things/people that BUG ME



  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    Clowns freak me out! I will punch a clown!

    Me too.. I punched one in the nose for touching me when i was 10.. :-)

    A couple months ago I ruptured my Achilles tendon completely and had to have surgery and was not allowed to walk until this past week. I would be rolling around on my Knee walker and people would come up and go "oh look at you getting around" or "well I see youre still using that thing. When will you be up right again." HATE THAT! I thought I was upright just kneeling on one knee. DUMB BUTT yes I'm getting around I have to work, not to mention 4 kids to care for, Plus I will have you know that I am still working out 3x a week despite the injury. People and their assumptions tick me off.
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    Okay, here's mine. This chickee on this site posts her before and after pictures. Good for her! But first she writes that she's 5'10" tall. Well, so am I. Then she goes on and on about how totally FAT she had allowed herself to get. She poked fun at her before pictures showing all that FAT and carrying on something awful about how dreadful she looked. After all, she had allowed herself to get up to a gross 175 lbs. That's my GOAL! I tried to figure out where she was from so I could go beat the snot out of her!

    It took a while before I looked at the forums again. Ultimately, I forgave her. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have written as she did if she thought someone like me would see it. It was just her being excited about her and has nothing to do with me. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

    I would be thrilled to be 175!!!
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member
    Oh but you wouldn't be YOU if you didn't have some fat on you!

    Gee. Thanks.
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member
    oh but i don't want you to go running, you're on hliday/its christmas/i'm visitng/you don't need to.

    well no offence, if i wana run i will run. I'm obese, and i'm honest.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    "I dieted for a week once. It didn't work. I guess I'll just be fat forever."

    Ugh. I hate Eeyore people.

    Haaaaaa! Great term; thank you!

    Defeatist attitudes do irk me. I understand that weight loss is bloody hard, but moping about your perceived failure makes it harder.
  • Papabear0428
    I have a friend of mine who almost every time he sees me makes some sort of reference to me and food. Not like I spend all of my waking momenst in search of mass quantities to consume. One of the other things is that whenever someone needs my help moving furniture or some other task they figure they will sweeten the deal by saying something along the lines of "...and we'll FEED ya!". I'm 6'2" and over 300 I really look like I'm that hungry?!

    But my all time most hated move is where people who comment on my weight feel the need to pat my stomach!! I mean, what, you think something is going to start kicking in there?!?! Bad enough to be likened unto Buddha for my corpulence but touching my stomach as if it's going to bring you good luck is just beyond too much at this point. And if you're a female and you try to make this act better by saying "You're just a big ol' teddy bear!" trust me, it doesn't help.
  • Cazzy34
    Cazzy34 Posts: 159 Member
    My boss!! Since I had my baby he keeps saying "wow there is definitely MORE of you now" and "eating again?". Even if I am having salad for lunch or a piece of fruit at my desk!

    Damn I still need to eat!! grrrrr
  • Lairosiel
    Lairosiel Posts: 3 Member
    "You are just eating one piece of cake? ah well you don't know how to enjoy life anymore since you're on your.... diet"

    yeah because moderation regarding certain kind of food is something to nag me about.
  • 50kgRussianBallerina
    Ugh. I hate Eeyore people.

    OMG!!! This is the funniest and truest thing I have ever heard. I am so stealing that term, Eeyore people! It's just so perfect :D
    This is going on my Tumblr, hope you don't mind, thanks ^_^
  • loliblullama
    loliblullama Posts: 140 Member
    I hate people who remember me when I was young and only weighed 95 pounds and look at me now at200 pounds and say " well it looks like you beat anorexia"

    I had someone once look at me & ask if I decided to eat all the other anorexic friends I had. :indifferent: :frown:
  • MonicaW1988
    MonicaW1988 Posts: 23 Member
    Oh yes people can be nasty to hinder their own insecurities about their life.

    A few years ago I had a work colleague ask me when I was due and I said "due?" and he said "oh omg sorry I thought you were pregnant" he seemed quite apologetic and embarrassed but gee I didn't think I was that overweight.

    Also a few weeks ago at work I had an Up and Go (Chocolate flavored protein breakfast milk) and someone asked me if I wanted something sweet they baked and I politely said "No thanks trying to cut back" and she said "What about your drink - you should only be drinking that if you workout you know..." I'm like gee thanks for the advice can't I just say no thank you and leave it at that - guess not.
  • MsKriss281
    MsKriss281 Posts: 91 Member
    I hate people that say: "Oh, you're not fat... you're just well endowed."

    People, I don't have 75lbs breasts.

    ^ This exactly!
  • MsKriss281
    MsKriss281 Posts: 91 Member
    My family, who even though I haven't eaten beef in 8 years, look at me over their cow and say "Oh well this won't hurt you, it's so good and it's really a tiny portion, you'll be fine just take a bite, one bite, come on just one bite..." Really because any time I try to ingest cow now I feel like I'm gonna barf up my toenails but thanks for the generous offer I appreciate it. Ugh!

  • gogoyubarino
    gogoyubarino Posts: 104 Member
    A workmate: yeah I can really tell you've lost weight- your cheekbones are really prominent.
    Me: Woot.
    Said workmate: You'll have to watch that in 20 years time- you don't want to look like a boney crone.
    Me: FU.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Me telling anyone about strength training/working out/using heavy weights

    Responses like 'dont go too heavy you'll get bulky' and 'oh, you want to be big?' :explode: :angry:

    Ya bc if I train hard I'm gonna turn into guy. Argh!!!

    Also getting nutrition advice and exercise advice from people who do neither of these but are ssoooooo knowledgeable.

    I have a very well-meaning but know-it-all friend who has lost 50 lbs. and thinks he knows everything there is to know about weight loss and working out. This is at least the 5th time that I have lost weight and been in shape and I surf the net at least as much as he does. Don't really need or want his advice, especially as it applies to 25 yr. old men since I'm a 47 yr. old woman. He has also convinced himself that he has 6% body fat because that's what his scale says when it's set on athlete even tho he's not an athlete. I have exercised monumental restraint (I think) in not bursting his bubble. But if he tells me one more time to set my scale on athlete...
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I play video games so I can kill people
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    "You've already lost more than enough, stop now".

    I tend to interpret that as "You're making me look bad, please don't make me look any worse".
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    My boss is a stick...a STICK people...and she whinges about how much weight (6 kg) she has put on since she quit smoking. Then she eats all the candy in the store and complains that the one time a week she goes to the gym and walks on the treadmill isn't working -.-

    Oh yeah, and the one time she sees me eat chocolate I get "omg that's disgusting, you're going to undo all your hard work!" :grumble:
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    "Should you be eating that?"

    "I thought you were on a diet."

    "How did you do it?" *listens to explanation* "OMG THAT'S TOTALLY UNREASONABLE!"

    From people who saw me before I lost weight: "Are you anorexic?"

    From my skinny friend "I liked you better fat."

    "Eat this. No! EAT IT YOU'RE TOO SKINNY"

    From the fitness community: "Oh you ran a mile yesterday? It really only works if you run like 6 a day. Your efforts are wasted."

    I'm 5'5" and 122-125ish. I'm not too skinny.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    My family saying I'm too thin..I'm not too thin, I just look smaller than what I weigh because I do weights..really annoys me.
    I was skinny fat last year, weighed less but looked bigger than I do now.

    I got to scales to prove to them that I'm not as light as I look and they were ' um, ok..'