Any Canadians feeling the same?!!



  • jbloomfj
    jbloomfj Posts: 122 Member
    I prefer to work out outside in the winter than the summer, so it works for me. I'd much rather walk in -15/-20 then +30. I hate the summer, haha.

    I'm the same way. I thrive in colder weather. I become lethargic and lazy in warm weather.
    Same here. You can always add clothes, but you can only take so many off before people start complaining
  • For me, it's not the cold so much as the gloomy, overcast skies. If it's sunny, I'm still energized. But, I do become more active in the colder months because it's easier to warm up than it is to cool down. I dislike summer so much - the heat really gets to me. Maybe that will change as I lose more weight.

    During these months, I look for recipes that are hearty but not as high in calories (though the inclination to eat all the carbs is difficult to ignore).
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Oh yah der hey. Gonna hunt me that moose and eat all the innerds der hey so i can ride my new moose coupe home from my lumber jack factory der hey and sleep in my ice rink house because i love hockey der hey. I have to bulk up der hey or my beard is gonna look wierd. der hey.


    der hey? that's a new one...not going to lie, i read it in Bob and Doug's voice lmao wonder where the stereotypes come from. And you can't say we don't have American stereotypes.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 985 Member
    Oh yah der hey. Gonna hunt me that moose and eat all the innerds der hey so i can ride my new moose coupe home from my lumber jack factory der hey and sleep in my ice rink house because i love hockey der hey. I have to bulk up der hey or my beard is gonna look wierd. der hey.
    der hey? you do realize we don't talk like this.....

    ....also, that in this thread, ur outnumbered! lol
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 985 Member
    I definitely gravitate towards heartier, richer comfort foods when the cold sets in. I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with eating richer foods when it's cold though. Just try to control your portions. It is harder for me to stick with healthier eating this time of the year, particularly in November, because there are a lot of social events - galas, dinners, parties, what have you. December is not so bad for me, because I typically host Christmas and I never have had an issue with over indulging in holiday fare. What I have trouble with sometimes is over indulging in alcohol!!! But like another poster, January to March is hard for me, because that's when I tend to be a bit down (cold, holidays are over), and will reach for the sweets to soothe my soul!

    ETA: forgot to add tips. I'm training for a spring half marathon, and that will be enough incentive for me to eat well. I don't just want to finish, I have a goal time, so I will have to work hard this winter to achieve that level of fitness.

    aweet! thats awesome! maybe its time for a long term goal!!
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member
    Im going to start bulking soon so not a big deal but i really feel the weight loss has made my cold sensitivity much greater and i hate being cold all the combat that for some reason i feel i should eat and put on the weight, or its just the fact that im a major food lover lol
  • Ninja_Bunny
    Ninja_Bunny Posts: 48 Member
    I am not Canadian my dear, but winter here gets pretty nasty too.....I wish I could say it is for the winter months but as for myself it is definitely my gross lack of will power. That being said, YOU are amazing and whatever little weight you put on you will obliterate SOON. I heart you lady, stay the course and keep being awesome.
  • gregb8924
    gregb8924 Posts: 13 Member
    totally in the same Manitoba boat fresh meat and hearty meals are on the mind all the time
  • cutethang1
    cutethang1 Posts: 239 Member
    Im with you! Soups, stews, hot beverages! Its like pulling teeth having the usual salad and protein for lunch and protein shake for dinner.
  • 86rollyb
    86rollyb Posts: 72 Member
    I'm not having that hard a time with the diet part but I would love to hibernate until the snow melts... I have lost my desire to be active & I miss the sun :(
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I don't have the food craving issue, but I do have a hot beverage issue when the weather starts turning cold. The urge to go to Starbucks everyday for an extra-hot Chai Latte is definitely strong. The cravings for coffee also increases. Herbal tea helps, but it doesn't compare to my beloved coffee :)
  • stephfranke
    stephfranke Posts: 84 Member
    Glad that we are not alone in this fight to hibernate and eat comfort food. Let' s keep up our battle with life style changes.....
  • Canadien
    Canadien Posts: 122 Member
    dude i feel you. my willpower has been horrible lately. maybe this is why, lol.
  • I find this time of year, after bbq`s and light eating all summer, I want the meat and potatoes, casseroles, lasagnas and those kind of comfort foods. Mind you, I`m not eating them but definitely when the cooler weather hits that`s what I look for.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Actually, I love getting outside in the Winter. Spending the day shoveling, sledding, chasing my dogs around and making snow men. After you burn up all those calories, you can reward yourself with a nice hot chocolate! I love Winter for getting fit because aside from the outdoor activities, hitting the gym gets me out of the house!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I'm not Canadian, but yeah, I do the same thing each fall. As soon as it cools down, my mind and body wants to eat comfort food and hibernate. I've been struggling with this since I was in high school and typically gain 5lbs each winter. More food and less exercise is probably what does it but this year I'll work it off!
    I wonder if one of those light thingies that expose you to artificial sunlight would help? I know it works for depression but IDK about hibernation! :)
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Oh yah der hey. Gonna hunt me that moose and eat all the innerds der hey so i can ride my new moose coupe home from my lumber jack factory der hey and sleep in my ice rink house because i love hockey der hey. I have to bulk up der hey or my beard is gonna look wierd. der hey.


    der hey? that's a new one...not going to lie, i read it in Bob and Doug's voice lmao wonder where the stereotypes come from. And you can't say we don't have American stereotypes.

    My thoughts exactly.. if "we" say it.. who are the "we"? Jeez, at least give us the 'EH' we've had bestowed upon us!!!

    NOW, I'm on the East Coast, so I'm no stranger to weird sayings/slang/accents, but der hey? mmmm hmmmmm...
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Just wanted to add, the last 2 days were between 16 and 18 outside. Sunny and BEEEEEEAUTIFUL!!

    No excuse to hide and eat!
  • It can be more challenging in the winter for sure - especially with the "shorter" days. However, I didn't buy one Halloween candy this year :wink: I've just booked a ten-day trip to an all-inclusive in Mexico in March. That seems to give me a light at the end of winter's tunnel and definite motivation not to pack it on!
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Oh yah der hey. Gonna hunt me that moose and eat all the innerds der hey so i can ride my new moose coupe home from my lumber jack factory der hey and sleep in my ice rink house because i love hockey der hey. I have to bulk up der hey or my beard is gonna look wierd. der hey.

    Every time I read this my brain just automatically reads it in the voice of the Swedish chef from The Muppets and not in a Canadian accent...