazier and have less willpower. I understand wanting to be able to choose your own path to weight loss without being jumped on, but dissing people who are trying to help you isn't the way to do it. :/

    I eat around 1200 calories per day. I eat a lot of food; maybe more than I ate to get this big! Before I would only eat one meal per day, some days I had no meals, just junk food like cakes and crisps all day. Now, I struggle to eat 1200 calories per day. This isn't because suddenly this is too many calories, but because I eat better food, which is low in calories but filling.

    I hate the days when I eat less; those days for me are 'bad days' and I know I need to somehow fit my three meals in and eat more, but it is hard! I could very easily eat 2000 calories of junk food, but when you're eating healthier, it is difficult to get that amount of calories. I personally don't have a problem with how many calories other people eat. If you're losing weight on 3000 calories, I say carry on! As long as it works for you and you're losing weight, that is all that matters.
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    That only goes but so far, though. I'm eating at a deficit, and my stomach does gradually adjust to that over time so that I'm not hungry all day. But if you're eating 800 calories a day for example, you can't possibly be getting full off that amount of food. I honestly don't understand how anyone can say that with a straight face.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    to each his own. appetite and hunger has alot to do with habit and emotions. once u can control those things ur hunger and appetite shrink. i used to eat 3000cals a day i never thought i could get by at 2000. my body and mind are now accustomed to this new daily calorie.
  • That only goes but so far, though. I'm eating at a deficit, and my stomach does gradually adjust to that over time so that I'm not hungry all day. But if you're eating 800 calories a day for example, you can't possibly be getting full off that amount of food. I honestly don't understand how anyone can say that with a straight face.

    I am at 747 today. I am not hungry at all. Been quite satisfied all day. And no it does not come out that low every day depends on what I eat. But I am not going to eat when I am not hungry just to satisfy someone else
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    I feel like I'm eating more than ever, but I know that isn't true when I look back at my 2000+ days. It's funny, back then I was usually going to bed hungry despite eating 2500 or so a day. Now that I've been aware of how much things are and tracking, I have days where I eat to 900 and can't motivate myself to eat anything else.

    I think one thing that might add to the new full-ness is alot of unhealthy eaters try to diet during the day then eat all at once(i sure did) and when we/they start filling the day with small amounts of healthy food the stomach shrinks bc it isn't getting 1000-2000 at once anymore.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    It doesn't bother me, but I do wonder how long they'll be able to keep it up. Makes me hungry just thinking about it!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Nope. I'm kind of a live and let live type, so as a general rule nothing people do or say that doesn't directly impact my personal happiness does not bother me. Maybe they really are stuffed. Maybe they aren't. I don't give a *kitten* either way. More pizza left for me. Does it bother me when they think I'm a glutton for eating all the pizza. Still no care.

  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    What I don't get is the ones who claim they cant possibly eat 1200 calories a day...its just too much food. How the heck did they get overweight then!? They must have been eating SOMEthing...I just don't get that one at all.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    When I plugged in my numbers MFP told me to eat 1200 cals. I just didn't think I can do that. So I upped to 1580 and I am still losing.
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    I think it has more to do with what they eat. Before I started tracking what I was eating and picked up a few tips from folks about how to eat healthier (i.e. veggies when the pocketbook will let me), I discovered that I can eat really filling things and just barely get to 1300(my goal is 1350). For me, the way I got overweight was 5+ 20oz sodas a day, plus what I ate. Now that I'm tracking, I just don't put it in my mouth if it hasn't been tracked, so eat less because I really don't feel like looking up that snack or this one.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I just kinda do a little laugh at them. I think 99% of people who say it are just trying to convince themselves that they arnt starving lol.
  • scarlettsky7
    scarlettsky7 Posts: 128 Member
    ...when people who eat 1200 calories or less brag about how they are "stuffed" eating that amount and "couldn't possibly eat anymore"? Depending on the situation and who you're talking to, the implication is generally that people who eat above 1200 are lazier and have less willpower. I understand wanting to be able to choose your own path to weight loss without being jumped on, but dissing people who are trying to help you isn't the way to do it. :/

    yup i totally agree with you girl!
  • Doesn't bother me as such, but I certainly don't understand it. I ate 1600ish to lose weight and despite eating mostly healthy food, lots of veggies and lean protein etc, could easily have eaten a little more everyday!
    Also it's just far too easy to squeeze some extra dense calorie in to be so much if an issue eg nuts, cheese, olive oil dressing etc
    Also, I don't envy the 1200 Cal crowd, I'd find that impossible almost and I'd be totally miserable and cranky!