things/people that BUG ME



  • srowe2
    srowe2 Posts: 17 Member
    "I started back at the gym today, and this past week and half I have been able to stay well under my calorie goal. I feel good."

    "Oh really." *Eats junk food in front of me for the rest of the day and taunts me, tempts me, and tortures me.*
  • xxXcaraXxx
    xxXcaraXxx Posts: 58 Member
    you dont need too loose any more you will look ill?

    when i have another 3 stone to go?!?
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    People who laugh and say 'I give it 2 weeks' or 'you will never do it'.

    And people that slup when they eat. Makes me want to ram their food in their face.
  • Suzyqall72
    When my friend/supervisor who weighs 118 complains about how she needs to lose weight and all the cellulite she has. She takes diet pills, does every weight loss exercise video out there, wants lipo and botox. Enough already. Be happy the way you are.
  • srowe2
    srowe2 Posts: 17 Member
    Tell them you are a untamed and vicious bear and you will tear them a new one if they touch you again.
  • dori1979
    dori1979 Posts: 7 Member
    how did you do it?

    i just ate less and moved more

    .....oh. never mind.


    LOLOL! This is so true!
  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    My mother tells me that I need to STOP trying to lose weight because I will look sickly thin.... at 5'4" and 155lbs, I am hardly a "stick". However, my sister is 140lbs at 5'10" and my Mother thinks she looks great. She says that with my "body type" I should weight more than others naturally. When I weighed 175 ls my Mother sat me down and had the "I think you need to lose weight for your health" talk. I was like "Uh thanks, but I've already started ad have dropped 15 lbs. Thanks for noticing."
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    When people say, "Oh but you look so good...for having four kids!" Does having four kids mean I should be fat and/or unattractive? Grr.
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    My MIL will always offer the biscuit tin round to everyone and bypass me, 'you're not allowed a biscuit are you?'. Because I'm losing weight she assumes that I don't actually need to eat. (the last time she did that to me I was just back from a four mile run!!!).
  • JBuehrer1
    JBuehrer1 Posts: 23 Member
    All these calls and visitors telling me who to vote for.
    No thanks; I am not voting for tweedle-dum.
    Nor tweedle-dee.

    I hear ya, My husband changed our answering machine message. It goes something like this now. "Because we are tired of getting political calls, we are not answering our phone. Please leave a message"
  • enewsome2
    enewsome2 Posts: 355 Member
    Wow! Some of you know some rude people!

    I haven't had an specific comments that have made me mad, but I totally agree with the annoyance toward "Eeyore people." I'm not little miss sunshine or anything, but when I want something, I get off my *kitten* and get it. I used to know a girl who would always say things like "Oh, you're so good, I wish I could go to the gym like you." or "I should really start eating healthier" (at the same time she is buying chips from the vending machine.)

    I also knew a girl who would constantly say "I really need to lose x amount of lbs" (and it was usually between 50-60), while eating a steak dinner with a cheesecake dessert... for *lunch*. Maybe in some cases it is an education issue, but I think that most people would know that eating that and avoiding the stairs will not make you thin. And then she would show "concern" when I ordered a salad, and said no to dessert. I don't care what you eat, if you don't care what I eat.

    I really couldn't care less how much people I associate with weigh, but if you have problems with your weight, you should at least try to change it. No one likes to hear chronic complaints!

    I also agree with the "magic pill" thing. I feel like people who lose weight by fad diets get way more attention than people who are moderate with their diets and exercise. Then again, maybe that's just me. I always get a bit ticked hearing about fad diets, because I've done them in the past and I wish someone would have "gotten real" with me, and told me that there was no "magic food" or no "evil food". But I digress...
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    how did you do it?

    i just ate less and moved more

    .....oh. never mind.



    I get asked this question all the time by customers. They go "wow, you've lost so much weight, how have you done it?" and when I say "just good old fashioned diet and exercise" they look at me like I waltzed into their house on Christmas eve and p*ssed on their kids!

    SORRY for working my butt off!
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    Just remembered another one, from the lady that works for us... (she and entire family are short, wide and inactive).

    Her; oh you've lost more weight, how much now?
    Me; thank you for noticing, it'snearly five stone (70lbs)
    Her; how are you finding it eating lettuce for every meal?


    I'm obviously doing it wrong, I don't actually eat lettuce:bigsmile:
  • markysan
    This thread has been excellent.. I've really enjoyed reading all the comments and responses. been laughing - so funny.

    I think my own one that annoyed me most after losing a decent amount of weight to the point where people didnt recognise me - 'I liked you better before - you'll put that all back on and way more anyway'. Me: 'well that 2 years now and I havent put it back at all, oh - and I never liked you when I was fat either'. They about turned and walked away. I was fizzing though, but now just laugh lol
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    I've been fit the majority of my life. My older sister has NEVER been fit. Over 10 months I lost 50lbs and am back to where I was before I gained the weight, so what does she say to me?

    Sis: Fad diets don't work, you will put all that back on!

    Me: Why?..............I'm not you!
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member
    these are all so good

    I also hate it when i visit relatives and they go on you can't have 'x' while offering everyone else a huge portion.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    P.O.S exes that once you're happy and w/someone else, wants to try to get back w/you.. And it takes all of a few conversations to realize the is the same *kitten* today that he was 12+ yrs ago... BUT for some reason, even after yrs of not speaking and disliking him and then missing him (many mixed emotions) his jerk ways still bother me.. MEANING, I will cease any further conversations w/this individual...........
    Rant over.. He is a d*chebag... I am not.. He wants one thing.. He will NOT get it... I'd like to b*tch him out BUT I will be taking the high road on this and realizing by the time someone is his age, they are who they are and only strong will and desire to change or GOD himself can make this happen.. In this situation, neither have occurred.... Effin jerk..
    Ok, Rant Officially Over!!!

    :drinker: That can't be any more true!!! They NEVER change! EVER!! /bitteroutburst
  • elebel82
    elebel82 Posts: 69 Member
    A doctor I'd never been to before, upon hurting my neck a few weeks ago

    DR "so you just woke up and it was sore"
    ME "nah I was swimming and it just twinged"
    DR "agh, so you -finally- do something good for your body, trying to do the right thing, and this is what happens!"

    I don't know if he was trying to enable excuse making, or was just trying to predict "Fatty's" reaction to getting injured. I was personally just pissed I couldn't finish that workout and had to take the next day off exercise.

    Also friends at a party

    "Why aren't you drinking?!" (I'd already had 5 alcoholic drinks)

    or friends who try to be supportive at first and then come out with gems like

    "you're more fun when you eat normal" (when I was at a fast food restaurant with my sister and wouldn't share her fries - I had already eaten 2 tacos so it wasn't like I was being a killjoy)

    "but calories don't count tonight" (my best mate trying to get me to eat more at his Halloween party, where I had already partaken in enough of the food and drink to put me quite a bit over my calories)

    "I just don't think calorie counting is good for your mental health" (another dear friend who has never had a weight problem in her life)
  • kathrynangelabaird
    That really bugs me too. It is mainly one person that always does it to me. "Looks like it's a cheat day for you!"

    Eurgh.. this is the one thing that bugs me! My sister said this to me last night. (doing low carb and had a tiny bit of corned beef hash without the potato in!) and I just looked at her and said "shut up, least I'm doing something about my weight, instead of sitting there and moaning about it!"
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    people who leave their dog in the front garden to bark at every passer by... why I oughta!!