Single Mom leaves no tip

MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
After spending $138 on a meal. Let me have $138 dollars! But seriously wouldn't the waiter be fired for sharing this online?



  • fithealthygirl
    fithealthygirl Posts: 290 Member
    Wow! If she could afford to spend $138 at a restaurant I'm sure she could afford to give you a little sumpin sumpin. That's just rude!
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    what a ******* *****
  • tinamatteson
    tinamatteson Posts: 125 Member
    Wow, it definitely seems tacky to write on the tip line "Single Mom, Sorry"! If you're going to go out to eat, you should figure in the tip as well as the actual cost of the meal - otherwise don't go out.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Single mom...really...that's her excuse?

    I....I just.........words escape me at the moment.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Can't afford a $5 tip, but can afford a $138 dinner.

    Does not compute.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Yeah, if you can afford in one meal what I basically spent last month in groceries, then you should be ashamed of not leaving a tip.
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    Why should the waiter be fired? This receipt doesn't even show the name of the restaurant, nor the date. All pertinent information other than the amount has been fuzzed out for security and anonymity's sake. I would say the waiter/waitress was probably a bit peeved that this single woman who is sadly lacking in manners had the gall to spend that much money and not leave any kind of tip whatsoever.

    I always plan to leave 20% when I go out to eat, and if it's not within my budget at that time, I choose to go somewhere cheaper or not go out at all. Wait staff make less than minimum wage in many states, if not all, and doing this is making the person lose out on his or her pay. I have found that when returning to a restaurant that I have patronized previously, if we get the same waitperson, we get excellent service. It is just plain rude to not leave some kind of tip, even if it's a mere 10%.
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member
    If you can't afford to tip don't go out. 138 round that up to an even 150 at LEAST.
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    That is just horrible. Does this "single mother" realize waitresses get paid, on average, $2 an hour? I waitressed for two months, hated it, never again. But I gained such a respect for those who do. To do such a thing on such a massive bill is horrible. To me, if you cannot afford the tip, you cannot afford to go out to eat. Those people LIVE off you tips, so quit being cheap and tip!! I always tip at LEAST $5, as long as the waitress or waiter is not incredibly rude.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I could never, ever , ever, get my head around this whole ' tipping ' culture you have there. why not pay restaurant staff a fair and reasonable salary so they aren't tip dependant for their income? that way, a tip would be a boost to their income and inspire higher levels of service, and not the ONLY means of their income.

    In the UK, tipping is totally get great service, you give what you feel that service deserves...but the staff certainly do NOT make minimum wage, as is the case in North America...and the service levels are no where near CLOSE to the standards in north america.

    The US tradition of leaving cute messages on the bill has also arrived in the UK, but the UK is NOT a service driven country and a waitress or a waiter in the UK dosn't understand that scribbling a little smiley face with 'thanks' next to their name on the bill is not their ticket to earn a tip...only great service should earn them a tip.

    I feel bad for the OP for being denied an income...but if she was paid an equitable and fair salary to begin with, then she wouldn't have been denied her income.
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    I could never, ever , ever, get my head around this whole ' tipping ' culture you have there. why not pay restaurant staff a fair and reasonable salary so they aren't tip dependant for their income? that way, a tip would be a boost to their income and inspire higher levels of service, and not the ONLY means of their income.

    In the UK, tipping is totally get great service, you give what you feel that service deserves...but the staff certainly do NOT make minimum wage, as is the case in North America...and the service levels are no where near CLOSE to the standards in north america.

    The US tradition of leaving cute messages on the bill has also arrived in the UK, but the UK is NOT a service driven country and a waitress or a waiter in the UK dosn't understand that scribbling a little smiley face with 'thanks' next to their name on the bill is not their ticket to earn a tip...only great service should earn them a tip.

    I feel bad for the OP for being denied an income...but if she was paid an equitable and fair salary to begin with, then she wouldn't have been denied her income.

    That's how I feel. I can't comprehend how it's legal to pay them less than minimum. Because they get paid tips? It's a hard job, and people are VERY touchy about food.
  • DaphneAtx
    That is completely wrong. Wow. smh
  • rsellersCST
    rsellersCST Posts: 333 Member
    Maybe the server is a single parent... absolutely pathetic excuse!
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    Wow, and I know the servers don't make much I was one. She could have at least left a dollar, more than that. I bet the service was Outstanding for her to write that note she could have left you something. I base my tip off the service. One time I ordered some tea and it was sour and asked the waitress for something different. I walked by to use the bathroom and she was making smarky remarks about me saying it was sour! I told management and didn't leave her anything. After I told management, she was barely around only to bring our food. That pissed me off. Now if a server is on her toes or if she is handling 9 tables at once and busting her *kitten* then she gets a great tip and usually for me and my fiance its $5-10
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    i don't know if that person should be fired for putting it online, besides the signature, which does not tell you the persons name legibly. I'm not sure if that would be legal grounds to fire anyways.

    I will tell you this, I've left completely different amounts of tips, for different reasons, NEVER because of a "personal" reason, like being a single guy that has to pay rent on his own, or some other b.s.

    I've left tips that cost more than the meal, if the waiter/waitress did an awesome job and really made me feel good dining there. I've also left a quarter(25 cents), rather than leave nothing. I was taught if you leave nothing, it's possible they(waiter/waitress) might just think you "forgot' to leave a tip. I leave the quarter so they know I didn't forget, and i only do that with horrible service.

    Sometimes I feel a lot of waiters/waitresses just flat out expect a decent tip, regardless of the service, as though they'd become so use to getting a tip regardless. Sorry sweetheart, you have to earn my tip, but if you do, you might be going home saying, ":some guy left me a tip that was bigger than his whole bill'. Same for the fella's, treat me right, and I'll tip you as good as that waitress, period.

    side note: Why do as a society feel obligated to tip only at non fast food restaurants? I've never worked a day of fast food in my life, but could possibly agrue they work harder than waiters and waitresses, just my opinion.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Wow. Unbelievable. What a douchenozzle that patron was.... and hope they never have the balls to go to that restaurant again.
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    It is completely horrible in my book. I've never been a waitress, but I have friends who have been and it is a very hard job, they deserve tips and the customer even acknowledged that the service/food were "great". How is it she can afford a $138 meal but not a 10% (minimum) tip? And what if the server is a single mom as well? It is just awful.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member

    side note: Why do as a society feel obligated to tip only at non fast food restaurants? I've never worked a day of fast food in my life, but could possibly agrue they work harder than waiters and waitresses, just my opinion.

    Because the company is paying its employees minimum wage. I worked at a Burger King during High School and parts of college and it was a lot of work.
  • fattypattybinger
    I would not spend $138.00 going out to eat.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I would not spend $138.00 going out to eat.

    I knew someone who spent $239 one night for Korean BBQ. He was my manager at Burger King:noway:
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